Home » It’s time…


It’s time… — 124 Comments

  1. Nerve wracking.

    I lived in Virginia for 39 years, although my roots are in Florida. It just kills me for Va to be on the edge. The damn DC suburbs distort the whole state.

  2. I’m a wreck.

    I figure if I handle this like I do the stockmarket, I’ll be OK. Can’t look everyday at your stock prices — or you will go nuts for sure. Pick cos. you believe in for whatever reasons & stick to it. You can check in every once in awhile and you’ll find you did well over the long haul.

    Re: election — I made my pick of the guy I truly believe in. Now I’ve got to focus on something else for awhile so I don’t lose my mind.

    Love FOX News but with their “fair and balanced” mix of Demo. & Repub. pundits, following their opinions (or hopes?) is like watching a ping pong ball go back & forth. Either the eyes or the mind ‘ll go before long….

    S. Carolina just called for Romney even with Obama having a huge no. of votes over Romney counted thus far. Has to do w/ exit poll info, knowing leaning of counties whose results have come in vs. those that haven’t….blah, blah
    All Voodoo magic to me! Which I don’t mind, so long as it’s in you-know-who’s favor.

    Now I’ll shut up before I invite a jinx! NO JINXES ALLOWED!
    Don’t want to invite any jinx so

  3. @M of Hollywood : November 6th, 2012 at 7:18 pm how about a chat room for neo’s neos?

    Here you go, M:
    Neo Election Night Chat

    The password is ftw (i.e., “for the win”).

    I’m going out for pizza and a glass of vino, so I won’t be around ’til later.

    …my wife is dragging me out, actually: just to get me away from the Internet, and the election results.

  4. A close election is one that the Republican would have clearly won if we had a fair media and a fair election system that did not allow rampant fraud.

  5. Karl Rove is very smart and he’s positively excited about Ohio, Virginia, and Florida.

  6. You all have stronger stomachs than I.

    Still can’t watch TV. Their chirpy voices get on my nerves. Every now and then I check a blog or two.

    Mostly I just pace.

  7. I’ve been following the commentary on Ace of Spades.

    While I quit watching TV in 2008, including Fox, I have MSLSD on the TV downstairs so I can watch their heads explode into pink mist when PA is called. It may be a while, though.

  8. I’m eating cheezits and watching some show about finding bigfoot. They haven’t found him yet.

  9. its kind of like one of those chase scenes where the reality is in a shaken movie, and the car is being shook in a way that doesnt match, and the actors also have their own drummer…

  10. The damn DC suburbs distort the whole state.

    Native Californian here. Pity me. We suffer from the stupidity of the liberal infestation that came here over the last 40 years.

    Mostly I just pace.

    I drink. So my pacing will turn into staggering in time …

  11. If Obama wins will he blame the previous administration for the bad economy and huge deficit he inherited? Just saying.

  12. I’m eating cheezits and watching some show about finding bigfoot. They haven’t found him yet.

    Spoiler alert: Bigfoot’s married to the President. That is, the President until January 20, 2013.

  13. With you Neo. Cannot stand the chirping.

    Ocam, I just moved to California so I feel your pain. Double, unbearable pain if Va and Fla don’t hold up.

  14. the coverage here, on the Hugh Hewitt Show, includes Ed Morrissey. http://hotair.com/hotair-tv-ed-morrissey-show/ It is a pleasure to listen to analysts who agree with me.

    Supposedly, the first significant thing of the night has just happened: Obama is underperforming in Arlington County, Virginia. This is alleged to be the first key indication of what may be to come. Before this, nothing has been significantly indicative.

  15. SteveH,

    Did you see that crazy Bigfoot footage shot recently by hikers? Kind of cool

    I’m just try to distract myself…

  16. “Mostly I just pace.”

    Flap your arms and occasionally jump up and down while you pace. Its good exercise. 😉

    “so I can watch their heads explode into pink mist when PA is called.”

    If R&R take PA their heads will indeed explode into a pink mist! What a joyful sight that will be.

    “I’m eating cheezits and watching some show about finding bigfoot. They haven’t found him yet.”

    If bigfoot runs free, why can’t we? Thanks for the laughs.


    I admire and enjoy much of Dylan’s work, but often he is so pretentious and silly I think he is a drooling, cross eyed village idiot pointing to the falling sky.

    BTW, I’m drinking wine, surfing the electrons, and watching Some Like It Hot. My wife has decided to go to bed and read and wait for the results tomorrow. Be of good cheer.

    All hail rock n roll: http://tinyurl.com/a7tvhon

  17. N-Neocon…Yep, I’m with you. Didn’t expect to be…but, dammit, here I am with a cold and a tad dazed from…What…? The Rove ‘read’ above gives me a lift…DAMN, I refuse to believe that my country would put this Catastrophe back in…So, that Faith keeps me buoyed….Florida..?? N.Carolina..??

  18. Did you see that crazy Bigfoot footage shot recently by hikers? Kind of cool

    Was Bigfoot wearing a painter’s dropcloth and a WWE championship belt?


  19. I think it’s way too early to call PA. Only 7% of the votes have been counted.

    Looking at the Bucks County site, the only precincts reporting are in Obama areas.

  20. Texexec I hope Karl rove is right about Ohio. From here it looks like it is an easy Obama win.

    My Coast Guard daughter just called me because she is afraid Obama will win. Apparently the military is scared to death of this guy.

    Good news is that it looks like Romney will take the popular vote.

  21. Bob From Virginia Says:
    November 6th, 2012 at 9:26 pm

    Apparently the military is scared to death of this guy.

    Should be the other way around, shouldn’t it?

  22. Well…it doesn’t look good. It’s well within the margin of voter fraud and Romney needs to sweep VA, FL, OH, and NC.

  23. The good news (and the only good news) is that I was wrong about Obama’s margin of victory. I am perfectly willing to admit this.

    But this is over folks. Wisconsin has just fallen. Florida, North Carolina and Virginia are still too close to call. Even if Romney wins all three (by no means a guarantee), with Wisconsin gone, he cannot win this without Ohio. And Ohio does not look promising.

    I am sorry. I know you all think I’m a concern troll. If you saw the tears in my eyes right now, you would think differently.

  24. Just got home from work, turned on the news … having a scotch and water. What is wrong with Americans? *sigh*

  25. If I didn’t like living near the Jersey shore (hurricanes be damned!) I would consider moving to Ohio so that my vote actually starts to count and makes a dfference.

    Oh, and forget the Cheez-Its – popcorn all the way!

  26. “The American Republic will endure, until politicians realize they can bribe the people with their own money”

    — Alexis de Tocqueville.

    I am deeply afraid we have reached this point. I believe in America and I want, so desperately, to believe in a bright and vibrant future for this big ol’ country. But, quite frankly, tonight is shaking my faith to the core.

  27. The party of free stuff on the national tab is tough to beat. I think that Obama actually benefited from a very bad economy because people fear for their future. Half the country is in the wagon and half is pulling the wagon. The folly of the lefty agenda can be seen in the decline of the blue states. People are voting with their feet every day.

  28. I am having an Arnold Palmer, watching Food Netowrk and cruzing through Twitter. My stomach is in knots!!! Can’t stand the alerts that states are called with a small percentage reporting. That is not right!

  29. Ackler: my faith in that was shaken long ago, probably in November of 2008 or perhaps some years earlier.

    I wrote on October 31, 2012:

    But my nervousness come next Tuesday will not be just about the prospect of four more years of Obama. Even if Romney wins, if his margin of victory is of anything less than landslide proportions I will be only somewhat placated; I think we will only have bought a bit of time. This is because of the Gramscian march through our institutions–especially education–the takeover that already occurred while most of us were looking the other way.

    Obama is merely the person who benefited from that march, the One who came to the fore because of the long and careful preparation. If the ground had not been properly laid, someone so far to the left (with his voting record, community organizing/Alinsky background, Ayers and Wright connections, and plans to “spread the wealth” and “bankrupt” coal plants) could never have been elected in the first place. Furthermore, someone who had presided over such troubled years as the last four–featuring a stagnant economy, Obamacare and the way it was passed, Benghazi, Honduras (remember that?), and the smallness, nastiness, and class warfare of his campaign–would never have come so close to re-election without an MSM hopelessly compromised and in the tank, a school system dedicated to leftist indoctrination, and arts so degraded and propagandist.

    We will have our work cut out for us no matter what.

    That is exactly what I still think.

  30. Sangiovese. I am too.

    Tocqueville’s quote is very relevant. Perhaps more relevant, though, is Luke 23:34.

    And I am not a very religious man. Nor am I trying to be melodramatic. But it seems appropriate right now.

  31. Ackler: by the way, I take back the “concern troll” accusation. I called you that originally because I thought your perception of the effect of Sandy was WAY off the mark, and very odd, too. And you seemed so obsessed with it!

    It turns out Sandy had very little to do with the results, I think. This is the way it’s been for some time. Romney picked up a lot of support after the debates, but not quite enough. And that’s not his fault—it’s the American public, for the reasons I wrote in my previous comment.

  32. Neo, I cannot overstate how badly I did not want to be right; how much I wanted to believe I was being too pessimistic, how I craved to make a leap of faith in the American people. But I just couldn’t.

    My cold comfort is that this is not nearly as lopsided as I anticipated. And, it looks like the GOP will retain the House. Cold comfort indeed. But, something to cling too, besides guns and religion. (for the record, I own no guns and am fairly secular).

  33. Ackler: well, you weren’t right, at least not about Sandy and the margin of victory :-).

  34. It’s over. The Great One won on “women’s health,” union support (though not here in good ol’ SW VA), and the promise of free stuff. I’m outta here. Gonna retire and start hoarding.

  35. Neo, thank you. No hard feelings, believe me. Although, I will agree to disagree. I do think Sandy made the difference and if the election had been held a week ago, Romney would have squeaked by.

    But, that’s all speculation at this point. I’m going to finish my gin and tonic and head to bed early. I don’t have the stomach to endure the remaining results.

    Goodnight all!

  36. Democracy is not a stable form of government. The Founders knew that.

    Only makers should be allowed to vote, not takers. Until we act to rectify that situation, there is no chance of turning it around.

  37. An absolute disgrace: Liawatha Fauxcahontas Elizabeth “Granny” Warren beats Scott Brown. As a MA resident, I am just disgusted.

  38. I understand exactly how you feel Ackler, about wanting to be wrong. I live in Los Angeles and believe me, what I see of my fellow citizens (or not) doesn’t cause one to believe in the innate goodness and capabilities of Americans. In short, we are outnumbered and our politicians have seen to it. Where we part company is that as a devout Catholic I believe in the power of prayer, so I have consistently fasted and prayed for our country. I seek God’s mercy because, in truth I don’t believe we deserve any better than this. We live in post-10 commandment times, and it can be depressing.

  39. I’m done with the whole lot of them. The only way a person can vote from Obama is if they are stupid, ignorant or evil. The percentage in the evil camp seems to grow every day. These are not worthwhile human beings. Anyone who would vote because they’ve been lied to about free birth control when 23 million Americans cannot find jobs is just sick. Absolutely sick.

    And the MSM? They can go to hell. They’re all traitors to the country. Those liars and defamers need to be tarred and feathered. They don’t deserve the respect or courtesy of decent people. They’re filth and they should be treated as such.

    I’m just a wee bit pissed off right now. I may very well get angry here in a while.

  40. It aint over. Exit polls are always wrong (always the same direction too). Vote counts can be misleading based on which areas are reporting (and not). You have to look to the experts to hash that out.

    But yeah; I was expecting lower lefty turn out. So; we will see.

  41. ‘The percentage in the evil camp seems to grow every day.’

    Yes, yes it does. But it is the reality we live in. We will NOT vote ourselves out of this mess. It is not possible.

  42. stan Says:
    November 6th, 2012 at 10:17 pm

    I’m done with the whole lot of them. The only way a person can vote from Obama is if they are stupid, ignorant or evil. The percentage in the evil camp seems to grow every day. These are not worthwhile human beings.

    That’s what I said the other day. We have to cut these people out of our lives. They do not deserve our affection or consideration. I don’t care if they’re friends, relatives, or whatever.

    I have a very serious problem with people who think that I should be their slave.

  43. Of course it is not over. But there will be no Romney landslide as many predicted. (I predicted a Romney victory in popular but a nail biter in EC. We’ll see.

  44. Neo- I didn’t think Romney would pull this off going into the debates, but thought there was some hope after the strong performance. The Truth is that most people didn’t pay that much attention. God knows how they can justify the thinking that brings them to conclude Obama deserves another term, but I am certain the majority have no clue about the economics ahead of them, about energy, about healthcare, about foreign policy,, about much of anything except about what they want.
    The irony is the chances of them getting much more than pink slips the next 4 years is is much greater. The numbers just don’t add up.
    In my lifetime, I’ve never seen a candidate who deserves to be president less than Obama. It’s hard to accept we are this shallow as a country.

  45. Me and mine are ready to implement our plan. We will both terminate our careers immediately and liquidate all investments and property. No income, no income tax. I don’t know who will pay for Sandra Fluke’s free contraceptives but it won’t be us. We had hope to pass on a safety net but I guess we will have to eat it ourselves instead.

    Of course this also means severe austerity for us so most things we pay other people to do for us will be done by us or left undone. When the time comes for the gooberment to reclaim our last property for non-payment of taxes, they will find the buildings sold for scrap, burned for firewood or just plain demolished, the well and septic system filled with cement. The fruits of our labor gone.

  46. What stan, rickl, and southpaw said. In spades. How could people be so stupid and shortsighted? How can they not see how this will end? Look at the liberal-run states. There’s the country’s future, you dumbasses. Does it take vast intellectual resources to grasp that fact?

  47. BTW — I have no doubt that Obama stole massive numbers of votes. The Dems have done everything possible, including making some of the most ridiculous, most slanderous arguments ever, to insure that vote fraud is as easy as possible. These are people who are perfectly happy with the rampant dishonesty, corruption, fraud and criminality that pervades big city machines. Stealing votes and elections from stupid Republicans are yawners that don’t even show up on the their conscience radar screens.

  48. rickl Says:

    “I have a very serious problem with people who think that I should be their slave.”

    Yeah, ditto. Need to figure some way out of it. On the down side; I keep coming back to behaving the way the left claims non lefties behave. Just grabbing all the cash I can get away with that doesn’t result in being thrown in jail (moral, immoral, whatever). Then I can pay my way out of the ‘public healthcare system’ and other traps… like the wealthy lefties planned on doing all along… Leave the city Obama voters to pay for their choices… It the ‘social’ democratic way…

  49. Me and mine are ready to implement our plan. We will both terminate our careers immediately and liquidate all investments and property. No income, no income tax.

    I’m thinking the same thing: go Galt, big time. I’m semi-retired right now. I’ll just stand down, and let the liberals figure out how to pay for their crap without me. If I didn’t have kids who will be saddled with the tab, I’d do this without a second thought. As it is, I’m torn, but determined not to subsidize stupidity.

  50. I simply can’t watch and listen to this fraud of a man destroy my country for four more years. I’ll have to disengage from it all just to keep my sanity. This is no longer interesting times. This is a nightmare.

  51. Tracking results in Florida. Romney is currently trailing by about 23,000 votes. Johnson the Libertarian candidate has almost 41,000 votes. I will NEVER vote for a Libertarian.

  52. ‘These are not worthwhile human beings.’

    They were left adrift by their parents and teachers, who did not teach them to think like a human should.

  53. Watching Karl Rove on Fox talking about Florida, Ohio and Virginia.

    I must admit – the guy really does know his stuff. I think he is correct – Romney is going to win all 3 states – the numbers are changing in his favor due to the larger conservative counties reporting.

  54. Look, it’s not all bad. The Republicans are probably going to pick up in the house, and the number of state governors. And the presidency is not yet lost. Even if it is, he will not have the popular vote, not the house, so there is still time to change our culture, although it is quickly running out.

  55. Hmm. Bucks County is now showing a 4.7% difference with slightly over half the precincts reporting.

    In PA, Obama is down to a 10 point lead with 63% in.

  56. My wife and I sacrificed for the last 16 years to build two businesses. They have both been successful despite strong headwinds and we have found ourselves in the hated 2 percent. As a result we send six figures to the Feds each year, including lots of AMT.

    No more.

    The bigger of the two businesses will be sold and the smaller remaining business will put us in a much lower tax bracket. We are done killing ourselves 12 hours a day 6 days a week just to be vilified by President Zero while simultanously feeding his welfare state and unwillingly helping him get re-elected.

    Let the moochers and looters look elsewhere. We are done contributing to their cause via the sweat of our brow.

  57. It does look disappointing but I’m not ready to give up quite yet. FL is very close and Romney has been gaining last few minutes. Rove still feels good about OH. As best I can tell, Romney has a fair sized lead in VA. CO is too close to call. Romney still ahead in popular vote although there’s still the West Coast to report.

    I guess I’m a bitter clinger! 🙂

  58. Well; if we pull it off we need to keep our sense of urgency. Can’t let whole generations grow up and not hear a non lefty idea until they’re 23… by then they’re laughing at it since everyone bright they’ve known was a lefty.

  59. Just now Sarah Palin on Fox looking crestfallen. My question to her would be: then why did you merely offer lukewarm support for Romney during the campaign? For indeed it was lukewarm at best. She never really got behind him. I don’t remember reading anywhere this headline: Sarah Palin Endorses Mitt Romney. Instead, her FaceBook endorsement read: “Romney deserves the chance to lead.” Meaning she’s not really sure but let’s give him a chance just the same, folks. How was that supposed to fire up the Evangelical vote? I believe what she actually said was something to the effect of, “Pray for forgiveness and then vote for Romney.”
    The “purity” and sanctimoniousness of some in the religious Right has likely cost us the Presidency and at least two Senate seats (Indiana and Missouri).

  60. Drudge’s FL vote count now shows the race in FL is tied. That means Romney is moving up. Hope Drudge is right.

  61. CA, HI and WA in now for Obama and yet he has only 244 EC votes.

    If somehow we win FL, VA, CO, and OH we win.

    Don’t give up yet!

  62. Bucks County is now a 2.5% Obama lead with 225 out of 304 precincts reporting.

    Unfortunately, Montgomery County has Obama up by 15% with 41% reporting.

  63. I’m reminded over the last few weeks of the conservative pundits who described the Obama campaign as going “small”. Big bird, contraceptives, gay marriage- not presidential issues, but public education has failed to inform the last couple of generations that’s the case.
    After this Charlie Foxtrot election is over, conservatives and republicans need to come to grips with the fact that Americans, in large numbers, must indeed be ‘small’. Moonshots, missions to Mars, space stations are just what we middle age people remember as ‘us’. Nowadays we don’t dream that big. A pack of government issued rubbers is all we need to keep us moving “forward”
    I try to teach my sons to dream big. Reality may slap them silly, but I hope they inherit a country that wants more for itself than trivial things and creature comforts. The idea we will excel at anything, when “small” issues are what motivate us, is not encouraging.

  64. If that’s correct about Ohio, that’s the whole ball game.

    The state that Bush won by a hair in 2004, the state that gave him the presidency, ends up giving Obama the presidency.

    I am very curious to see whether, as in 2004 if Bush had lost Ohio by just a bit, Romney will win the popular vote.

    What a mess.

  65. Half of America just voted to become Venezuela.

    Venezuela is what you will have you worthless damn liberals.

  66. Juan Williams is delusional. “Americans see the economy improving”. All I can say is get ready for a big shock Juan. The “growth” you’ve seen has been quiet optimism for change.
    I heard a market “expert” claim the “market has already factored in Obama’s regulations and other factors affecting business”.
    One word. Bullshit. Juan and Obama supporters are in for a big disappointment.

  67. Democrats don’t care if wealth gets created. They just want to steal enough to last their miserable lives.

    Theres never been a generation of so many Americans who didn’t give a damn about what conditions they leave their offspring. They are people with a major moral disorder.

  68. Brad: You are not a very nice person. I agreed with you about a bunch of stuff including Gary Johnson. But these people are NOT about hate. I think they may be wrong about strategy but not about their goals.
    I mean come on. Look at the Obama ads and then tell me which side showed hatred.
    You show no class. Desist.
    And as far as the issue of worthless people which was brought up earlier, it is an issue of ideological blindness first and lack of education second, not stupidity or evil.
    However, I find it interesting that Romney still leads the popular vote by almost a million.
    ‘That their method was unavailable does not register with them, but hey, what’s the diff among friends?’
    But there is a real cycle of history and that terrifies me. Read about the last days of the Roman Empire. Notice the smallness of their leaders.
    ‘I just hope that this country has so much economic hardship that Obama will not be able to do evil with our military.’
    If Obama gets his way, by the end of the next four years, the US military will no longer be the most powerful in the world. We enter an era with many powers and historically that means bitter war. Pax Americana will soon end.

  69. When this economy goes down the flusher the next four years, President Zero will have nobody to blame but himself and his Dem Senate. Of course, that won’t stop him from actually blaming Bush and the Repub House instead. And the dumb masses will believe him. We are truly screwed.

  70. Brad: You are not a very nice person. I agreed with you about a bunch of stuff including Gary Johnson. But these people are NOT about hate. I think they may be wrong about strategy but not about their goals.
    I mean come on. Look at the Obama ads and then tell me which side showed hatred.
    You show no class. Desist.
    And as far as the issue of worthless people which was brought up earlier, it is an issue of ideological blindness first and lack of education second, not stupidity or evil.
    However, I find it interesting that Romney still leads the popular vote by almost a million.
    ‘That their method was unavailable does not register with them, but hey, what’s the diff among friends?’
    But there is a real cycle of history and that terrifies me. Read about the last days of the Roman Empire. Notice the smallness of their leaders.
    ‘I just hope that this country has so much economic hardship that Obama will not be able to do evil with our military.’
    If Obama gets his way, by the end of the next four years, the US military will no longer be the most powerful in the world. We enter an era with many powers and historically that means bitter war. Pax Americana will soon end.
    On the other hand, Romney is down by only a thousand votes in OH!

  71. Well, it is over according to FNC. There may be slight hope in recounts, but not likely.

    Someone commented, and I agree, that the country might survive another four years of Obama, but how can it survive an electorate that would re-elect him?

    I am sad for this country. My wife asked “what will we do?”. Since I am 77 years old, I doubt that things can change fast enough to have a severe effect on my life if we are careful with our resources. I will say that the younger members of my family were pro-Obama. They, and their children, my dear grandchildren, will have to live with what their generation wrought. In my opinion the country is on a precarious path.

    I am disgusted by a couple of things.

    It appears that Obama’s margin of victory will rest heavily on the 47% Romney spoke about. Then young women who are so ignorant that they vote for abortion, and access to “free?” contraceptives, issues that have no part in a Presidential campaign. Union people who benefited from Obama’s sleight of hand with the auto bailouts are poised to be a deciding factor in Ohio; and of course absolutely dominate certain other states. The rest, the environmental nutters, the Utopian craving Socialists, etc. are just what they are, and will always be with us. At least they have a vision for the country, however benighted it may be.

    The people that anger me the most are the Noonans, the Kristols, even Limbaugh. All of those who trashed Romney so hard after he was the nominee, and poisoned the well early. Limbaugh did get on board some time ago, and Noonan and Kristol tried to punch their tickets late.

    The other absolute villains are the Media. They know; but they lie, they cover up and obfuscate.

    Well, it is off my chest. I will now leave it to others to comment.

  72. I’ve talked about this country at the tipping point of makers and takers since about 2000. Tonight’s election just proved that we become a nation of Takers. If you’re a Maker, let me suggest that you “Shrug”. Sell your business and lay off your workers. The country is on the downhill slide, don’t drag it out… bring it to it’s knees quicker. Let “Jug Ears” deal with it.

    And to the media wing of the democrat party…God Damn you all!

  73. Well, well, well, Ohio is probably Romney’s. His lead is increasing every moment. If he can somehow take Florida, that’s game over for Obama.

  74. I’ve had the same financial thoughts tonite as several other posters: go to cash, whittle my savings/estate down to below whatever the Death Tax threshold becomes.

    It is really really hard for me to accept that the American Republic has capsized, just like that, WHAM. The ignorant, the low info voters, the MSM all ran portside, the ship teetered, and went over, not to be righted, ever, once Reid and Obama fix the SCOTUS.

    This is like getting a diagnosis of incurable cancer. One understands it, but it takes a while to accept it emotionally.

  75. I just spent the better part of an hour explaining to my very politically aware 16 year old son that we can’t just up and move to another state because America was stupid enough to reelect Obama.

    See, at 16, he understands that our state of California will now suffer even more economically in order for Obama’s welfare trough to remain full. He understands that my chances of getting a full time job are not going to get better. He knows that our economic situation is not going to improve under more of Obama.

    Honestly, I feel so sorry for him, and his generation. They deserve better than the future Obama is bringing them.

  76. Wow, you people have made me more depressed than I already was.

    Something anecdotal, but it speaks to how divided we are as a country… I spent the last ten hours or so flying from JFK to San Diego (my direct flight was spoiled by fog in SD that diverted us to OC for another 2.5 hour bus ride). Each seat had it’s own TV screen. Options for watching election coverage were: Fox, CNN, NBC and MSNBC. I didn’t see ABC or NBC on there but I wasn’t looking for them.

    As I got up and down to go the bathroom the scene was pretty stark. The only networks I saw on people’s screens were either MSNBC and Fox. No CNN, no regular NBC. Just the two partisan cable networks. We have become a country that each has it’s own news. You either believe the MSM and then also watch MSNBC and Comedy Central or you don’t and you watch FOX or just get your news from Drudge and blogs.

    No wonder we’re so divided. We all think the other side is crazy or stupid because if they only knew what we knew there would be no way for them to think and vote the way they do.

  77. Republicans are going to have to treat abortion the way Democrats treat gun control — don’t talk about it. Everybody knows how the parties feel about those topics. Pushing them is a loser.

  78. ‘Gary Johnson voters cost us Ohio and Florida.’

    That is not logical. Blame the people who voted for Obama, not the people who voted against him.

  79. I can really relate to RandomThoughts’ comment, since I have a similar 17 year-old, and we in the family have been considering leaving California (and would have done so but for my aged mother, who is a nursing home, and we don’t want to move her).

    Honestly, I feel so sorry for him, and his generation. They deserve better than the future Obama is bringing them.

    This. I feel exactly the same. I look at my two boys (17 and 13), and I’m overcome with sadness. Their lives are going to be hard, their opportunities fewer and more limited, as the inevitable consequence of what is going on.

    Sadness for them, and rage at the idiots who have put us in this situation, the outcome of which is all too forseeable.

  80. This is like getting a diagnosis of incurable cancer. One understands it, but it takes a while to accept it emotionally.

    I share Don Carlos’s view too. For the first time in my life, I’m ashamed of my country. How could people be so stupid? The first time, sure, the cognitively challenged could spring for “hope and change,” but now they’ve seen it, and the light bulb still hasn’t gone on? WTF? What does it take for these people to realize they’ve been had?

  81. Randon Thoughts and Occam’s Beard,

    As much as I commiserate with commenters here, I must respectfully disagree. Regarding deserving Obama’s future or any future for that matter, no one really deserves anything. It is what it is.

    What bothers me as we continue down this path toward a more metastisizing socialism, is that it now seems that what it takes to get ahead and prosper is completely at odds with my own value system (and I bet yours and Neo’s, too). Then again, perhaps it always was this way and I’m just confronting making that adjustment. Nihil sub sole novum (There is nothing new under the sun).

  82. Shadenfreude can be nice, but too much can poison the soul.

    It’s too bad the rest of you have decided to declare ‘the stupidity of Americans’ as the reason for Obama’s victory. Seems a bit elitist, and – how shall we say – un-American to do so.

    I can see by the comments here just how much you all love your country – your desire to destroy the economy shows that pretty clearly.

  83. Loyal Achates,

    You, OTOH, would attribute Obama’s victory to what?

    His masterful foreign policy which has allowed the planet to heal, the seas to recede and peace in the Middle East? Or would it be his promise kept to halve the deficit by the end of his first term? Not that, then perhaps the perhaps his bipartisanship toward the opposition as evinced in his comment “I won”?

    Clearly the American electorate has rewarded Obama for his success in all of these areas; how could anyone be so blind as to no tsee that?

  84. Well, I would attribute it to Obama’s achievements in expanding health care, his handling of an incredibly complicated and changing world (where Mitt just wants to blow stuff up) and the slow but demonstrable economic recovery.

    Of course we can’t underestimate the importance of the lack of a viable alternative – a GOP with literally no new ideas, headed by a leadership which has openly acted to sabotage and undermine the well-being of the nation because they thought it would help them win elections.

    I know more than a few Republicans who told me “I want to vote for Mitt, but Obama saved my life – I can’t ignore that”.

  85. Ackler? I want to apologize too. I was wrong. You were right. And you were not what I thought …couldn’t possibly have been.

    I’m sorry.

  86. Right, because Mitt has blown up so much stuff already (like using his drones on American citizens). As for health care, let’s see, forcing on the American public through backroom bribery an unwanted program at an enormous per capita cost while denying the young people in good health precisely the kind of health care (e.g., high deductible for catastrophic loss) they would most benefit from. Yeah, that’s a plan!

    Loyal Achates, it is obvious that no discussion is possible with you. What I see as a bug you will defend, without evidence, as a feature. As to undermining and sabatoging the nation, that is pure projection, not invention, but projection, but I’ll not argue the point with you here because it would simply be an endless repartee of no substance from you.

    When doctor’s retire unreplaced and a shortage is created you’ll blame those ampuatator’s who’d rather make a buck than cure a patient.

    When Obama’s system runs out of other people’s money and actually becomes bankrupt, you will find yet some other strawman argument to serve as your foil.

    Discussion with you is a waste of my time. You are shrouded.

  87. Ackler:

    I misjudged you as well and want add my apology to those of the others. Turns out you were right about the outcome, though since it turns out that Romney’s turnout was lower than McCain’s was in 2008, I’m not sure Sandy was the sole proximate cause of Romney’s loss.

    PS: Luke 23:34 indeed.

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