Home » The meme of Romney the woman-hater must be preserved at all costs…


The meme of Romney the woman-hater must be preserved at all costs… — 18 Comments

  1. Kurt: yes, I saw that yesterday. It’s not nearly enough. There should be an ad that focuses on her, though, if we’re going to play identity politics (and be assured the left is going to play it).

  2. Yes – exactly!
    The binder stuff only serves to fire up the base, reinforce their belief that Obama is superior. This is all they’ve got after the 2nd debate, and it’s a sad spectacle. What kind of person does this, or thinks this is funny & effective? http://tinyurl.com/c8ppjyr

    As a woman, I find it creepy that the entirety of Obama’s message to women is that he cares about their reproductive health. Hey buddy, I’m more than just a vagina, OK?

  3. Stoopid, stoopid mee.

    I thought the idea of affirmative active was to affirmatively seek out all those undiscovered, well-qualified gems (in this application, in posession of the requisite reproductive anatomy).

    That is exactly what Democrats have been getting on employers to ^do^. Then-Governor Romney does it, and earns not plaudits but ridicule from the politically correct.


  4. Lizzy,
    i am sorry to say that to them, that’s all you are, ergo the new culture learning to exercise by pole dancing, early pamphlets in school on loving fisting, hookers and strippers coming to school on jobs day, children sexualization, etc.

    ever walk down the little girls isle of a toy store?

    actually, your two things to them..

    your either a breeding cow, or your a worker bee that can be taxed to pay the breeding cows.

    isnt post modern progressive society turned into on huge self supporting harem for the wealthy (as the harems traditional mates have no cash thanks to the changes), hookup culture, and so on wonderful?

    we never got the new poetry, inventions, super duper whatevers and so on promised.

    but then again, where did anyone think that the ideology of kolontai, kinsey, and meade would lead to once supported by women.

    after all, in case you haven’t noticed, the men are not listened to, regarded, or anything like that any more… are they? So there is no way any other opinion except for the one that moves women into being cattle or chattel of the state is not listened to.

    there is nothing we can do. any act us guys do to help fix it, will prove we are oppressors, so we just stand aside for 40 years and hope that women dont think of us that way so we can still have families. the rest, as always, has been up to women…

    just note that the women are pushing equal work for equal pay… a wonderful communist concept they dont understand, or know the history of… kind of like social justice.

    in case you didnt notice women are fighting for the right to murder their children if they get pregnant unintentionally. after all they only have over 20 birth control methods to the mens 3… (rubbers, abstinence, sterlization), so it has to be the mans fault, right?

    the state is so excited over the eugenics medical ethics magazines are arguing to the morals of extending abortions to after birth. yes, after birth abortions… (we use to call that infanticide… but then again, we used to call what they are doing genocide. go figure).

    women are the future, men are nothing.

    its your ball

    and the president and Romney are proving it.

    they are willing to fight to disenfranchise men, and not worried men will not vote.

    of course no one is going to get this till you cant argue it… ie. 5 seconds before the car hits the wall at 100mph, the people inside finally realize, there is no alternative argument that fits. too late..

  5. sorry… the post that i put up, that had the links to the communist pamplets, the links to the terms, the lay out of the newspaper, has been mowed down like grass

    anyone who didnt look at it fast enough lost out.
    sorry… i guess its only for me to know…

    your going to have to figure it out on your own, and find the historical points you dont know on your own..

    [and gillibrand will just get away with getting women to vote in soviet living, as she is unopposed in this… i tried, but was foiled]

  6. Romney is a results guy, and he probably discovered a long time ago that looking for the best people is the key to success.
    I might be going out on a limb here, but I will give some personal info — I have 83 people reporting to me, and when I need somebody to get something difficult done, it’s the women (on my team) I count on to come through. Half my direct reports are women. The department is about 3:1 men to women, but the managers are evenly split. The women managers tend to stick with a difficult project and see it through better than my guys. I have some great guys too, but they tend to lose interest quicker and avoid things that bore them or aren’t as interesting. I guess we have short attention spans. At least my wife says so.
    In my experience, women tend to look at problems differently than men – not always, but often. And if you want a team of problem solvers, you don’t want everyone thinking the same way, and least of all, you don’t want them thinking the same way as you. You will all overlook the same things and the solutions to everything will always look the same. There’s nothing like a room full of people nodding in agreement to stifle creativity.
    I don’t know much about the status of women in the workplace outside of my company, but my department’s leaders are evenly balanced — I didn’t inherit any of the women, or have a quota to meet, I hired them all and they became ended up managers and supervisors (they supervise mostly men) because they were the best choice for the job.
    No conservative manager, businessman, or engineer who wants to be successful would overlook talent or choose a less productive man over a woman. It’s idiotic. Why would you want to make your job harder?
    It’s really insulting to listen to liberals prattle on about how they THINK we treat women, or even more insulting, how we WOULD if there weren’t brave and valiant democrats to defend them. These people are clueless. Romney was successful because he valued talent, wherever he could get it, and didn’t care if his managers used the potty standing up or sitting down.

  7. This focus on the binder comment is only making them look ridiculous to 80% of the people in the country. Everyone, including them, knows what Romney meant.

    After the flap about war on women, cancer screenings, Planned Parenthood funding, etc., for the first time ever, I went to the Planned Parenthood website. First, they do not do any cancer screenings, neither cervical nor breast – at least at none of the locations in my area. They’ll “help” you find someone, and they’ll give you advice afterwards. That’s it.

    But what shocked me was that there was a huge banner across the top of the Home page saying that you can register to vote at any PP location! I thought you could only register at a government office, like the courthouse or DMV. If I were a braver person, and more able to keep my mouth shut, I’d go into one and see what they’re telling people. Maybe James O’Keefe would hire me?

  8. Having missed the debate, I didn’t understand for the next day or so what all the “binders full of women” stuff was about. Now that I know, I can’t decide whether I’m more astonished that the Dems would take this as revealing something significant about Romney, or that they would try to make something of it while understanding that it is nothing.

    Either way, I need to get over being astonished.

  9. I actually did watch the whole debate and yet some how or other missed the “binders full of women” comment. I had to review the debate transcript to find it.

    So, it really does say more about the Democrats than Romney that they are twisting this into something it is not.

  10. I was talking to a woman friend of mine, an independent producer, who said she was fed up with her insurance company (mine frankly sux as well). She said she was voting for BEE-Oh because of Obamacare.

    She doesn’t know I’ve left the building, so I just said in mild tones, “Well, I know what you mean, but I don’t have great hopes for it: after all, the insurance companies are on board with the Obama bill. And they DID opposed the Hillary bill — so what’s up with that?”

    She actually said, “Yes, I know they are. It doesn’t look good for us [customers].” That was good: she’s actually heard that the Obamacare bill is a sweetheart bill between the insurance companies and the Government, and I suspect that she could be peeled Somewhat loose from the DP if she heard more, at least on this issue.

    Like Reagan said, “the trouble with liberals is that so much of what they ‘know’ just isn’t so.”

  11. After I saw her speech during the RNC I thought it was it would have been all over the internet, but sadly it wasn’t. Her description of what it’s really like to work with Romney couldn’t have been said better or with more enthusiasm…why her speech hasn’t gone viral I really don’t understand. It only has about 5700 views.

  12. What irks me is the ongoing attempt to separate the population in various special-needs groups who are constantly being victimized. As far as I’m concerned, at the Presidential level, there shouldn’t be “women’s issues” and “Latino issues” and so forth. There should be people issues – issues affecting all people that the President represents, which is to say the U.S. citizenry that elected him. Right now, that issue is jobs, underscored by an unstable economy. I remember when my stepfather lost his job either late in the Carter debacle or early in Reagan’s term, and my mother was a sole earner for 18 months while he struggled to get a decent job. Now it’s my turn. My husband has been out of work for most of the last two years. I don’t need a president to care about my reproductive health, and stupid distractions like the “binder issue” just annoy me.

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  14. Yes we should have a great concern about our economy that looks like we have turned into our god. As was stated by Kyndyll on Oct 18 there should be people issues addressed and the killing of almost 4000 a day are people issues. If our parents had aborted us we would not be having this conversation. Who talks for the child ? How many women never get a chance to live ? JMJ

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