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Obama channels Lloyd Bentsen — 17 Comments

  1. It just doesn’t get any more surreal.

    Confronting the real Mitt Romney, and finding him to be unlike the fictional portrayal Obama’s campaign has been making, he chooses to believe the self-created fiction.

    ok, not that unusual for human beings. We want to believe our cultural myths. But that’s not a cultural myth, that’s pure wishful thinking


  2. Obama has pretended to be something he is not for his entire adult life, while at the same time having an ego that allows him to believe he’s the smartest man in any room. The only way he can make sense of his own failure to dominate the debate is to believe that Romney was simply acting intelligent and articulate.

    The alternative, that he was out gunned intellectually, is unthinkable to him.

  3. Not an initial supporter of Romney… I was blown away! The other guy on stage, well he’s been there all along for those with eyes to see. Thankfully, the eyes were opened for millions of Americans on Oct 3rd; for the first time in this long, long nightmare they saw the real intellect of BHO. I’m not surprised people would prefer the teleprompter over the real Obama, it’s smarter and better spoken.

  4. My real concern is how the Dems are going to cheat in the next debate. Given their supporter’s crying over the lack of the TOTUS, I would demand that the Prez’s ears be examined for a small implanted receiver to relay answers to him. I would not put it past them for such behaviour.

  5. I’m reminded of the controversy over the Olympics where the runner with prosthetic legs outran the rest.
    TPOTUS is a prosthetic device.
    My wife commented during the debate that it looked like Obama was listening to an ear bud.
    I’m not sure Axelrod feeds would help Obama.

  6. Typical Obama. He prefers to argue with a fictional opponent (usually a straw man) that the real McCoy.
    Too bad millions of Americans can now see how false his portrayal of Romney and his positions have been.

  7. @physicsguy:

    They have already started.. like the bullet proof vest bush was wearing supposed to be a radio set.

    Which in itself is FUNNY. you have people in the audience with cell phones that can do text, messaging, and some applications (not like today), in a package that is smaller than a deck of cards, and they imagine a two way radio being the size of a CB. [sorry guys, but real sets like that are the size of hearing aids. the only reason news uses a wire is because how long they have to wear and use it – ie. battery life]

    now… its the dreaded cheating handkerchief of competence. remember, all on the left that are followers are told they are geniuses, or some such (hysterically funny because the left never favors the intelligent who is their eternal Moriarties due to ability). however, smart guys don’t need crib notes, not so smart who pose as smart do (to make up for lack of capacity). so in a strange way, if they believe it, they are admitting they are poseurs of higher capacity so they can be equal.

    others are given speeches and articles connecting up the myth with the MEMORY of the event. remember, ALL of us mostly deal with memories (unless we are doing play by play. but even then, we memorize it to recall it to say it)

    so for many of them that have this unpleasant memory, they are going to do a bit of recall-mod-store and kind of rewrite it. This was why the modified memories movement was so key.

    most people dont have great recall. they think they do, but they dont. some people though DO have great recall, to the point where normal people think they are freaks. “rainman” Kim Peek is one example (who died in 2009).

    even worse… MOST do not know that what they think they see is not reality, but the processed reality the brain dishes up. which is what illusions and things illustrate. some of these can be VERY striking to the point where people who didn’t know this is how you work, walk away feeling queasy about all the other times they were sure in their lives. (as an applications engineer i see this ALL the time as machines record faithfully, but most people remember conveniently/socially. that is, they adjust the memory so that when they argue certain points are shifted to create a different view of reality (a lie). and most are so used to this they have NO IDEA they are doing it (and one gender does it a lot more than the other – its the one who doesn’t kill each other to settle an argument finally))

    So thats whats going to happen to those that watched… the event though is such a dissonant event, you will find it pretty easy to watch the process.

    the first day was what the process cant control. they would have loved if their followers played the, if positive talk, if negative just shut up. so the first day or so, before the wave of articles in obscure press are written, and they see which excuses or ideas work. then the next wave is combinations of that… by the time a month is up, you have two sides arguing over two different realities one real, the other misremembered.

    you will also note they fabricated a distraction that will be the all or nothing turning point. ie. romney has to be 100% factual, or he is 0% factual is how that game is played. (and if you try to apply it to the side that applies if first, they get to basically avoid it by claiming someone is attacking the messenger to avoid the lack of perfection).

    Media conspiracy denies Obama’s debate victory

    Shame on the media. I don’t know what insulted me more: pundits’ summations of the debate or Mr. Romney’s debate performance. To think that anyone would publicly call that desperate used-car salesman’s pitch recited by Mr. Romney a “win” was as much an affront to my intelligence as Mr. Romney’s act itself.

    so the huge swell of what you saw never happened. ie. he didnt win, the right just made it look that way, and those people commenting hopelessly? they are part of that… oh, how evil Moriarty is…

    IF you play close attention there is a whole lot of “he lied” but not a whole lot of specifics. ie. what was the lie? who cares, he lied, go tar and feather him.

    Mr. Romney’s hyperactive bullying and lying was not a win. Mr. Romney once again transformed himself for his audience. How many masks does this man own? That wasn’t a debate, that was a masquerade ball introducing moderate, caring Mitt Romney to the American public. How can you debate a man who stands for nothing and tells blatant lies? You don’t. You let him talk himself right into his self-made noose.

    so, as always, describe the horror that is your side, as their side. Ie. where did this author get the idea that someone can do this? from the fact that is exactly what their side does. and since merit doesnt exist, and as it seems people are getting the cargo cultism method, he must be doing the same thing, but only better.

    see? a process…

    the distraction provided (which everyone is questioning… ie 4 years of anemia and suddenly one month out of all of that you get a record movement not seen since 1983? you know it will be revised next month and that this is a game or fix… ie. the people acting know the rules now. they help Obama, obama will cheat for them. Gliechshaltung)

    Since last September, the unemployment rate has dropped 1.2 percentage points. The only election year in which unemployment dropped more during the same period was Ronald Reagan’s 1984 re- election, as far back as shown in monthly records that started in 1948.

    the video i link to above is basically people saying or not being smart enough (they are geniuses for being on the left), to realize you dont get a teleprompter at a debate!!! the majority of commenter are college students (which means the majority are also female as thats how college is now – and expansion of title IX to buy votes, can be seen in their answers)

    No president has won re-election since World War II with an Election Day unemployment rate higher than 7.2 percent, the jobless rate when Reagan won his second term. Still, the trajectory of the economy historically has exerted the greatest influence on voters.

    Obama was ahead of Romney, 49 percent to 43 percent, among likely voters in a Bloomberg National Poll conducted Sept. 21- 24.

    Like Reagan did in 1984, Obama points to a turnaround of the declining economy he inherited from his predecessor.

    Consumer confidence has grown recently as home values improve, stocks rise and gas prices stabilize. The Bloomberg Consumer Comfort Index climbed in the week ending Sept. 30 for the sixth straight week, the longest such stretch since early 2006.

    The better job opportunities that the economic recovery has offered to more educated workers also has benefited Obama, because of the voter coalition of minorities and college- educated whites from which he draws the most support.

    that last part is being bought off… join Obama and you get free money, free health, help with paying for college, and he will remove the evil white men (even Jewish ones) from being able to learn and then earn (which is what the lady leaders say they want – some actually wanting extermination, and having the ear of progressives and being progressives). same for the minorities… come join Obama, you get free money, free health, help paying for college and he will remove all the evil white men (including Jewish ones) that cheat you out of everything and steal your countries wealth and resources

    Given that these numbers make up 2/3 of voters, is it any wonder that the Romney plus will not be so much in a week or so?

    Voters with at least some college education “haven’t necessarily prospered but they’re doing OK,” Jarding said. “Romney may be the one that looks like the bigger risk to them.”

    heck, even the kids who would vote are afraid of teachers failing them for having the wrong ideas. been like that for a long while!!! which is why as education level goes up (formal education, not autodidact), the more they vote monolithically, as the academy will fail and harm those that dont change their thinking, and will do so subtly)

    Poll: Obama leads 49%-45%, thanks to women voters

    Obama stresses women’s issues in Virginia

    College students are a key part of the coalition Obama is trying to put together this election season, one that also includes women and Latinos.

    Why All Women Should Vote for Obama

    if you can bribe women to normalize abusing their children and neglecting them… (of course sicne its normalized, we will cringe from that truth of which there needs be a constant stream of articles from the left as to why its not).

    Obama and Biden like women. They respect us. They want us to make more money at our jobs. They want to keep after school programs for our kids. They pass legislation to protect women against domestic violence.

    They want to help single mothers. Of which there are many. They want to help us get our kids into college. They get what is important to us. They have really smart, cool wives. Women who have ideas and ambition. Who want to change things. Who can help make a difference. They also have children. And are aware of the hard work it takes to keep a family together.

    havent heard such vanity since i read Genisis…

    money quote:
    It hasn’t been that long ago when men could institutionalize their wives just because they wanted to. Just because they talked to much or asked too many questions. Or had too many ideas.

    so… if your a woman, you have to hate men…
    but not those minority men… just one kind… right?

    as in 1933 Germany, they will make the vote…
    and if you study details of living not dates of happening, you will find that its VERY much the SAME PLATFORM – without information they will sell out their country and disarm it every time. (please notice that i said, without information – if they knew or could figure it out, they wouldn’t do it – and certainly they are not allowed to be told).

    The other studies that say they didn’t all halt at 1929 – conveniently. the same way that NAACP list on Lynching starts AFTER hayes tilden. and so on and so on in tons of cases i can point out…

    so here is where the recovery in it will be. most wont even read the articles that will turn it around, because the majority of them will NOT be in main stream press, but in these singular channels where only followers read or live in…

    IF you take the time to read that stuff, you will see how they will create lots of alternate realities that divide us as they are mutually incompatible with each other… (heck, one sides ideas are mutually incompatible with itself!).

  8. If Bulls#%t was lightning, Barry could set the world on fire. Perhaps the dinosaur media will back off slightly, covering up for him less? I doubt it.

  9. “dreaded cheating handkerchief of competence.” Ha ha ha In addition to containing teeny, tiny notes, the hankie must have also emitted a special confusion/petulance ray to confuse and rankle Obama for a full 90 min.

    Artfldgr – The great thing about new media like Twitter and live-blogging is that it has recorded extemporaneous reactions to the debate. The MSM and pundits such as Andrew Sullivan can come up with fabulous excuses or conspiracy theories for Obama’s weak performance, but their immediate responses are there for all to see. Here’s Sullivan live-blogging:

    “Look: you know how much I love the guy, and you know how much of a high information viewer I am, and I can see the logic of some of Obama’s meandering, weak, professorial arguments. But this was a disaster for the president for the key people he needs to reach, and his effete, wonkish lectures may have jolted a lot of independents into giving Romney a second look…”

    Over the top reactions like Chris Matthews’ shrieking meltdown have been recorded and posted on YouTube, too.

  10. Something hilarious just happened to me. I was reading a post, and somehow I thought I was reading physicsguy and I thought (and still do) think the analysis was brilliant. But then it went on to the point where I thought artflgr would get jealous, only to find it WAS artflgr replying to physicsguy.
    Only one point would I argue artflgr: sometimes smart people do need notes (I am and do). There are some smart people (like Romney, and it seems yourself, who don’t).

  11. Ed Bonderenka I think I had that experience too. My scrolling finger is tired right now, but I think it was on THIS thread. While I was scrolling, I thought, “Wow, this guy can write as long as artflgr, and it looks good and I promise (self) I will read it later — and it’s not even artflgr.”

    Then I looked and it was artflgr.

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