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Obama says… — 16 Comments

  1. His biggest strength is that he’s a world class BS artist. His biggest weakness is that we’re all catching on to that.

  2. There is really no way a politician (or anyone in a leadership position) can answer this question without damaging themself, their policy, and their position. I think the stock answer should always be “I don’t answer questions like that.”

    That said, I really don’t need Obama’s answer to know the truth. His greatest failing is that he is woefully unprepared for the presidency and will like shamelessly to protect that truth from getting out.

  3. The Ego-in-Chief will never admit fault. He is fast approaching worse President in my lifetime status and will go down in history as screwing up more than any other person very soon. I wonder how long it will take the Democrats with by-lines to turn on him?

    We are a a strong country, and will survive. God Bless the USA!

  4. He had the Executive and Legistative branches for the first two years. Along with a fillibuster proof majority in the Senate, as I recall. Any failings during those first two years rest on his and the Dems’ shoulders.

  5. The left and the Dems (but I repeat myself) live in a manufactured reality. The continue to do so because it has worked for them in the past. When the national dialogue was controlled by the big three networks (CBS, NBC and ABC) and the New York Times controlled the flow of print reporting (many local paperssimply re-printed from the Times) they could get away with that.

    Now, the 24/7 internet media may not control the national dialogue, but it provides a constant alternative to the limited sources of the past. Result: The Truth will out! Living in their bubble, they haven’t quite recognized this yet (good for us) so they think that manufacturing a reality with a compliant lickspittle press will have the same result it did in 1976.

    They chose poorly!.

    With each passing day, and especially with the release of Romney’s tax returns showing him to not only have paid tax, but to have paid excess tax along with remarkable generous charitable donations is going to be a watershed moment for the Joe Biden’s and the Harry Reids.

    The press will avoid reporting this at all costs. It will be difficult since they, themselves, called for the tax return releaseand their reticence will injure their “credibility” even more than it already is. The results will ripple through this country like a viral video on the net.

    Keep the faith!

  6. That is above

    “With each passing day I am more opitmistic about the election results in November especially with the realease . . . .”


  7. Of course BHO can not admit to any failings on his part. He is the most intelligent person to walk the earth, piss water, and breathe the air dating back to Cro-Magnon. The mirror tells him he is the fairest of all.

  8. Anyone interested in reading something upbeat for the weekend should look at Sean Trende’s article (Part 3) over at Real Clear Politics. On why neither party should want to win this time.
    I’ll be out back slitting my wrists.

  9. What is the appropriate response to a person meeting God? (Or even a much more intelligent deity?)

    This is a relevant question to the subject at hand regarding Obama’s surliness and dishonesty.

    One’s response must be a defense of one’s behavior.

    God opposes and allows a Reply.

    The Reply is either a choice to repent or accept destruction, ie., hell.

    Simply that. Not a wee bit more.

    If there is a God that is. Or a Deity quite more expressed in Power. Which seems reasonable given the varying levels of human intelligence.


  10. Somewhat off topic, but allow me. In an earlier thread we discussed polling and I made the point that polls can not be taken at face value. That they are subject to conscious bias, subconscious bias and at times outright fraud. Jim Gerathy has an interview with John McLaughlin in the NRO (H/T Legal Insurrection) whichaddresses precisely this point


    The link:


  11. Somewhat off topic, but allow me. In an earlier thread we discussed polling and I made the point that polls can not be taken at face value. That they are subject to conscious bias, subconscious bias and at times outright fraud. Jim Geraghty has an interview with John McLaughlin in the NRO (H/T Legal Insurrection) which addresses precisely this point

    What Obama and his allies are doing now: “The Democrats want to convince [these anti-Obama voters] falsely that Romney will lose to discourage them from voting. So they lobby the pollsters to weight their surveys to emulate the 2008 Democrat-heavy models. They are lobbying them now to affect early voting.

    Read the whole thing:


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