Home » Who was the US ambassador killed in 1979?


Who was the US ambassador killed in 1979? — 4 Comments

  1. Thats the first time you included the information of Mitrokhin… which i have been pushing for a while, along with many others… (the books that are out now, and more coming are quite eye opening, but boring, and if you dont know the prior history, harder to follow)

    similar incidents and stories are behind Arafat and the Munich massacres, and some PLO stuff…

    called names so much and not wanting others to believe the names, we have spend inordinate time looking at ourselves to find proof. but that assumes that the lie is valid and a misunderstanding, not something calculated to make is turn inwards, and ignore the outside…

    Mitrokhin also told us of weapons caches in many countries, and the nuclear war in Europe that almost happened… (but R Reagan stuff stopped that).

    There were several other ambassadors killed, and even a congressman once…

    Christopher Stevens, the U.S. ambassador to Libya, was killed on Tuesday

    Adolph Dubs (looked a bit like LBJ) The U.S. ambassador to Afghanistan in the Carter administration from 1978 to 1979, Dubs was killed in an exchange of gunfire after a kidnapping attempt by Islamic extremists in Kabul in 1979.

    Francis E. Meloy, Jr. The U.S. ambassador to Lebanon, Meloy was kidnapped by a Palestinian separatist group and shot along with U.S. economic counselor Robert O. Waring as both diplomats headed to present their credentials to the new Lebanese president in 1976.

    Rodger P. Davies The U.S. ambassador to Cyprus under the Ford administration, Davies was killed by sniper fire during a demonstration against American policy by Greek Cypriots at the embassy in Nicosia on Aug. 19, 1974. Davies’ secretary, Antoinette Varnava, was also killed.

    Cleo A. Noel, Jr. – The U.S. ambassador to Sudan for the Nixon administration, Cleo A. Noel, Jr., was killed in 1973 after members of a faction of the PLO, the Palestinian Liberation Organization, specifically called ‘Black September,’ stormed the Saudi embassy in Khartoum during a party for Noel’s outgoing deputy. The faction demanded the release of Sirhan Sirhan, the Palestinian assassin of Robert Kennedy

    the above was the incident that mitrokhin and other pacepa talked about with Arafat and Romanian die… and how, it too, caused problems – you can read about it in the article “the Arafat i knew’ which i have linked to before.

    John Gordon Mein The U.S. Ambassador to Guatemala, Mein was appointed ambassador in 1965 under President Lyndon B. Johnson and was the first U.S. ambassador to be assassinated while serving in office. Mein was gunned down by Guatemalan rebels in 1968 after leaving a State Department lunch. His car was stopped in the middle of a road where soon after he was shot trying to flee.

    Two other U.S. ambassadors have died in plane crashes: Arnold L. Raphel in Pakistan in 1988, and Laurence A. Steinhardt in Canada in 1950.

    anyone remember the congressman?
    Leo Ryan: the only Congressman assassinated in the line of duty as a Congressman in the history of the United States

    he was killed by the “rainbow family”.. trying to flee when he was unlucky enough to be there the day that Jim Jones was serving look aid, and leaving his property to the communists…

    Facing increasing scrutiny, in the summer of 1978, Jones also hired noted JFK assassination conspiracy theorists Mark Lane and Donald Freed to help make the case of a “grand conspiracy” by intelligence agencies against the Peoples Temple.

    Jones told Lane he wanted to “pull an Eldridge Cleaver”, referring to a fugitive Black Panther who was able to return to the United States after repairing his reputation.

    In fact.. go through the list there, and figure out how many were indirectly caused by the fight with communism. (and i have no idea about the plane crashes)…

  2. My guess is the administration and media will push this down the memory hole so that it is remembered as the time Romney showed how erratic and unprepared for foreign policy. No one will remember Stevens a month from now, because this was about Romney, Romney, Romney.

  3. For all their caring BS, it comes down to this: Democrats are not fit to govern. Owing to their characteristic fecklessness and incompetence, if one is in office, the risk to diplomats and service members jumps dramatically.

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