Home » Anderson Cooper actually seems annoyed by Wasserman Schultz’s lies


Anderson Cooper actually seems annoyed by Wasserman Schultz’s lies — 16 Comments

  1. Wasserman Schultz = Fingernails on a chalkboard, hope they keep her out there 24/7 and I hope they keep right on banging the abortion drum non stop, perfect contrast to jobs and the economy on the other side.

  2. I don’t think “tons of voters” will be convinced by her lies. The only ones who will are the ones who want to be convinced — who know, deep in their hearts, that she’s lying but don’t care because she’s on the team they root for. They can repeat her lies to their friends, who will chorus in agreement like a flock of penguins squawking in unison.

    Genuinely undecided voters just hear a lot of words they don’t understand, and then vote for whoever looks nicest. They probably wouldn’t know if DWS is a Republican or a Democrat.

  3. What about the part where he apologizes to her for asking those questions? Roughly paraphrasing (’cause I can’t stand to listen to it again to find the right spot) he said he had to ask those questions to both parties. He had to be a newsman. Do you think he would have felt the need to make that sort of apology to a Republican interviewee? Or was he just so shocked at the inanity coming out of her mouth he couldn’t help himself saying that?

  4. Neo,
    Remember, It’s ok to lie if you cross your fingers behind your back. It’s even better if you can fake sincerity when you lie.

  5. That woman is a stupid, insensitive, stubborn liberal operative who is as obnoxious as they come. What were they THINKING when they gave her that post?

    Oh yeah…and she talks funny…like she has a big mouthful of oatmeal.

  6. It’s so infuriating to watch her or other DNC spokeswomen appear on O’Reilly and have Laura Ingraham point out the contradictions and falsity of their statements as they just smile and repeat them undeterred.
    Having them on shows is not parity or constructive but only gives them a platform to repeat their lies.

  7. People like Wasserman are the same as the people who were lecturing the proletariate during the Cultural Revolution. She knows she is telling lies but its all for the right ‘reasons’. Keep it up Debbie, every word out of your mouth is a vote against BHO.


  8. Can you imagine the agony of having to take a road trip with Barbara Boxer, Nancy Pelosi, and Debbie Wasserman Schultz in the car? Why are so many liberal, Democratic women so obnoxious?

  9. Wow. There is NOTHING about rape or incest in the platform. I at least gave her the benefit of the doubt that she was telling the truth on that one (silly me).

    So basically what she was doing was taking what she feels is the Republican position, claiming that Romney/Ryan have verbally supported and/or supported bills that categorically ban all abortions, and then reading that into the Republican platform, and then, loop-de-loop, claiming that Romney/Ryan support a categorical ban because they will not protest the platform. Okee dokee.

    Can we claim that murdering half-born and even just-born children is in the Democrat platform, then? Just want to be clear on the rules here.

  10. DWS is pure liberal. Liberals will spew the party line even if it’s bald face lie. She shows no remorse or embarrassment. She’s a real tool and a fool

    The gift that just keeps on giving. She and Biden could star in a sitcom….

    “As the stomach turns”, brought to you by the DNC

  11. Cooper’s problem was that DWS had purposely misquoted the LA Times, a member of the media, Cooper’s bailiwick. Had DWS just lied about Romney, as she’s done many times before, there’d be no problem, but this time she done the media wrong.

  12. Snap your fingers in front of her eyes, NO response…

    The tinny stereo is on, folks, but nobody home.

  13. Wasserman and the DNC are failing at their attempt to make this campaign about one issue – abortion. Why? Because their candidate has a dismal record when it comes to the economy, gas prices, unemployment, etc.

    So, to rally the female vote they want to equate Feminism with abortion. If you believe in equality for women then you must support abortion. They want to make this election a one issue election but there is too much of a wake for Obama this time.

    The RNC’s position on abortion hasn’t changed in decades and Wasserman, using Obama’s tactic of saying anything, got caught with her hand in the cookie jar and refused to admit it.

    Dems need to face the facts that Obama didn’t deliver. He has made this nation worse, not better and has infiltrated the highest office in the land with a socialist agenda that is stripping away our freedoms. Either candidate’s position on abortion is the least concern for our nation.

  14. It wouldn’t surprise me if Cooper just wants her to step up her game. I see little in his conduct to suggest he cares about the truth.

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