Home » The shooter at the Sikh temple


The shooter at the Sikh temple — 7 Comments

  1. I have seen neo nazis explicitly support nationalist socialist economic ideas in at least one tv show that covered them.

  2. It’s such a perverse instinct in the Left- they immediately hope every mass killer was a Righty or inspired by the Right. It reaffirms their faith in themselves as inherently righteous people and the notion that the Right is inherently hateful.

  3. The second instinct is to turn it into a conversation on gun control. They’re like clockwork. “If only there were no guns…” Well, yes. If only. If only men were angels, we would need no government.

  4. What Holmes said, with this addition:

    No one seems to remember that some of the worst massacres haven’t involved guns at all. Dynamite and access to a school made for the worst school massacre in American history. Knives, explosives, and old-fashioned poisoning are contenders.

  5. I will guess that this is neither domestic terrorism nor related to racial supremacy. It is more likely the outcome of failed individual interaction, which was then progressed to encompass a larger group which incidentally shared certain features. Most likely this is a simple crime with an elevated status due to the sheer number of individuals involved.

    In any case, the American right are revolutionaries, not petty criminals or anarchists.

  6. I object viscerally to the concept of ‘hate crime.’ Murder is murder, and when killer and victim know one another, hate is always involved.
    It is not worse, IMHO, to murder a gay than a straight, or a black than a white.

    Terrorism has public fear as an objective, coupled with hate of the non-personal Other. This event was not terrorism.

  7. Don Carlos
    Somebody made the point that there’s a way to see if this was terrorism.
    The guy was not shouting “Allahu akbar”. That makes it’s terrorism.

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