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Holder the proxy — 10 Comments

  1. Tossing Holder would also cause a split in the elite black establishment, where I suspect Holder has deeper ties than Obama. Who would Jesse Jackson side with?

  2. They are both black-hearted knaves, and I do not use that adjective lightly, or as a racial pun.
    They mean us immense harm, and they are succeeding, perhaps beyond their wildest dreams. They get cooperation from their nominal adversaries.
    Ugh and Aggh.

  3. All I needed to know about Holder I learned during Clinton’s last few days as President. Holder’s handling of the Marc Rich’s pardon was disgraceful. Yes, I know he was carrying out Bill Clinton’s and Jack Quinn’s* wishes, but his subsequent lies about his knowledge of the details of the Rich case should have been more than enough to thwart his confirmation. But then again, the Republicans didn’t have the backbone to press the issue and keep Holder out of DOJ. Everything that he has done, and not done (e.g., NBPanthers), should be no surprise to anyone.
    * An interesting note, Scooter Libby was Marc Rich’s lawyer at one time. Small world, isn’t it?

  4. There is a kind of catch-22 here. If you elect a black politician you can’t criticize him because if you do you would be called racist. The claim and the media uproar about the claim will probably be enough to get even an openly crooked black politician re-elected. For decades black politicians ran Detroit into the ground. Every bit of money and political patronage was squeezed out of the citizens and the loot was spent by black politicians most of it probably going up their noses or pleasuring their loins. Everyone saw it for what it was but smart politicians don’t say things that attract the wrong kind of attention so blame was never properly placed. Maybe a million people made the exodus out of Detroit in those years that black politicians were destroying it. The federal government pumped money into Detroit for years trying to prop it up. But no one ever called it what it was. Is that what our future looks like? Obama and his cronies can do anything, commit any crime, steal or misappropriate money and we can do nothing because they are black? When does this carnival of horrors end? When can we begin judging people by the content of their character and not by the color of their skin?

  5. As you well know Curtis, it is all about skin color for Holder & Obama. Ever notice how black immigrants from the Caribbean or Africa quickly assimilate into American culture and become self reliant citizens while Great Society welfare slave descendants do not? However, BHO will sacrifice Holder and throw him under the bus just like Reverend Wright at the first opportunity. Lame duck BHO can pardon him with the scribble of the pen.

  6. We have been given a choice. We have the information we need to make it.

    We know, thanks to Obama’s Lonesome Rhodes open mike moment with Medvedev, that he is selling us out.

    We know Holder cooked up Fast and Furious to substantiate his and Hillary’s “90%” claim.

    We know the Democrats shoved Obamacare, which to this day remains an undiscovered country, down our throats.

    We know Obama harmed us by leaking national secrets to the press.

    We know the Muslim Brotherhood is taking over Egypt.

    We know Obama is kicking our few remaining important allies, like India, Israel, and England, in the face.

    Our choice is what to do about it.

    In view of that the matter of whether or not Obama’s Attorney General thinks those who are not his people should have any civil rights is of little import.

  7. Could it be that The Won is more likely to divorce MO than EH? Though MO would exact far more than “a pound of flesh”.

  8. I believe you are right. I also think Hokder, in addition to being a proxy, is a narcissistic extension OF Obama. They are not only on the same page, but the same ink.

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