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Sanity Squad podcast — 13 Comments

  1. That was the first time i heard your podcast… it was very interesting.

    I think the euro-guy was a little too prone to guilt by association with these groups… but as an american i’m totally ignorant on that level of european politics to know the truth.

  2. Hitler used the legitimate grievances present in Germany in order to draw votes from the Weimar government. Enough votes to prevent the Weimar government by making a majority. They could not hold a government without a majority and Hitler would not join into a coalition.

    Neo-Nazis can do the same thing with immigration and violence in Europe. The thing is, Neo-Nazis can be eliminated simply if you are more ruthless than they are. And if you are not… then do you have any hope of pushing the Islamic Jihad out of Europe?

    This fear of Neo-Nazis is meaningless. If you don’t address the issues, the extremists will. Undercut them, and if they get in the way by fostering Nazi violence, eliminate them. People are only worried because they just don’t want to deal with neo-Nazis.

    What is the point of fearing something that will only become a problem if you win? Such caution is useless, since it can cause you to lose the war now.

    Robert Byrd needed to be gotten rid of too. But these are the compromises politicians made. But then again, politicians were always weak spined to begin with.

  3. A lot of these problems have been dealt with by Petraeus’ COIn approach.

    Nobody said the Sunnis were nice people. Yet necessary actions must be done. The only real question is, what is necessary.

    Cutting the ties may sound good in a democracy, but it has no use in a war. In war, everybody is a target. Even enemy populations. For psychological operations if not bombs.

    You can’t afford to let organizations like extremists create grassroots support like Al Sadr. You either eliminate them, permanently if possible, early on or you undercut them by moving into their territory. Either solution would be good. Doing nothing is not a solution. Nor is ignoring them or calling them to “repudiate” such connections. You can’t repudate demographics, Neo, in warfare. They are there.

    So the question is, do folks think Europe is fighting a political crusade or a war?

  4. I’ve read some stuff at Stormfront.This is in relation to what Siggy said about the repugnant people (Neo-Nazi political support). They didn’t seem that repugnant to me. Their logic derives from their philosophical assumptions, yes, but that doesn’t make them any different from the Left.

    They do believe the white race is superior and so such, but so does the Left. Do I fear the Left to the point where any association with the Left will bring down the hammer from me? Not really. The same applies to the neo-Nazis.

    Btw, it was kind of funny how at the end Pat kept her phone recording. Her side of the conversation at least.

  5. Dear Neo,

    that was very hard for me to listen to. I had to stop after appr. 15 minutes cause I couldn’t muster the patience for this total mix-up of facts, factoids, beliefs, assumptions and downright disinformation.

    The spat in the blogosphere was definitely about two groups that participated in the Brussels anti-jihad conference in October. These groups were Vlaams Belang from Flanders, Belgium and the Sweden Democrats. Both groups are no different from classic US conservatives and there are no statutes, programs or people in these parties that you could reasonably call fascists or nazis. The European socialist politicians, media and academia call everybody a nazi who speaks up against the islamization of Europe. That means, that people like Charles Johnson do the dirty work for the European Left by denouncing European conservatives as Nazis. To the European left, everybody is a nazi that does not embrace the most foolish political correctness and multiculturalism.

    Let me tell you that Bush and Cheney are being called fascists and Nazis too. So, there you go, prove them wrong …

    The groups that have been mentioned in that radio show, like the BNP or LePen’s Front National EMBRACE ISLAMISM in Europe, BECAUSE IT IS ANTI-JEWISH!

    Vlaams Belang and the Sweden Democrats are the most pro jewish and pro Israel parties you will find in all of Europe. As opposed to all the mainstream parties in all of Western Europe.

    I have created my own blog just yesterday and just for the purpose of creating a new marketplace of ideas for a better understanding of Conservatives on both sides of the Atlantic. I would love to participate in this debate and to bring some knowledge and facts to the table.

    I have left Europe just after 9/11, after spending decades of my life there. Europe will need the US and the US will need Europe. We have a culture in common and a common enemy. This is an important discussion that has to happen.

    My blog or yours?

  6. That means, that people like Charles Johnson do the dirty work for the European Left by denouncing European conservatives as Nazis. – TC

    Not just Charles Johnson, TC, but Paul Belien himself has stated, and I quote:

    The participants were invited by the Austrian Freedom Party (FPé–) and included Jean-Marie Le Pen’s Front National from France, Alessandra Mussolini’s Azione Sociale from Italy, the Spanish Alternativa Espaé±ola, the anti-Hungarian Great Romania Party, the openly anti-Semite Bulgarian party Ataka, and Belgium’s largest party, the Vlaams Belang. The Italian Lega Nord, the Danish People’s Party and Poland’s governing Law and Justice were not present but are said to have sent their greetings.
    With Le Pen growing older, Filip Dewinter, the charismatic strongman of the Vlaams Belang (VB), is generally seen as the new man to lead the European nationalist right.

    Dewinter, who has been a close friend of Le Pen for years, told the Austrian press on Monday that Haider had always been his “great example” but that he had been “disappointed” in him: “He is no longer the Haider that I knew.”
    Far Right Parties in Europe Join Forces, From the desk of Paul Belien on Thu, 2005-11-17 20:54

    Was Paul Belien “doing the dirty work” of the left? It would seem so.

    Also, try to remember that no one from LGF called Vlaams Belang or the Sweden Dems “neo-Nazis” because they spoke out against radical Islam. If you think that that is the reason, then I doubt you have even read LGF.

  7. konservo

    I honestly don’t understand how you can equate Paul’s writing with the mud slinging of CJ. What’s wrong with what Paul wrote?

    And I never said that “LGF called Vlaams Belang or the Sweden Dems “neo-Nazis” because they spoke out against radical Islam”.

    I presume you are American. Let me tell you that your political templates do not work for the present situation in Europe. That’s what I tried to make clear in my comment above.

    VB and Sweden Democrats are neither antisemites nor are they racists. There are parties in Europe, like the German NPD that are only antisemite and attract huge followings of skinheads and original nazis. These parties are also openly pro islam because islam is anti jewish. That is a very old alliance. Hitler already allied with the Great Mufti of Jerusalem and there were thousands of muslim SS.

    Parties like the NPD have nothing in common with the European Anti Jihad movement and VB or SD. And BNP and the FN seem to be well on their way to exclude all their admittedly black sheep.

  8. I honestly don’t understand how you can equate Paul’s writing with the mud slinging of CJ. What’s wrong with what Paul wrote?

    Nothing. Belien illuminates Dewinter’s politics in much the same way that LGF has. Belien states that Le Pen and Dewinter have been close friends for years. Charles Johnson posts a picture of them both at the funeral of Karel Dillen (Holocaust denier). I’ve learned a lot from Belien’s previous writing on VB’s extremist connections, and from Charles’ recent posts.

    My point is, you can’t say that Charles Johnson is slinging mud when Paul Belien has written on the very same topics. Unless, of course, you think that Belien was slinging mud too…

  9. Konservo

    What will you be if I make you out to be all the things that all the people are that you are or have been in some way associated with?

    Or to whose funeral you go?

    Some of my friends are, in fact, total lefties. Does that make me one by association? No, it doesn’t. That’s childish. In this particular case it is even dangerous.

    Nobody needs to police me and my thoughts. And that is what Johnson does or tries to do. And that pisses me of. Because it is the same kind of stupid PC that is killing the Free World, just turned on its head!

    The Johnson has entered the stage of the personality cult, it seems. But that is unimportant.

    If I may be so bold, I recommend you read “Army of Midgets” on Gates of Vienna, by Baron Bodissey. I will post something about it on my blog http://transatlanticconservative.blogspot.com/ .

    You might be interested in pursuing the discussion there?

  10. Radical Islam only thrives in repressive, chauvanistic societies.

    It is like mold in that sense–requiring darkness and foul air. Chauvanism, be it the American or European nationalist variety is an ideal host for bin Ladenism, which requires just such an enemy to survive.

    Liberalism, secularism, multiculturalism, free speech, economic dynamism, anti-militarism–these are the best principles for containing and destroying radical Islam.

    Radical Islam has no appeal to people who have viable alternatives. This is why it breeds only in the most monocultural, religious, traditionalist, chauvanist, economically backward societies.

    This is also why radical Islam poses no existential threat whatsoever to the democratic West. To be sure, it is a threat of some potency in monocultural kleptocracies like Saudi Arabia, Algeria, Egypt and Pakistan, which have all answered the threat with varying degrees of the kind of brutality and political repression neocons lust for. But bin Laden’s literally suicidal movement will never pose an existential threat to the west.

    To be sure, radical Islam poses a persistent, difficult threat to public safety. Given the evolution of explosives technology, transportation and communications, even tiny, politically impotent, suicidal groups can pose a serious threat to public safety.

    That threat cannot and will not be eliminated, it can only be contained. It will always exist and no matter how complete security measures are, there will be times when they fail, as 9/11 showed.

  11. Liberalism, secularism, multiculturalism, free speech, economic dynamism, anti-militarism—these are the best principles for containing and destroying radical Islam.

    On which planet? Here they have proved to be the perfect petri dish for the dhimmification of Europe and the closing down of free speech.

    Evidently you don’t read the European news…or their blogs.

    BTW, “militarism”, in its jihadi form, is total and is directed indiscrimately against anyone who isn’t from the Ummah.

  12. @ bunkerbuster

    Radical Islam has no appeal to people who have viable alternatives. This is why it breeds only in the most monocultural, religious, traditionalist, chauvanist, economically backward societies.

    There is no “radical” islam. There’s only islam. And right now it is striving throughout the formerly Free World, feeding on our tolerance and PC.

    We have opened the gates to our worst possible enemy by multiculturalism, atheism and hedonism.

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