Home » Obama, the post-racial president


Obama, the post-racial president — 29 Comments

  1. Efficiency tip for “Barry:” just number your BS excuses, and then refer to them by number. We’ll all nod knowingly, having long since memorized all the excuses.

    “Mr. President, what do you say to charges that you outed a British agent just to save your sorry ass in November?”

    “Uh, thank you for that question. That would be a #17.”

    “But Mr. President, how did you inherit outing an agent from Bush?”

    “That would be a #9.”

    “OK, so your name is unusual, but so what?”

    “That’s a #3, coming and going.”

    “How is that racist?”

  2. Over in NRO’s the Corner, someone suggested that the word “tight” is slang for cool, so maybe he was riffing on his own coolness (as opposed to square Mitt). The roar of the audience was kind of strange but it seemed more like a response to a jokey remark.

    For my part, I’ve never heard the word “tight” used in that way, which I suppose speaks volumes about my own lack of coolness.

    But if that’s what he was doing, it was a pretty dumb remark given that it could easily be misconstrued (as more race-based whining) by conservative pundits (not to mention uncool voters like me). And then Behar helped that impression along by bringing up his middle name – which only gets trotted out for special electoral purposes.

  3. With the Soviet of Feminism, the View…

    ie. he is going to get the View to tell all real women who all are feminists (go ahead, take the 17 magazine test), to vote for Obama..

    Self-Aggrandizer in Chief Inserts Himself Into Other Presidents’ Bios

    i guess just as feminists claimed past things as theirs too, and rewrote LOTS of history, and forgot who inspired their current versions, and lied to THEIR constituency of idiots… (who by the way, will defend them for using them like idiots, and will attack those who would end that using of others – without truthfully telling them what they are doing)

    so in the history of Coolidge..
    he inserts that he is the first to do townhalls and twitter.

    inserting into Truman history, that he repealed don’t ask don’t tell

    in LBJs history, he inserts his healthcare bill

    in Roosevelt history he is protecting seniors

    and the BEST ONE

    In a June 28, 1985 speech Reagan called for a fairer tax code, one where a multi-millionaire did not have a lower tax rate than his secretary. Today, President Obama is calling for the same with the Buffett Rule.

    This was done to every president since Coolidge, with the sole exception of Gerald Ford.

    You would think that perhaps women were smart enough NOT to celebrate someone whose organization is “Society for Cutting Up Men” (SCUM), and others as good role models and such for women…

    but no..
    and the funny thing is that the dumber they are the more they believe they are smart and beating up any one that says otherwise will make it so.

    but alas… smart people don’t do to their families and children what a common modern post feminism woman does.

    right now? the men want the communist OUT.
    but the women? they are going to vote for him just as they did for hitler. after all, since before i was born they have been telling them that the revolution will result in whatever each group wants… so women will get a dictatorship of women.. blacks will get a dictatorship of blacks. anarchists, communists, etc.. a dictatorship of the proletariat… and so on.

    by the way, i guess i am not genius enough to realize that with so many mutually exclusive promises/rewards… Bernie Madoff would have been a more trustworthy choice…

    Joy: (on marriage): I want a man in my life, not in my house.

    Joy: Why does a man want to go with a stripper? Is it a do it yourself project? They take their clothes off for them?

    Joy: I’ve always slept with dogs.

    Joy: I had a little cowgirl outfit when I was a kid. I was like a little lesbian in those days.

    Whoopi Goldberg: My family is Jewish, Buddhist, Baptist and Catholic. I don’t believe in man-made religions.

    Whoopi Goldberg: I don’t really view communism as a bad thing.

    Whoopi Goldberg: Normal is in the eye of the beholder.

    Whoopi Goldberg: We’re here for a reason. I believe a bit of the reason is to throw little torches out to lead people through the dark.

    [who says she knows the way? she doesnt think communism is a bad thing… so where will she lead you?]

    Sherri: Why am I as successful as I am? I have no idea. I have no idea what I’m doing.

    Elisabeth Hasselbeck: We are all doing our Kuegals right now on ABC.

    Elisabeth Hasselbeck: (What she had to say about Danny DeVito’s druken appearance on The View.) But he was a fun drunk.

    Chapter 6
    Critical Theories: Marxist, Conflict & Feminist


    remember, it was trotsky that invented the idea of constant war (war of the sexes, war of races, war of economics, war between countries, war on drugs, war on poverty, etc), a perpetual war that will never end until all give up and serve under communism…
    [edited for length by n-n]

  4. so in one place you have the wedges that break up a society.. and you have the program who, with the magazines, programs, and even other programs from the state, all foment hatred.

    and ALL of them hate one thing
    or rather many things which to them are one

    Jews/white males/capitalism/Christianity/western society

    In time, false consciousness would be replaced by class consciousness; that is, the recognition of a common class condition and the development of a common unity in opposition to capitalist exploitation.

    This would set the stage for revolution

    The origin of crime has come to be known as the primitive rebellion.

    ie.. social justice.. ie. attacking the oppressors

    when they are EXTERMINATED, then capitalism will end, and so on.

    its just the followers never read THAT stuff, its even longer and more boring than my writing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    The Jewish Question

    But it is the general decay of capitalism which renders the Jewish question impossible of solution. The crisis and chronic unemployment make it impossible for the Jews to go into other professions, producing a frightful crowding in the professions which they follow and unceasingly augmenting anti-Semitic violence.The governments of the provincial nobles and large capitalists naturally endeavored to organize the anti-Jewish current and thereby divert the masses from their real enemy. “Resolve the Jewish question” became for them a synonym for the solution of the social question. In order to make place for the “national forces,” the state organized a systematic struggle for “dejudifying” all the professions. The methods of “Polanizing” business in Poland proceeded from simple boycotting of Jewish stores by means of propaganda, right up to pogroms and incendiarism.

    SBA and state policies destroyed the jewish deli, the small shop… the poor ones cant get loans to go to school… and on and on.

    oh.. and Soros, the man who was part of the first Shoa, is now helping to orchestrate Shoa II?

    Human Action Ludwig von mises…
    3. Capitalism

    As the pioneer of things new and unheard of he is in conflict with their uncritical acceptance of traditional standards and values. In his eyes the routine of the regular citizen, the average or common man, is simply stupidity. For him “bourgeois” is a synonym of imbecility

    [and you can control a vain idiot how?]

    The Nazi’s used “Jewish” as a synonym of both “capitalist” and “bourgeois.”

    the book is HUGE…

    but the point people dont get to day is that synonym and language thing..

    ie. they use language differently… and just as they have beliefs and odd views of history that are from their ideology, their definitinos and such are also that way

    and so, if your not one of them, then your hated by them… they look down on you. your too stupid to know what the facts should be without looking to them! their lives would be easier without you.

    and you also dont get that jewish, white males, western civilization, capitalism, etc

    are all synonyms to them!!!

    they know they cant say, we will put an end to the jews… or put an end to the white males.

    but if they say, end capitalism, we ignore them
    if they say end western civilization, we ignore them

    but if western civ is what fathers and family pass down to children… and these doyens are telling women to work, not have kids, and all that bad advice.

    you have devious ovens self run and self maintained… and no way for the women to figure it out and face their exterminators before it is too late… without their exterminators egging them on, they fall into victim mode and blame themselves…

    so the view, obama, criticla theory, social justice, and so on… is just working the same history among people too ignorant to prevent its repeat.

  5. Congress Won’t Stop Obama if He Is Reelected

    For example, in the 2,700 pages of ObamaCare there are more than 2,500 references to the Secretary of Health and Human Services. There are more than 700 instances when he or she is instructed that they “shall” do something and more than 200 times when they “may” take at their sole discretion some form of regulatory action. On 139 occasions, the law mentions that the “Secretary determines.” In essence one person, appointed by and reporting to the president, will be in charge of the health care of 310 million Americans once ObamaCare is fully operational in 2014.

    The same is true in the 2,319 pages of the Dodd-Frank Financial Reform Act which confers nearly unlimited power on various agencies to control by fiat the nation’s financial, banking and investment sectors.

    Additionally, the Obama administration has, through its unilaterally determined rule making and regulatory powers, created laws out of whole cloth.

    None of these extra-constitutional actions have been challenged by Congress. The left in America knows this usurpation of power is nearly impossible to reverse unless stopped in its early stages.

    you know..
    for years putin and medvedev played a similar false game for the consumption of the public.

    the problem is that the public WANTS to go back to normal and see this as a normal election cycle.. (And neo is doing her best to help them)…

    and all that is irrelevent…
    other than it keeps us from acting as we wait for the hopeful thing to save us from having to participate (and so we can pontificate)

    but the point is…
    all this crap is to diddle away your time

    to keep you too busy and too entertained and hopeful to read what you have to read, and get with other people in your local area to know each other, and so on.

    as long as you think he is fishing for votes and that things can turn back, he has the dictatorship.

    in fact..
    he HAS a dictatorship, delegated powers and all that.

    and the feminist and women cant focus on what would be meaningful!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (And the men cant or else they offend the feminists)

    so its back to the nintendo
    if it all goes to crap
    the women will fight
    they are more man than i will ever be
    and more woman than i will ever have

    good luck!

  6. Journalist: President Obama, were you serious when you said elections would always be tight with your name?

    President Obama. No, I was only joking.

    Journalist. President Obama, were you serious when you said you were only joking when asked if you were serious when you said elections would always be tight with your name?

    President Obama. I was choking.

    Journalist. President Obama, were you saying joking or choking?

    President Obama. I can’t recall. But what is more important is the many people that count on me to bear prejudices that would normally be put on them.

  7. Obama’s problem – well one of many problems – is that he has no new tricks. We’ve seen all his rhetorical gimmicks and how he pretends to be one thing while doing another (e.g. calming uniter vs divisive divider).

  8. Good point Otiose.

    Has Obama already lost the election?

    Of course not, but it seems more and more likely. A point, I believe, has been reached just in the last few weeks. A tide evidenced by the failure of Occupy, the loss of Lugar, the positive vote for Walker, the continuing saga of the economy and other fiascos, the race baiting involved in the Trayvon Martin affair, and last, but not least, the continued success of pro-American box office hits. Like a heavy dew that soaks the lawn and makes it grow, the resistance is growing. They’re trying; mowing down the grass roots springing up everywhere. They’re trying; weed-eating and spraying the noxious weeds. But organic growth can be exhausting and I expect they will give up and try to reclaim their little fiefdoms, ahhh, the fiefdoms. But they will not be safe even there because the sparks from the fire are shooting and landing where once they did not. Enjoy the spectacle and put on some safety googles. The shit is gonna fly, but shit is really not all that dangerous.

  9. Who is it? JJ or WD, no, I think it’s McD who stated it’s not possible for a coup to succeed. I agree with him. It’s going to take a vote in, and that’s not happening, so I have to, respectfully, disagree, Parker. The nasty weather will occur but it will be limited to Obama’s circle. Here’s one thing you should know: parrots make lousy fighters.

    Is the daughter fully recovered? Have you got a new dog yet?

  10. I see an awful lot of cockiness on the right now.

    Anybody who assumes that Obama will lose the election based on current polls needs to have a bucket of cold water thrown in their face.

    I am by no means confident that Obama will lose. This will be the meanest, dirtiest, and crookedest election in America’s history. Anything can happen, and probably will.

  11. Well thought, rickl, despite your knowledge of the Hamillton v Jefferson hatred; the new
    Republican party v everybody; the Grant, Taft, Mckinley, Roosevelt, Nixon and Carter elections.

    I respectfully disagree. America, robust and strong, fully equipped and feeling pissed off, is once again doing what She has always done. God bless her.

    I know you are worried. The worry is due to lies of “structural damage” by Marxist academics who are paid to appear smart by learning not facts but language.

    Deny them tenure. Then employment. Then alchohol. They probably will commit suicide.

  12. Curtis,

    I advise that you do not underestimate what Team Obama is capable of unleashing. He is CINC. Holder is the AG. They have the backing of the MSM. They are fully capable of dangerous mischief. Will they go rogue if they realize they are about to get their ashes hauled? I don’t know. But until BHO is back in sweet home Chicago or Hawaii or Kenya or Indonesia I think he is capable of doing anything he calculates he can get away with. We are dealing with a sociopathic narcissist with the ‘football’ within reach 24/7.

    And thanks for asking about my daughter. She is through the worse of the treatments and the prognosis is very favorable, but we have to wait another 2 years to feel confident that she is 100% cancer free. Until then, we live strong and stay positive.


    I agree… “This will be the meanest, dirtiest, and crookedest election in America’s history. Anything can happen, and probably will.”

    Yet, I do think Team Obama is desperate and fears Team America. http://tinyurl.com/chx6crc

  13. Poor Lil’Barry. At least all but one of the faux girls on The View wuv His Majesty. He’s a Moral Midget and so are they all, ‘cept Elizabeth.

  14. Well, you know, Parker, how Dad’s love their daughter’s. I love mine so much and can’t imagine her not succeeding me. It’s such a task of not over protecting.

    Men. We are the firewall. Not women. As Artfldgr so dramatically states. Men, subject to God’s law and the wisdom God gave women, and He stated, Men, not Women, must rule. Women, when they do, are overcome by anger, vengeance and revenge. Men, suprisingly, are not. The good Lord determined that each man, in his family, would submit to his wife’s Wisdom, and in the Community square, promote life, freedom, and beauty.

    Men must rule because God says so and when they don’t, chaos does.

  15. POTUS:
    “When your name is Barack Obama, it’s [an election] is always tight.”

    Tell that to Alice Palmer in Chicago. Keep your opponents off the ballot- can’t get any tighter than that! 🙂

    Word association with “tight election” leads me to Louis Armstrong performing Tight Like That. Chicago played a big part in Armstrong making the big time, so sleaze isn’t the only thing that comes out of Chicago. Just the main thing.


  16. “We are the firewall.”

    Yes, males are or should be the first on the line. I am willing and able, despite my age, to stand before the gates of (your) proverbial hell for my grandchildren (new one due July 17) and I do not back down. I am a lucky man:


  17. Whether or not you agree with Peter Schiff, CEO and chief global strategist of Euro Pacific Capital, one thing is beyond dispute: Those whom we have trusted to fix our economy have failed.

    Instead of making tough decisions to get America back on track, the “yes men” in Washington have only continued to placate donors and implement short-term fixes that will hedge their re-election efforts.

    By now it should be clear that the “recovery” won’t happen. All these short-term fixes will come back to haunt us.

    And when they do, as prophetic economist Bob Wiedemer boldly states, “[The] money from heaven will be the path to hell.”


    Obama had four years to either turn the economy around or stage a coup. He did neither and will assume the place of WPE (Worst President Ever.)

    Now, will America accept the leadership and wisdom of President Romney and make the necessary choices?

    Yes, because even the “vampires” know there is no blood without those who produce it.

  18. Romney has a hidden history, but it is not a history that condemns him, rather, it is a history that recommends him, a history of service, a history so severe to progressives that it must be condemned because it accuses them.

    In fact, Romney may even be said to accept a responsibility towards others based upon a commandment so universal it is accepted by all who posit a God powerful enough to reward behavior. Whether that God is Karma or personal is actually not as important as the power of the commandment is ensured individually.

    Victimology releases one from consequences. Romney (and his wife) deny that moral choice is trumped by circumstance and they prove it with their own lives, not in every circumstance, but as a whole. This is why they are hated and will be hated despite their tolerance: They do not have a system of victimology. They set forth and require moral behavior that work is required and redemptive, family is the basic structure, and behavior is, for the most part, a choice. Exceptions are included with love, gratitude and humility but purposeful non-exceptions are disciplined. The latter is hated and despised but we should no more fear that than the angry growlings of an empty stomach.

    Good for him because there is none.

  19. Well, since I have abandoned all protocol to maintain a proportionate voice:

    “Set Fire To The Rain”

    I let it fall, my heart,
    And as it fell you rose to claim it
    It was dark and I was over
    Until you kissed my lips and you saved me

    My hands, they’re strong
    But my knees were far too weak,
    To stand in your arms
    Without falling to your feet

    But there’s a side to you
    That I never knew, never knew.
    All the things you’d say
    They were never true, never true,
    And the games you play
    You would always win, always win.


    Let the side the young never knew be the games played which for the rest of their lives instruct them of “you always win.”

  20. Curtis said:
    “Like a heavy dew that soaks the lawn and makes it grow, the resistance is growing.”

    Seems to be true according to intrade.com. The probability of Obama winning the election has dropped from around 61% to 57.7% since it became clear that Romney will be nominated. The graph of that probability is rolling over. intrade.com is a place where people bet real money on the outcome of an election.

    A good article on why it’s important to use Twitter to express your opinions about Obama/Romney is at :


    Hat Tip to Ace.

  21. I once heard that a cop acted stupidly, Obama’s grandmother was a “typical white person”, that if Obama had a son, he’d look like Trayvon Martin. I can’t remember who said these things.

  22. The Law of the Sea Treaty (LOST) was first conceived in the early 1980’s by the United Nations as a method for them to gain control of most of the activities on, over, and beneath the ocean’s surface. The fundamental premise of the Law of the Sea Treaty is that the resources on the ocean’s floor belong to all of the people of the world and those resources should be protected and controlled by an international organization like the United Nations. Although that may sound like a noble goal, in order to achieve this goal, the United Nations has created a multinational, bureaucratic creature called the International Seabed Authority (“ISA”) and charged this entity with regulating and controlling the world’s mineral resources in the oceans.

    For other sources, see in Investors.com, “Obama Seeks Sovereignty Surrender Via LOST Treaty,” May 8, 2012; in U.S. News & World Report, “Kill the Law of the Sea Treaty,” May 10; and at Breitbart, Daily Caller, or American Thinker, “American Sovereignty: LOST at Sea?” by Ken Blackwell and Bob Morrison, May 14.

    and he did stage a silent coup!!!
    there is so much around the world willing to put their hands in, their agencies in, their money in…

    and when the dust has cleared.. the poor and such they over multiplied to create attrition, will be marched into Shoa II…

    as the old eugenics pieces claimed. the public will not side with them and that end until they see the destruction that it causes (maximizing it to collapse), and then, will get with the program that they negated last century…

    Shoa II…

  23. Hey, stop dissin’ our President!

    He’s the first President we’ve ever had you can really play the Name Game with:

    Obama fama bo-bama,
    Banana-fana fobama
    Me-fi mo-bama —

    Like, how cool is that?

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