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This woman… — 35 Comments

  1. I guess if you’re a little pudgy and in the modeling business, you’re automatically considered “plus size”.

  2. If you don’t look like you are anorexic you are evidently a plus size. I could never understand why people find skinny models attractive.

  3. I’ve got to say, Neo, that is the ideal sized girl in my book. That is, in my opinion, what all models should look like. As I go about casting my net for a wife, that is the… ideal. A little plus, a little, minus, depends on the woman. I bet she is tall, too.

    She might be a handful to get over the threshold, but by God I would do it! Traction later or no. Hmm, you think she would mind an over-the-shoulder carry? :p

  4. The woman is a classic beauty. As for “plus” size, Wm. Shakespeare’s covers it nicely: “That which we call a rose would by any other name smell as sweet…”

  5. As the father of a very healthy and fit (but not skinny) 10 year old daughter I get more and more disgusted at the message that society puts out about women and even more so that women are accomplices in what is being done to them.

    I probably go a little overboard at praising my daughter on her looks and reassuring her that she’s great just like she is. I shouldn’t have to do this but when i look at the eating disorder statistics and the gender image apocalypse in media I’m terrified of what her teen years will bring.

  6. PM: Yeah. Annie, my darling, my dream, my boat. Ah… Need you to do a favour for me.

    Annie: Of course. Anything for the hero of the hour.

    PM: Don’t ask me why, and don’t read stuff into this, it’s just a weird personality thing. But, erm, you know Natalie who works here?

    Annie: The chubby girl?

    PM: Ooh, would we call her chubby?

  7. Funny, I always find it amusing how “slender” equates to “anorexic”.

    There are certainly a percentage of models who are actually anorexic, but all too many people misuse this word to represent a specific phenotype that really has nothing, or almost nothing, to do with the word.

    Are you aware that most gymnasts, who are usually, well, “bulky”, when it comes to physique (you need lots of muscle to be a good gymnast) are usually anorexic and/or have other eating disorders in the same vein? The incidence of eating disorders in gymnasts is actually HIGHER than it it is in models. In other words, they don’t look one damned thing like a “model”, really.

    “You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means”.

    There is a whole class of women — “fitness models” is the most common appellation — who are slender and toned while being neither “pudgy” nor “skinny”. They are slender. They are lean, and, for most of them, they are anything but “unhealthy”. A certain percentage who actually make a living doing it generally have had breast implants (being lean does interfere with breast size, no question, if only by encouraging the female body to break down the glandular tissue as unneeded).

    And no, not all “fitness models” are men without dicks. There are a lot who aren’t ripped and cut like guys, much less “bulky” when it comes to musculature.

    This depiction of all models as being in the kate moss class is a bit on the ridiculous side. It’s a stupid form of envy, since such qualities are generally worth a lot of money — A large percentage of these women just naturally have slender physiques. In a world of almost SEVEN BILLION people is it really, really all that hard to imagine that maybe a hundred or so of the 3.5-odd BILLION women might not need to puke more than once a day to not gain a lot of excess weight? Seriously, you have a problem with that notion?

    Arguing that other women should not assume they must match them — is one thing. Most women certainly do NOT have such physiques.

    Arguing that the only possible way to be that way is to be sickly and unhealthy is itself pathologically foolish.

  8. “I don’t believe in dieting, because even when I gain a bit of weight, it always goes to just the right places…like my breasts.”
    — Paulina Porizkova, one of the first “supermodels” and two-time SI Swimsuit covergirl —

  9. I love my women with curves. No skinny little b*tch for me. I want somebody witha little on her bones. Softer, more cuddly and more durable. 😉

  10. Wish I looked like that. Plus-sized, phooey! She’s gorgeous. I think most men would prefer a woman that looked like that. It’s only other women that demand starved bodies.

  11. I guess the question is whether such “plus-size” women wear clothes on the runway better or worse, or the same, as the skinny types.
    It’s all about showing the clothes, not the women.
    Sports Illustrated cover girls, for example, usually aren’t top line clothing models.
    Different line of work.

  12. Richard,

    If the clothes don’t look good on a good looking woman, something is wrong with the clothes, not the woman.

  13. Evidently she’s a size 14. Anything over a size 10(!) is apparently considered a “plus size” in the fashion world. Sounds harsh, but then again this is just industry jargon. Nobody is saying that a double-digit dress size means a woman is morbidly obese.

  14. Looked good to me. And she wouldn’t have to cook, I wouldn’t mind taking that chore.

  15. Conrad: not to be too nitpicky, but I studied the whole slideshow and IMHO she ain’t no 14, either. I don’t think she’s over a 12, and in some fashions she might even be a 10, unless she’s 6’0″ and a giant, in which case she might be a 14.

  16. Chuck,
    You know it, and I know it, but the designers are determined to not know it.

  17. Sam L.: well then she is a 14. If she were significantly shorter, and she looked about the way she does in terms of fatness/thinness, she’d be wearing a slightly smaller size.

  18. “Society” does not put this message out

    i am/was a professional who took pictures of these models for magazines, designers, and the media… i know katy couric personally, as i do Kelly Cutrone of Peoples Revolution.. (who is the top in the business who selects who will be on the runway and so on… )..

    i know it from the INSIDE… from the old models and actors to today… and yet… everyone outside will claim to know more from their pretending to be karl marx and prophecy the facts.

    the sisters of misery are in control of this..

    and if ya’ll had a lick of common sense you could work it out by comparing what men buy for themselves with what women buy listening to women that hate them and give bad advice!!!!!!!!!!!

    and if they didnt cause misery to create victims to mine for state power, the misery level would go down a whole lot. and they would have no job, purpose, or power…

    if they could wave a wand and decide to fix all womens problems so women would be happy, or wave it to make them crushed confused and angry believing themselves to be victims…

    they would choose the latter, as their is no power, money, prestige, and all that from helping women!!!!!!!!! (tons to be gained from hurting them while pretending to help them, and then directing the anger! (as john cleese explains in a movie on how to hurt people))

    who decides what goes on the runway?

    the public, or feminist women’s magazines?

    (note they were started by political party, not by some capitalists like red-book and ladies home journal… when it nearly collapsed doing business the feminist fantasy way (babies, dogs, no fixed time to come in, etc), they sold women out to alcohol and tobacco))

    women loved being loved for debasing and hurting themselves… they drank and became laddettes… they smoked till they got the deseases men did… (and then the same feminists who convinced them to smoke like men, decided to get money from them pretending to work for a cure! see red dress (red?))

    basically lesbian and gay men decide what heterosexual women will have to meet to be “in”… and they tend to imagine women to be male jawed, male hipped, prepubescent male shape..

    they are beautiful to the eye because they have the right PROPORTIONS, but their starting point is off, so mostly they are rare freaks..

    and then women hurt themselves thinking that the mags are telling them what heterosexual men really want (Sex, and skeletons), and so on.. ie. feminism talks for women, and talks for men too… so the young girls reading are in a bubble in which they trust these matrons to tell them what will get the man of their dreams (yet the quotes of all the leaders including those running the magazines, is to end those dreams!!!!!!!!!!!!)

    now compare that to models PRE FEMINISM..

    In the 1950s, women such as Dorothy Horan aka Dovima, Carmen Dell’Orifice, Lisa Fonssagrives, Dorian Leigh, Cathee Dahmen, Suzy Parker, Mary Jane Russell, Susanne Erichsen, Inga Lindgren (in Sweden), Elise Daniels, Sunny Harnett, China Michado , Jean Patchett, Betty Borosner, Sunny Harnett, Saundra Keays, and Uschi Obermeier were considered the world’s first top models.

    go ahead..
    you will see very elegant women
    some thin and tall, others voluptuous..

    what ELSE?

    they are models of real women. not gay boy men as women… they are feminine, not masculine…

    and i bet almost none of them you recognize the names.. why?

    Dovina was one of the the first to claim supermodel… (which many claim to be)..

    what you all dont want to do is recognize that these movements have a lot of power..

    so used to ignoring them as they eat away the foundations of your family, homes, educations, etc.. like termites.
    [edited for length by n-n]

  19. Seventeen magazine…
    by the same feminist publishers..

    Identify these hot guy body parts!
    How would YOU survive the hunger games?
    Who is your celeb prom date

    and that all important quiz!!!

    What Kind of Feminist Are You?

    You know you believe in women’s rights.
    Now it’s time to get more specific!

    its real interesting…
    after all, will a girl change her mentality if she scores wrong?

    so i answered the test with the most militant answers to see what was at the end (note how much doing so makes the answers iconically feminist!)

    How do you feel when a guy holds open a door for you? [Annoyed. Does he think I’m incapable?]

    Do things like marches, protests, and petitions help feminism? [Yes! Those things are so important to women’s rights.]

    A friend tells you she wants to be a stay-at-home mom someday. Your first thought? [She’s going to depend on a man to pay her way? Oh, jeez.”]

    Would the world be a better place if women were in charge? [Yes: There would be fewer wars and more compassion everywhere.]

    Can a guy be a feminist? [No. And even the ones who think they’re feminists wind up telling me what I should think!] (which is why she will follow the idea of moses harmon!)

    and how did i score?

    You’re a Radical Feminist

    A mover and shaker, you believe that until our society significantly changes the way it functions, women will be oppressed. You think it’s important to have girl-only spaces so that your voice isn’t drowned out by guys (think: slumber party!).

    then i back up and give more traditional answers..

    Grateful. And if it makes him feel more manly, who am I to complain?
    No. You can’t ask the government to help women, because the government is the problem!
    “She’ll be a great mom!”
    No: Instead, we should aim for a 50/50 balance so everyone is represented equally.

    and the answer?
    your a cultural feminist!

    HINT: no matter what you answer they will tell you your a feminist!!!!!!!!!!

    think 17 year old gurls are clever enough to be pissed they are being gamed? no way!

    meanwhile, most adults dont kow the head games going on.

    which makes it easy to believe the social lies for mass power and manipulation..

  20. I don’t know whether it’s a good or a bad thing that I’m looking at a picture of a model who is seriously desirable. Most of them look way too skinny to my taste.

  21. I mean, good or bad for my morals as a married man. 🙂 It’s definitely a pleasure.

  22. How does this help us when you don’t (1) tell us whether she is single, and (2) give us a way to contact her if she is?

  23. “Sam L.: well then she is a 14.”

    Which means she is the average size for women in the USA… The Bridget Jones’ average size.

  24. Pingback:Datechguy's Blog » Blog Archive » In what universe is this woman a “Plus” Size? » Datechguy's Blog

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