Home » Some details of the World Community Kitchen killings in Gaza


Some details of the World Community Kitchen killings in Gaza — 34 Comments

  1. Until these people realize it’s not about THEM, but rather the people they help it will always be thus.

  2. seth is a dogged researcher, and a solid person, his politics may be centerleft, but he doesn’t let that get in the way of his finding, when I heard jose andres, the founder of world kitchen, bellowing, I knew something was up, the fact that they didn’t present any photographic evidence was another tell,

    Seth first showed his integrity when he alone had the receipts about the basis for Trump’s immigration pause, based on the statutory language of the 2016 omnibus bill, Ryan and McConnell all pretended trump had conjured it out of thin air,

  3. When I first heard about this attack I thought the largest contributing factor was that it took place at night. Even so, it was unusual — the IDF does a pretty good job of vetting their targets.

    Now I’m learning for the first time that 1. the portion of the convoy that was attacked had broken off from the pre-cleared convoy, and 2. that a Hamas gunman had jumped aboard the convoy (to protect it from pilfering and theft).

    Ah hah! this makes a lot more sense. All of a sudden the convoy is not exclusively non-combatants. This continues Hamas practice of hiding among non-combings.

    Does Biden have this intel? And is pursuing his “blame Israel” policy in spite of this information? If so, Robert Gates’ comment about Biden being wrong on every foreign policy issue is once again confirmed. And once again Hamas wins a propaganda victory through crude subterfuge.

    Israel can’t catch a break.

  4. Israel is Damned if they do, Damned if they don’t.
    It’s a war zone, play with men with weapons you might bet blown up, that’s the rules of war.
    Israel might as well go with Damned if they do, because don’t might get more killed.

  5. I was surprised to learn that Singapore sends food aid to Gaza. Neutral, pro-Western Singapore, which has trade and diplomatic relations with Israel. There are almost no first world countries that don’t supply Hamas directly or indirectly. There is absolutely no chance that the government of Singapore and other governments don’t know where most of the aid is going. I think this is true of the celebrity chef, who no doubt “has Jewish friends.”

  6. Gaza is one big welfare state, they get billions yet are as supposedly poor and starving, yet made 100 miles of underground weapons, storage and infiltration tunnels

  7. Anti-Jew, anti-Israel is taking the world by storm. I do not get it. Global anti-semitism? Driven by whom/what?

    American progressives are pro-authoritarian and pro-Hamas. Why? Is there some equivalent of Mein Kampf they are all reading? They are usually atheists/agnostics, so they ignore Judaism, Christianity, and the Bible, that made western civilization.
    Are billionaires like secular Bill Gates behind this?
    I just don’t get it.

  8. Soros and schwab hate israel its like a coterie of bond villains they are ethnically jewish but hyper seculat

  9. “Anti-Jew, anti-Israel is taking the world by storm. I do not get it. Global anti-semitism? Driven by whom/what?” Cicero

    Transnationalism and Islam.

    The Left and Islamists have long been in a temporary marriage of convenience. Each rightly sees the United States (as founded) as the primary obstacle to their dominance. While for the Left, Israel as a Jewish State is the foremost symbol of nationalism.

    The ‘theory’ of transnationalism posits that nationalism is the causal factor in wars. It is the primary rationale that fuels George Soros’s Open Borders Society. Jews regaining control of the land of Israel fits neatly into the Left’s narrative of the ‘evils’ of colonialism and of nationalism.

    Muhammed hated Jews because as a united tribal force they were an obstacle to his gaining full control of Arabia. So in his ‘holy’ book, he cunningly declared that Allah was its author and then had ‘Allah’ condemn the Jews as inhuman pigs. That laid a theological imperative upon Muslims to destroy the Jews. In accepting Allah as the author of the Qur’an that imperative remains.

    Mohammed also directed Muslims to, when weak lay low but when strong resume the business of forcing the world to become Islamic. A period of expansion naturally leads to a period of consolidation and during periods of consolidation the infidel becomes a secondary consideration.

    Islam has followed this pattern for it’s entire existence.

  10. Klaus Schwab is probably not Jewish. I look it up now and then, and most likely, it’s just people repeating something from a sketchy blog post. Most mainstream sites refer to him as German and don’t mention any Jewish ancestry. Soros does have Jewish ancestry, this is better documented.

  11. I’m reminded of this piece by Daniel Greenfield that I read over a decade ago and never forgot. https://www.danielgreenfield.org/2012/11/war-is-answer.html

    Israel kicked the can down the road for too long. Its fear of killing civilians emboldened terrorists to use human shields, and prolonged the conflict because it could never get enough of the bad guys. It should have been over years ago. Now people on both sides are suffering today. You cannot fight a war kindly. You perhaps cannot even fight a war morally in any normal sense of the world – even the Allies did terrible things. War demands the sacrifice of the individual for the greater good. There is no way around it.

    “The plan for perpetual peace is really a plan for perpetual war.”

    “The humanitarian impulse makes the anti-humanitarian impulse inevitable. The more precisely we try to kill terrorists, the more ingeniously the terrorists blend into the civilian population and employ human shields. The more we try not to kill civilians, the more civilians we are forced to kill. That is the equal and opposite reaction of the humanitarian formula.”

    If Israel had heeded this warning years ago, the UN would have been angry, of course, but Israel wouldn’t be in the position it’s in now.

  12. feral lunch lady:

    Soros is ethnically Jewish but that’s all. He has said his parents were anti-Semitic, actually.

  13. Cicero:

    It is indeed a fusion of Islam and the left. But it’s also more. Jews are always convenient targets for hatred. A small but very visible and high-achieving group, so envy is involved as well. Jew-hating is often a symptom of a sick society that has lost its moral compass. There’s a ton of that in the world today. In addition, the internet is a great vehicle for the spread of Jew-hatred.

  14. Miguel cervantes; feral lunch lady:

    Schwab is definitely not Jewish ethnically or in any other way. Of course, since he’s a villain, no doubt some Jew-haters on the right probably call him a Jew (I’m not referring to you, Miguel cervantes, nor am I suggesting you are any type of Jew-hater; I’m referring to wherever you may have heard it).

    Twas ever thus. Such a flexible epithet!

    Here’s his background, for those who care:

    Klaus Martin Schwab was born on March 30, 1938, to Eugen Wilhelm Schwab and Erika Epprecht in Ravensburg. His parents had moved from Switzerland to Germany during the Third Reich in order for his father to assume the role of director at Escher Wyss AG, an industrial company and contractor for the Nazi regime. Although his father was baptized Lutheran, Schwab was raised Catholic. Although having three Swiss grandparents and two Swiss brothers, he is a citizen of Germany and has declined multiple offers for naturalization, from both Kurt Furgler and Ueli Maurer.

  15. I am so sick of people harassing Israel/iDF for killing innocent civilians. This is what happens in WAR. It is tragic, but it has always happened and will continue to happen, this is the nature and horror of war! Everyone knows this, but because of cloaked anti-semitism, Israel must be condemned . This is bullcrap, and the progressive lefties, the disgrace that they are, need to be ignored and told to shut up! The Jewish people are fighting for their survival, but we in the West must fight with them; for if they fall, the West falls too! Never again, my Jewish Brothers and Sisters! Stand strong! God will bless you!

  16. Shadow:

    Yes, one of the problems is that people nowadays don’t understand war and want it completely sanitized. That would be nice – who wants innocent people to be killed? I certainly don’t – but it has a paradoxical effect. The fact that we now have smart weapons has encouraged the idea that the bad people can simply be identified and picked off without any other casualties. It’s completely unrealistic. War is a nasty nasty business but sometimes necessary, which is tragic but I don’t think there’s any way around it.

  17. I stand corrected about schwabs ethnicity but not his motives

    People maliciously lying that was al jazeeras stock in trade during the early part of the long expeditions

    Sometimes coalition forces targeted the palestine hotel or the village of majala not to target civilians

  18. Yes Neo war is the ultimate thing. Lose and everything (you included) sucks, win and it’s wine and roses!

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  20. Been saying this for years… but it bears repeating once again…
    One of the major pillars of the Palestinian Arab rejectionist and violent society is the so-called”international community” playing along with this nonsensical, ahistorical farce known as “Palestinian Arabs”. Yes I used the phrase earlier, read it again but this time with the intentional sarcasm.

  21. Related:
    Opening graf:
    “President Biden used the IDF’s accidental killing of the seven World Central Kitchen aid workers in Gaza to demand that Israel capitulate to Hamas. That’s my translation of the White House readout of Biden’s April 4 phone call with Prime Minister Netanyahu. I posted the crucial excerpt here last week….”

    + Bonus:
    Victor D. Hanson:
    “Why Are They Destroying Us?”—

  22. I don’t know any better. You’re beautiful. I don’t care if you return my affection. That’s not what I’m about. I’ve never laid eyes on you. But I know you’re beautiful. Well probably never meet, Neo. I really hope you don’t mind me telling you this. I think lots of men have fallen in love with you. Somebody should say it. I’m ok with rejection

  23. Andrea Widburg.


    Cut through the nervous babble, and here’s what Kirby really said: It’s different because we did it. Kirby tried to dance around this point by saying that, even as it discounted any responsibility whatsoever, the Pentagon suggested proactive changes. He’s clear, though, that Israel made a “mistake” while the Pentagon was just waging war. The former requires punishment; the latter does not.

    One of the hallmarks of malignant narcissism is that the narcissist is never culpable. What he does is always for the greater good — and he, personally, is the greater good. If something goes wrong, it’s always someone else’s fault, or there’s no fault at all. The flip side of this is that everyone who is not in the narcissist’s circle of supporters is the enemy and will always be in the wrong.

    That’s malignant narcissism at the individual level. But this type of narcissism also functions at a national level. When you have an entire administration made up of people who accept the premise that there is no higher morality than themselves and their needs, then the government will also be narcissistic. No matter what, it will always be different when they do it.

    We’ve seen this time and time again in what’s become a two-tiered American system:

    Leftists riot at the Capitol and invade the building? Free speech and political protest.

    Conservatives riot at the Capitol and invade the building? Criminal insurrection that requires prosecuting hundreds of people and trying to imprison the former president and current Republican presidential candidate.

    Detaining people at the border during a Democrat administration? Keeping them safe.

    Detaining people at the border during a Republican administration? Kids in cages.

    Kill civilians as collateral damage under a Democrat administration? Legal warfare.

    Kill civilians as collateral damage under a Republican administration? “Air-raiding villages and killing civilians.”

    Kill civilians as collateral damage if you’re Israel? Surrender immediately.

    As those unlucky enough to find themselves in a narcissists orbit know—and this is true whether these contacts are professional or personal—there is no good outcome from engaging with a person who is his own god. The same is true for those nations unlucky enough to find themselves on the receiving end of the Biden administration’s god complex.

  24. Gosh, are they lying AGAIN???

    Why of COURSE they are!!
    “Popular Paper on Ivermectin and COVID-19 Contains False Information;
    “Journal has kept information uncorrected despite being alerted by multiple people.”—
    Opening grafs:

    A popular study that claims ivermectin has shown no effectiveness against all-cause mortality contains false information but remains uncorrected.

    The meta-analysis, published in 2021 by the journal Clinical Infectious Diseases, explores how groups in randomized, controlled trials fared after receiving ivermectin compared to control groups.

    Among five trials included for the portion on all-cause mortality, none showed an effect for ivermectin, the authors claimed.

    Ivermectin “did not reduce all-cause mortality,” they wrote.

    But the claim is wrong….

  25. And where would we be without that glorious “Biden” CORRUPTION?
    (Every time you think “he”‘s upped the ante, “he” hits you with even more creative “methodologies”…breathtaking genius of corruption that “he” is!…)

    “Biden’s green economy plans stumble as no one considered how much electricity would be needed;
    “To grow industrial activity at the scale Biden envisions will require an enormous amount of electricity. Where all that power would come from wasn’t factored into the plans. Projects are already having trouble finding enough power.”—

    Don’t worry, though (“What, ME worry?”)
    “Biden”‘ll just keep throwing money at the problem. Simple.
    Throw money at WHOM?? you ask?
    Why at “his” buddies, of course. Pelosi will get all the information in advance and voila, another cool million, or ten or hundred,…in the bank!

    BUT WHERE will the moolah come from???
    Ah…well, there’s always the printing presses (AKA “Biden”‘s best friend) and then there’s the middle class, and the low-end millionaires….
    And of course all those “fellow Americans” we PROMISED we’d never raise taxes on!

    (And if that’s not enough, we’ll go after Bitcoin…and if THAT’s not enough, we’ll have to go full-court press on that downright, no good Musk-rat character. Brazil’s got the right idea, you know. Lula, sweet Lula—you can ALWAYS count on him…)

    Easy-peasy, I tell ya’!!!
    And—DON’T FORGET—it’s ALL for the good of “OUR” Democracy!

  26. NOT the NYT:
    “The Silky Hand of Qatar Targets Jordan”—
    Opening grafs:

    The Jordanian authorities have accused the Muslim Brotherhood and its offshoot, Hamas, of seeking to destabilize security inside the kingdom. The accusation came in the aftermath of recent demonstrations in the capital Amman and other parts of Jordan in support of Hamas and in condemnation of Israel. The demonstrators are demanding that Jordan shut down the Israeli embassy and cut all ties with Israel.

    Behind both Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood, of course, is the terrorist-sponsoring emirate Qatar and its propagandizing television bullhorn, Al-Jazeera.

    The Jordanian authorities and government officials, however, do not seem to understand that they are directly responsible for destabilizing their own security by continuously inciting against Israel….

    Jordan’s leaders are doing exactly what many other Arab regimes and heads of state have long been doing: radicalizing their people and inciting them to violence against Israel as a means of distracting them from problems at home….

  27. Brazil, continued…

    “There was a huge anti-government protest in Brazil a few weeks ago. This hardly got any coverage, but it went viral on ?.”—
    H/T Blazingcatfur blog.

    Nothing to see here, folks. It’s merely Elon Musk showing you things you’re NOT supposed to know about…
    (No wonder Lula’s outraged…)

  28. This isn’t unusual for aid relief. This discussion reminds me of the “BlackHawk Down” scenario in Somalia. Then, the effort was to arrest a warlord. What was the warlord doing? He was intercepting aid relief with his armed mercenaries. That way, the warlord controlled distribution of relief, and if you wanted the aid relief, then you would support the warlord.

  29. F,

    Biden doesn’t care about what happened. He just cares about winning the election and towards that end he needs to punish Israel because that’s what his base wants.

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