Home » Why they are so determined to try Trump in Georgia


Why they are so determined to try Trump in Georgia — 16 Comments

  1. Something strikes me as very fishy—the odor of mendacity (or should that be “Biden”-induced “terror” in this case?)—WRT Powell’s purported plea deal and her related “disclosure”.

    Fishy as in, it stinks.
    As in the prosecutions, lies and intimidation that the Jan. 6 defendants have been forced to endure stinks.
    As in, it doesn’t add up.

    Keeping in mind that, while defending Michael Flynn, she single-handedly demonstrated how stinkingly corrupt Judge Sullivan was, might one wonder what kind of “boot-stomping” pressure was put on her by a tyrannical regime whose goal is total power forever?

    One last question: How do you write, “It’s PAYBACK time”? (which is clearly the Democrats’ FAVORITE time of day…)

  2. I [really] hope that it doesn’t come to this but:

    As far as I can tell, there is no: [New York State law, or a Georgia law, or a Federal law…that says that Trump can’t-

    take some: cellphones, internet computer(s), + some Secret Service agents, and then-run the Oval Office/be the US President- while he’s living in a [state or federal prison].

    I don’t think that Trump would be the happiest man in that arrangement, but I believe that no [federal law or state law] exists, that bars someone from being the US President, while that person is in a New York jail, or in a Georgia-state jail.


  3. Because they enabled a fraud why shouldnt she have gotten access to these bogus unverifiable counts

  4. So was Trump a threat to these guys, too?
    “Four-Star Sellouts”—

    “Anti-Trump Neocons Raising $50 Million To Keep Open-Border Democrats In Power”—

    Meanwhile, there does seem to be a pattern here…but it’s a pattern NO ONE can really talk about.
    “Democrat-Darling Rachael Rollins Disbarred After Justice Refuses To Prosecute One Of Its Own”—
    Yep, we’re definitely in “Elephant in middle of the Living Room” territory….

  5. The political prosecution of Trump is driving a stake through the heart of our former justice system. In doing so both those responsible and those in support of that immoral evisceration of the rule of law will “deserve all the curses and maledictions a people can pour out.”

    Never forget what they have done and until they admit to the grave immorality of what they have done and support… never forgive.

    Forgiveness requires sincere repentance.

  6. I assumed Georgia was just a state that Trump had some involvement with after the election, as well as a state where a big city prosecutor willing and able to put him in prison for any reason or no real reason at all. If the Democrats really did take the pardon system in the state into account, that was brilliant strategizing, and it suggests that their election “fortification” machine is firing on all cylinders.

    I would wonder if knowing that Trump couldn’t get an pardon without doing serious time might affect the jury’s deliberations, but I suppose that the prosecution would object to the jury finding that out — and that the jury might well want to put Trump in a prison cell for any reason or for none at all.

  7. Eugene Debs, call your office. He ran for Pres while in Prison on Federal Charges.

  8. @TR:

    There’s not any laws about it. Only the Constitution discusses the qualifications for President, specifically, Article II.

    Were I Trump, I wouldn’t even dignify these proceedings. Refuse to appear, and just don’t go to Georgia. The Fulton County D.A.’s office, or any Georgia peace officer, has no authority outside of Georgia, and the FBI can’t do anything because it’s not a federal case, so they lack jurisdiction.

    I suppose Trump’s protective detail could detain him, which would set up some neat optics with an executive agency reporting to the current president detaining for arrest his prime opponent in the upcoming election. Popcorn, meet mouth.

    Geoffrey+Britain hits the nail on the head, a stake has been driven through the heart of our justice system. We are now in the era of “ends justifying the means” as legal doctrine.

    Perhaps ten years ago, I would view a scofflaw of the law in a negative light, and assume that the government had an honest case and a fair intent in serving the public good.

    Today? I’d view it as a badge of honor and another reason to vote for him if Trump gives Fani Wills and the whole garbage farce of a prosecution the middle finger.

    “When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another”, and all that jazz.

  9. TR on March 16, 2024 at 3:43 pm
    But there is still the risk of him being impeached under those circumstances.
    And potentially then convicted by the Senate.
    Perhaps this is unlikely if he has a better than expected win at the polls.
    But many, especially those who held their nose as they voted for him as the least worse option, might favor such a result if he is legally convicted in GA or NY.
    In that case the definition of that “legality” becomes as much a political issue as a rule of law issue.

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  11. Surely it all depends on how many see this as a death blow to whatever was left of the US legal system, compared to how many pearl-clutching AWFLs there are. Remember, even if Trump is convicted, it would (a) be a problem to arrest him after he’s been elected, and (b) a tough call to do so during the campaign.

  12. I think it’s a race who can get DJT’S scalp first, it could be the ticket to Marxist Greatness

  13. now Sydney was very curt in her statement, as she has been through this rodeo before, whereas Jenna really tried to show her legs to the crocodiles,

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