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Haiti has fallen apart — 69 Comments

  1. I took a great class on the French Revolution at Creighton.

    One thing that professor said stuck with me: “The veneer of civilization is very thin. Very thin.”

    And we are headed in the same direction thanks to the Dems. Crime is out of control.

  2. I read about the violence in Nigeria on church sites. Legacy media like to pretend it’s herders vs. farmers, which is partially true, but the herders are fanatic Islamists and the farmers are Christians. So since this is black-on-black and Muslim-on-Christian, it is to be ignored in all elite circles.

  3. Same is true of horrifying violence in Sudan. Black-on-black, so US elites don’t give a hoot.

    Being sarcastic, I thought the Clinton Foundation had fixed Haiti, right? And as to sending UN troops and NGOs in there, in recent memory UN troops from Nepal with unsanitary practices caused a cholera epidemic.

  4. “I read about the violence in Nigeria on church sites. Legacy media like to pretend it’s herders vs. farmers, which is partially true …”

    Kate, I spent a 2-year assignment in that part of Africa serving on a counter-terrorism task force (in a diplomatic, non-kinetic roll, I should add). I was there when some of those kidnapped girls were released, you remember, the ones Michelle Obama pretended to care about. My security clearance was at the highest possible level, and I can assure you that the farmers vs herders narrative is simply a facade that the US/UN/NGO crowd hides behind. It is Muslim on Christian/Animist (or simply Muslim on non-Muslim) violence, and nothing more.

    I am not Christian and have no sectarian dog to defend in that fight, but am on the side of civilization. Maybe that counts.

  5. I have met several people who have property, or live permanently in the Dominican Republic. It has a beautiful coast, wonderful climate and affordable cost of living. But it always seemed risky to me. I guess the assumption is the poverty of Haiti will keep its troubles to the western side of Hispaniola?

    As Cornhead writes, the veneer of civilization is very thin.

  6. This all started when Reagan allowed the Duvalier dictatorship to fall. Haiti is not a middle class country with middle class norms and institutions, so *surprise* middle class systems of government, whether a parliamentary democracy or representative republic, don’t work there.

    Haiti is not our problem, but there are no doubt some in DC who would like to make it our problem, mainly so they can bring in a few thousand Haitian refugees and drop them in places in the USA that they think have insufficient diversity. When you stop and remember that the primary motivation of the people in DC (after money) is spite, then it all makes sense.

  7. Thanks for the confirmation, Telemachus. I thought the same when my (very pleasant) Muslim landlord in Cairo assured me that troubles experienced by Christians in Upper Egypt villages were merely rural violence, not religious. He wanted to believe it, I suppose.

  8. Of course the clintons looting party as they did in nigeria does not come up

  9. The UN? Who gives a crap about the UN? When Trump becomes POTUS, I hope he will work to rid us of this open sore in NYC.

  10. What does Cheong mean by “cannibal gangs”?

    Certainly it must be some figure of speech.

    I don’t believe the world has heard of any such thing in eons. Or since since Rwanda at least; or maybe Liberia. Or maybe in Haiti, but according to fact checkers, that was over two years ago.

    Can’t be true …

  11. a reminder from the WaPo Jan. 16, 2010 after an earthquake:

    “Haiti holds a special place in the hearts of Bill and Hillary Clinton”

    “Clinton said his strategy is to “build back better.” That means not just fixing roads, but also planting trees on deforested hillsides, growing more mangoes to export and expanding organic recycling programs.”….

    I guess “build back better” didn’t work out.

  12. My brother taught college level Bible courses through an organization called Baptists Equipping Nationals. He would travel to Egypt once or twice a year until the Muslim Brotherhood took power. It became too dangerous, and BEN had to stop traveling there.
    It was heartbreaking reading the letters from the Christian pastors about the persecution/violence taking place.

    An anecdote. When Mubaruk was in power, the Egyptian authorities (secret police?) always kept tabs on my brother’s (and others) movements. He was never sure whether they were there to surveille them or protect them.

  13. from Neo’s post “The shambles is as much the result of this continuous aid-building and corrupt NGO empires that come of such activity. All they do is make is worse.”

    SO true.
    another reminder: ‘Washington Post: Role of Hillary Clinton’s Brother in Haiti Gold Mine Raises Eyebrows’


    “In interviews with The Washington Post, both Rodham [Tony Rodham, Hillary’s brother] and the chief executive of Delaware-based VCS Mining said they were introduced at a meeting of the Clinton Global Initiative — an offshoot of the Clinton Foundation that critics have long alleged invites a blurring of its charitable mission with the business interests of Bill and Hillary Clinton and their corporate donors.”….

    Delaware?…boy, that state is a meeting place for all sorts of “scum & villainy”

  14. Are you janet from va

    Also it resembles how islamic state built up strength

  15. I will surmise that over the last 50 years or so Haiti has been the recipient of billions of dollars / euros / francs, etc., of aid, and it was all for naught.

    Haiti has been a basket case since their independence in 1804.

    And I doubt that Haiti is the only example where foreign aid benefits those in political power and their cronies, whilst never providing any significant benefit to the average citizen.

    The USA really needs to re-consider the entire concept of foreign aid; I would not be surprised if 90% of it is simply wasted or stolen, esp. if it’s going to a third world nation.

  16. Brian E, I was in Egypt in the Mubarak years, for two years. I have no doubt that authorities kept an eye on Christians, both indigenous and foreign. On the plus side, there was always an armed guard outside the Anglican cathedral compound where we worshipped. There were also armed guards and metal detectors at hotels and shopping centers. I wouldn’t discount the surveillance aspect, but they also did act to prevent terrorist attacks.

    I continue to be in touch with Anglicans in Egypt. While they are not oblivious to problems Christians experience, they are very grateful to have Sissi instead of the Brotherhood.

  17. Some, Select Black Lives Matter (BLM) is a minority-owned billion dollar industry that leverages diversity (e.g. racism) in nations with accessible capital for redistributive change. Haiti, Nigeria, etc are out of luck. Even South African resources and People of Peach are wearing thin. Perhaps People of White (i.e. albino) can be exploited under Rainbow banners and rhetoric in a forward-looking strategy to tap albinophobia where that psycho-iatric condition is celebrated in parades.

    White Hispanics, Peach female nursing students, cops of diverse color taxonomy, and underage girls of mothers with illegal alien boyfriends, are fair game. And other undocumented victims, too.

  18. Send Sean Penn to Haiti. Last time he was there, he solved all their problems!

  19. “This all started when Reagan allowed the Duvalier dictatorship to fall.”

    What could Reagan have done to prevent it from falling?

  20. The worst thing to happen to Haiti was the destruction of the French colonial regime. Next worst was the end of the American trusteeship in 1934. Have a gander at Guadeloupe and Martinique and then have a gander at Haiti. Eight generations of incremental learning on the part of descendants of slaves have paid off. Haiti did not have that.

  21. This all started when Reagan allowed the Duvalier dictatorship to fall.

  22. Miguel at 6:52 – yes.

    Look at this too from today – https://dailycaller.com/2024/03/11/rainn-wilson-the-office-parachute-haiti-fix-everything-clinton-foundation-ariel-henry-barbecue/

    ” Critics brought up the Clinton Foundation, which has worked extensively in Haiti to open it up to multinational corporations in an effort that Hillary Clinton called “economic statecraft,” according to the Guardian.

    The Clinton Foundation had a reported 34 projects in the country, and Hillary oversaw the flow of $4.4 billion in post-earthquake aid to Haiti as Secretary of State in 2010, per the Guardian.”…….

    Such corruption everywhere. It is overwhelming.

  23. “This all started when Reagan allowed the Duvalier dictatorship to fall”

    Yeah, Haiti was like Switzerland up until then.

  24. My college classmate was the longest serving prime minister in haitian history

  25. It’s claimed that a viral video shows a gang leader eating the body parts of his butchered enemies. It’s unlikely that human flesh has become a staple food, but eating parts of enemies may well have become a gang ritual.

    By this point in Haiti there is some nostalgia for the days of a stable dictatorship.

  26. Telemachus:

    I was an African counter terrorism analyst in the US Navy. The US simply does not care about what goes on in Africa. Not even making an effort. Since we have no culture we don’t see that the Muslim vs. everybody paradigm indirectly affects us. But are simply driven by “ubi est mia”. Where’s mine.

  27. Well stated, Dave. It is well known that we Royal Navy now has the problem relatively under control, and that it is the R.A.F. who now suffer the largest casualties in this area.

  28. I believe that Haiti was one of four countries from which the US government was allowing illegal immigrants (sorry, undocumented asylum seekers) to fly. NGOs almost certainly paid for their airfares. Wonder if PM Henry was among them? Or is this another case where PM means Precious Metals rather than Prime Minister.

  29. DNW… “cannibal gangs” means precisely what it says. The “magic” spiritualities are pretty big there if I remember correctly…and some of that involves eating the bloody bits of others.

    Also remember the “red hands” pins some of the damnfools wore at the Oscars last night are precisely in recollection of Palestinians who beat, dismembered & ate two Israeli soldiers…see previous thread…

  30. Haiti’s terrain, soil and climate are identical to the Dominican Republic next door. But DR was settled by Spain, not France. Now there’s lots of former Spanish colonies that have less perfect histories, but Haiti tops any in terms of bad, bad governments.

    Somalia joins Haiti on the list of perennial shitholes. Winston Churchill’s description of the place from 1900 reads as if it were written yesterday. And the Palestinians . . . part of the success of the Abraham Accords was due to all the other Arab countries wanting nothing, nothing to do with the Palestinians. They would much rather break bread with Israel.

  31. The eating of organs parts from defeated enemies sounds very animist African.

    I have no empathy with the Southern US slave system which ended in 1865. However, I believe part of the clinging to it, and part of the establishment of the segregation laws later, was fear-based. Haiti’s revolution, ending in 1804, was bloody for whites on the island. It never really got much better, and served as a grim reminder of what could happen in a place where a majority of the population were enslaved Africans serving a smaller white elite.

  32. I believe that during their revolution, the Haitians literally pledged allegiance to the Devil, and killed all the white people.

  33. Despite brilliant minds like Justice Clarence Thomas, there is plenty of evidence that the bell-shaped curve of American black male IQ is a very narrow spike, with a median IQ value of ten points less than for white males, and asymptotic to zero for IQs above the median according to The Bell Curve’s author, Charles Murray, in a separate tome titled Facing Reality, in which Murray emphatingly addresses “what”, not “why”.
    An IQ of 90 is seriously short of the white median of 100, and serves to explain at least partially the data of black unemployability, criminality, violence, and single motherhood.

    I believe that also applies to Haiti, where Haitians have cut down all trees for firewood, getting soil erosion instead. We let them into Florida, but the Dominican Republic, the eastern half of the island it and Haiti share, bars Haitians.

  34. With regard to the Dominican Republic. I was living and working in a high end small community when the tourism industry was starting to develop hotels, etc. Some of my customers were well known as “mafia”. I once asked one of them why he and a couple of his friends kept going back and forth to the DR. His response will chilling:
    we’re putting in air conditioning. The man was not a builder, nor a contractor, nor an air conditioning installer. What he was was an enforcer and you can accept that having that group be the owners/organizers of the DR is the reason it has remained so stable. Sorry to be the one to tell you!

    Question: Now that all representatives of the American government have left the island will there still be American military behind to protect the consulate, or are the marines free to leave also?

    “Too early to shoot and too late to stay” Here is a video everyone should see, please scroll down to the video.


  35. Thank you for those Thomas Sowell links, Neo. I have always believed that these group differences are cultural, not genetic.

  36. I would also like to point out that it was our own Nobel prize winner for the discovery of DNA–James Watson who had his career and reputation destroyed for suggesting that DNA indicates African intellect is 10 points lower than White DNA.

    Here is a story about this speech:

    Here is a link to James Watson:

  37. I need to fix the quote I made earlier. I think the correct way to say it is: “too soon to shoot–too late to fix”. Please forgive.

    With regard to T Sowell–love that guy. However, we must acknowledge that there is the other side of this “scientific” understanding. What Sowell had is the advantage that every child should have–parents, or teachers to guide and push for all of his growing up years. I have read somewhere that the human brain can be extended beyond what it’s original physical capacity, beyond the current level of accomplishment and having extended the capabilities in this generation the brain of the next generation in the same family may expand it’s capabilities much easier. I think it’s kind of like breeding dogs for one specific skill. If you have a plain dog who does nothing well, but is taught how to herd sheep, that dog’s next generation will learn how to herd sheep easier–it will take less training to get them to herd sheep. Thus, we have dog breeds who do a specific skill very easy–the training became ingrained in the system. We have herding dogs, and guard dogs, and dogs that chase mice and rats. We have dogs that swim really well and dogs that hunt large animals really well. The mind of those breeds was originally created by humans. We can do the same thing to the mind of any individual willing to work at it and also then their children, etc.
    So in my book it is a combination of what the DNA tells us we start out with, and what we acquire by training. Never did understand why this either/or conversation continued by itself.

  38. If an ethnic group whose culture does not value education, reading, self-learning or any sort of intellectual pursuits, has below average IQ results, why does this surprise anybody?

    And let’s be clear about IQ; look at all those high IQ, highly educated folks who advise Joke Bidet on foreign policy (e.g., Antony Blinken, Jake Sullivan); one would be hard pressed to find two individuals who policies are so incredibly stupid. A moron could provide better policy advice than these two idiots.

    I can only surmise that if high IQ individuals are given an exam in which there is only one correct answer, they will excel (say, a math problem).

    If presented a “cloudy” problem in which there are several possible solutions – none of which are unequivocally correct or incorrect – and which requires the application of their judgement, their “smarts” will have an equal chance in either aiding the selection of the best answer or the worst answer.

    And the “smarter” someone is, the more readily they can produce the rationale to support a decision, regardless of how idiotic their decision is.

    George Orwell said it best;

    “There are some ideas so absurd that only an intellectual could believe them.”

  39. Too early to shoot and too late to stay” Here is a video everyone should see, please scroll down to the video.


    I have two observations, neither of which are in any way exculpatory, but one of which, the second, should be clarified eventually as reports continue to issue.

    Observation one. The article itself: The tone of the Revolver piece, is contemptible sh!t. It has that stinking, smarmy, click bait professional first name using solicitude tone so beloved of scandal and outrage pimps and peddlers. I cannot say how strongly I despise the writer of that piece. It has no bearing on the young girl’s situation per se. But its calculated neighborliness “we care” pose, is despicable.

    Observation two. The “fight” itself: I know nothing of what precipitated this awful event. And I have seen numerous other videos wherein thuggish youths have in fact violently ambushed adults and children from behind, blindsided them, and assaulted and then battered and even maimed them for no apparent reason.

    Now, knowing nothing as to why, in this case, insofar as I can tell from the video, it appears that the skinny white girl actually squared off against a black female who was larger and more powerfully built than her. What she could have possibly been thinking as she seemed, and I say seemed, to be rolling her dukes in preparation for delivering a punch … which would have had no force whatsoever … like some cartoon Irish pugilist of yore, I cannot say.

    She might have been assaulted from behind moments before and had nowhere to run. She might be intellectually challenged or on drugs.

    But it looked as though she was prepared to willingly mix it up. If so, it was an unbelievably foolish decision.

  40. if we are forced to be tribal, then we shall act that way, some evangelicals think indulging in voudoun, the practice of the hougans is what cursed haiti, I don’t think that, I think bad circumstances certainly since 1915 are responsible, than Duvalier and his successors,

    there are signs that the resource officers in that district were forced to take DEI courses, that’s why they weren’t available, of course Bishop Rooker who is the pentagon’s shaman, is mandating the policies that are making it inhospitable for the best of our fighters, like whoever is running the civil rights division into the Ground, the zampolit who will hunt down fire fighters because they won’t grovel, to Procurator James,

    I tell you this, I have been in similar blue districts in South Florida and incurred my share of scrapes, some 20 years ago,

    I’m not going to elaborate much, the cultural malaise that Tom Wolfe noted in Back to the Blood, between 1st and 2nd Generation Caribbean americans, is very much real, Its more a manifestation of toxic American culture, than that of the immigrant

  41. Anne, Thomas Sowell was raised by relatives, in poverty, in a turbulent family. He did not have the advantage of a stable nuclear family; his parents died when he was young.

    The rest of that sounds like Lysenkoism.

  42. yet he rose to the top, in a tough time, a generation later Clarence Thomas did a similar trick, he didn’t even speak English initially, but the Gullah dialect, and yet look how high he has risen, and how loudly he is denounced,

    Obama lecturing anyone from his podium, his grandfather on his mothers side was a bank vice president, his father had enough resources to go to graduate school at Harvard, in the first decade of independence, his step father an indonesian army officer and oil company employee, of course lke blanche dubois he could always rely on the charity of a utiliities baron like the Ayers or
    the Saudi Prince Talal through intermediaries,

  43. I have to say, however, despite these stellar exceptions, it seems very clear that if more black American children (and other children) were raised in stable married families, academic achievement would rise and crime would drop.

  44. it is a combination of toxic urban culture, and economic disadvantage does one necessarily lead from the other possibly, one thing for certain, white liberal like say dana milbank or any of the Carlos slim’s stooges, ross douthat don’t seem to have a clue, hes the token conservative, that took saffire’s place, as for robinson or charles blow, they have even less of a clue, heck once upon a time, back in the cretaceous period, don lemon made sense,

  45. Kate, wasn’t Thomas Sowell adopted by a middle class Aunt and Uncle and raised in a non-impverished section of Baltimore?

  46. Re: IQ / The Flynn Effect

    Good news! If everybody is dumber, nobody is dumb.

    American IQ Scores Have Rapidly Dropped, Proving the ‘Reverse Flynn Effect


    It’s an interesting discussion, but the article manages to be quite dumb on its own:

    Regardless, scores are falling, and there’s got to be a reason for the decline. Dworak says it might have something to do with “a shift in perceived values in society.” She offers up the potential explanation that an increase in focus on STEM education may have allowed other areas, like abstract reasoning, to fall by the wayside.


    Meanwhile, according to the article, the scores on Spatial Reasoning are going up. Another “shift in perceived values in society” I suppose.

    Must be all the video games.

  47. miguel+cervantes

    Obama lecturing anyone from his podium, his grandfather on his mothers side was a bank vice president

    His maternal grandmother, Madelyn Dunham, was the bank vice-president. Grandfather Stanley was a furniture salesman, apparently a man of high dreams and lower achievement. Frank Marshall Davis, the commie, was a friend of Grandpa Stanley.

  48. Rufus T. Firefly

    Kate, wasn’t Thomas Sowell adopted by a middle class Aunt and Uncle and raised in a non-impverished section of Baltimore?

    No. He was raised by his great-aunt and her grown daughters. They moved from North Carolina, in a house without electricity or running water, to Harlem, when he was 9. The Wiki article says that he and his aunt moved away from the extended family because of some quarrel. He got into Stuyvesant, one of the elite NYC high schools, but due to finances and family quarrels, dropped out.

    As I read his autobiography over 6 years ago, I am hazy on the details but in opening it up again, found out that at age 17 he had been assigned to The Home for Homeless Boys, a consequence of a quarrel with his aunt, which was a step up because he didn’t want to live with her and previously she wouldn’t give him permission to leave.
    He didn’t stay long at the Home, using his gumption to get out.

    Now that I had my freedom, I wanted it to be complete freedom. I could not see reporting to a magistrate for years to come. However, since he had been considerate enough to schedule our first meeting in the evening, because I was working during the day, I thought that I should be considerate enough to tell him that there was no point waiting needlessly for me to show up. I phoned him.

    “I’ve decided not to come in for any meetings,” I told the magistrate.

    “It’s not up to you!” he said angrily. “The law requires you to come in.”

    “I’m not coming in.”

    “We can go get you.”

    “You can’t find me.”

    “We know where you live!”

    “I’ve moved.”

    “We know where you work!”

    “I’ve quit.”

    “We can still find you! You’re in violation of the law!”

    “There are eight million people in New York,” I said. “You’ll never find me.
    There was a long pause on the other end of the line. When the magistrate came back on again, he had a wholly different tone and a quieter voice.

    “You’ve really burned your bridges behind you, haven’t you?”


    “Good luck to you, son.”

    “Thank you.”

    As this thread is about Haiti, I am reminded of something. In engaging in blog comments on Cuba, I saw that time and again a Fidel fan would point out that Cuba wasn’t as badly off as Haiti. The irony of this statement is that before Castro came to power, Cuba was likewise better off than Haiti. Which means that Fidel fans had no grasp of Cuban history. What a surprise. 🙂


  49. Thanks much for that Sowell exchange, Gringo.

    (Maybe somebody tell Hillary that sometimes, “It [it doesn’t take] a village”…)

  50. Really just another US State Dept. Policy achievement.
    “The US DEI regime failed Haiti”—
    Final grafs:

    …Prior to the gang coup, Haiti became subservient to the U.S. government’s endless money spigot. In turn, the U.S. government wielded its considerable influence to export an agenda of diversity, equity, and inclusion that endangered the lives of the Haitian people and provided no tangible improvement to their security and well-being…
    …”The United States helped the HNP establish a community policing unit geared at gaining public trust and improving community relations,” the State Department’s U.S.-Haiti relations fact sheet says. “In addition, the role of women within the force has been amplified. This is reflected by the robust recruitment efforts to target more women to make the HNP more gender inclusive.”

    The message sent clearly through U.S. foreign policy is to adopt the tenets of the DEI religion or risk losing millions of dollars in aid. It is an act of 21st-century imperialism that has been replicated time and again throughout the world. The goal is not stability for Haiti. It is the adoption of far-left ideology

    Today, the people of Haiti are suffering the consequences of an imperial hegemon waging an ideological crusade that masquerades as a humanitarian mission. Instead of safety, the “gender inclusive” police force is all but destroyed, and the population lives in a destitute state of fear.

    [Emphasis mine; Barry M. – the wages of “Biden”‘s decrepit policies of Transformation in a nutshell…]

  51. Thanks for that Examiner quote, Barry M. I think US foreign policy is frequently focused on making foreign places into the DEI paradises they wish we were. The results are malignant.

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