Home » More on the oft-discussed topic of Biden’s cognitive health and what the Democrats might do about it, as well as what the MSM says about it


More on the oft-discussed topic of Biden’s cognitive health and what the Democrats might do about it, as well as what the MSM says about it — 21 Comments

  1. But why have a stupid, dishonest, corrupt person as your candidate, unless your party was good with that?

  2. A Special Counsel determines that Biden broke laws but will not be prosecuted because of his deteriorating mental condition. The Democrats insist Biden is “just fine.” Democrats are not “just fine.”

  3. Yes they are fine with it

    The huntress was more right on matters than shambling had forgotten she was naive in some ways that maverick would not betray her like he had done other women in his life likewise by schmidt and wallace

    It does seem some people are perpetuated despite all the harm they do and some are driven from public life conversely

    Btw she predicted the ukraine invasion that many years ago

    She saw what was at stake in 2008 i havent veered from that in 15 years

  4. the six deadly requirements

    That 6 part list a choice description of the toxic mess that is Joe Biden.

  5. with biden, this is more than a mere mistatement, the French and the US did support Hariri, but Hezbollah blew him up, there was an investigation the Mehlis report, but many of the witnesses were intimidated, the mastermind was probably Imad Mugniyeh, the terror of the 1980s in Beirut, as far as Buenos Aires, but that was largely Mossads doing, I think there were some charges in absentia, but nothing concrete came of it, of course Hezbollah launched attacks into Israel in 2012 and 2014, this is so far from the truth, to be almost funny,

  6. one might say Beirut is like China Town, as the police captain tells Gittes


    now among Biden’s brain trust at the time was Sam Nunn and another swamp thing, who occasionally pops to speak nostrums on Morning Joke, Richard Haas these fakirs all sound alike, he was the one that the Perky Katie used as a sounding board, asking questions of Palin that were patently ridiculous, interesting Biden opposed the Gulf War but voted for the Iraq War, perhaps on the advice of another one of these brahmins Peter Galbraith, who did occasionally some good work, like uncovering Halabja but was just as often pushing his grift, like Norwegian concessions in Kurdish lands or trying to topple Karzai, in an opera buffa version of the Diem coup, where the punchline is we all lost, eventually Ghani replaced Karzai how did that work out,

  7. POTUS Biden made a trek to the border. For what?
    1. To talk about the unseasonable wildfires in Texas. Climate change, ya know.
    2. To tell the locals in the Brownsville area how much money he’s going to spend on infrastructure in their area. A new bridge, no less.
    3. To explain that the immigration system is broken and cannot be fixed unless the Republicans get on board and pass his bipartisan border bill, which calls for spending a lot more money to process the illegals. (Although he didn’t use that term.) He claimed that his hands were tied without the bill.

    It was not a stop intended to explain how he’s going to fix the illegal alien crisis. Nope, it was a campaign speech to tell voters how much of their money he’s going to spend on them, to champion his climate change program, and to blame the GOP controlled house for being unwilling to “compromise.” which he explained is a necessary part of government. (Except when he has to do it.)

    I used my anger management skills as I watched his speech by shouting BS!! at the appropriate points.

    Joe has always been a prevaricator par excellence, but he was in fine form today.

    For a change, he seemed relatively alert, didn’t make many gaffes, and knew where to go after his talk. I think they may be using uppers. Or maybe he just had a good day cognitively speaking. 🙂

  8. I just heard a couple of brief excerpts from that Biden speech, J.J., and I understand why you were shouting.

  9. I heard it in Spanish, it was more rambling, and they sped it up 3X to make it seem self aware, Even people in Brownsville which used to be a major crossing point 30 years ago, know the score,

  10. Biden was expendable the first two times he ran for president. If he slipped under the bus nobody was going to pull him out and save him. In 2020 he was indispensable. He was the only candidate who could unify the party. Biden actually was the Democrat with the best chance of winning. So now, is he expendable or indispensable to his party and its donors/owners?

    An experienced and competent interviewer could destroy Biden with three questions or in three minutes. But Biden’s staff takes care to ensure that he never faces such an interviewer, and the major media isn’t going to ask him any tough questions. Also, destroying Biden would hurt the party and the replacement nominee, so Democrats and the media aren’t going to risk it. Barring a health crisis, Biden’s not going to step down now and his side isn’t going to force him out.

    Michael Barone on the Biden-Palin debate:

    I thought Sarah Palin won–because she (far) exceeded expectations, because she showed considerable suppleness (countering Joe Biden’s statement that the commanding general said that John McCain’s surge strategy would not work in Afghanistan), and spotlighted her winning personality. She showed the same smiling confidence that she did in her acceptance speech September 3 and that was missing in her interview with Katie Couric. Biden’s performance was by and large acceptable, but he made some significant misstatements, notably on the Constitution. Article I of the Constitution is not about the executive branch, as Biden said, but about the legislative branch, in which Biden has served for 35 years. And the vice president doesn’t preside over the Senate just in cases of ties; he (or she) is entitled to preside over the Senate at any time. Imagine the uproar from Mainstream Media if Palin had made such errors! She does seem to be taking a little flak over her seemingly bizarre statement that she would seek more constitutional powers for the vice presidency. But, as you may remember, Lyndon Johnson, one of our most experienced vice presidents, sought to continue to attend Democratic Caucus meetings after he was elected vice president. He was hastily disinvited.

  11. …Biden clearly quoting Kinnock at the Iowa State Fair without attribution. More examples of misattribution came to light…

    It was non-attribution, not “misattribution.” Typical Time/leftist lying.


    Long story short: Biden is a lying fool and a scoundrel. But you knew that.

  12. The Biden Dilemma is truly a case where the Democrats have been hoist by their own petard.

  13. Regarding what the Dems might do about it:

    Early in the Democrat convention, in prime time, Biden will make a speech that he has decided not to run. It will be emotional and big on patriotism and love of country. This will be huge news and draw all eyes to the convention for the rest of the week.

    The Dems will appear to be in shock and “scramble” to put together a slate of candidates for delegates to vote on. This will consume at least one news cycle. Kamala Harris will be one of the candidates. She may, or may not declare that she does not wish to run (and later receive some pre-arranged sinecure that sets her and Doug up for life; Netflix deal, book deal, K Street gig…)

    Several days of the Convention will involve people lauding Joe and his Presidency and plumping for each of the candidates. The ratings will be massive. This DNC version of “The Apprentice” will be Y-U-G-E!

    After several ballots a candidate will be selected. He or she will be young-ish and accept the nomination with humility. He or she will have none of the baggage of the current administration; bad economy, bad immigration policy… “I come to heal, not divide, etc…”

    This all happens in August and after the RNC convention giving the Republicans little time to adjust.

    Game, set, match.

  14. The Biden crime family is over without Jo Jo. They don’t have a Michael. They don’t even have a Fredo. They have Hunter. No more money and no protection. The wolves will on them like a wounded moose.

  15. Hes not a beloved old man hes a corrupt hack who has wrecked this country fine put up kamala as slattern in chief

  16. I think Rufus may have correctly predicted what the Dems will do at their convention. But who will they select? For some reason, Hakeem Jeffries comes to mind. Young, energetic, reminds voters of Obama, and he can therefore finish what Barack started.

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