Home » More on the decline of Britain, with an emphasis on the role of the influx of “migrants”


More on the decline of Britain, with an emphasis on the role of the influx of “migrants” — 44 Comments

  1. The Triggernometry podcast just posted an interview with former Home Secretary Suella Braverman which covers a lot of the same ground and goes into all the roadblocks her own government set up to stop her from limiting immigration.

    The Tories make the Republicans look brilliant and effective in comparison. They may be done as a party after the next election so large will be the beatdown.

  2. I do not want my country to become a Latin American country, or a Mestizo country; much less an African, Arab/Islamic, or Chinese or South Asian country. I don’t want to speak Spanish, or anything else except English. I want my country to be, racially, ethnically, and culturally, a predominantly English-speaking northern European country. I say that without apology.

    “My beautiful Western Civilization, gone gone, like tears in the rain.”

  3. The beginning of the UK’s formal Islamization has begun. Members of Parliament fleeing in fear of the Muslim invader’s anger will be rightly seen by the UK’s Muslims as proof that once again, intimidation works and through it they can achieve the dominance that Islam demands. English common law will be increasingly replaced by Sharia law.
    However, that is not going to happen here because we have the means to resist intimidation and violence.

  4. the midlands perhaps, London has fallen, unlike the film, in grand guignol fashion,* with a crash but with a whimper

    *I have noticed a number of films like this, where the terrorist spectacular was touched off by a willing Foreign Office Bureaucrat, who gets dispatched in due course, like uncoded with gina carano, or cleanskin with sean bean (who doesn’t die in this one,) the titled character is an south asian mam prompted by an imam, to target of all things
    a neocon policy maker, of course MI-5 about 20 years ago, in all these films some brahmin figure, like michael Douglas or lesser named actor, is a provocateur, to some terrorist act, that the perpetrators wouldn’t ordinarily engage in, to further the fortunes of the deep state,

    Stephen Leather is the only fiction author that I know of, that has tackled Rochdale and Rotherdam, Line of Duty won’t touch it with a 10 foot barge poll

  5. I think it’s more generalized, about lands given up to foreign raiders, the Saracens of yore,

    the wet tories forced out Braverman, they blocked other worthies from leadership, so their intent is clear, Goodwin gives chapter and verse, of how they have betrayed the people’s will like the Lankford bill in the Senate, did on this side of the pond, like the ones who voted for Mayorkas among the Possums, and others I thought sensible like Blackburn,

  6. “Immigration is too high” has been, in one form or another, a part of the Tory platform every election for more than half a century, yet the line has continually moved up from year to year. It’s even worth pointing out that the Tories have held the Commons for the past decade and a half, setting immigration records most of those years. Either they are lying about their intentions or Parliament doesn’t actually control the government, and they’re lying about their capabilities.

  7. om: correct.

    Liza: I’m not speaking of Ireland specifically. What’s going on there is what’s going on in Great Britain although at a slower pace, as one would expect of the Irish.

    Sure, the Irish are never on time, even for their own demise.

  8. the top and middle management of the security services, the immigration department don’t seem to be focused on the same goal, many of the Home Office directors, don’t seem to have that in the forefront of the same,

    to be fair, that turned out to be true with appointees like John Kelly or lower level officials, like Matt Perry impersonator Miles Taylor, whose alias was tater salad, I mean Anonymous, some officials seem focused on the mission, but most do not, and ngo media, and congress nudge one to follow the consensus, as they said re the offense that Orange Man was guilty of breaching

  9. All this coverage… all this attention…. all these ‘calls to action’. A lot of energy has gone into producing this video and others like it.

    Can somebody please share why borders are being opened and kept open? Can someone share the objectives of this mission? Because I don’t believe it is as cynical or as jaded as to imagine that entire sets of political classes in multiple countries have decided that they are doing this to destroy their own respective country. There has to be a different reason or reasons – but I never hear it articulated – just interpreted by outsiders, as ‘cheap labor’ or ‘guaranteed replacement voters’ or ‘hell-bent on destroying our country’. etc etc.

    Why is it a secret? Surely a political class that is conspiring with a raft of NGOs to organize this kind of mayhem, on this kind of scale, could not keep it a secret.

    I posit these points because, absent of a coherent reason, it all just sounds like agitation propaganda. I’m certainly not saying that illegal immigration isn’t out of control, it is. It’s bankrupting states, it’s clear that it could be stopped with a minimum of political will (because Trump did), and it’s clear that there is more political will to keep it going,across the aisles, in multiple countries. Why? Sorry to be dense. Is it just for population growth at any cost, in the face of world declining birth rates?

  10. it goes back to the Club of Rome, the World Economic forum, the part of other bodies that seem to see the dissolution of national sovereignty national identity as an obstacle to this transnational word entity, this becomes clearer every day,

    the dumber ones like Joy Reid say the silent thing outloud, some are more circumspect, but that seems to be the same end game, the call of the Old Gods,displacing the Gods of the Copy book Headings,

    as willing as Reagan even the Iron Lady were willing to accomodate immigration in some ways, their reservations about national culture make them shibboleth, so lies are conjured or revamped to keep people from the truth,

  11. The UK Independence Party and Reform UK, formerly the Brexit Party, may pick up some of those discontented Tory voters. When the UK was still in the EU, minor parties could do very well in elections to the European Parliament, because nobody thought it mattered that much. Fringe parties don’t do that well in elections to the UK’s own parliament.

    Cameron, Johnson, and Sunak are all toffs from the upper class. I don’t think they’re quite at home with voters from outside of their social circle, though BoJo came closest with his frumpy, Trumpy ways. Heath, Thatcher, Major and May all came from outside of the public school set, but in recent years the Conservatives have returned to the upper classes when looking for leaders.

  12. Aggie, yours is a fine question. My current thinking is that it’s partly wanting to keep the population level stable, which I think is another way of saying to keep the economy going, or at least limping along.

    Also, another aspect that I think pertains is that a fair number of the people calling the shots in this matter want to be ‘nice,’ they don’t want to hoard the benefits of Western society for themselves, they want to share and give people a chance. But this is without understanding that lines have to be drawn and if you just invite everybody and anybody into your house, well, it becomes quite clear what happens over time (see: tragedy of the commons, I suppose).

    But it’s still a good question: what exactly do we have to go on as far as evaluating the real reasons for all of this is concerned?

  13. “Can somebody please share why borders are being opened and kept open?…”

    It’s all in the WEF/WTF playbook.

    (And it’s why DJT—the Terminator—MUST BE DESTROYED, ad nauseum….)

    File under: Donald Trump delenda est. (AND everything he represents; AND everyone—not seeing light (i.e., the WEF/WTF “LIGHT”), which is actually a high-beam interrogation lamp—who continues to support him….)

  14. Related:
    More on the Decline of America….
    “Obama’s CIA Asked Foreign Intel Agencies To Spy on Trump Campaign”—
    H/T Instapundit.

    Yessir! Obaman Transformation at its very finest, continued loyally, faithfully, necessarily—NATURALLY—by “Biden”…

    Which is what all those, uber-intelligent, uber-caring, uber-loving, uber-concerned, uber-moral, uber-responsible, PRECIOUS liberals voted for…helped along (if one really wishes to be kind to the precious ones) by a massive dose of NON-STOP DJT DEMONIZATION, which (if one really wishes to be fair) was EXACTLY what the precious ones WISHED TO BELIEVE….

  15. Yessir! Obaman Transformation at its very finest, continued loyally, faithfully, necessarily—NATURALLY—by “Biden”…

    Which is what all those, uber-intelligent, uber-caring, uber-loving, uber-concerned, uber-moral, uber-responsible, PRECIOUS liberals voted for…

    Does anyone still really believe that those voting for progressive policies are just naive, or clueless but well intentioned go-along types?

    Suppose that you posit that the bubble-life theory is a reasonable one; perhaps based on your own life experience as you mentally reconstruct it. Well, turning the famous progressive critique of middle class cultural mindsets back on the progressive himself, what does it take, speaking from a moral disposition perspective, to remain in that “bubble” ?

    So, the consumerist striving middle class bourgeoisie living comfortably in their “lilly white,” suburbs, smugly practicing their self servingly understood religious rituals, were, we were told, morally guilty of sins, crimes in fact, of omission and indifference that were tantamount to complicity in murder – so said the left. Deep down you knew it, they said. Deep down, you wished the harm, they said.

    Do not the same principles of analysis and interpretation apply to the liberal wine moms, the sinecured Trump derangement addicts, the media shills?

    At what point is the reasonable observer justified in saying to the liberal, ” You have received the word, gained the knowledge at least implicitly, and the scales should have fallen from your eyes by now. There is something more here at work than mere inertia: some deep, conscious if not admitted, preference and intention. Choice, witting choice, not inattention and habit.”

    Sure. They know they are destroting Americans. They just figure it will result in a social world they emotionally prefer. One made in their own image and likeness, brought into existence by announcement, or by any other means necessary.

    And after all, gods don’t worry about right and wrong. They are unimpeachable by virtue of what and who they are; or, imagine themselves to be.

    Yeah …. At this point, “ignorance” and “Gurls jus wanna have fun” is no excuse for a citizen. It’s prima facie evidence of complicity.

    Why not just acknowledge it? As the proud abortion advocate wrote, “Some lives, are worth sacrificing”

  16. “…They know they are destroting Americans. They just figure it will result in a social world they emotionally prefer….”

    Not sure that’s true of the general leftist citizenry, at least not across the board. (Companies and politicians are in it, to be sure, for what they perceive to be the potential advantages of Money and/or Power…or—ideologically—being “on the right side of history”(TM)…though this latter may also be a motivation of the individual citizen…)
    That is, there are those—courtesy of their flawed (blinded? warped? perverted? delusional?) world-view, buttressed by a Media that’s colluding mightily with “Biden”-the-Destroyer—who believe that everything “Biden” does is great…or good…or acceptable…or must be borne…simply BECAUSE “Biden”‘s NOT TRUMP…and if this is true, then they in fact DO NOT KNOW—even if they really ought to—that “they are destroying Americans”…)

    File under: The Power of that exquisite—dynamite?—political tool known as Demonization!… (OTOH, did those avid followers/adherents/supporters of the National Socialists KNOW/REALIZE/COMPREHEND that Schicklgruber was ultimately going to destroy Germany?)… The same could be asked about all those ardent adherents of the Hammer & Sickle…

  17. I agree with Barry. All of the libs/Ds I know fit his description. They do not think they are destroying the US, but rather saving it from the evil Trump. Outside of their politics one would not guess based on their general lives that they are out to willfully tear down the country. I would classify them as “useful dupes” living inside a CNN/MSNBC bubble in terms of their information, united by their hatred of all things Trump.

  18. DNW,

    The Dems I know share the motivation Barry and physicsguy outline. If Trump came out for open borders tomorrow and the Biden regime started building a wall they’d change their opinions accordingly.

    “Now, the Star-Belly Sneetches had bellies with stars. The Plain-Belly Sneetches had none upon thars.”

  19. “One thing I learned from the video of which I’d been previously unaware is that Boris Johnson – a conservative PM, at least nominally – ran on a platform of reducing the enormous numbers of “migrants” entering the country and yet, while in power, did exactly the opposite.”

    Interesting fact about Boris Johnson: he once referred to the steam engine…a major British contribution to the modern age…as a ‘doomsday machine.’ I think this remark speaks volumes about his attitude toward our civilization.

    See my article at Quillette:

  20. “they are destroting [sic] Americans”

    Looks like I just cannot get rid of typos, misspellings, and misstrikes. Sorry

    But I still can’t stand spell check and auttocorrect. Even though the vocabulary of spell check as grown so enormously, and even recognizes the difference between, say, intention and intension.

    Though some words such as premiss as distinct from premise still get flagged.

    They are all premises now, whether applied to situation comedies, or dwellings on real properties, or categorical propositions in a syllogism. Probably in some G’dmd desire to make premise cover all the uses.

    Pisses me off. Grates on me like the disappearing strong verb forms. They can take that modernization process and shove it in there with their pronouns.

    Ok. Another rant. Sorry about that too.

  21. Not to worry.
    Soon they’ll be attempting to “autocorrect” our thoughts.
    Hold on!….

  22. well autocucumber, is very provincial, take a word like Khozayin, which is apparently how some reference Putin, as the Master, or Zachistka, which is the Russian way of Search and Destroy,, Itijihad, which was a term originally referring to the genocide of Armenians, but this was also the way the Iraqis referred to de-baathification, all of those words are flagged

    I mean Henry Tudor was a nasty warlord, who executed Tyndall for giving him this neat idea of breaking away from Rome, of course we know about Herr Luther, who was on Schickelgrubers mix tape, the Bourbon kings were often arrogant and insensitive, of the Spanish Monarchs similar saids can be said

  23. Speaking as an American,

    I don’t have any particular concern if the majority of the persons in my country have non-European ancestry evidenced by higher-than-mean expressions of melanin, or Asiatic epicanthic folds, or what-have-you,
    provided that…
    every member of my society speaks English beautifully, and reverences the philosophical and literary and cultural traditions of Western Civilization, in such a way that they lovingly quote Milton or Chesterton or John Henry Newman or the American Founding Fathers, and spurn Marx, Mao, and Mohammed as they would spurn a rabid dog.

    I would like them, as a whole, to be skeptical, and to border on being faintly tho’ politely bigoted, towards whatever came from outside the Athens-Jerusalem integration that internally transmogrified the Roman Empire to produce, over a thousand years, the first slavery-abolishing culture in the history of the world, which codified the ideas of Natural Law and Natural Rights and the Consent of the Governed and the Rule of Law, not of Men.

    I wouldn’t regard that skepticism of other cultures to be absolute, but merely normative on a day-by-day basis. I would wish my culture, on rare occasions where the principles of some artifact of another culture could be seen to be in harmony with its own, to recognize the good in that artifact, and adopt it, if guardedly. Certainly, I think we ought to absorb the best of the culinary traditions of other cultures with zest; but as a rule, we should leave their ideas of governance, their metaphysics, and their philosophical anthropology to one side.

    The difficulty is that we have not passed down that patrimony to our children. On the contrary, since the days of Dewey’s corruption of American schools, we have intentionally subverted it. We’ve subjected the wisdom of our tradition to a good-old-fashioned Nazi book-burning, with our humanities departments playing the role of a fist-shaking führer.

    As a result, we have successively reduced each new generation since the dawn of the 20th century ever closer to barbarism. It is as if we first forgot the computer, then the automobile, then the steam engine, then the writing-quill, then the wheel, then fire. The typical denizen of Tik-Tok ought to be perceived as a loincloth-wearing savage, with a bone in his nose.

    If, over the last hundred years, I could revise history (with a wave of a magic wand) so as to replace the lifetime and deeds of every pallid American whose politics and philosophy were left-of-center with that of an ebony-skinned or Polynesian-looking person whose politics and philosophy were carbon-copied from the brains of Clarence Thomas and Thomas Sowell, I would certainly wave that magic wand and be all-the-happier for it.

    The problem, then, is not the immigrants-as-such, and certainly not their ancestry. It may be that those arriving here legally represent, on balance, a net-improvement to the philosophy and culture of my country, because they embrace, or are ready-to-embrace, all that is (or was) good in it, and which teeters on (or has tipped over) the edge of being lost from it.

    Indeed, in spite of the lawlessness of their initial arrival, some portion of the illegal immigrants may (possibly) be ready-and-willing to embrace all that is good about Western Civilization, and to abandon the dysfunctions of their own corrupt and nepotistic cultures.

    But one problem is that we can’t easily discern which are which, especially when we make no effort at all to do so.

    And the other, worse, problem is this: Even if every fence-jumper in all of Central America were a reincarnation of Thomas Jefferson, we are doing nothing to attrit the legions of white-skinned Marxists and oikophobes.

    (Hell, let’s deport them first!)

    Indeed, these last are the great shame of our civilization: That we should produce not only a Thomas Sowell, but a Noam Chomsky; not only a Clarence Thomas, but a Brian Stelter. (But even the royal line of King David produced not only a Josiah, but also Manasseh; not only Hezekiah, but Ahaziah. Character simply isn’t the product of ancestry; and in a fallen world, even good trees, being imperfectly good, sometimes produce bad fruit.)

    Is much of what I have just written aptly described as “reaction?” Why, yes: Much as the defense of the Gates of Vienna was a reaction to the invasion launched by the Ottomans. And this should exhibit conclusively the principle that “reaction” is not always-and-everywhere a bad thing; sometimes it’s a belated and imperfectly-executed and half-hearted implementation of a good-and-necessary thing.

    Now, if only we could have some Winged Hussars show up. (But I betray my musical affections.)

  24. Ok. I had to reread my comment to see if I had said something I did not intend.

    The ‘ “destroting” Americans’, was probably understood as “destroying America”

    But what I said was related to the old culture war, and the more recent basket of deplorables framing embraced by Democrats. Related to Lois Lerner, to ” get out of New York”, to mostly peaceful conflagrations and “fortified” elections, and to get Trump lawfare.

    I do not think that Democrats as progressive liberals are by and large out to destroy America in the sense of consciously wishing to sink the ship on which they float. They just want half of the other passengers and crew off or locked in the brig, until they can be replaced by a new and more obedient crew and more conformable, and community minded, institution-life comfortable, passengers.

    So, I do think what they are fine with in significant measure – and this extends to the old church ladies and your woke daughters in law, and your hipster nephew – is destroying what they think of as retrograde Americans. This is based in their own statements as a class, and as a class, is undeniable.

    If their conscious aim is not to destroy the very lives of the racist hetero-normative transphobe christofascist imperialsts, then it is to so hedge them about and harrass them with laws and lawfare and vitriol, so as to destroy their life prospects, and their liberty to do and to say.

    Thus, I wrote, “They know they are destroying Americans. They just figure it will result in a social world they emotionally prefer. One made in their own image and likeness, brought into existence by announcement, or by any other means necessary”

    They know that Trump has supporters, and they have been embracing policies to attack them, FOR YEARS.

    The question is not whether they are doing it, but rather whether naivete and bubble dwelling is a plausible – or believable – excuse any longer.

    I say, “No”

    At some point, no matter how sweet and sociable the person seems in ordinary transactional life, you cannot help but come to the conclusion that these fuc#ers know just what it is that they are enabling, or at the least know that they are not interested in knowing.

    That is my point.

  25. when you articulate in another language, destruyendo las fundaciones de la sociedad, it sounds more forceful, then destroying the foundations of society,
    Michael Burleigh of whom his masterful tome, sacred spaces, was very illustrative of what happened in Western Europe, the Hecatomb of the Great War, which left practically no country unscathed, perhaps Canada, the Depression, that arose from a trade war, that was ill considered, the environment, that only communists and ultramontane elements seem to really prosper in, the Arrow Cross, the Cagoule, this is why ‘once more into the breach’ of another brutal continental war, seems criminally negligent, the post war brough the Labour party, and it’s wave of legislation that dismantled Britains social order, that was probably already teetering, then came the wave of mass immigration from the colonies, because England had to drop them like a hot potato, this was also true in more graphic ways with France, and less so with Germany which was late to the party, SouthWest Africa? Whether the Suez incursion was a right idea, is rather immaterial, but many partitions engaged in haste, had terrible consequenes, India, Palestine Cyprus, as Sir Humphrey Appleby notes dryly in one episode of Yes Prime Minister,

    this is the gyre that Enoch Powell a classicist and an knower of the languages of the Levant and the Sahara, instinctively saw what ‘wicked thing was coming along,

    this happens as much in the culture the music and the theatre that sought to dismiss centuries of tradition, as just poppycock, to be discarded like darned socks,
    a small example, in Pink Floyds the wall, the
    attitudes of the elders, seem rather severe to the song writers, but they had suffered through the privations of the Depression of rationing, it was a lesson for them, when they had neither ‘meat nor pudding’ thought control, is them objecting to the habits that form a noble people, OF Course Python, dismantled every other part of the struts that were still standing, as if these layabouts on David Frost’s staff, had any clue of what was really going,

  26. ” OTOH, did those avid followers/adherents/supporters of the National Socialists KNOW/REALIZE/COMPREHEND that Schicklgruber was ultimately going to destroy Germany?)… The same could be asked about all those ardent adherents of the Hammer & Sickle…”

    The question you pose as a qualified demurrer to what was understandably [mis]taken as my meaning, is perfect in its ability to clarify my actual meaning.

    Did the hysterical crowds of Hitler supporters imagine they were buying in to the destruction of their own lives? No, certainly not.

    But they knew very well and very early on who the Nazis planned to make suffer, ostensibly so that they could then thrive. They embraced the Führer Principle, and even if they dwelt under a rock in 1928 by 1935 there could be no mistaking what was on the agenda as part of their wish fulfillment project.

    They bought into a fundamental transformation program, cheered it on, personally profited off it, and went along with the corruption of the law and the imposition of civil and legal disabilites.

    Now, this destruction was not a matter of their own party principles coming back to bite them in the ass, as conservatives predict the Democrats will rue one day. It was the unexpected and unintentional consequence of making a mockery of law and attacking the moral structure which enables through affinity, the affiliation which to that point guaranteed their lives. It is not that the tables have turned, but that the players who enabled the game have departed as sustaining members.

    The only concerns the Dems have is not with losing power and suffering retaliation from their political peers and social adversaries, but in replacing them completely in a timely enough fashion to keep the pot ante-ed up. And they, even Granny, know what they are aiming for.

    And the supporters of Stalin of course knew perfectly well what was being done. They just hoped that the hand would never point at them, because socialism was so worth it. Well the Nazis pointed their hand at them, and it was not the White Russians who administered the consequences.

    They know.

  27. well the german people are a different circumstances they were crushed by societal collapse, but the deflation as much as the hyperinflation, that had abated by 1924, thanks to the Dawes Plan, until the shudderings that came with the Depression, Cabaret with texts by Isherwood, makes a fine point of depicting the license, that characterized Weimar but for many that really wasn’t available, those who had resources feared the prospect of another collapse, the trusted parties, like the Catholic Center, which went back more than half a century collapsed like a house of cards, and the Social Democrats were left reeling, so you ended up with the Communists who wanted to destroy everything and the Nazis who promised stability, like the Serpent promised Wisdom, there was no way that story was going to end well Stalin was a monster without a doubt, but you grant him cleverness, he saw what Dzerjinski had done in the aftermath of Fanya’s shooting of Lenin, the uses Trotsky’s armies could be put to use, as a competing
    power center he had to be marginalized and eventually illiminated,

    the ravages of the Civil War, and he repurposed it for his benefit, the death of Kirov was pivotal as was the offering the Abwehr had made of the officer that had contact with the Nazis, he counted on the gullibility of the West to buy his devouring of not only Ukrainians, but even Kazakh peoples, maybe Duranty really believed there was some grand social experiment, but Gareth Jones knew it was all an abominable lie, but
    he could scarcely get Hearst to roar above the Din, Orwell could only tell the story through Metaphor

  28. DNW gets it, but seems not to realize or express that yours, not mine, Democratic Party intends the same for us as Schiklgruber did. Secular materialism run corrupt, no Teutonic BS gods even, a la Adolf.

  29. Aggie on February 28, 2024 at 8:45 pm said:
    All this coverage… all this attention…. all these ‘calls to action’. A lot of energy has gone into producing this video and others like it.

    Can somebody please share why borders are being opened and kept open? Can someone share the objectives of this mission? Because I don’t believe it is as cynical or as jaded as to imagine that entire sets of political classes in multiple countries have decided that they are doing this to destroy their own respective country. There has to be a different reason or reasons – but I never hear it articulated – just interpreted by outsiders, as ‘cheap labor’ or ‘guaranteed replacement voters’ or ‘hell-bent on destroying our country’. etc etc.

    Replacement seems to be part of it. The US left has been predicting a permanent Democrat majority going back to the 90s. And they achieved that in CA, where non-Hispanic whites are no longer a majority.

    In the UK, Labor intentionally imported third world people intending to upset conservatives. We know this is true (if not the full reason) based upon emails.

    In places like Sweden and Germany I think replacement isn’t the goal, since the population has gone along with the establishment elite.

    Part of the issue is that the elite fails to understand human behavior, and they feel people are essentially fungible. They think mixing and matching culture will work, and is even preferable. They don’t understand fully the consequences of their actions.

  30. DNW,

    Neo in the past talked about the fool vs knave construct.

    My take is that they are fools and knaves. They actually believe humans and culture are fungible, diversity is our strength, etc. This type of thinking has been taught for decades now.

  31. What happens to people who have once been masters of the world – the sun never set on the British Empire – that they lose their sense of who they are and what their history has been?

    In 1957 on a WESPAC deployment aboard the USS Hancock, we spent a week moored in Hong Kong. What a splendid place it was. Orderly, well-managed, and safe. I met some RAF pilots who were stationed there. Alpha males all. I was impressed by their attitude that the RAF was the best air force in the world.

    A year later, when there was a threatened invasion of Taiwan called the Quemoy and Matsu Incident, the U.S. Seventh Fleet received a blizzard of messages as to how to react. The British ships in the area received one directive – “Protect the Queen’s interests.” What a difference. The Brits at the time were confident in their armed forces knowing how to handle a hostile situation. The U.S., not so much. Today the British Navy is a shell of what it was 65 years ago.

    In 1997 my wife and I visited Kenya. It gained its independence from the British in 1963, but many Brits continued to live in Kenya for some years after that. I expected to see at least a modicum of the same good management that I’d seen in Hong Kong. Boy, what a surprise. Wat had once been a decent infrastructure of paved roads, electric power plants, and law enforcement had been allowed to crumble. The country’s infrastructure was in worse shape than in 1963 by a large margin. Most Brits had left the country, as the government became hostile to white ownership of property. It was an eye-opener for us.

    And now Great Britain is going the way of Kenya. Great empires and nations never last. Why?

  32. In the UK, Labor intentionally imported third world people intending to upset conservatives. We know this is true (if not the full reason) based upon emails.



  33. Yes the brits bear the mau mau yet they still surrendered kenya they defeated the flosy but they gave up aden (a subtext of my novel)

  34. DEI is the reincarnation of Communism, only better. Who can argue against Diversity, Equity and Inclusion? It’s adherents are as fanatical as the communists of old and it’s a religion one can be proud of.

    As masks were to COVID, sexual deviancy/confusion is to DEI. It’s a quick and easy measure whether you’re one of the group. The one who deserves a seat on the ark.

    If I’m a believer, mass migration is just a way to earn my salvation in the new world. The cynics of the left, those that have read the master plan and know its fault lines may have ulterior/sinister motives, but the foot soldier doesn’t need to know they are expendable.

  35. DNW,

    Neo in the past talked about the fool vs knave construct.

    My take is that they are fools and knaves. They actually believe humans and culture are fungible, diversity is our strength, etc. This type of thinking has been taught for decades now.

    Yeah, progressive platitudes have always been framed that way, and by implication if forms part of their confessional statement.

    However, I am not sure anyone believes in it: as if anyone could be say, trained up to prefer freedom to affiliation. The fact that the population of this country was in great measure the result of self-selection during colonial times, probably lent that impression. Even after the 1840s people emigrated for freedom and not just to live on streets paved with gold.

    Now? It’s hard to say. Cubans, sure. Vietnamese, probably.

    I don’t know what you would find if you traced the families of the socialist Germans of 1848, or the Irish of the era. Have they or the Farm Labor party Swedes developed into frontier spirited libertarians in 5 generations?

    I know this: that that son of a bitch Marx did not believe in human fungibility or natural equality or interchangeabliity himself. From each according to his ability, to each acvording to his need. No fungibility there in that slogan.

    And I doubt that we would have all of this diversity is strength talk now, if the left had not eventually realized that their universal moral sameness “under the skin” talk was on the verge of backfiring on them in the form of nonnegotiable moral demands that admitted of no natural divergence of innate moral sensibilities. They would become trapped by their own social formation and maintenance theories into adhering to universal standards, no excuses or dispensations.

    So they jettisoned all the ML King natual law reliant arguments, and took a new tack: Fungibility style precepts when it advantages me, born that way diversity, when it does not. All pennies are valued and exchanged the same except when they are not.

  36. In the UK, we are about to have a General Election. The choice will be between the two halves of the Ruling Class that sits in London. At the moment we are free to vote for other parties that are not part of the Ruling Class. This will destroy the Tory half of the Ruling Class. As the two halves have the same policies, this will make no difference to most of us. We will just have to wait for the Labour Party to collapse and try to start again. As I am very old, I don’t care all that much!

  37. Just to punctuate my already overly long correction and explanation of any misunderstanding caused by my typos.

    1. I do not think that the average and amiable progressive granny, slut-culture chick, liberal church lady or your ambisexual nephew are out to deliberately destroy America, per se, and as a political entity.

    2. I do assert that they are [ those who fit the general social sterotype and political alingment] aware that the effects of the politicians and policies they support in a so-called knee jerk or reflexive manner, and that the social shaping policies they advocate are destroying the economic predicate of the lives, and the historic legal rights and privileges of a traditional social group they dislike if not voluably despise.

    3 Therefore, I am arguing that the life in a bubble explanation is not morally extenuating, nor a psychologically valid argument from the perspective of an even semi-objective conscience.

    I am asserting that ordinary social graces and cross pew amiability, mild mannerisms, and a supposedly sensitive disposition, are no indicators of what really motivates them

    I am asserting that the social war being waged against traditionalists by their “hired” political agents or proxies, is not invisible to them, and that they are fine with that, and that they could NOT not see what was before their eyes, unless they deliberately ignored it.

    Now, I am perfectly aware that many here think that it is quite possible to be an honest and good American and know nothing about the predicates of Constitutional government, natural law, American political history, or much of Gddmnd anything else.

    The answer to that is “No”. There is no excuse for the go-alongism mentality for an American.

    Regardless of what Mr. Dewey, to repeat the recent reference of another commenter, said, socialization is not the prime duty for an American.

    They proclain with him that “Democracy, [is] our Secular Religion’ but dont know what democracy is, or what secular means, or what constitutes religion as ritualistically performed ties that bind, versus a metaphysical orientation to Goodness, Truth and Beauty. The latter three referents which they do not believe have an objective foundation anyway.

    The last of which point, exemplifies that if they do not know, they know they don’t know and why: and don’t care that they don’t know, because they think it does not ultimately matter to them.

    As one of the alarmed and uncomfortable interviewees in the Matt Walsh [ not a fan] “What is a Woman?” clips said with regard to Walsh’s broaching of the issue of objective truth, “this interview is over”.

    And as the proud abortion proponent said with regard to enjoying the kind of life and advantages she sought, “Some lives are worth sacrificing”

    They know.

  38. The Woke/DEI congregants have turned over the “hard” questions to their “priests”– the experts. Part of this is the very complexity of modern life. We are technologically exhausted. Part of it is also the need to believe in something. Rejecting the notion of absolute truth, the Wokeists have adopted the message of the secular humanist. Notice that an “expert” is necessary for any decision? We have become incapable of a logical progression of thought. The expert/priest makes a pronouncement– and it must not be questioned.

    Wokeists/DEIists are not friends of traditionalists and any veneer of congeniality, if provoked, quickly turns to claws out. They are under the veil/shadow of the god of this age. Since the beginning, the Evil one has been refining the message from the garden– ‘You will really not die. The fruit is good for you. You’ve been lied to.’

    The DEIists are busy creating heaven on earth. The fact that it will become hell on earth is lost on them. Hey, everyone has their truth!

    Has MMT replaced Keynesian economics? Deficits apparently no longer matter. So we really can have it all.

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