Home » Who built the January 6 gallows?


Who built the January 6 gallows? — 36 Comments

  1. January 6th was a trap and Trump walked right into it. Stupid. That’s why I backed Vivek.

    Trump gave Jack Smith the noose in which Trump will be hanged. He will be convicted and then the MAGA crowd will break him out of jail and burn the jail to the ground. Bloodshed. Our Bastille Moment courtesy of Trump and the Left. I’m serious about this. This will not go well.

    The only out I see is that SCOTUS won’t decide the pending case and just hold it over until next term. There’s no rule that all cases have to decided in the term in which cases were briefed and argued. CJ Roberts can do that.

  2. The same dudes who planted the pipe bombs at the RNC and DNC headquarters; aliens and NHIs. Or Epps and Company (sarc), their motto: Don’t Ask Don’t Tell and Nothing To See.

  3. The fbi did, or one of their assets

    Whereas real operatives like guest or smirnov or name other seraphin get demoted

  4. Nobody looked into it because it was a prop

    google some images of it. Its midget size, it doesn’t have a hole for hanging, and the noose looks like its rope wrapped around a water bottle because they didn’t know how to tie the knot.

  5. There was no evidence there was an insurrection there was little evidence this election was legit thats why they went to extraordinary lengths to silence critics of sominion for instance that had been fair game as late as october 2020

    I think that was payback for howard being thrown to the wolves first by nixon and second that silly libel suit by mark lane

  6. YEAH, Miguel! Yet newer poster Kevin may have the most pertinent and perceptive observations.

    Of course, this prop sits squarely into the category of political protest, and therefore is Constitutionally protected speech.

    But the defenestration of illegitimate rulers has a long, honoured, and majorly important history in Western Civilization. And the mass media of decades past would not just admit this point but praise it as well.

    Contrary to this conclusory statement in this post — that it was “a gallows that supposedly was built for the purpose of hanging Vice President Mike Pence, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) and other congressional leaders” — events were expected to reveal illegitimacy through discussion and debate, which was conspiratorially killed by the actual Traitor’s against the Rule of Law and their Oaths of Office.

    This stunt prop served only to regale against the dire consequences of failing to do so.

    In America, the government is answerable to the people. But no longer in “Stasi America,” as Sean Davis at the Federalist explains:

    “The American Stasi Controls What You Hear And See To Control What You Think And Do” https://freerepublic.com/focus/f-chat/4219472/posts

  7. All arguments about the Fake Insurrection should include—the FBI assets built the gallows at 6:30 am, and the Pelosi Capitol Police left it up, for the protest/ riot photo op.
    Any who disagree should be challenged, Who Dunnit, then?
    Wait, this is real, not just a story.

  8. “why don’t we know who built the gallows?”

    Why? Because it doesn’t serve the narrative. If it served the narrative, they’d be trumpeting it to the heavens. Which directly implies that a government agency built it and they can’t plausibly blame it on the right.

  9. They could geolocate everyone except the ones who planted the pipebombs and these people

  10. They even tried to frame loudermilk in strange ways do to very selective videos

    The ones they supposed didnt want tucker monopolizing when they insist on something they are almost certainly lying

  11. So many things are mysterious about January 6th. Why don’t we know anything about who left pipe bombs at the DNC and RNC? Or if there actually were any pipebombs left there?

    Yes, it was not a full-sized, working regulation gallows, but it was not tiny. It was high enough for a grown woman or man to stand up between the floor and the top beam. It was certainly conspicuous in photos, though it may not have been from a distance. If a large crowd had already assembled, the police might not have wanted to risk a disturbance by taking the gallows down, but if it had been put up in advance, before the crowds arrived, it could have been taken down.

    Websites can tell you how to build a gallows, so it wasn’t something hard to make. I think we may be obligated to repeate the disclaimer:

    If you are considering suicide, call or text the National Suicide and Crisis Lifeline at 988.

    Note: Building and or operating a gallows may be illegal in your jurisdiction. Know the law before proceeding.

  12. Abraxas; et al:

    Some facts about the gallows:

    At approximately 6:30 a.m. on January 6, 2021, a white full-size van parked north of Constitution Avenue, where three passengers unloaded a large bundle of lumber with wheels. After unloading, the group walked the bundle across Constitution Avenue and onto the grass at Union Square. They were then joined by two more people arriving by cab at the corner of 1st and C Streets NW.??

    Between 6:30 a.m. and 7:15 a.m., the group constructed the platform and two main pillars of the gallows, only leaving off the crossbeam. During this time, the apparent group leader along with one other person, left the group and walked down 3rd Street, heading north. They returned a few minutes later with coffee, and the entire group left the scene. Despite the leader’s distinctive clothing—he was wearing a long trench coat, long white scarf, fedora-type hat, and walking with a cane—he has never been identified publicly.

    At approximately 1:00 p.m., the group of five returned to the scene and the presumed leader, now wearing a baseball cap, installed the final crossbeam and added the noose made of bright orange rope. Shortly after construction was complete, all five men left the grounds.

    So the bulk of the construction was done very early in the morning.

    And this seems important:

    The Capitol Police Guidelines for Conducting an event on United States Capitol Grounds explicitly state, “(t)emporary structures of any kind may not be erected on Capitol Grounds,” which would imply that a gallows—a temporary structure—may not be allowed on Capitol Grounds and would immediately be addressed and/or removed once discovered. However, these gallows were left untouched by USCP officers from 6:00 a.m. on January 6 until later that evening.

  13. The conversation at Langley, that day, literally happened around the proverbial water-cooler in the breakroom, but most of the five officers were drinking coffee.

    It started as a relatively-new recruit came in looking for a drink and a snack, and was greeted satirically: “Look who it is: The expert executioner!”

    The junior man stopped pondering the soda machine and turned. “Come again?”

    “We were admiring your work on the gallows. Nice job, very believable.” This came out with a smirk.

    Another officer chimed in. “Yeah, that was an impressive prop, that was. For your next job, you should build a replica Stonehenge Monument for a touring 70’s metal act.”

    The new guy didn’t catch the reference, but he just shrugged. “So I failed shop. So it’s undersized. So it wouldn’t function, couldn’t function, as a real tool-of-execution. So? Doesn’t mean it won’t work.”

    The other junior officers remained jovially skeptical. “Work? How? What does that even mean, ‘work?’ Looks like the last thing that tchotchke could do, is work.

    But a more-senior officer, who hadn’t previously spoken, now cleared his throat.

    “Could be.” He sipped his coffee. “Do I remember correctly? Your folks…one parent worked in marketing, and the other in PR?”

    The new guy nodded, smiled slightly.

    “Hmm.” Another sip of coffee. “He’s probably right.”

    That got another round of skeptical looks, but the senior man only raised his eyebrows for a moment, then tossed back the last of his coffee. “The functionality of any tool must be judged by its usefulness in helping its user achieve his goals. We’re not trying to actually hang anyone.

    The cup went into the wastebin.

    “Not literally, anyway,” he concluded. “Metaphorically’s another matter.”

  14. spies like me, are the optimal, that one with kevin hart name escapes me, is closer to reality,

  15. We’re through the Looking Glass, people!

    When I was young I might have thought, the Smoking Gun!

    Fax it to the New York Times ASAP and change history.

    I am, hélas, not so young anymore. But I do think this is a crunchy, punchy shot to the Narrative that our side should pound upon.

  16. Trump is a great business man, but a *TERRIBLE* leader. He had claimed he would Drain the Swamp, but instead he empowered the Swamp, and may drown in it before this is over.

    A Total Lack of leadership ability from Day One, e.g., ended up selecting Jeff Sessions because his MAGA backers told him that Sessions was the best. That open the door for the Swamp, the Dems, the MSM, and a long list of Never-Trumpers.

    With all the other great GOP presidential candidates, I have found it hard to believe that the MAGA mob have won again with the non-leader businessman Trump. Gonna be hard for me to vote for him a third time.

    How bad are Trump’s Leadership Abilities? After about 4 years in Office he allowed this photo op:

    January 6th Gallows’ prop

    Run an image search on Jan 6 Gallows and that photo op angle continues to show up…

  17. He didn’t empower the Swamp, the Swampers had to come out of the slime and shadows to do their work. Plausible deniability is dead. Those 51 senior intelligence officials blew their cover; the threat posed by The Great Orange Whale was hudge, bigly bigly hudge, the largest ever, in their estimation.

    After 4 years of resistance, and the Independent Council (Herr Meuller) fiasco, sham impeachments, a stage managed “insurrection,” a kangaroo court and Congressional circus, and finally revealed, the two tier injustice system, has produced the lowest public trust in Congress, the Brandon junta, and the media. Collateral damages to the Swamp and its minions.

    Will the country survive this level of ruin?

  18. Mark Tapscott’s conclusion to his PJM post is the most telling to me, because it fits with Pelosi’s manipulation of the Capitol Police security shenanigans and the J6 Committee’s propaganda display (see Karmi’s link at 10:21).

    According to Loudermilk, the Select Committee on January 6 never reviewed the thousands of hours of videos of the riot specifically to determine who was responsible for the gallows, even though the panel did everything it could to publicize the structure with the hanging noose.

    The USCP Guidelines for conducting events provide that “(t)emporary structures of any kind may not be erected on Capitol Grounds.” So why on earth did nobody in uniform walk over to the structure while it was under construction and order its removal or bring equipment to knock it down after it was completed?

    Here’s my best guess of the answer to that question: they weren’t allowed to do so. Why do I say that? I’ve been dealing with USCP officers literally for decades. I know them to be great men and women dedicated to protecting every person coming and going on the Capitol grounds. I cannot imagine these people simply ignoring a hastily constructed structure intended to convey death or purposely choosing to leave it in place.

    So the questions must be answered. Who built the gallows, and who decided it should not be torn down once it was up?

    MY question, given the prominence of the gallows as a prop picture by the J6 theater production, why is Loudermilk, and the GOP in general, only just now getting around to investigating it?

  19. Who built the January 6 gallows? It seems evident that it wasn’t the J6 ruffians, “insurrectionists,” Proud Boys etc.

    My question is, if this were a real gallows, who would it be appropriate to hang from it? After a proper trial of course, in a non-kangaroo court.

  20. A brief note that the functioning of the J6 commission as a propaganda drama rather than an investigation, the blatant bias of the Mann vs Steyn court delays and partisan judgment, the on-going farces in the Trump Trials, and now the virulently antisemitic protests particularly those in university settings, makes this a warning to be heeded. (h/t Powerline picks)


    What prompted me to consider the issue of the younger generation was Solzhenitsyn’s warning that aspects of Western culture resembled conditions that preceded the 1917 Bolshevik takeover of Russia. He points to “a certain retreat by the older generation, yielding their intellectual leadership to the younger generation. It is against the natural order of things for those who are youngest, with the least experience of life, to have the greatest influence in directing the life of society.

    He states, “One can say then that this is what forms the spirit of the age, the current of public opinion, when people in authority, well-known professors and scientists, are reluctant to enter into an argument even when they hold a different opinion. It is considered embarrassing to put forward one’s counterarguments.”

    The result, Solzhenitsyn asserts, “is a certain abdication of responsibility, which is typical here where there is complete freedom.”

    He also warns of “a universal adulation of revolutionaries, the more so the more extreme they are! Similarly, before the revolution, we had in Russia, if not a cult of terror, then a fierce defense of terrorists. People in good positions—intellectuals, professors, liberals—spent a great deal of effort, anger, and indignation in defending terrorists.”

    “What we see is always the same as it was then: adults deferring to the opinion of their children; the younger generation carried away by shallow, worthless ideas; professors scared of being unfashionable,” he concludes.

    I think it’s pretty clear that Solzhenitsyn was right then and he’s right now. We see more or less everything he describes in today’s culture: The deference to the stupidities of youth, professors and intellectuals terrified of telling the truth, the idolatry of the terrorist, the cult of political violence, and so on. Nor is the problem confined to the left. The right has similar problems in terms of political violence and general hostility towards republican norms.

    Since no evidence is adduced in the post for the last sentence, and I can’t think of anything even remotely relevant, other than the fictions of the J6 Insurrection, Trump is literally Hitler, and the like, I have to partially agree with this commenter:

    “This boilerplate statement “Nor is the problem confined to the left” is really tiring. It makes me want to stop reading. The left is obviously the primary source of the problems dictated in this article. So the boilerplate “I’m a liberal and I need to state that this 99% liberal problem is not entirely liberal” is just such a canard that it destroys my respect for the writer.”

    I still respect the writer for the valid points he did make, but he seems to be working from a worldview conditioned by the left wing’s monopoly of the press.

  21. Revolver had a good article up on this some time ago, the coffee run went to the shop if I remember across the street from a FBI building, where if he was a Fed would have gone other days.
    This was another provocation that day that went no where, but they had to go overboard with them no knowing exactly how to push the crowd where they needed them. The Insurrection was planned by the Feds long before Jan6.

  22. They fired teargas into the crowd thats what provoked the reaction

    He didnt put up the gallows and they dont arrest the ones who did the wanted posters have a hole in the dragnet

  23. This does make me think this conspiracy is bigger, if only that some if not in the know realize if they open their mouth they will get the hammer.
    This Jan6 Fedsurrection had to be a few months in planning, it just didn’t fall from lots of blocks and magically build a wall.

  24. Others compel investigation until solved, as in this case:
    You want to waste your time and make yourself look like a clown, be my guest.

  25. Honestly, the description of the blatant activity involving several people and materials pouring out of vehicles at dawn to build the gallows is crazy; almost comical. Just imagine seeing a video of that, sped up, with the Benny Hill theme song going in the background.

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