Home » Nuclear enrichment: Iran is up to no good


Nuclear enrichment: Iran is up to no good — 23 Comments

  1. One of the strangest things that the war in Gaza illustrates is that one side – Israel – is trying its best to prevent civilian casualties on both sides, while the other side – Hamas – is trying its best to amass civilian casualties on both sides.

    We also learn that — oddly, I think — nuclear weapons possession alone is an insufficient deterrent to an enemy which believes it knows weakness when it sees it.

  2. Many people in the Western Nations are not exactly thinking clearly at this point, either.
    Exhibit A being ” Queers for Palestine.”

  3. Nor does Iran care that it destroys whatever it touches.
    Looked at Yemen, recently?
    Lebanon? Gaza?
    Or Iran itself for that matter.
    Of course that’s not really the point:
    Let destruction ring!
    Iran has one overarching goal, or two perhaps…and “Biden” is doing “his” absolute best to facilitate both.

  4. Since we won’t do anything and Biden probably wants Iran to get nukes, Israel will have to take care of this. Might as well get it over with.

  5. Either Israel acts decisively or Iran will… when you know beyond question or doubt that a mortal enemy will not give up on its determination to destroy you, there is only one response: Iran delenda est…
    Nor does it matter that the majority of the Iranian people may be opposed to the path upon which Iran’s fanatical Mullahs are taking them. No more than it did once Germany elected Hitler.

  6. If Iran is smart they will use the first couple bombs to destroy or at least cripple the Great Satan. Nuking DC and NYC would leave them free to destroy Israel at their leisure.

  7. “Since we won’t do anything and Biden probably wants Iran to get nukes, Israel will have to take care of this. Might as well get it over with.”

    Exactly. Since there is no way that Israel can allow Iran to possess even one nuclear weapon, they will have to take care of it sooner rather than later. There will be world wide condemnation but I believe Israel has no other choice.

  8. PART I:
    For years, Hamas fired rockets at Israel.

    Israelis ran to shelters and shot the rockets down.

    But no vigorous response till Oct. 7.

    PART II:

    The Houthis fire missiles & drones at both Israel and the ships of many nations.

    Meanwhile, global shipping diverts, screwing up inventory schedules, raising shipping rates and adding to inflation.

    What do these nations (including US) do? Shoot down the missiles & drones at more than 10x the cost.

    And Iran watches and waits…

    See the pattern?

  9. I fear Iran more than China. Yes, will make a move on Tiwan, but it shouldn’t provoke a World War and China really doesn’t want to be destroyed. Iran however has a Religious Fever to destroy Israel, consequences be Damned. This might provoke a wider war, maybe. Would the US respond, or France, or UK or EU? Right now I have serious doubts that any would respond if their own territory wasn’t bombed.

  10. One cultural nuance: the ethnically Persian states look down on the ethnically Arabic states. As shown in the case of Hamas they are willing to sacrifice *Arabs* for the cause.

  11. IOW, “Biden” is providing both encouragement, monetary assistance and moral support to Iran (“Biden”‘s ally) and Iran’s friends…while insisting on being a staunch supporter of the Jewish State.

    (Talk about balancing acts!)

    One might think that this MOST OBVIOUS of “features” would be, um, noticed by all the best and brightest, most compassionate and caring, nicest and sweetest—and exceedingly well educated and socially aware.

    BUT NO! It MUST be overlooked—because Trump (the only sitting president with Jewish grandchildren frolicking in the WH) has been O-SO-SUCCESSFULLY labeled a Nazi by “Biden” and “his” far-flung, entrenched agents of personal, societal, national and global destruction.

    (And well…you can’t vote for a Nazi, can you…which means the ONLY real alternative is to vote for THE DESTROYER!…but for all the right, cogent, MORAL reasons!!)

  12. @ Jerry Hartman > “If Iran is smart they will use the first couple bombs to destroy or at least cripple the Great Satan. Nuking DC and NYC would leave them free to destroy Israel at their leisure.”

    Nuking the US first would guarantee that Israel would have time to unleash their (“alleged”) arsenal, and America would also have to shoot back whether Biden Inc wants to or not (well, in theory). There is a reason NORAD is not on the East Coase.
    Hopefully, a couple of mushroom clouds would draw more of a response than did the Chinese balloons.

    The Iranians can’t possibly make enough bombs to cripple the US without being discovered, despite the best efforts of the entire Western world to cover for them.

    My best guess (which is all anyone has, including our not-so-great intel agencies) is that Iran will hide the existence of their first feasible bombs (not “working” ones because they won’t dare test them yet) until they think they can saturate Israel enough to forestall retaliation, because they won’t need very many compared to what would be needed to take out America; possibly publicize one as their “first” working bomb to continue their deterrence stance and even test it; and try to time their strike before Israel makes a pre-emptive hit on them.

    I’m not laying any odds on what would trigger that from the Jews.

    @ SHIREHOME > “Right now I have serious doubts that any would respond if their own territory wasn’t bombed.”

    Probably true; anti-Semitism is entrenched enough in all the nations’ elites that they won’t risk fighting Iran just to save the Jews.

    However, if the ayatollah takes out Israel, the Little Satan, the next largest collection of Jews is in the Great Satan. Of course, they aren’t concentrated in the US as they are in Israel, but hitting NYC would take out a substantial number.
    Collateral damage is not a hindrance to the Iranians, and maybe they really don’t care it they get hit afterwards.
    Note: if you are worried about Iran nuking the US to get the Jews, move to the Dakotas; they don’t have enough living there to be worth a warhead.

    Wikipedia (different articles for world & state):
    As of 2022, the world’s core Jewish population (those identifying as Jews above all else) was estimated at 15.2 million, 0.2% of the 8.1 billion worldwide population. Israel hosts the largest core Jewish population in the world with 6,983,000, followed by the United States with 6,000,000. Other countries with core Jewish populations above 100,000 include France (442,000), Canada (394,000), the United Kingdom (292,000), Argentina (173,000), the Russian Federation (145,000), Australia (118,200) and Germany (118,000). …
    Counting all those who are eligible for Israeli citizenship under Israel’s Law of Return, in addition to Israeli Jews, raised the total to 25.5 million.
    Two countries account for 81% of those recognised as Jews or of sufficient Jewish ancestry to be eligible for citizenship in Israel under its Law of Return: the United States with 51% and Israel with 30%

    Many Jews are concentrated in the Northeast, particularly around New York City. Many Jews also live in South Florida, Los Angeles and other large metropolitan areas, like Chicago, San Francisco, or Atlanta. The metropolitan areas of New York City, Los Angeles, and Miami contain nearly one quarter of the world’s Jews and the New York City metropolitan area itself contains around a quarter of all Jews living in the United States.
    [see chart & maps]

  13. I guess the end-of-days, rapture types are getting really excited about 2024!

    To be sure, they’ve been disappointed in the past, but they’ve learned to be stoical…
    And patient.

    (Kibbutz Megiddo and the surrounding communities might look into adding hotel space for those who are eager to be at the vortex!)

  14. Barry Meislin

    No. I’m Eastern Orthodox and we have an entirely different view. However, our priest has indicated he thinks some arranging is going on.

  15. A kinda God-helps-those-who-help-themselves thang, eh?

    Well, there’s always SOMETHING going on behind the scenes, no doubt.

    (In any event, it was just an out-of-the-box idea to boost tourism around here, which has really gone south and then some…)

  16. The most bizarre aspect of the October 7 incident is that it sounds like the Israeli intelligence apparatus was so deep into the effort to force out Netanyahu that it shut off the monitoring of Hamas. Did they invite Hamas to attack to discredit Netanyahu? What role did the Biden regime have in all this? Maybe that will come out later.

  17. Ah, the difficult questions that one daren’t ask…

    (One is terrified by the answers that will likely emerge…)

    More intriguingly, to my mind is how “Biden” was manipulating the powers in Israel to play ball according to “Biden”‘s ambitious plans, plots and conspiracies.
    We know that “Biden” absolutely despises Bibi.
    We know that “Biden” was actively promoting and supporting the extreme protests, demonstrations and riots that were intended, ultimately to drive Bibi and his government from office. (Just another “Biden” “pro-democracy” maneuver! AKA Color Revolution, except this time, Israel’s democratically elected govt. was the TARGET.)
    We know that “Biden” has plans for a two-state solution that involves Israeli withdrawal to the May 1967 cease-fire lines. We’re talking about giving back EVERY bit of land that the Arabs lost in the 67 war. We know this because of Obama’s piece de resistance in December 2016, with just about a month left in his presidency—UN Resolution 2334, that masterfully perpetrated crock of international deception and betrayal. (Yes, Obama’s rather talented when it comes to things like that.)
    We know that since being “elected”, “Biden” has provided billions of dollars to Iran and the Palestinians.
    We know that “Biden” is Obama.
    We know that Obama views Israel (and the US—and the Palestinians and Iran) through progressive lenses.

    “Biden” was pushing hard from Day One (January 2021) to undo all of the achievements of “his” predecessor. Regarding I/P, this meant a return to pushing the two-state solution, to return to subsidizing the Palestinians to “give them hope” (for precisely what we have recently witnessed), to FORCE Israel to bow to “his” plan for a transformed Middle East.
    Regarding the Abraham Accords, this meant denigrating them and discouraging them while appearing to try to expand them. (Another two-faced Obama talent.)
    We know that “Biden”‘s plan MUST include a Palestinian state even though the Palestinians have rejected a state several times since 1999 and will continue to do so as long as they believe it leaves Israel in a position to defend itself. (They might agree to a two-state agreement if they believe that sucn an agreement leaves Israel essentially unable to defend itself. IOW, the two-state agreement is a grand deception: The stepping stone to Israel’s destruction. (Obama is all for deception, as well…see “talent”, above.)

    We know that “Biden”s chief diplomat in the region, Jake Sullivan crowed just prior to Oct. 7 that “Biden”s plans for peace in the region were working out with amazing success (“not in 20 years has the region known peace such as it knows today”, etc., etc.—that’s a paraphrase).
    Was that a feint? Or mere Sullivanesque incompetence?
    The problem with “Biden”‘ is that in “his” context, one should NEVER attribute to stupidity what can be attributed to MALICE…

    What we DON’T know —but we can guess—is whether “Biden” et al. offered significant inducements and incentives—read, REWARDS–to Israeli military and intelligence branches to follow and promote “Biden”‘s policies.
    One can also imagine what kind of carrot-and-stick inducements these might have been.

    In short, “Biden”‘s intention is to betray the State of Israel, just as he is in the process of betraying the county he purportedly was “elected” to “lead”.

    This shouldn’t be rocket science.
    While Hamas’s extraordinary success on Oct. 7 may have forced “him” to perform some very fancy footwork, this should not—and WILL NOT—derail “him” from “his” ultimate goal.

    All “he” has to do is get back into office in 2024 and all the stops will be pulled on his Wurlitzer Organ act. I assume that’s already a given, however.

    Interesting times….

  18. The solution to Iran is so obvious !!

    Just send the US govt’s expert negotiators to Iran – that would be John Kerry, Antony Blinked Again Blinken, Jake Sullivan AND to really really show Iran that the US means business…..drum roll please…..Valerie Jarrett !!!! – along with $50 BILLION in cash, and Iran will do whatever the US asks (but only if the US asks politely).

    And as an added incentive the US should offer up to Iran, the city of Tel Aviv as an added bonus, minus its Israeli inhabitants .
    There is a precedent for this; recall how the UK and France gave the Sudetenland to Hitler and how it resulted in “peace in our time.”

    History clearly demonstrates that genuflecting to murderous tyrants, while handing over copious quantities of cash, works just fine in mitigating the barbarous instincts of those inclined to spread destruction and death.

  19. Mike K:

    Whatever hatred some of the Israeli security people had and have for Netanyahu, there is no way they invited this attack.

    Instead, they were far too reliant on their electronic devices to protect them, and far too in love with the theory that the Gazans were happier because so many of them were allowed to work in Israel and get better wages. The signs that something was brewing were shrugged off as bluster. Plus, there had never been a terrorist attack or a Hamas attack of anything remotely approaching this magnitude.

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