Home » Biden gives aid and comfort to Iran


Biden gives aid and comfort to Iran — 20 Comments

  1. Too good not to share from Scott Johnson at Power Line,

    “Say what you will about Neville Chamberlain and the policy of appeasement, neither funded Nazi Germany let alone the Holocaust.”

  2. It sends Bibi a message.
    [But then Obama/”Biden” always had it in for Bibi… Alas those “Biden”-assisted “Democratia” demos didn’t quite do the trick, did they? Or, hey, maybe they DID…
    (So perhaps the Likud will remove Bibi from his leadership position—he’s political toast in any event, but just not yet—and maybe, just maybe THEN, “Biden” will “LOVE” Israel again? Well…keep on dreamin’….)]

    This latest largesse to the Mullahs (the money just keeps flowing, doesn’t it?—AMAZING!) is of a piece with the recent decision of the UN to put Iran in charge of the UN Human Rights Forum(!)…or whatever they wanna call i…which is just another message.

    COLLUSION (heh) is a word the Democrats just love to use…when accusing others.

    There’s a reason for that! (Yes, they know it well…)

  3. Isn’t that “aid and comfort to the enemy”? Should Biden, Blinken et al be in Leavenworth? I know, but I can at least dream.

  4. Biden to Israel: “We will Barry you”

    Not referring to our esteemed correspondent Mr. Meislin.

  5. When I heard that announced on TV last night, I almost lost it. Insanity! Treachery! Brain Dead! How can the Biden advisors think this makes any sense at all?

    We are funding both sides of the Israel – Hanas war and the Ukraine – Russia war. Is there a profit motive? Or do these idiots think of this as great statesmanship? Knaves or fools? Both.

  6. @ J.J. > “We are funding both sides”

    We do a lot of that, it seems to me. The US sent “humanitarian” aid to the USSR during the Holodomor. We off-shore outrageously important business to China and then buy back their products. We are funding the Taliban, also with “humanitarian aid.” We pay illegal immigrants to come to America.

    In the Israel-Hamas situation, the government is divided (overtly pro-Israel, Deep State or at least cellars of the bureaucracy pro-Hamas), so maybe each side gets to fund their own favorites. Could be the same for Ukraine-Russia; I have no idea.

    Two things are true in all those cases: the political-industrial-military-elite complex gets paid, and the American workers get the bills.

  7. Also, per Neo’s next post, we are funding the UN which is training the Hamas cadres beginning in kindergarten. Then we fund Israel’s defense weapons against them when they get older.
    What is wrong with this picture?

  8. It’s getting hard to decide where to put a reference on the Hamas War against Israel, but this post by Sam Harris is passionate, informative, and should be of great concern.

    I’m pretty sure I don’t agree with much of Harris’s ideology, but he is right about the moral distinctions illuminated by the pro-Hamas believers, and the danger of Islamic jihad.

    If you didn’t see the by-line, you could believe that Robert Spencer wrote it.

  9. Related:
    “Tenured Barbarians”—
    H/T Powerline blog.

    Featuring a huge dosage of the academic dishonesty that poses as cutting-edge TRUTH in the hallowed halls of wisdom, knowledge and learning….

    (But then I keep forgetting: There is NO TRUTH… Me bad…)
    – – – – – – –
    As for funding both sides of the Russia-Ukraine war, ‘twould appear that “Biden” is eagerly funding the Mullahs so that they can supply Putin with their oh-so-useful military drones….
    He’s doing this, apparently, so that he can crow about how crucial it is to support Ukraine’s fight for freedom(!).

    (Wash, rinse and apply to Iran/Hamas/Hezbullah/Houthi/The Left vs. Israel…)

  10. Orange actions are pretty damning too, om. Remember the one where he tried to suspend the Constitution to stay in office after losing an election? But he wasn’t really trying to suspend the Constitution, those were just “Orange” words. He was just pushing a hair-brained legal theory that even his lawyers admitted would lose 9-0 at the Supreme Court.

  11. thats not what he said, it is however what this shambling scarecrow’s ministers are doing, to meme makers to cancer stricken grandmas while ignoring the el paso shooter, the one in colorado, two years ago, and so many examples that don’t need a ground hog day revision,

    so the Senate Dems, probably taking the lead of Warnock Hamas fanboi, voted down aid for Israel,

  12. is of a piece with the recent decision of the UN to put Iran in charge of the UN Human Rights Forum

    It seems to me that putting Iran in charge of a “Human Rights Forum” is like putting a known and convicted child rapist in charge of a child day care center. But I guess the great thinkers in the UN concluded that it’s a swell idea. I wish we’d stop giving money and credence to such an awful organization. Then we could turn the UN headquarters in NYC into something more useful and relevant, like perhaps a Blockbuster Video location.

  13. Trump was a far more constitutional President than Barry or Joe. And *nothing* he has ever done is anywhere near as bad as the appalling effort to appease the depraved antisemitic terrorists who rule Iran. In fact he tried to reverse that.

  14. The source of “the rot” ( our Iran policy)?

    Valerie Jarret -> Barack Obama -> Joe Biden

  15. So if this mean Iran is the player of Hamas?
    If yes what makes US presidents give Iran some treat?
    This is not one-off or first time

    – President Reagan agreed Tuesday to return $454 million in previously frozen assets to Iran,

    – Obama administration is acknowledging its transfer of $1.7 billion to Iran earlier this year was made entirely in cash, using non-U.S. currency.

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