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Gaza/Israel roundup — 75 Comments

  1. Re the fall of Constantinople: I don’t think I’ve ever felt such deep contempt for Bill Clinton and many other Democrats as I did when, after 9/11, they repeatedly lamented the Crusader conquest of Muslim Jerusalem without ever mentioning any of the very many Muslim conquests of non-Muslim cities/states. They repeated as fact obvious hyperbole about foot-deep rivers of blood in the streets and used the conquest as an example of legitimate Islamic grievance against the West, though it was a thousand years ago.

    But they *never* mentioned the equally bloody conquest of Constantinople, or the centuries of continued aggression against Europe by Islam. It was an indication of the degree to which Western elites were disowning their own past, and groveling before the sacred Other.

  2. Bibi’s stature in Israel is similar to Trump’s toward the end of his term- all the right people hate him, and will destroy their country if it hurts the object of their hate. A plurality, probably not a majority, support him, but not enough to overwhelm the single-minded focus of the hate. Bibi has been embroiled in legal battles, like Trump, and has been distracted by the need to placate his enemies.
    I don’t know that he is finished politically, as many here predict. I suspect that they will come to see Bibi similarly to the way the American people saw FDR after the Pearl Harbor attack, and will rally around him, with a small minority of his political enemies feeling chastened that he had to fight both domestic and foreign enemies.
    A lot depends on the outcome, of course. If Hamas is diminished and Israeli losses are acceptable, he will live to fight another day. The Israeli populace will have to make do with less, and will not be happy about it, and they will suffer the usual diplomatic isolation that follows anything they do to survive. But survive they will.

  3. Its a sin against God to call this abomination “Israel.” The church replaced Israel and is the Israel of God. This heathen country should be forced to change its name. Allowing it to be called Israel is a trademark violation against heaven and the vampires who run it have used this to steal souls. If it will not change its name then it loses its right to exist.

  4. Israel is not Israel

    You are wrong.

    Paul in Romans 11:1-2 says:

    “I ask, then, has God rejected his people? By no means! For I myself am an Israelite, a descendant of Abraham, a member of the tribe of Benjamin.

    God has not rejected his people whom he foreknew. Do you not know what the Scripture says of Elijah, how he appeals to God against Israel?”

    You might heed Paul’s advice in verses 17-18:

    “But if some of the branches were broken off, and you, although a wild olive shoot, were grafted in among the others and now share in the nourishing root of the olive tree, do not be arrogant toward the branches. If you are, remember it is not you who support the root, but the root that supports you.”

  5. @Israel is not Israel

    Its a sin against God to call this abomination “Israel.”

    Please explain why.

    The church replaced Israel

    This is simply horseshit heresy Replacement Theology, and as a Christian who has PLENTY to criticize Jews and Israel over I will not stand for it.



    Christ came to fulfill the covenant and break down the boundaries between Jew and Gentile, but he did not come to replace the Jews or Israel.

    and is the Israel of God.

    That does not change the fact that Israel and the Jews maintain a special relationship with God, one that has remained in spite of many cases of actual heathenism, idolatry, and far more egregious sins than modern Israelis are guilty of (Seriously, Book of Judges, Study it). I do believe many Jews are anti-Christs and enemies of God and the Church, and I fully expect they shall have to answer before a stern and judging God, but that does not mean that Replacement Theology is true any more than it means that God irrevocably damned Israel for the likes of Ahab and Jezebel.

    This heathen country

    Translation: You don’t even know what the hell “heathen” means.

    I have plenty of issues with Rabanatical Judaism (indeed, in many ways it is descended from the people – the Sanhedrin – who conspired with the actual heathen/pagan Roman military authorities to murder Jesus), but it is not “Heathen.”

    Moreover, I’ll note that there was plenty of times when Israel was ACTUALLY HEATHEN, as in literally worshipping gods other than Yahweh/El Elyon (as happened during the Israel-Judah Wars), which is detailed in stuff like Judges and Jeremiah, but while God is said to have willed the downfall of Israel through actual invasion, occupation, and in a few cases deportation He is not said to have viewed it as necessary to deny it its name.

    And if you think Yahweh has a bigger issue with Rabbinatical Jews than he does with people literally worshipping the likes of Astarte, Baal, or Dagon you have learned literally nothing about what Christianity or Judaism or God’s Covenant means.

    should be forced to change its name. Allowing it to be called Israel is a trademark violation against heaven

    I trust God and the Armies of His Host in Heaven have MORE THAN ENOUGH power to successfully demand and obtain remedy for any such “trademark violation”, and indeed the Bible tells us God has done so to the Jews of Israel and Judah and others many times (even many, many, many times) in the Past. To pretend otherwise is ACTUAL, LITERALY Heresy.

    I do not pretend to know all of God’s mind nor the full details of His plans, because I at least TRY to avoid heresy and heterodoxy, but I submit that there is at least one reason and likely more than one that He has not seen fit to cast down the modern State of Israel or even force it to change its name yet, and I am inclined to obey the Will of God.

    and the vampires who run it have used this to steal souls.

    Oh, cute. Subtle. Vampires, Israel. Jews, Bloodsuckers. You probably are patting yourself on the back for how clever you are.

    You really think modern day Israel is more vampiric and stealing of souls than Jeroboam’s Israel?

    If it will not change its name then it loses its right to exist.

    Unlike you, I leave that decision to God.

    Also: the Decalogue is quite clear. Thou Shalt Not Murder. Thou Shalt Not Covet. Those that seek to do violence without justification are egregious sinners in the eyes of God and must repent or be cursed.

  6. Oh also, forgot to mention @Israel is not Israel but I have one question:

    If you believe calling it “Israel” is such a blasphemy or afront worthy of justifying violence or even genocide, then what WOULD you have it be named? Please, do tell us. I am kind of curious.

  7. Still, it’s a kind of novel argument.

    Kind of like, “Change yer name or face destruction!!”
    (Sensitive soul, obviously…either that or takes the concept of “copyright” more seriously than your average bear…)

    …With echoes of, “Use my correct pronouns OR ELSE!!”…which is kind of interesting because many of those who would insist that correct pronouns be used—OR ELSE!!—are perfectly fine with chanting their desire to see the State of Isarel destroyed…though no doubt there’s a perfectly good explanation for that nexus…


  8. Interesting example of just how pure “pure dishonesty” can be
    Recall Mr. Sailer’s definition of contemporary libertarianism: applied autism.

  9. Sounds like the commenter wants God to file a lawsuit for a trademark violation. I don’t think that’s God’s style.

    And Neo’s blog isn’t the place to do theological arguments, but really, calling modern Israel a heathen nation run by vampires is beyond unbalanced.

  10. Muhammad and all those who ‘honor’ his words are true descendants of Ishmael…

    “He shall be a wild donkey of a man, his hand against everyone and everyone’s hand against him, and he shall dwell over against all his kinsmen.” Genesis 16:12

    Muslim history demonstrates a classic tribal animosity to the ‘other’. “I against my brother. I and my brother against my cousin. I, my brother, and my cousin against the world.” (Arab Proverb)

  11. On Ishmael, imagine my surprise when I learned, in Cairo, that Muslims claim it was Ishmael, not Isaac, who was almost sacrificed by Abraham. And a learned but non-religious Muslim asked me how Christians handle the story of Abraham going with Ishmael to build a shrine at the Ka’aba in Mecca. I said we don’t handle it because we never heard of such a thing. The Qur’an mangles both Hebrew and Christian scripture.

  12. seeing how the kaaba happened about 3000 years later, that would be problematic

  13. Kate, aha, so that’s where they believe the Ka’aba came from. Interesting. It’s funny (almost) how the Muslims feel that they have to give their origin story a boost in credibility by riding Abraham’s coattails, so to speak. I guess the Qur’an isn’t convincing enough by itself. Strange, considering it’s supposed to be the absolute literal word of God and all that.

    I found the video about the Nakba cited in the post very useful.

  14. “…seeing how the kaaba happened about 3000 years later, that would be problematic…”

    Well, chronological order is not given any credence since the general view is that the—DEVIOUS—Jews have corrupted the TRUE Narrative (i.e., THEIR Narrative) from the get-go.

    OTOH, I don’t believe that the narrative of Isaac being the Chosen descendant of Abraham—that is, as opposed to Ishma’el—is denied across the board by Moslem scholars/clerics. That is, there does exist the believe that Palestine WAS “granted by God” to the descendants of Isaac, while the Arabs were, themselves “granted” other real estate… FWIW…
    Not certain how widespread this view is; it could be wider than one might think…keeping in mind that those who DO believe this are likely to be intimidated and threatened by the RIGHTEOUS UPHOLDERS OF THE PALESTINIAN NARRATIVE (TM)…

  15. (3) This is the headline of the second post Neo linked to, for those who didn’t click through, because it’s such a great example of how cease-fires, pauses, etc. are always violated by Hamas.
    “IDF says Hamas attacked troops as they opened evacuation corridor for Palestinians”

    There are pictures for anyone skeptical of the sourcing, which is fine.
    But IMO the IDF is more reliable than Hamas, the NYT, and the BBC.


  16. ‘The Jews were never in with the “In Crowd,” whether that crowd was feminists, LGBTQ+, minorities, or any other variants of leftism….’

    Not sure that statement is at all accurate.

    What IS true is that eventually, some Jews—certainly not ALL—come to understand that they’ve been mugged by those movements they’ve enthusiastically EMBRACED, HELPED TO LEGITIMIZE AND EVEN LEAD.

    Would seem we’re currently living in one of those “moments” in the—so-called—“grand arc of history”—that for some BIZARRE reason keeps repeating itself…(or should that be “keeps rhyming”?).

    Me? I blame Messianism and the striving for purported PERFECTION, more correctly a perverted misunderstand of what PERFECTION entails…(but maybe I’m being a tad simplistic here….)

  17. @ Kate > “On Ishmael, imagine my surprise when I learned, in Cairo, that Muslims claim it was Ishmael, not Isaac, who was almost sacrificed by Abraham.”

    I had never heard the claim about Abraham and the Ka’aba, but was familiar with the Ishmael story from this series and the associated book.

    “Genesis was a 10-part series produced to stimulate interfaith dialogue in a democratic spirit. Writers, artists, psychologists, composers, lawyers, college presidents, journalists, translators and Biblical scholars discuss, debate and discover the great stories of Genesis.

    The stories in the book of Genesis — creation, humanity’s fall, the flood, Abraham and Isaac, Joseph in Egypt, and more — have intrigued and inspired Jews, Christians, and Muslims alike for millennia.

    Join journalist Bill Moyers as he leads some of the most passionate and thoughtful Bible discussions ever conducted. In these lively small-group conversations, dozens of accomplished people from all walks of life and many faith traditions bring their unique perspectives to 10 well-known biblical stories. They share personal insights, challenge ideas, and ultimately learn from each other. At the center of each discussion lies the Genesis story itself- by turns elusive, uplifting, shocking, tragic and poignant, but always endlessly fascinating. (1996)”

    This video someone (Neo?) posted a couple of days ago covers some of the ways Mohammed used and abused the Jewish and Christian religions, in addition to killing the people. Rachid is a former Muslim, and discusses at length the degree of indoctrination used to teach children to hate Jews and Christians.

    The REAL Reason Muhammad Hated Jews and Preached Genocide
    Acts 17 Polemics
    292,704 views Premiered Nov 1, 2023 #Jews #isreal #islam
    David Wood and Brother Rachid explain the history of Muhammad’s interactions with the Jews of Medina and Khaybar, and how Muhammad’s hostility and hatred have become massive barriers to peace in the Middle East.

  18. @ Neo > “Here’s a brave woman:”

    Amen to that. I hope she is not targeted for her anti-Hamas efforts; even though she said she didn’t care if she was killed if it helped people understand, I suspect her death would not make a ripple in the ocean of anti-Semitic demonization of Israel and all Jews.

    That would be a terrible waste.

  19. I saw this post at Bookworm Room today, and it is very poignant, especially the graphic depiction of a modified version of Martin Niemöller’s famous “First they came for…” confessional lament.

    However, looking here at the list of times the Democrat Jews “stood by” the Left, it’s very clear that there was & is some willful blindness going on as to the aims and methods being supported, and the only surprise is that the trajectory of hate finally hit them.


    Jewish Democrats are grappling with the fact that their former “friends” have turned on them. Here’s the truth: They were never your friends.

    It’s a standard trope in situation comedy: The nerdy kid tries to cultivate friendships by helping the popular kids with their homework. It never really works. The popular kids are always using them. They don’t like to have these nerds around and, when the nerds’ usefulness ends, the pretense of friendship ends, too.

    I thought of that when an ardently Democrat, but very pro-Israel, Facebook friend of mine shared the above image. To my mind, it perfectly sums up the Democrat Jewish plaint in 2023: I was there for you, why aren’t you here for me?

    I was there for you during the Civil Rights movement.

    I was there for you during the Vietnam anti-war movement.

    I was there for you during the feminist movement.

    I was there for you during the gay liberation movement.

    I was there for you fighting “Islamophobia” after 9/11.

    I was there for you doing the Iraq anti-war movement.

    I was there for you during the transgender liberation movement.

    I was there for you during the Black Lives Matter movement.

    I was there for you when you were doing everything possible to keep, and then get, Trump out of the White House.

    I was there for you during the push for lockdowns and vaccinations.

    I was there for you when you wanted to flood Ukraine with money.

    I was there for you when you wanted an open border.

    I was there for you for decades as you worked to remove any hint of religion from the public square.

    I’ve been there for you. Why aren’t you here for me?

    The Jews were never in with the “In Crowd,” whether that crowd was feminists, LGBTQ+, minorities, or any other variants of leftism. They were being used and, having been used, they are now being thrown away. It’s a hard lesson to learn and, potentially, a deadly one.

    My greatest fear is that, in 2024, Democrat Jews, having recovered from this emotional nadir, will revert to being the pathetic 14-year-old geek at at high school. Instead of saying, “I don’t need you” to the Democrats, they’ll continue to run after these soul-less, often downright evil, popular kids, still desperate for their approval.

    This article contains Niemöller’s original speech on which the popular poetic renditions are based.

  20. Been busy today, it being Sunday and all…but I do appreciate y’all team stomping “Israel is not Israel.”

    “special troll” is right… sheesh what a maroon.

  21. Interesting observations on the Geneva Conventions, which have come up several times since 10/7.

    John Hayward @Doc_0

    Funny how the people who claim to be Twitter war crimes experts and huff about MUH GENEVA CONVENTIONS when criticizing Israel have absolutely nothing to say about the Palestinians firing low-accuracy rockets at civilian targets – and they’ve been doing that for a long time.

    The bar is set so low for Palestinian terrorism that rocket swarms don’t count.
    For some Hamas supporters, it’s back to their dimwitted “oppression” calculations – the oppressed Palestinians can do no wrong, their every act of “resistance” is justified, and if it’s uncomfortably heinous, then it’s all the fault of the oppressors for forcing them to do it.

    For the anti-civilization brigade – and there are absolutely organized groups in the Western world whose goal is the destruction of civilization itself – it’s just an Alinsky tactic, holding the civilized and productive Israelis to a standard completely waived for their enemies.

    The truth is that those Palestinian rocket barrages are EXACTLY the kind of war crime the Geneva Conventions were written to prevent. The last thing the postwar powers wanted was to legitimize the use of human shields or constant murder strikes against civilians.

    Do you really think the survivors of WW2 thought it would be a great idea to rationalize terrorist tactics from people convinced they have legitimate historic grievances? You think the world of 1949 was unfamiliar with that rationalization for mass murder and inhuman horror?

    The point of formulating laws of war was not to give savages and barbarians an unbeatable advantage over civilized adversaries who must always fight with their hands tied. The goal was the OPPOSITE of that – to make terrorism and unlawful tactics too costly to contemplate.

    Half a century on, we’ve slipped into a politicized daze and shrug as the “oppressed” pull the rocket equivalent of a drive-by shooting over and over again. “Just give them what they want and maybe they’ll stop” is not the response envisioned by the Geneva Conventions. /end

  22. Compare and contrast:

    “We Will Repeat the October 7 Attack Time and Again Until Israel Is Annihilated”—
    “The War In Gaza Is A War To End The Zionist State…”—

    “Macklemore speaks at pro-Palestinian rally in DC where demonstrators called for destruction of Israel: ‘This is genocide’ “—

    Heh, Palestinian genocidal projection in all its cock-eyed, gruesome GLORY!
    File under: Palestinian Rules! (Actually, “Democratic Party Rules!”…)

  23. The NEW NORMAL, apparently…

    This “mostly peaceful” group of protesters is protesting—“peacefully“(!)–for the destruction of the Jewish State…

    “29 arrested during pro-Palestinian Arab protest in London;
    “Four officers injured as thousands of pro-Palestinian Arab protesters gather in London’s Trafalgar Square.”—
    Key grafs:
    ‘A total of 29 people were arrested on Saturday after thousands of pro-Palestinian Arab protesters gathered in London’s Trafalgar Square demanding a ceasefire in the Israel-Hamas war, “The Independent” reported.
    ‘ They were arrested for inciting racial hatred, other racially motivated crimes, violence and assaulting a police officer, the Metropolitan Police said.
    ‘ Demonstrators had climbed on top of the square’s famous fountains as the mostly peaceful group waved flags and banners on Saturday afternoon, but police said some of the demonstrators launched fireworks into crowds and toward officers…[Emphasis mine; Barry M.]
    ‘ More than 1,300 officers were on duty in the area, four of whom were injured, the force said.
    ‘ At least one protester was seen carrying a banner which read “Let’s keep the world clean” with a picture of an Israeli flag being thrown into a bin.
    ‘ Other protesters chanted “from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free”….’

    Of course, that last line should read, “…peacefully chanted…”

    (And then there’s the “peaceful” rally of “peaceful” citizens protesting “peacefully” in Washington DC…)

    Yep, the NEW NORMAL!

  24. “…from Blue to Red…”

    Gosh, I don’t know.
    If “Biden” can allow enough of the right kind of “refugees” in before November 2024 (and allow them to vote—which is only fair), then “he” should do OK.

    Actually, he doesn’t even have to do that…
    (All “he” has to do is mega-“FORTIFY” the 2024 election: IOW, stop the ballot counting for a few hours MORE than “he” did in 2020…)

    Oops, there I go…being IRRESPONSIBLE again….

  25. Related (Victor D Hanson):
    “One word explains the ugly hypocrisy of Hamas apologists: antisemitism”—

    Which does the raise the question—oft-raised, mind you—of anti-Semitism.
    But I wonder: Is it the idea of Jews that truly bothers the “peaceful” protesters? Or is it the idea of a Jewish State that bothers them?—A Jewish State that should never have been allowed to be created; that never should have been allowed to exist; that never should have been allowed to defend itself; that never should have been allowed to prevent its own destruction. That never should have been allowed to succeed. That should never….)

    Hmm. I wonder…

    And then there’s Yasir Arafat:
    “Arafat’s Grand Strategy”—

    “How ‘Day of Action’ turned ugly: Dismayed poppy sellers surrounded by pro-Palestinian protesters, a crowd chanting ‘shame on you’ at child leaving McDonald’s and tube passengers shouting ‘smash the Zionist state’ – as Met makes 29 arrests”—

  26. And from the Moralist-in-Chief (or maybe that should be, Transformer-in-Chief?):

    “Obama: ‘Nobody’s Hands Are Clean’ in Israel’s War on Hamas”—

    Well, except Iran’s, I guess…
    – – – – – – – – – –
    At least the Great Man(TM) is consistent…
    “Obama warns about dangers of market-based systems: ‘Compatible with slavery’ “—
    H/T Instapundit.
    Opening grafs:
    ‘Former President Barack Obama offered a dire warning of market-based economic systems at a huge reunion celebrating 15 years since he won the presidency.
    ‘Obama was in Chicago on Friday for the Obama Foundation’s Democracy Forum, where he delivered a speech. His foundation later posted a clip on X, formerly known as Twitter….’
    “But just because an economic system generated wealth and innovation doesn’t mean it guarantees a good society,” Obama said. ‘ “Because from the outset, market-based systems have been compatible with slavery, caste systems, colonialization, war, exploration, corruption, fraud, autocracy, the poisoning of our natural environment.”
    ‘ As Obama listed, the audience applauded. The former president went on to credit Democratic governments for “moderating capitalism’s excesses” with a…’ “social safety net.”

  27. Re: Australian “protests.”

    I live in Australia now, but at the time of 9/11 I was still in America up until ’17.

    In that time I talked with my now wife constantly, and I would ask about how australia was handling the responses from the Muslims in Australia, because I heard/read about some of the stuff going on down here, in australia and I asked. “Is it some asshole exaggerating about “Sydney Rape Gangs?” She lived in sydney at the time, and my wife said, “Nope, it’s real, it’s only sorta under control because the bikies got together to shut that shit down.”

    You can search “Sydney rape gangs” and it’s not hard to find, about groups of muslims attacking australians and tourists on the beaches of sydney until the BIKER GANGS stopped it.

    Thank god for Christmas Island. Where the “refugee’s” are held, before being turned back, on an island filled with giant and mass migratory crabs that are protected by the state.

  28. Oh, just a few things to consider…from Lee Smith:
    “The Israel Op”—
    Some tidbits:

    ‘…Now a staple on conservative media, Macgregor sees himself as the lone voice opposing Netanyahu’s double-time march to WWIII. “There is no one in Washington currently interested in dialing anything back in Israel,” writes Macgregor….

    ‘ In reality, virtually every top Democrat in Washington is saying the same thing, starting with Biden himself. According to recent leaks from the White House, during Biden’s trip to Jerusalem last month he told Netanyahu not to widen the war, to prioritize a two-state solution, and consider the “scenario he was leaving for his successor.” In other words, the Biden administration sees Israel’s war as an opportunity to topple Netanyahu.

    ‘ Behind Biden, there are, among others: Obama, his former lieutenant Ben Rhodes, and Thomas Friedman, all of whom have been beating the same drum about Israel’s campaign to eliminate Hamas being a big mistake…
    and therefore Netanyahu should listen to the voice of reason as well as experience and stand down.

    ‘Parts of the right seem unaware, or unconcerned, they’ve enlisted themselves in a left-wing messaging campaign that ties them also to foreign actors. Pro-Hamas and pro-Iran influencers inside the U.S. Department of Defense are targeting the right with fear tactics. “Pentagon source privately tells me there is a growing sentiment that Israel is manipulating the US into a war with Iran,” journalist Sharmine Narwani posted on X. “The Israelis say they don’t want a regional war on multiple fronts, but then keep striking Iranian allies everywhere, and leave us to deal with the fallout.”

    ‘ That’s a tantalizing leak coming out of a Pentagon that employs Ariane Tabatabai, a senior DOD official who was part of an Iranian intelligence operation that tasked second-generation Iranians in the West to influence the U.S. and European governments in the lead-up to the 2015 Iran nuclear deal. In 2021, Biden’s former Iran envoy Robert Malley brought Tabatabai into the State Department before she joined the Pentagon, where she is now chief of staff to the assistant secretary of defense for special operations, an office that oversees hostage recovery, including presumably the dozens of U.S. citizens now held hostage by Hamas.

    ‘ Narwani, herself a pro-Iran activist, told Tablet she does not recognize the name Ariane Tabatabai. It’s certainly true that many other pro-Iranian influencers now make their homes inside the Pentagon. Maybe the source is Yousra Fazili, the chief of staff to the Pentagon’s controller. Fazili was former adviser to the Qatari ambassador to the U.S. before joining DOD. “Let Gaza live,” she wrote on her Instagram page. Attaching a picture of what appears to be a rubbled area of Gaza, she wrote, “Who in their right mind can see this and not believe in a ceasefire?” The Pentagon is hosting a pro-Hamas propaganda campaign; it’s not supporting Israel.

    ‘ No one wants to send U.S. troops to fight for Israel, and Israel doesn’t want the Americans there. Historically, the U.S. officials who want to deploy troops to Israel are anti-Israel leftists, like Samantha Power, who once imagined a scenario in which the U.S. would have to dispatch troops to prevent an Israeli “genocide” of Palestinians. When Biden sent a Marine general to consult with Israeli brass two weeks ago it was to stall the ground invasion, not to assist the Israelis. That Hezbollah has repeatedly fired on Israel is further evidence the aircraft carrier groups Biden deployed to the eastern Mediterranean are there not to deter Hezbollah, but rather Israel.

    ‘ Contrary to Macgregor’s assessment, Biden is not escalating. In demanding that Israel allow aid trucks across the Egyptian border uninspected, and restore Gaza’s electricity, water, and internet, the president is dismantling Israel’s blockade. With Israeli troops on the verge of bisecting Gaza Wednesday, Biden called for a ceasefire. These are actions characteristic not of an ally but an adversary. And offering Iran negotiations for the purpose of legalizing its nuclear weapons program and giving it access to hundreds of billions of dollars are signs of friendship, not enmity.

    ‘ Which is why, of course, Iranian allies are shooting at U.S. troops in Syria and Iraq: not because they’re escalating war with the U.S., but to encourage Biden to pressure the Israelis. And it’s working. The Biden administration has even prohibited U.S. small arms manufacturers from exporting rifles and handguns for Israelis to defend themselves against another Oct. 7 massacre….’

    Etc., etc., etc.

    (What’s that ye’ say? Things aren’t what they seem in the “Biden” administration….????)

  29. “At least the Great Man(TM) is consistent…”, continued:

    Related (speaking of “slavery”)…
    …in which “TRANSFORMATION”, at least as envisioned by Klaus Schwab and his sinister cabal, is “targeted, frozen, personalized and polarized….” by the author of this post linked to below…

    On Covid, governmental control, the Great Reset and—rather amazingly—the redemption (or partial redemption) of Michel Foucault….
    “The Great Reset, Part 1: The Four Horsemen Of The Apocalypse”—

    File under: “Who is wise? One who learns from all people.” (Ethics of the Fathers, 4:1)

  30. For anyone who had any doubts about Moslem humor….

    “UK: Muslim Police Adviser Led ‘From The River To The Sea’ Chant”—
    Opening graf:
    ‘A hard-Left activist who was filmed leading chants of “from the river to the sea” at a pro-Palestinian rally is an adviser to the police on their response to protests over the Israel-Hamas conflict….’

  31. Barry Meislin:

    So now Col McGreagor (McMaroon) is opining on the Israel/Hamashite war. Comedy and farce? Is it disproportionate farce? And of course McMaroon has identified Netanyahu as the villian rushing the world to WWIII. What is the position of Tucker in all this, not that it matters?

  32. Barry Meislin:

    The Palishittians are now harassing those who mark Remembrance Day 11/11/1918 by selling red poppies in Britain?

    From the river
    To the sea
    Are dead to me.

  33. Isn’t MacGregor a favorite source for the Putin admirers in re the Ukraine? How have his predictions panned out there?

  34. Smith’s point, I believe, is that the POV of this MacGregor crank is ACTUALLY the POV—and POLICY—of “Biden”, in spite of a tremendous effort on the part of the latter to make it appear otherwise, so as to assuage (AKA SNOW) some of the base…(you know, that OPTICS thing…).

    “Biden”‘s problems (actually Israel’s and its supporters in the Democratic Party) is, pace P.T. Barnum, that You can snow some of the base some of the time…but you can’t snow all of the base all of the time…

    …leading to the all-important question: to which part of the “base” is “Biden” MOST beholden (and/or with which “he” is in sympathy…or should that be “sync”)?

  35. Art Deco:

    That is McMaroon’s mail line of spin, even a shill for Vlad has to diversify now days.

  36. I have low tolerance for when Saudis or Jordanians or Algerians or Russians speak of Israel’s harsh treatment when we see what they have done to their Yemeni Palestinians, Salafi or Chechens,

  37. that report from a lefty reporter, suggests the attacks were moved down, possibly because of the bidencash,

  38. I came here to put up a link to the idea of flooding the Gaza tunnels, but Kate just beat me. 🙂

    I also hope for a 3 state solution, with Gaza a separate Palestinian country than the West Bank. I know that EU – UN – USA governments want bigger countries, but smaller seems more likely to be more peaceful.

    Further, I’d suggest an active IDF occupation split the 2,000,000+ Palestinians into some 20 (or 10?) much smaller cantons, based on ease of military occupation and semi-de-Hamasification. Lots of the 26 Swiss cantons have less than 100,000 people.

    The Gaza Palestinian Confederation – mostly run by multiple local Gaza leaders (perhaps with names like the local hospitals?), with temporary Israeli veto power and Israeli control of courts, police, military – and training locals, first as watchers, then advisors/ interns.

    But Hamas must be defeated first – and flooding the tunnels would be a good early step, the sooner the better.

  39. the ones who were in charge in gaza for the authority, jibroul and dahlan, relocated to the emirates, where they helped craft the abraham accords fwiw,

  40. https://www.realcleardefense.com/articles/2023/11/04/hamas-israel_war_the_tunnel_war_begins_990588.html
    So exciting, so sad.
    Too much of the killing seems too much like a video game, with too many folk pro-war so that “my side wins”. I have some of those feelings, but also looking at maps of Gaza without borders, reason tells me borders are required for peace. The Israelis are willing to agree to borders, but the Palestinians have not been.
    Reason based on Japs, Krauts, and commies, plus Saddam after winning, based survival, the 1991-2 Desert Storm war, reason says Hamas must lose before peace. Hamas losing might not be sufficient, but is necessary.
    Now, back to Die Hard 3, in Slovak.

  41. well we know the tunnel systems was it cu chi, that allowed the vietcong to negotiate the city, this a more vast tunnel system than that,

  42. This post from Andrea Widburg hits hard but goes straight to the point.


    Until the West acknowledges the truth about Islam, the 9/11s, 3/11s, 10/7s, and other massacres won’t stop.

    I was able to speak the other day with a relative in Israel. He’s a lifelong resident, upper-middle-class, well-educated, fluent in four languages and, I cannot emphasize enough, a wonderful person whom I love very much. His children and grandchildren have been called up, so he has skin in this war. He was also very much alive during the 1956 war, missed the 1967 war only because he was abroad and didn’t get back in time, experienced the 1973 war, and has been around for all the intifatas and terrorist attacks. He has lived his life on the receiving end of Arab and Muslim hatred.

    But during our phone call, he asked me this question: Why do the Arabs hate us so?

    It was news to him when I explained that this hatred is part and parcel of the Koran. When the Jews refused to follow Mohammed, he became their implacable enemy. More than that, this warlord insisted that, in perpetuity, his followers must hate and kill the Jews.

    Of course, not all Muslims follow these commands but, technically, doing so is as much a part of their faith as communion is for Catholics or fasting on Yom Kippur is for Jews. Muslims are pickled in Jew-hatred because their prophet and god demand it…and my sabra relative, surrounded by this hatred his entire life, didn’t know that.

    It turns out that “denial ain’t just a river in Egypt.” It’s a way of life in Israel.

    But before we rag on Israel, which must also live in harmony with its Arab-Muslim population (many of whom are extraordinary people who love their nation and the Jews with whom they share it), let’s look at the West when it comes to Islam. Since I graduated from high school, we’ve had lots of opportunities to see Islam in action.

    Rabid leftists, the movers and shakers in the West, know Islam is fundamentally opposed to pluralism but they don’t care. They’ve made common cause with radical Islam, believing that, at the end of the day, they, and not Islam, will be the last man standing.

    It’s all the other idiots, though, we truly frustrate me. How can they have witnessed what Muslims do when given the opportunity and still pretend that Islam doesn’t have a problem and that anyone who gets entangled with it gets severely damaged? How stupid are they?

    Well, an Israeli satire site knows exactly how stupid they are: LINK to video

    It’s getting really hard to distinguish satire from reality.

  43. Heh, that first link was surely lifted from the Bee…
    (Wasn’t it?)’

    If not, well here’s one that most certainly was!
    ” Indy police arrest ‘terrorist’ for purposely driving her car into home used by hate group.”—

    (Humor is SO PRECIOUS these days…)

  44. Now things are really getting serious.
    “Ultra-Orthodox training to defend their communities
    The events of October 7 made ultra-Orthodox society realize that haredi neighborhoods need a civilian defense and security system; ‘The People’s Guard’ initiative trains volunteers, organizes local protection forces; About 20 haredi neighborhoods across the country have already joined the project”

    In case you don’t know, they are generally exempt from army conscription, but can volunteer for police service. Some know how to use guns, but many do not — they are rapidly buying and training.’

    The post contains some good advice and examples of putting together a coordinated community safety program.

  45. The article manages to avoid mentioning the exact form of diversity they are being sensitive to.
    “Parents in Saxony-Anhalt German State promoted the decision to rename the “Anne Frank” daycare center in Tangerhütte, a small town in the state, according to reports in German media.

    The move was driven by parents who found it difficult to explain Frank’s significance to their children. According to Apollo News, a German news site, in a small town in Saxony-Anhalt, a daycare center has become the center of a local scandal.

    The “Anne Frank” daycare center in Tangerhütte, which has been operating for generations, is set to undergo a name change. The decision to rename the daycare center, named after the most famous Jewish girl, has sparked controversy.

    The idea of changing of name of Frank, who tragically died in a concentration camp at the age of 15, has come from migrant parents, according to the daycare center’s director. “It is reported that parents with migrant backgrounds feel uncertain about the name and find it challenging to explain to their children,” the report said.”

    I bet they do.

  46. In case these posts haven’t been mentioned around here (it’s getting hard to remember!), they all have important information to impart.

    By Yeshua G. B. Tolle
    “They found the graffiti in a stairwell. Protect Jewish Lives, only the words were crossed out by a red X. This was two days before the 10/7 attacks; the writing, it turns out, was on the wall. When I called campus police to learn more, they told me that the investigation was closed. There are no cameras in the stairwell, and they have no leads. This is not the first incident or the last. Welcome to the new normal.”

    “‘Attachment A’ Is a Roadmap to Hamas Enablers in the US — Is the FBI Paying Attention? by Todd Bensman”

    “After October 7, Israel Must Finally Build Jabotinsky’s ‘Iron Wall’
    by Nave Dromi”

  47. Presumably that Arab MK thought she was the Queen of Jordan…
    (No wonder she’s being forced to resign….)

  48. And a lesson in how to TRY TO hold a former Weasel-in-Chief accountable (though that might not be possible):

    Divisive, sure; but “SUBTLE”?
    “Obama says both sides to blame for Israel-Hamas conflict: ‘Nobody’s hands are clean’ “—

    Short version: The ONLY way to solve this intractable problem is for Israel to agree to commit suicide… (And since it might prove difficult to persuade/convince/cajole/force/trick Israel to accept this JUST solution…then…the ONLY way to solve this intractable problem is to destroy that “Shitty Little Country”(TM)…whereupon Peace will descend upon the region and the World…)

    Can’t say that Obama didn’t earn that Noble Peace Prize for Nothing!

  49. Hold on!
    That Arab MK (AKA Queen-Rania-of-the-Kingdom-of-Jordan wannabee) has decided to APOLOGIZE!

    Oh well, we all make mistakes—“…to forgive divine”, etc., etc…..

    Might be noted, though, that-as part of her heart-felt apology—and it IS truly heart-felt, even if she’s NOT all that eager to lose her MK salary and privileges—she’s decided to pull an “Obama”! (AND why not? Maybe she too is gunning for a Noble Peace Prize…)

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