Home » Protect Kids California launched


Protect Kids California launched — 14 Comments

  1. The California courts let the anti-affirmative action ballot initiative go into effect. As did the federal courts, although as I recall there was a district who initially blocked it. And the California legislature hasn’t had the nerve to override it, though they have talked. So it’s hard to know.

  2. Hooray for parents.
    Sometime over the past 50 years, parents seem to have become too busy with other things to really focus on what was happening in the schools. Maybe in the early days they were lulled by memories of their own school days. Meanwhile, the anti-family activists took the time and effort to get involved in school boards, and so forth, where they could join with like minded individuals within the schools to implement their agenda.

    It appears that at last with this transgender craziness those activists have gone too far, and the “sleeping giant” is stirring.

    The scary, and sad, thing is that people outside of the school system who have input; e.g., politicians and Judges (but I repeat myself) can square holding parents responsible for every aspect of a child’s well being, then turn around without pause and say, “except for your child’s gender”. It suggests that we are governed and judged by evil people or blooming idiots. Or in some cases by evil blooming idiots..

  3. And yet the vast majority of those same people will continue to send Democrats to Sacramento to make policies such as these.

    Progressive groupthink. For its owners, it’s unthinkable to deviate from it, because the conservative, or even centrist Enemy is Unbounded Evil. Just read your papers and watch your TV – in which it’s ‘proved’ minute by minute how unspeakably evil their chosen examples are.

  4. Below is a link to a news report about how an alert trucker spotted kids being forced into and out of a locked cage (in the back of a pickup which was covered with a tarp) to use a truck stop bathroom, alerted the cops, and 15 kids locked in that cage in the back of a pick up–some as young as three or four, were rescued.

    Even worse was the cops saying that “this happens all the time,” and telling the trucker to take off, so that he couldn’t be spotted by any possible accomplices to the traffickers.

    If this “happens all the time,”–if this is that big a problem–and probably nationwide–how come it is never the top news story, and we never hear about it?

    * See https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/08/kidnappers-caught-act-heroic-truck-driver-rescues-15/

  5. }}} What if these ballot measures pass? I have a hunch they might be invalidated by the California courts. You see, in a blue state the left has several layers of defense. Forget about Democracy™ when it doesn’t go the way the left wants it to.

    Agreed. But that’s what the SCotUS is there to fix.

  6. Here’s where to donate to get the initiatives on the ballot.


    Regarding courts overturning initiatives, the big kahuna proposition 13 still survives. The courts have chipped away pieces of it but the main part, the limit on increase in property tax, survives. It has saved me a lot of money as it has many other people so although the Democrats hate it they dare not overturn it.

    The three initiatives will serve to bring the Democrats’ radical views out in the open, where, even the leftist media will not be able to hide them.

  7. While I appreciate the notion of a plebiscite in CA, if the voters choose incorrectly according to the legislature, they will find a judge to overturn it.


  8. Erronius

    Do you have any evidence to back up your blanket claim? I presented proposition 13 as a counterexample. I guarantee that the Democrats hate it and yet it is still in effect and saving me tens of thousands of dollars every year. They have challenged it multiple times in court and lost.

    Perhaps the cynicism is just an excuse for not doing anything?

  9. Bob Wilson:

    Proposition 187. See this.

    Also Proposition 8. See this.

    And those are just two I already knew a lot about. It’s not necessarily an exclusive list.

    There’s no “hook” to get rid of Prop 13 because it’s not about an identity group protected by the left. Those two I linked to are about such groups, and the current trans bill is also about an identity group protected by the left. Therefore there’s a similar “hook” to get rid of it if the vote doesn’t go the left’s way.

  10. Robert:

    Another troll [yawn].

    Actually, the people whom the radical activist trans movement targeting kids hurts the most are – wait for it – gay teenagers. That is, teenagers who would otherwise end up being gay, but who have internalized homophobia and are told that if they transition to the opposite sex they no longer will be gay but will magically become heterosexual. These ballot initiatives help them avoid disastrous interventions.

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