Home » Open thread 6/17/23


Open thread 6/17/23 — 51 Comments

  1. Amazing that they lived into their 100’s. Interesting faces. But I am disappointed that they did not have a picture of Keith Richards.

  2. P.S.–I bet if they took my advice, the “animal rights” people would be all over them, about how animals shouldn’t be given or eat foods like this.

  3. Totally off topic–
    Does anyone know anything about “J.J.formerly Jimmy J.” since 2013?

  4. Here is a suitably “wokified” account of the first successful abdominal surgery , performed by Ephraim McDowell. The patient was a 45 year old woman so she was born in about 1765.

    There was no anesthesia but she survived and did well. At the end of the article is a photo of her taken when she was about 78. The report was so astonishing that it was not accepted in Europe for several years. McDowell subsequently published more successful cases and he was eventually accepted as the pioneer he was. The article in “Smithsonian” is obsessed with the fact that several of his successful cases included slaves. The author makes a big deal about consent by slaves. The fact that the surgeries were successful is of less interest.

  5. Jim Nicholas: “Does anyone know anything about “J.J.formerly Jimmy J.” since 2013?”

    Yes, Jim, I’m J.J. formerly Jimmy J. Now commenting as JJ. I’m still sitting up and taking nourishment – though barely. What can I do for you? What’s left of me is at your service.

  6. Joe Biden has recently given excuses to China, saying that China: “probably didn’t mean to”…fly its spy vehicle/spy balloon over the United States, and take pictures of The USA’s- important, military sites.

    I don’t believe what he said.

    I ask that you don’t believe him, either.


    (I believe that these US military sites/land areas, are forbidden for the US people to see, and that would also mean- that America’s military opponents, one of them being China, aren’t allowed to- see them, and they aren’t allowed to fly aircraft over those sites, either.)

  7. Close House races won by Republicans in 2022. Consider donating to hold them

    Boebert CO

    Duarte CA

    John James MICHIGAN

    Mike Lawler NY

    Zach Nunn Iowa

  8. Greetings JJ
    It sounds as if we are of the same generation.
    I found the author of True Measure–which you may also have done in the past decade.
    Helen Coffey Lowrie Marshall
    Best wishes

  9. Jim, you’ve made my day. So thoughtful of you to remember that I shared that poem years ago and pass the author’s name on to me.

    Helen Coffey Lowrie Marshall has quite a body of poetry and her books are still available. What a find. I’ll be ordering some.

    Happy Father’s Day, Jim. You’re a kind and thoughtful man.

  10. Open Thread Saturday Russo-Ukrainian War:

    Peace is not an option for Ukraine – Anders Puck Nielsen



    0:00 Intro
    0:26 Peace is not an option for Ukraine
    1:47 Russian demands for peace
    2:06 Annexed territories
    4:01 Prosecution of war crimes
    4:54 Reparations
    5:35 Putin can’t stop the war

  11. Viva Frei recounts some recent history and concludes there is no reason to give the DOJ the benefit of doubt, and should assume they’re lying until proven real.

    “Uneven application of the law is lawlessness”
    “They want you to forget they lied to you in the past” – Viva Frei

    From Falsified Evidence to Trumped-Up Indictment – A History of LIES! Viva Frei Vlawg


  12. Thanks for the video, om. Reading the tea leaves is a nice little pastime. Dismal picture. I hope he’s wrong. I fear he’s not. 🙁

  13. “…should assume they’re lying until proven real.”

    Unfortunately, this is the way it’s been for some time now.
    (One of Obama’s more successful “innovations”…carried on—magnificently—by “Biden” with panache, or as the latter might say, “with spinach”(?)…. To be sure, Obama and “Biden” are one and the same…)

    Whether it’s one Secretary of [Whatever] or another; one spokesperson or another; one medical official or another; one Dem. Senator or another; one Dem. Representative or another; one Corrupt MSM journalist/pundit or another…they are ALL lying, ALL the TIME.
    (To be totally fair, WITH EXCEPTIONS: i.e., they MAY occasionally say things that are truthful—or approach truthfulness—but if/when this DOES happen, it’s usually by accident…)

    All rather discouraging…but as they say, “in adversity lies opportunity…”
    (If one only could figure out, how…)

  14. BTW, that’s quite a deer video.
    (Given all the propaganda that’s being bandied about—globally—it’s hard to tell whether this thing’s been put together, and disseminated, by the Pro-Deer Lobby or the Pro-Human one… I mean, what’s a hunter or gardener—or misogynist—supposed to think after watching something as blatant as this??)

    In any event, thanks much… (Just don’t let Disney get its grimy hands on it.)

  15. Turley, on the execrable Garland:
    The utter failure of Merrick Garland
    Alas, Turley, once again, simply does not “get it”:
    Given the goals, aspirations and ambitions of the serial atrocity that IS the “Biden” administration, Garland has been a resounding success….

  16. And something reassuring for those who continue to worry that humor is dead…
    “Biden Justice Dept. Intervened to Block Release of Social Media Censorship Docs;
    “Newly obtained emails reveal an attempt to censor the censorship documents.”—
    H/T Dr. Mercola website…

  17. Like Turley, above, this fine fellow just does NOT get it…
    “https://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/19727/capitulation-to-iranThe Biden “Administration’s Secret Capitulation to Iran’s Regime”—

    What “capitulation” is the author talking about.
    THIS IS “Biden” policy and has been from Day 1.
    (Having said that, I don’t believe anything will be “signed” until AFTER November 5, 2024. OTOH, since “Biden”‘s goal is, in fact, for Iran to “get” the bomb, then nothing has to be signed at all!…unless another GOAL of this particular ongoing Obamanation is to give Trump—and Bibi—a huge poke in the eye…which it may well be, given Obama’s/”Biden”‘s hitherto total inability to control his uber-vindictiveness….)

  18. JJ,
    I came across in my archives our brief correspondence in 2013 about True Measure. I decided I’d give another try at finding the author.
    And Happy Father’s Day for you.

  19. Sunday Open Thread: Russo/Ukrainian war but mostly defense procurement secondary (bad) effects. Think USN LCS (Little Crappy Ship)?

    How Procurement Destroys Armies – Requirements, Risks & Development gone wrong – Perun


    00:00:00 — How Procurement Destroys Armies
    00:01:24 — What Am I Talking About?
    00:04:26 — Procurement And Why It Goes Wrong
    00:10:37 — Getting The Requirement Wrong
    00:27:56 — Contracting Goes Wrong
    00:34:07 — I Have Altered The Deal
    00:37:47 — Speed Kills, So Does Delay
    00:40:43 — When It Doesn’t Actually Go Wrong
    00:44:11 — The Quantity Death Spiral
    00:51:09 — Putting It All Together
    00:57:35 — Getting It Right?
    01:06:30 — Conclusion
    01:07:35 — Channel Update

  20. Perhaps we ought to include Biden in the list of those born so long ago, he certainly seems to be getting more ancient.

    Honestly, I’m wondering at what point in his public appearances he will finally just mumble total nonsense for his entire “speech,” then either stare out into space, slack jawed and drooling, or erupt into some building frenzy of a crazy nonsensical rant, and/or perhaps he will just walk off the edge of the stage and into the mosh pit area.

    His latest gems, seeming to say that if you add an arm brace to a pistol that increases the caliber of that pistol, topped off by his closing remark as he walked off from the podium of “God save the Queen, man,” should immediately disqualify him from even attempting to perform the duties of President, much less get anywhere near the nuclear “football.”

    Joe’s obviously incompetent and, one would think, increasingly unable to perform the daily duties and activities of a President.

    So, the 24 dollar question, then, is who is actually making all of the key decisions (Joe, fixated on ice cream, can decide what flavor of ice cream he wants) and running the Biden Presidency?

    “Dr.” Jill”? The White House Chief of Staff? Embedded Obama holdovers and Obama himself? A cabal of several of the above? Someone else, buried in the shadows?

  21. For some reason, Martin Routh, the figure on the right, reminds me of Darwin’s Tortoise, who passed away just a few years ago at 176.

    Photography developed earliest in France, so it’s surprising that so many of the early portraits of the aged were from New England. New England did have excellent genealogical records, and maybe the French archives suffered damage in wars and revolutions.

    I also wonder, did everyone in 1773 Boston have an Indian costume, complete with feathered headdress, just lying around in case it was needed for some purpose?

  22. Peace soon we hope:
    Russia could easily have had peace by being satisfied with the 6,000,000 sq miles of territory they already had.

  23. with biden as figurehead, it was like taking candy from a small child,

    i never cared about the representatives from the virgin islands, but this one is a certified looney, like cynthia mckinney’s sister from another mother,

  24. Boned Loser is using Vlad’s definition of “peace.” A large piece of Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia, The Baltics, and maybe a little taste of Poland.

    Vlad’s and Boned’s peace may not be lasting.

    As to Vlad’s air superiority, time will tell. Ukraine and the West have a vote, Boned.

  25. Boned Loser:

    One might expect a Storm Shadow visit to Vlad’s main KA-52 airbase in Crimea. Kaboom? or just another feint?

  26. we hold no brief for volodya, but we don’t see this clown car of sunak macron schultz and the shambling oaf doing anything in the west interests,

  27. Time for another “Uncontested—AKA Fair and Transparent—Election” REPORT!
    “…ICX malware can still change individual votes and most election outcomes without detection….”
    H/T Hans Mahncke Twitter feed.
    “There is no realistic mechanism to fully secure vote casting and tabulation computer systems from cyber threats.
    “Many of the attacks I successfully implemented could be effectuated by malicious actors with very limited time and access to the machines, as little as mere minutes. This report documents my findings and conclusions.”

    No wonder Dominion was so confident…(?)…and Fox so eager to settle…(?)

  28. only if you ignore the evidence, that seems to be a populat thing to do,

  29. dominion whistleblowers, bank records from malta, the presumption that biden is a sentient being,

  30. Boned Loser:

    Did you realize that your “lovely plumage” was one of 3 Russian ammo depots blown up (Storm Shadow?) yesterday?

    Own goal, Boned? Or have you decided to abandon your man Vlad?

  31. om:

    The nicknames for other commenters add nothing to your arguments. In fact, they detract.

  32. ”Peace soon we hope:
    Ukraine Runs Into Russian Air Superiority”

    Did you read the article you linked to? The article states that without air superiority the Ukrainian counter-offensive is turning into a slog. Lots of death, destruction, and a long drawn-out fight. The opposite of peace.

  33. Peace can have many meanings; … that passes all understanding, or … of the grave.

    Have to dust off the Vlad version of the word, as used by Banned Lizard.

    What does “lovely plumage” mean? An explosion of colors, like a peacock encountering a trip wire? Is the plumage still lovely when it is Russians and any unlucky Ukrainians who give the color, instead of only Ukrainians?

    Questions asked, with all due respect, of Banned Lizard.

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