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A cool million — 71 Comments

  1. Congrats! I don’t often respond, but I do check in most every day. Your posts give me pause and make me think…..that’s why I can be found here.

  2. Congratulations! I read your blog every day and enjoy it immensely. Thanks for putting in the time to give us your insight. I also listen to your Sanity Squad Podcast and I must say you do a terrific job hosting those outspoken “mental health professionals.” If it’s not too time consuming, keep up the good work. You’re an inspiration to me.

  3. Congratulations! Been a fan for a few months. And I’ve blogged for four years and not sure I’ve even hit 100,000 hits combined on any host. Maybe if I had more to say or time to say it? 🙂

  4. Two minutes…one cup of coffee…

    Well, that seems like a quick cup of coffee.

    Anyways, congrats on meetings the million-mark.

  5. Guess I was the only one who noticed when it happened.(see “Pelosi, Lantos..” article comments, 4-11) Personal quirk, I’ve always loved to watch odometers “turn over”(mine and others’).
    As I said before: “Ode to Joy”, anyone?

  6. Well done, Neo. You are one of the many I check each day. Your thoughtful comments on a variety of subjects is a welcome fixture to the internet and blogging community. As a new blogger, you’ve given me inspiration.

    Thanks and continued success.

  7. Ms Blogger, this millionth hit is time for you to have another watershed experience. We went into Iraq for oil, and the plan was in place prior to 9/11. We had to have legitimate reasons besides oil in order to keep it from being an illegal grab of another country’s oil, so we invented WMD, Al Qaeda connections, the false Nigerian letter, democracy, crusade, all to line the pockets of Bush’s cronies with more oil reserves in the future. http://bushliar.newcovenanttheology.com

  8. Delighted for you…such a well earned and deserved mile marker. You put so much thought into your posts and they are always gratifying to read. I became a devoted reader from the first time I found myself linked to your site and can sincerely say I have never been disappointed with the quality of your work. I enjoy the podcasts also when I have time to listen. Actually, the inside the house time crunch might be what finally inspires me to get an ipod type thing so I can download stuff to listen to while I garden.

  9. Well Neo, just cause you have a million hits now, doesn’t seem to change much, does it? 😉

  10. And BTW your parents instincts about Bush are correct. He is a liar, and a thief, and has the blood of the soldiers on his hands for greed. Just ask Paul Oneill, a real insider.

    I support Israel’s right to defend herself against Iran, but Bush wants control of middle east oil in order to control the world economy. He did gain, potentially, one of the best quality reserves in Iraq, but did so against the UN charter, the very charter that permitted prosecution of the Nazis and was the reason for the very existence of Israel.

    Yes your parents had good instincts Ms Blogger, and now the truth about Bush/Cheney/Rice is dribbling out. I found out from a government official long before many were speaking out on the subject. You are being used by the administration to cover their sorry misdeeds. http://bushliar.newcovenanttheology.com

  11. Congratulations, Neo! I love your blog.

    You are in my Top Five that I read every day. My Top Five includes you, Instapundit, Belmont Club, Dr. Sanity, and Littlegreenfootballs. With my Top Five I get amazing links, interesting comments, and a view into a parallel universe (the actual world we live in) where the MSM is shown to be mainly useless tripe.

    Thanks for all your hard work and thoughtful comments.

  12. Well, if you’ve read any of his earlier comments, apparently Gary was “chosen by god” and put on the planet for the specific purpose of ratting out neo’s apostacy to her parents. And what a noble and pious cause it is.

  13. Lee is that you? I thought I told you I was through with you. Well, it is still true. You have very bad manners. I should talk to your mother as well.

  14. Don’t worry, Gary, we’ll talk later. For now, just enjoy the party(this IS supposed to be a “celebration”).
    Sorry, neo.

  15. pbs.orgthatpoliticalblog.comglobalresearch.caWhats that? I am not lying. I am telling you the truth. Why would the neocons argue with the oil companies prior to 9/11 over who should hold the land? The oil discussion was paramount. For you just to say I am a liar without providing any facts is just childish. We have a bunch of neoneocon children here I guess.

    Here is a quote from Richard Perle, the Bugsy Segal of our generation:

    “I think when the United States acts decisively, it strengthens the influence of the United States.

    Secondly, I believe that much of the charge against the United States, in the current situation, that we are interested in dominating the Middle East, that we are interested in Iraqi oil, for example, much of the charge against us will be blown away by our behavior in the aftermath of the success.

    So, one of the sources of anti-Americanism, which is this slander about our motives, will be decisively contradicted by our behavior. We’re not going to steal Iraq’s oil. It’s going to go to the people of Iraq. We’re not going to dominate the region. We’re going to stay only long enough to permit Iraqis to achieve a stable government. And then we’ll be gone.

    The idea that is used to animate anti-American feeling — that we are rapacious, that we are imperialist — will have been demonstrated to be false. So, in this one situation in Iraq, there is the potential both to transform the region and perceptions of the United States.”

    But we indeed ARE stealing Iraq oil with 70 percent of the tax free money going to FOREIGN oil companies. Even this was shown on Kudlow and Company a week or two ago. Perle is a liar, a disgrace, and his support for Israel is totally undone by his defense of a corrupt and lying administration. The Bush administration has demonstrated that they are stealing Iraq oil. The leftovers are for the Iraq people. Perle is a liar.

    Some links: http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/iraq/interviews/perle.html




  16. Gary Anderson visited my blog recently and since then has trumpeted me on numerous websites as a “disillusioned conservative” and left links to my blog as he did above.

    And while I am disillusioned with the Bush administration I am not at all disillusioned with conservatism in general.

    As a relatively new blogger I am grateful to him for the traffic though. I can use every click. I was checking my referrals at Sitemeter and saw someone came to my blog from the link above.

    Nice place here too. 🙂

  17. Gee, Gary, are you still here? Still posting those sites I debunked earlier? I talked to my mom; she said she’d LOVE to meet you. Still want her address?

  18. Rico, your site seems like “healthy criticism” as opposed to the typical “hate Israel first, the ‘Jewish Lobby’ second” tripe Gary has served up so far.

  19. Rico, I think there are many sources that show that historic conservatism and neoconservatism are at odds in many ways. For example, historic conservatism is generally isolationist, and is about balancing the budget and about people staying out of debt unless it is for business, etc.

    While it is impossible to be totally isolationist, Vietnam and Iraq are disasters fomented by faulty domino theories. Bush has spent more than any president. With a wink from the Admin, the Fed Reserve has thrown away sanity regarding personal credit.

    So Rico, be a conservative, but tell it like it is regarding Bush, and his lies, and his war crimes, and his dishonesty toward not only the American people, but the brave troops who he has used for his own financial gain.

    When you have a man like Cheney who says deficits don’t matter you are on the road to financial destruction. While we may be lucky this time and dodge an economic meltdown due to the housing disasterfostered by the fed, we are not out of the woods yet. It all depends upon how strong the world’s economy is and if it can overcome our liar loans.

    All the values of conservatism don’t seem to be present in this admin from the Defense Department to the Fed Reserve. Sad. This is why people think they have to go into debt irrationally to get ahead.

    I also think that historically, conservatives are straight shooters, not like Lying Perle, Lying Lereah in real estate, Lying Cheney (the insurgency is almost finished) Lying Bush, and on and on.

  20. Yeah Lee, his healthy criticism shows that the Bush Admin went into Iraq to steal oil. That has been my only point here. I never said I was a liberal, you said that. I never said I was against the Jewish people, you said that. I never said I was a Nazi, you said that. You owe me an apology.

  21. peakoil.netHere is a pdf link which shows that Dick Cheney believed that the first gulf war was about control of oil. Certainly if the first gulf war was about world oil reserves, it is most certain (and we have many other proofs) that the war in Iraq was about oil.

    There are other links that show that Richard Nixon had a plan to invade Saudi Arabia way back in the 70’s and steal their oil, good ole Tricky Dick. And Richard Perle advocated that we not trade with Saudi Arabia even though he got a secret loan from them. You can find that on the net. I guess he had to resign some board because of that.

    This link shows Cheney’s view of the gulf war, oil limits, peak oil, etc. and has links to his other speeches: http://www.peakoil.net/Publications/Cheney_PeakOil_FCD.pdf

    I bet that a lot of you don’t know that we wanted a pipeline through Afghanistan, that Unocal invited the Taliban to Texas in 1997 and dined them (they don’t drink wine). Once the Taliban were kicked out Karzai, an associate of Unocal took over as pres of Afghanistan. While I don’t believe that 9/11 was abetted by the administration, I do believe signs were ignored and the admin wanted an event in order to further oil interests both in Afghanistan and Iraq. I cannot prove this, but it is something to ponder, as I often do….

  22. At one time I might have fancied myself a “neo-conservative”. I was a strong supporter of the Bush administration and their policies. I was and am still very much a supporter of Israel. They are our best allies in the region and the only true democracy.

    What you failed time and again to include in quoting me Gary Anderson is the big IF I included in that piece. IF it was blood for oil etc etc.

    Frankly I think you are just another ABB (always blame Bush) type and all the links in the world wont change that others see you that way.

    The reason Bush lost me as a supporter was his open borders policy and his mad rush towards making the US into a north american union. There is no part of that plan I am in favor of. And as long as him or any other Republicans support it they will not have my support.

    I would vote for a Democrat before someone that supports the NAU scheme. At least you know right up front what sort of traitors and enemies the Democrats are.

  23. Gary, point one: I never called you “liberal”. That would be for someone I considered “left-of-center, political left, far-left fringe, “moonbats”, “hippies”, etc. I would never describe a “nazi”(like you) as being a “liberal”. Commies, Nazis, thugocrats, etc. deserve their own special categories. You claim you’re “Jewish” and you are Israel’s “friend”, but your “theological teachings” to me reveal your “christian identity”. Woolfowitz, Perle, Feith, Kristol “bad” Jew, Gary “good” Jew.
    PNAC, Bildeburger, Illuminati, Masonic, OIL, OIL, OIL, MONEY, MONEY, MONEY, OBEY, OBEY, OBEY!
    The protocals of the Wise Men of Zion.
    You are as transparent as Saran Wrap.
    For everyone to see, just by linking to your sites and sources. That is my conclusion. Others can come to their own.
    Gary, you are a white supremacist who hates your country and perverts the Gospel. In my book of lexicons, you go under the category of “nazi”.
    I will not apologize for anything I have said about you, nor will I ask for one. Your type deserve the verbal warfare and exposure our freedoms allow.
    Nazi boy.

  24. I will say thanks for that link to Rico’s site though.
    And credit to Rico J. Halo for disassociating yourself from Gary.

  25. newcovenanttheology.comnewcovenanttheology.comRico, you can say what you like, but you have doubts about Bush from the link I posted to you. You are arguing against someone who agrees with what you say. You just don’t like being associated with people who tell it like it is, although you obviously simpathize.

    Rico, as far as immigration, it is quite clear that big business trumps what Americans want. I don’t have a firm position on the subject because I don’t know if we will price ourselves out of the world market if we close the borders. That is the conservative argument of Kudlow and others you know. So you are being dishonest when you say it is a dem issue. Yes they want more voters so they are throwing themselves in with big business. No doubt about it. I am just not sure that the alternative will work in the world economy. I am not smart enough on that subject.

    This I do know, the housing bubble will burst faster if we keep the illegals who buy houses out. Since I want the bubble to burst, so that real value can be assigned to house prices, keep em out. But seriously this is a very complicated subject, a can of worms if you will.

    But the immigration issue does not entail murder and torture and the deaths of thousands of American soldiers. The war in Iraq does and instead of spending billions and billions on gobbling up the world’s oil illegally, that money could be diverted to alternative fuels, something that Bush only talks about as a smokescreen to his evil deeds.

    Lee, Jesus was a Jew. He was not a Nazi and neither am I. I support Israel’s right to exist, and you will find this at:



  26. worldbankpresident.orgHere is a link showing the salon article regarding Wolfowitz and his mission to gobble up oil for the United States through his work at the world bank. Of course, we don’t know if his Lybian girlfriend will be his undoing, as Wolfowitz gave her big money against bank rules.

    One could say that Perle and Wolfowitz have the interests of America and Israel in view when they seek to strengthen the US through unilateral stealing of other nations’ oil. However, I maintain that this is a dangerous game, that it violates the UN Charter which is the basis for the existence of Israel in the first place.

    Perhaps Wolfowitz and Perle think that if America develops other resources and pulls away from oil, that we will have no further interest in defending Israel. While I really cannot say what they think, it appears that America will always be grabbing for oil, and our stature in the world will be diminished and all respect for us will be lost. That seems to be a very dangerous and game that these Jewish and Gentile neocons are playing and I am not quite sure why they are risking so much for this goal.

    Anyway here is the link and it contains the article link. http://www.worldbankpresident.org/archives/000347.php

  27. It appears from the internal link enclosed in the link above that Wolfowitz has one purpose, to help American oil companies open up new reserves. It matters not how that is done, who we have to sleep with to get this done, etc. But it is excitement to the ears of oil people like Bush and Cheney and Rice of Chevron. Again, we take money for the poor to gain oil, we take soldiers who are unsuspecting to gain oil. We lie to the American people to gain oil. Nothing moral can come from neocons, the Rand Corp, etc. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.


  28. Geez Neo. Do you always have to get the manics and obsessive compulsives on your comment section.

    Blogging attracts a lot of creative writers, as you once mentioned. But there is such a thing as too many novas going off at the same time and place, Neo.

  29. Why I Declined To Serve

    By John J. Sheehan
    Monday, April 16, 2007; Page A17

    Service to the nation is both a responsibility and an honor for every citizen presented with the opportunity. This is especially true in times of war and crisis. Today, because of the war in Iraq, this nation is in a crisis of confidence and is confused about its foreign policy direction, especially in the Middle East.

    Read the rest on Washington Posts OP/Ed page.

    Do you get it yet?

  30. By Mussab Al-Khairalla and Paul Tait

    BAGHDAD (Reuters) – The political movement of fiery Iraqi Shi’ite cleric and militia leader Moqtada al-Sadr said on Sunday it would withdraw from the government on Monday to press its demand for a timetable for a U.S. troop withdrawal.

  31. Neo,
    I enjoy reading your blog’s comments for the, usually, pertinent takes on your postings. I find the above bickering annoying and hope that future commenters will refrain from encouraging further comments from Gary and his ilk.

  32. In my experience, it is “lack of response” to propaganda and lies that “encourages” commentors like Gary, Sam, TC, etc. I,m sorry you(Sloan) find the exercise of freedom of speech “annoying”.

  33. Well Sloan, how do you explain Rummy Rumsfeld in 2002 saying that the admin did not discuss oil with the link above showing that Laurence Lindsay did indeed think about oil and how oil prices would come down with the invasion of Iraq?

    If it were a court of law Bush would be convicted of lying about oil, WMD’s, and all the rest. The blood of our servicemen are on his hands Sloan, and yours as well if you continue to support this liar knowing what you know if you have read all these links. The evidence is overwhelming that oil was a major reason why we went into Iraq, making it an illegal war that violates the UN charter.

    You can live in fairy tale land if you want Sloan, but many others have been fooled enough, and again.

  34. See, what Gary and others fail to remember is that we DO have a court system in this country. If Bush, etc. had “lied” or done anything “illegal”, they would have been there by now. Yet, all they have are “hearsy”, “innuendo” and outright “propaganda”, not for a “real” court, but only for the “court of public opinion”, which is why Gary thinks all he has to do to “change your mind” is “post, post, post”.
    Not only that, but in Gary’s case, he’s on a “mission from god”(funny how he knows this, since he claims he doesn’t “speak” to “god”, per se; wheras I speak to Him so often I can recognize His “voice”).

  35. Lee you call people Nazi’s who disagree with you. I guarantee you that you don’t speak to God while you are calling me a Nazi.

    The issues with regard to Bush and oil would be tried at the Hague, but of course the US refused to sign on, because Bush knew that they were going to torture people to gain oil.

    But I do appreciate you reading my webpage.

  36. “Know thine enemy” is my motto, Gary. I’ve read ‘Das Kapital’, ‘Mein Kampf’, ‘The Qur’an”, and your sites, too.(got the ‘little red book’ around here, somewhere) Go to ‘infowars’, ‘ziopedia’, ‘The American Free Press’, ‘sparticus’, etc. to see what those who hate the country, blacks, jews, arabs, asians, Bush are saying. To expose it and stand against it. I stand against you, Gary.(others, don’t take my word for it. I also encourage everyone to browse his sites to make your own judgements. I’m sure Gary would appreciate it.)
    And Yahweh commands us all to confront you and your kind.
    The Third Commandment(amplified): “You shall not advance or accept the character of Yahweh, your God, in a false, deceptive, destructive, or evil manner; for Yahweh will not hold him innocent or blameless who advances or accepts His character falsely, deceptively, destructively, or evilly.”
    In other words: “Don’t use the Lord’s name in vain.”
    All that “chosen by god” and “predestination” crap is the antithesis of His message of “free will” and “choice”. Yahweh didn’t “choose” me, I chose Him because I love him and I know He loves me. He doesn’t “dole out” salvation to the “chosen few”(the arrogance to proclaim you, Gary, were chosen by Him), it is a gift for ALL!
    By the way, Gary, I spoke to Yeshoua(after all, He’s the one who picks up the phone first whenever I “call”, or pray) about the “nazi” thing. He says “It’s probably not the word I would have used, but I guarantee you I would have turned over his table.” He’s fine with it.
    Nazi boy.

  37. Many are called, and few are chosen, Lee. Of course this gospel of free grace (not free will), does not directly impact my views of Iraq and Bush other than he is a colossal liar and the American people need to know.

    If someone disagreed with me I would not withhold fellowship or friendship with that person. I would hope that they would at least hear my arguments regarding this unilateral government and the gamble they are taking.

  38. With you, Gary, it is not about “disagreement”, it is about “opposition” to your neo-nazi tripe.
    “Many are called, few are chosen…”
    Save that for your novels Gary. Is your entire belief system based on cliches? Better check where that “bolt through the heart” came from.
    Nazi boy.

  39. newcovenanttheology.comNot a cliche. Here is a bible study for you Lee:

    B. Scriptures showing man’s total depravity and inability to come to Christ: Mt. 7:18, Rom. 8:5-8, Jer. 9:5, Mic. 7:2-4, Deut. 29:2-4, 1 Cor. 2:14, 2 Cor. 3:13-15, Eph. 4:17-19, John 12:38-40, Rom. 3:9-11, (See “I” below regarding Adam as representative of all.) Rom. 11:5-10, 2Cor. 4:3-4.

    C. Scriptures showing the need to be born from above: John 1:12-13, John 3:3-8, Gal. 4:29, Titus 3:4-7, 1 Pet. 1:23, James 1:18, 2 Cor. 5:17, Gal. 6:15. This new birth is as sovereign an act of God as is a physical birth.

    D. Scriptures showing that the hearing of faith is a gift of God: Acts 28:26-28, Rom. 10:17, 11:8, Gal. 3:2 and 5, Mt. 13:13-15, Luke 8:8-10, John 18:37.

    E. Scriptures showing that God gives a new heart to the elect: Jer. 31:33, Ezek. 36:26-27, Acts 16:14, Rom. 2:29.

    F. Scriptures demonstrating God’s sovereign choosing and election and reprobation: John 15:16 and 19, Acts 13:48, 9:11-16, 1 Cor. 4:7, 12:28, Gal 1:15-17, Col. 1:25-27, Gen. 18:17-19, Psalm 135.4, Mt. 11:25-27, 22:14, 24:22 and 31, Luke 4:25-30, John 6:37-39 and 44, 8:42-44, 10::25-26. (The cause of not believing was the fact that the Parisees were not elected.) Acts 2:23 (An example where foreknowledge is part of predestination and does not nullify it.) 2 Tim:2:25.

    G. Scriptures demonstrating Christ’s complete atonement as planned by God for His elect, otherwise known as Limited Atonement. Acts:2:23, Isaiah 53:11-12, John 10:11-15, 17-18, Mt. 10:28, 26:28, 1 Pet. 2:24-25, 1:18-19, Heb. 2:14-17, 1 John 4:10, Rev. 5:9, titus 2:14.

    H. Scriptures showing that God will keep the elect so that none will be lost: Mt. 18:12-14, John 10:28-29, 6:37-40, 1 Thess. 5:23-24, 18:12-14, Jer. 32:40, 1 Pet. 1:3-5, Psalm 37:23-24, Phil. 1:4-6, Rom. 8:28-39, 1 Cor. 1:8, Heb. 2:12.


  40. Yet, here you are, Gary, preaching your religion, hoping for converts, trying to make it “popular”.

  41. You’re about antisemitism, Gary. It was the “Jew Killing,..” article that brought you out of your hole in the first place. You and your “truths” and “beliefs” have been exposed, debunked, ridiculed, dismissed, rejected and cast aside. The only reason I bother is for entertainment value, and to see just how much of a masochist you are.
    Now, please tell me the “truth” for the fourteenth time.

  42. You are a liar, Lee. Remember my words. Don’t forget them. You will not be entertained in the world to come, Lee if this is your entertainment now.

  43. Perhaps Gary could tell us Destiny’s(Fate) proper treatment of nazis for getting to heaven.

  44. I’m laughing. Yahweh’s laughing(I heard him the last time we talked). Why would Yahweh have a problem with “ranking” the nazi?

  45. Tell you what Lee, I will give you the last word. You seem to be addicted to the last word. It is rude to be that way on the net, but hey, you are one rude dude. Have at it Bro. But don’t forget my words. You will be reminded someday. I guarantee it.

  46. Believe me, Yahweh has no problem with anything I’ve said to you. Perhaps you should reexamine where this “revelation” of yours came from. Mohammed had the same problem distinguishing “an angel of light” from “the angel of darkness”. I pray you do find the truth, Gary. But, until you do, I stand in opposition to your neo-nazi conspiracy theories, your propaganda, and especially your message of “salvation”. If your theological teachings haven’t led people astray, yet, they will eventually, and THAT is the unforgivable sin. I guarantee it.

  47. Well, at least in your particular case, I am, Gary.
    Said it before, I’ll say it again(not for the last time, though): Nazis like you, Gary, are my pet peeve.
    I will continue to refute and debunk your propaganda. Even to the point of “having the last word”, since the alternative is to “just let the nazi(you, Gary) spout off”. Unlike some of the others around here, I’m not going to be “chased off” by your brownshirt tactics or your determination to “get the ‘truth’ out”. I will be here every time your crap is spewed. I guarantee it.
    No one asked, I took you up all to myself. “Self-appointed” to put it another way. Problem with that, Nazi boy?

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