Home » Evidence of Joe Biden’s knowledge of and involvement with Hunter’s schemes


Evidence of Joe Biden’s knowledge of and involvement with Hunter’s schemes — 22 Comments

  1. Ho Hum, nothing to see here.

    We here all know that nothing will happen to any of the Bidens, Dems, FBI, NSA, CIA, Capital Police, Antifa, Black Lives Matter. Who did I leave out.
    Oh, the Clintons and Obama’s.

  2. I keep thinking back to Watergate and how that blew up over much less grievous crime and the cover up. Now, they are so protected they don’t even seem to care if we know about the efforts to cover.

    One evidence of “uniparty” is how quiet the Rs are. Every party leader should be pushing this hard. The Ds would if roles reversed.

    So screwed.

  3. They are not going to enjoy the Afterlife. They will find it uncomfortably warm.

  4. SHIREHOME, physicsguy — and likewise no “R” campaigning for President will be allowed to win in election 2024, as per 2020. Between the IC, media, and the DNCs foot soldiers, it cannot happen

  5. watergate was a pitifully minor thing, govt surveillance corrupt campaign contribution, there was a kerfluffle over the deductability of nixon’s personal papers, (that was one of the reasons for the more thorough recordings,

  6. The Bagman Cometh.

    Keep the heat on Hunter.
    Keep the heat on Wray, Garland, and the IRS capos.
    Keep Navy Joan Biden in the spotlight. She deserves a head-sniff from Grampa.

    (AND “his” administration. AND “his” family…. Dovetails rather oh-so-nicely nicely with THE MOST CORRUPT MEDIA EVUH!!)

    File under: Peas in a pod, peas in a pod…

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  9. Next time the Biden clan gathers at Joe’s multimillion dollar beach house, the federal Bureau of Prisons should deliver justice by padlocking the thing and placing a 24/7 guard detail around it for the next ten years or so.

  10. Short version: If it takes just a wee bit of astronomical corruption (and a stolen election…oh—almost forgot!—and the destruction of the country) to prevent that DIABOLICAL ORANGE MAN from being POTUS, well that’s a small price to pay.

    And without a doubt IT’s THE ONLY MORAL THING TO DO.
    How else can the US continue to be a bastion of reliability, paragon of accountability, leader of the free world?

    (In the meantime, pay no attention to that family behind the curtain….)

  11. Here’s a courageous editorial…from the nation’s paper of record (an honor it shares with the Babylon Bee):
    “The Biden family is under the protection of the nation’s top lawmen”—
    If you ask me, though—and even if you don’t—I doubt very much that Comer is going to see that document.
    It will simply…disappear.
    Get lost in the bureaucratic shuffle.
    Be “misplaced”.
    Most likely is that one of the FBI’s specially-trained K-9 units has already eaten it—someone inadvertently put it in their high-protein meal…
    (Cue Bing Crosby crooning “Mistakes Were Made…But She Loves Me Still”…)

    Moreover, what IS the likelihood of Comer (et al.) being arrested for pressuring Wray to have a TOP-SECRET document ESSENTIAL TO THE SECURITY of the US of A released?
    White Supremacist!

    ‘Nuff said.

  12. More and more evidence that Watergate was an FBI coup.

    After 50 years, they even admit it.

    The only way Felt could have the knowledge he did was if the FBI had been systematically spying on the White House, on the Committee to Re-elect the President and on all of the other elements involved in Watergate. Felt was not simply feeding information to Woodward and Bernstein; he was using the intelligence product emanating from a section of the FBI to shape The Washington Post’s coverage.

  13. The most reasonable interpretation of the data, since well before the 2020 election, is that Joe has been selling his office, and Hunter was the bagman.

    These aren’t “Hunter’s schemes”, they are Joe’s.

    (Or at least were… not sure who’s running things now, since Joe has mostly been lights-on-nobody-home since well before the election, as well.)

  14. Ach, 1979 Pirates’ theme-song, Barry! Painful memories ‘midst my fellows, to be sure.

  15. “All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.”

    The problem isn’t that the Bidens are corrupt criminals like the Clintons and many other Democrats. The problem is that Democrat voters, including the corrupt news media, don’t care.

    We will always have the corrupt and criminal among us. But we wouldn’t have as many if half the country would stop celebrating them.

  16. It’s always a rumor, an unproven allegation, or fake news until it’s old news, something we all already know, and long since debunked in some way or another. Then there’s always the possibilty that the story is “Republicans seize/pounce/weaponize …”

    Is there really any heat on Hunter? He’s been able to get away with it for years. Too many people don’t know, or don’t care, or they’d vote for Biden even if Hunter had dead children buried in his basement. The Deep State, or whatever you want to call it, looks after its favorites.

  17. I didn’t know that…
    Well, you can’t win ’em all…
    (FWIW, I was a Mets fan in the 60s…a low, frustrating decade (to paraphrase Auden)…of course then there was 1969…the year that many New Yorkers were, or at least felt, born again… OTOH, if it’s any solace, it would appear indisputable that in W. PA, God’s a football fan…)

  18. Ah, so you must well remember Cleon Jones catching that last fly ball in October…and crouching, one knee to the ground, in relief/disbelief/thanks/UTTER JOY?!!!

    (My first game was a rather lackluster loss, 6-3 I think it was, against the Reds—relatively unspectacular, since they did have a talent for losing in the most spectacularly ridiculous ways…indeed, they made losing a kind of art form!—the one standout being the sight—live—of Pete Rose sprinting to first base after a base on balls…
    (Alas, poor Pete…)

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