Home » A trans person speaking out against the medical transition of children


A trans person speaking out against the medical transition of children — 11 Comments

  1. I’ve read some of Deirdre McCloskey’s book. He was cross dressing, wearing his wife’s clothes, before he decided to go full trans. It destroyed his life with the family but he is still writing and his intellect seems intact. I have no problem with these adult cases. It is tragic that the activists have succeeded to shutting down serious research on this adolescent hysteria.

    For example.

  2. Mike K–

    Kenneth Zucker, the editor of the journal mentioned in the article you cite, was fired by a Canadian clinic in 2015 for his position on gender dysphoria, and the clinic was then closed. You can read more about him here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kenneth_Zucker

    IOW, the current fracas over a journal article isn’t Zucker’s first rodeo with the trans mob.

  3. I have to comment. I like Buck. Don’t agree with him on a lot of things, but I appreciate he has a significant voice that is pushing back on the massive amount of bad things happening within, and around, the ‘trans’ community.

    He tends to be an absolutist. His experience defines the boundaries of his acceptance. There are kids where transition is appropriate – however, it is a miniscule portion of those claiming it is right for them. Hundreds, not tens of thousands. But we can’t trust the therapists and medical community because they have been co-opted. The ‘trans’ community has, and continues, to do as he suggests – kills kids by giving the argument that if you don’t allow this they will kill themselves. It is immoral, unethical, it is tantamount to contributing to the death of children.

    Buck would rather cause a few kids problems to save (tens of) thousands. I get that. But absolute, either way, isn’t the right way.

  4. Pingback:Links and Comments | Rockport Conservatives

  5. Even the conservative states aren’t safe — file under “with friends like these”….


    Mills, a pharmacist, said during Wednesday’s vote that he trusts physicians more than legislators to make medical decisions that are in the best interest of patients.

    “I always in my heart of hearts have believed that a decision should be made by a patient and a physician,” Mills said.

    Of course, if this is Mills’ philosophy then he would presumably oppose all laws regulating doctors altogether. If they can mutilate kids for ideological purposes and line their pocketbooks why can’t they start doing lobotomies again?

    Obviously, Mills doesn’t believe that legislators shouldn’t legislate. But he does think that they shouldn’t write laws that affect his money-maker, the pharmaceutics industry.

    Obviously Mills wasn’t paying attention to what doctors during Covid did to allegedly “make medical decisions that are in the best interest of patients.”

  6. Tracy C. Coyle:

    I’m not sure what you’re saying here. It’s my impression, after watching quite a few of Buck’s videos, that he is 100% against the medical treatment of kids who say they’re trans. Adults yes; kids no.

  7. Neo, just a note to thank you for your sharing yourself and your thoughts as you do each day with “The New Neo”.

    As a 76-year-oldtimer, I look forward every day to seeing what you have to share that will help me look at things anew. Cheers and best wishes to you.

  8. Neo,

    Yes, Buck is 100% against medical treatment for minors. My issue is that, in rare instances, like .25% of cases, such treatment is reasonable. I am not opposing, on their face, the efforts to curtail ‘trans’ treatment for minors because right now I don’t trust the therapists and medical communities – they’ve been co-opted. But I can’t, in good conscience, oppose reasonable treatment in well vetted situations. I can’t be an absolutist. Zero tolerance has always been tyrannical overstep.

  9. I should have mentioned Buck along with Blaire and Ella the other day. Yes, Buck is hard edge against “transitioning” kids.

  10. Tracy C Coyle:

    I understand what you’re saying now.

    I respectfully disagree, though. With children, zero tolerance is not only required but is not tyrannical at all – or, if you will, it’s appropriately tyrannical. We have many many zero tolerance policies for children because by definition, children cannot give informed consent. This is one of those situations, and furthermore, we cannot tell the difference between those for whom it would be okay to medically treat and those for whom it would not. Permanent side effects, or predicting actual suicidality versus threatened and exaggerated suicidality, all are unpredictable and unknowable – and medical treatment does not stop suicides among these kids (and the rate of actual suicide has been exaggerated by activist child-treatment advocates). Plus, these days, children are fast-tracked into medical treatment rather than having in-depth therapy of various kinds to explore what’s really going on. That is a HUGE problem.

    Social media plus gender-affirming medicalized treatment for children is a disaster.

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