Home » Biden stirs up racial fears – again


Biden stirs up racial fears – again — 32 Comments

  1. Keep putting illegals in black neighborhoods, see what happens.
    The right cannot pander to blacks by saying they will prevent the illegals from moving in.
    They can appeal to both sides by saying illegals will be blended into majority Hispanic neighborhoods.

    Of course, many established Hispanics do not want illegal either, as they drive wages down .

  2. Biden is cynically describing the left-wing campaign to come:

    There are those who demonize and pit people against one another. And there are those who do anything and everything, no matter how desperate or immoral, to hold onto power.

    It’s all they’ve got.

  3. Kate:

    He is absolutely describing the left and himself. But his sympathetic listeners certainly don’t hear it that way.

  4. This was absolutely disgraceful, mendacious, and exceedingly harmful to the nation. There exists a massive amount of evidence strongly suggesting that race relations had been steadily improving until Obama’s second term, at which point (one can consult the research of Zach Goldberg on the history of the use of certain words, such as “racism” and “white supremacy”, in the MSM) the left and the media became completely obsessed with the imaginary “threat” of “white supremacy” (nothing more than a term of abuse for any traditional and conservative middle-class American opposed to leftism), racializing everything, by means of “identity politics”, and pandering outrageously for black votes, although it is the Democrats who are destroying the cities inhabited by so many black Americans. Racial arsonists are intent upon exacerbating tensions between black and white purely, and with malice aforethought, for political power.

  5. Biden doesn’t have any agency. He reads what his handlers put in front of him. Of course, he’d have uttered that cr!p a dozen years ago.
    You’re looking at how people on the payroll in the Democratic Party wish to present themselves. Some of them know it’s hooey and some do not. As for his audience at Howard, no doubt susceptible to all manner of utter rubbish.
    An intractable problem is the country’s secular decay as a culture. You don’t find it in every segment of society, but you find it in those segments which make use of the Democratic Party as their electoral vehicle.

  6. Obama’s mentors (Ayers and Dohrn) incited the Days of Rage in Chicago in an effort to spark a race war in America. The idea was to burn down America and build a communist utopia on the ruins. When it didn’t work, they helped set off an estimated 5000 terror bombings around the country. Eventually, they figured out that capturing the Democrat party and building a marxist Big Brother to take over the US was the path to success. They’ve mostly succeeded.

    Inciting racial hatred and violence has been a basic staple of Democrat rhetoric in the 55 years since. It will continue until Big Brother rules with a tight fist and the constitution is revoked.

    People who incite racial violence based on lies and slanders are evil. Democrats are evil.

  7. WRT the outrage at Middlebury College, it is more than a little ironic that the same people who decry and cancel someone for suggesting the use of vasectomies in certain cases are THE VERY SAME ONES who defend the chemical and surgical mutilation of minors at the drop of a hat.

    Not sure these earnest-uber-alles types would get the joke, though…

  8. Of course Zhou Bai-Den would speak like that. After all the blacks — excuse me, Blacks — are the Democrats sacred cows.

  9. Question is, though, how much longer will the Black community CHOOSE to accept this BidenSong with equanimity?
    It would appear that the Hispanics have begun to reject it pretty much en masse…with the Asians not too far behind (if not at par).

    (Of course, that’s why “Biden” NEEDS so many “refugees” to enter the country…and why “he” will simply HAVE TO fast-track their voting privileges…sorry, make that voting RIGHTS!)

    File under: “Mine [lyin’] eyes have seen…”

  10. Dwaz:

    Read my post. I discuss that “chains” speech of Biden’s and offer an excerpt.

  11. “… to choose love over hate …”

    Standard leftist boilerplate, but it’s so stupid. As if one will muse to oneself, “Hmm, should I love this guy or hate him? I guess I’ll choose love!”

    Here’s Mark Steyn in a 2016 speech to the Federalist Society:

    “The British Columbia Human Rights Tribunal regards it as an entirely feasible project to eradicate quote ‘hate’ from society, even though hate is a human emotion that has beat in the human heart for all eternity.”

  12. “… to choose love over hate …” Standard leftist boilerplate, but it’s so **stupid**.

    No kiddin’.

    We can dig more deeply into “hate” here (KJV Proverbs Chapter 6):

    16 These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him:
    17 A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood,
    18 An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief,
    19 A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren.

    “He that soweth discord among brethren.” Joe Biden, there’s a call for you.

    Sigh. As Landlord neo pointed out (3:27 pm) to Kate, “He is absolutely describing the left and himself. But his sympathetic listeners certainly don’t hear it that way.”

    (Those sympathetic listeners don’t give a rat’s patootie about the LORD and/or what he/she/they/whatever hate, anyway. But I did want to cite this.)

    Until and unless there is a way to get those sympathetic listeners to look very hard at themselves and what they’ve been doing, I see no hope. It’s will only get worse.

  13. “There are those who demonize and pit people against one another. And there are those who do anything and everything, no matter how desperate or immoral, to hold onto power.” pResident Joe Biden

    The irony is literally Shakespearean, he just offered his own fitting epitaph. ‘Here lies a man who demonized and pitted people against one another. Who did anything and everything, no matter how desperate or immoral, to acquire and hold onto power.’
    Perhaps he’s “Richard Rich” reincarnated.
    In the afterlife, may he reap the reward he so richly deserves.

  14. There are people who found institutions and build them. There are creatures like Kim Cassidy who live off the efforts of those founders, and turn the institutions into sandboxes for the self-indulgent. It would be just were the state of Pennsylvania to shut Bryn Mawr and auction off its property.

  15. More and more Asians and Latinos are waking up to the Democrat scam. Depressingly slowly and in lower numbers than one would expect. But they are. Thus, Democrats need the near unanimity of black votes, and in large numbers, more than ever. Expect the race baiting to continue to amplify. Democrats have always been the party of race baiting and scapegoating. The races to be glorified and victimized have changed, but the tactics have not and will not.

  16. RE More and more Asians and Latinos are waking up to the Democrat scam.

    Oh sure. I’ve heard that one before. Like I’ve heard that “Latinos are basically conservative and religious.”

    They aren’t.

    Blacks, Latinos, and Asians are not going to swing in significant number against the Democrats. It’s a sure thing that most of them, the vast majority, will be voting Democratic for a long time to come. Immigrants too. And white middle and upper class women.

    If the Republic is to be saved, it will have to be white men who do the saving.

  17. Telling black college graduates at a segregated school how whitey is holding them down.
    Not ironic.

  18. Fullmoon
    And their lives–at least employment–will be spent looking for examples of being held down. Like…punctuality is white supremacy
    That sort of thing takes time and energy and attention away from productive work.

  19. Regarding the Fullmoon (10:07 pm) post:

    Howard University
    2022 – 2023 Undergraduate Cost of Attendance
    On Campus: $46,930
    and with indirect cost estimates, $51,450

    ( Reference: https://catalogue.howard.edu/cost-of-attendance-2223 )

    Whitey may be holding them down, but not these (errmmm) privileged souls.


    And hey, dig this link from Howard University’s Admissions home page

    ( https://admission.howard.edu/ )

    titled, “President Joseph R. Biden Inspires Hope at Howard University Commencement”

    ( https://thedig.howard.edu/all-stories/president-joseph-r-biden-inspires-hope-howard-university-commencement )

    I cannot imagine what hope these privileged blacks require. Howard is sort-of the black Harvard, and the world will be at their feet as soon as they leave that commencement exercise. For the most part, it seems to me they’ll be able to name their price.

  20. Glenn Reynolds’ opinion piece on the Dems’ replacement of black voters with “migrants” was posted just a few hours ago:

    “Sorry, black voters. You’re being replaced. The Democrats just aren’t that into you anymore. They’ve got a new constituency they like better, and you’re being thrown under the bus. Blacks in Chicago are not happy about it. ‘We don’t care.’ ‘We don’t want them here.’ ‘Send them back.’ Those were some of the reactions of black citizens from Chicago’s South Side — which went 97% for Biden — to the importation of hundreds of illegal immigrants from Mexico and Central America.”

    “For basically my entire lifetime, Democrats have courted the black vote and promoted black issues. But in the last few years, that’s changed. The Democratic Party is now run by well-off, mostly white, woke people whose interests diverge rather sharply from those of the party’s erstwhile black constituents. . . .”


    What do y’all think? Is Chicago’s South Side protest a one-off or an indication of change?

    As for well-off persons of pallor, some of them are now being affected by the tsunami of “migrants”: “A Florida couple has had their wedding upended after an Orange County [NY] hotel — set to take in migrants from New York City — abruptly canceled the rooms she booked for her guests . . . . ‘We felt discarded, disappointed and angry that they just tossed us aside to make an extra dollar for the hotel. It’s just not right,’ Deanna Mifsud, 35, fumed. . . . everything was upended when they learned the Crossroads [Hotel] was set to accept migrants from NYC, who are being bused to hotels in Westchester and the Hudson Valley as the city struggles to deal with the influx of immigrants pouring over the border.”


    I’m surprised that Mayor Adams hasn’t yet taken over Citi Field (capacity 45,000)
    and Yankee Stadium (capacity 46,500) to house the new arrivals.

  21. “If you don’t vote for me, you ain’t an illegal immigrant—I mean New American…”

  22. A large fraction of the black working population – especially the sort in salaried positions as you might expect Howard graduates to be in a few years time – are patronage recipients. Some of them are ironically detached about it, but many are defensive. Note Glenn Loury’s observation a generation ago that the autonomy to deviate from group consensus is influenced by one’s confidence that one’s facial accomplishments are one’s own. The race patronage regime ‘socializes an individual person’s success’ and ruins intragroup discussion. What’s quite peculiar (and sorely manifest today) is that one institution after another has now adopted as a priority mollycoddling blacks and injuring their white employees (especially common-and-garden white males) and done so in preference to pursuing their functional institutional mission.

  23. Howard is sort-of the black Harvard,
    It isn’t. It’s a private research institution and one of the more selective institutions among HBCUs. As we speak, about 45% of each youth cohort in geneeral is cadging a baccalaureate degree, v. 22% forty years ago. It really has been devalued. Even with that devaluation, you can tell from the number actually receiving diplomas from HBCUs that close to 40% of their students should be doing something else with their young lives. I suspect the metrics on Howard’s freshman indicate that Howard is recruiting students who belong in college by the standards of this age. That’s some distance from being an institution with cachet. (The most selective and rigorous HBCU is Spelman College in Atlanta, a teaching institution).
    If we had impersonal admissions standards in this country, perhaps 700,000 blacks would be enrolled in baccalaureate granting institutions, of whom you’d find maybe 80,000 at HBCU’s. It’s a minority taste among competent black students.

  24. Blacks, Latinos, and Asians are not going to swing in significant number against the Democrats.
    Making categorical statements like this is pretty stupid.

  25. Glenn Loury’s observation a generation ago that the autonomy to deviate from group consensus is influenced by one’s confidence that one’s facial accomplishments are one’s own. The race patronage regime ‘socializes an individual person’s success’ and ruins intragroup discussion.

    The black “middle class” is made up of mostly government employees. The Democrat Party is the party of government employees.

  26. Being a lesbian didn’t save M. Carey Thomas, so neither would being transgender have saved her. For progressives, LGBT interests (and the desires of progressives themselves) can override African-American interests, but that doesn’t let dead members of the White elite off the hook for their racial attitudes, not even if they’re LGBT.

    In politics, it seems like “love” needs “hate” and “unity” needs “disunion.” Politicians unite countries against opponents, or rivals, or (best of all) enemies, whether external or internal. Politicians who don’t have some threat or enemy to harp on tend to be swept aside by those who do. Politicians and parties who attempt big changes in society especially need the public to focus on created enemies so that it doesn’t question or oppose their innovations.

    Notice too, how when Biden tells the Howard grads that they are the leaders of the future, he has to say ‘I’m not exaggerating’ or ‘that’s not hyperbole.’ That’s a tell, a clear sign that he doesn’t really mean it. The grads will be in the ruling party and will personally benefit from that, but they won’t be leading the movement (and it won’t benefit less fortunate African-Americans).

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