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CBS: don’t say trans — 36 Comments

  1. So CBS is denying the Trans community when they say themselves the murderer was Trans and to not use its preferred pronouns is an attack on the Trans community

  2. Hey and don’t forget…Trannies are “shaping the soul of our nation.” Gropey Joe told us so…then he sniffed a little girl’s hair, ate some ice cream and took a nap.

  3. Not agreeing a person’s preferred gender?
    Well ain’t that something. Neither do I

  4. Twitter is no different. This got me booted. This Country is so screwed and the media is leading the charge

    @ananavarro You Forgot 1 – Tranny Terrorist Kills kids
    Mar 28, 2023, 10:02 PM

  5. what is this cbs you speak of, murrow is screaming over in the ether (not really or he wouldn’t have made that whole joe welch stunt,

    catherine herridge is the only reporter worth her salt, and they treat her like a leper, as they did lara logan

  6. Could anything possibly be worse than the so-called initial “mis-gendering” of the shooter in certain quarters (NYT, USAToday, and other worthless purveyors of lies)? Many, over the years, have correctly called “political correctness” and, now, “wokeness” an assault on reality and truth.

  7. well its a marxist mindset, wokeness is a liberation of false consciousness, actually it’s studied ignorance,

  8. Mr. Dreher did say the other day that the Narrative Control Machine would be going into overdrive.

  9. I wonder if this is another indicator that the “manifesto’ will be suppressed?

    This woman only began to identify as male after a male friend was killed in an auto accident. It seems, according to her friends, that she had a “crush” on this individual. Her cross dressing episode followed. It is not clear if she had begun testosterone treatment. Like antidepressants, there is often an exaggerated effect at first.

  10. This woman only began to identify as male after a male friend was killed in an auto accident.
    Not a friend. Old schoolmate, The schoolmate was a black female, not male. The family of the schoolmate said Audrey Hale showed up at the funeral and at another memorial event but had not seen the deceased in some years. They were apparently best acquainted around 15 years ago, on a basketball team.

  11. I agree. Never use the term trans. Use mentally ill instead. Trans is confining. Mentally ill is gender fluid.

  12. How does CBS propose to cover the trans terrorist temper tantrum (Legal Insurrection calls it a “transurrection”) at the Florida State Capitol that occurred earlier today?

    One commenter at LI says, “I use to work in the Capitol these types of ‘demonstrations’ does nothing to advance the cause of the ‘Trans Terrorist’ Community. With super majority Republicans in both chambers, the lies about the ‘Don’t say Gay’ bill and with the murder of 6 innocent souls at a Christian school, this legislature is in no mood to listen. As for the protection of the Capitol, the Sergeant of Arms and his professional staff can handle the ‘Trans Terrorists’ and their cultists just fine.”

    Videos of the “transurrection” at the link: https://legalinsurrection.com/2023/03/trans-activists-storm-florida-capitol-building-over-bill-banning-teaching-sex-orientation-gender-identity-from-prek-8/

    The last video shows the activists’ reactions when they heard that the bill had passed.

  13. It seems like for some trans people, it’s not about turning oneself into a man or a woman, but into a boy or a girl. There’s a feeling that children of the opposite sex are innocent and free from the troubles and responsibilities of one’s own sex.

    That, plus all of the media, may account for so many girls and young women wanting to be boys now. In the past, women who posed as men wanted the maturity and authority of men. Now that patriarchy is in decay, what girls and young women who take the trans path want is something different.

    Then there are the grown men, often forceful, authoritative men, who want to be women, as if that would allow them to be softer and gentler, and maybe more playful. It doesn’t often work though, does it?

  14. Abraxas–

    Judging from the accounts of female detransitioners, many girls seek to become males as an escape from sexual abuse at the hands of male family members, teachers, or other authority figures. The emotional logic here is not so much thinking one is a male trapped inside a female body, but more along the lines of “if you can’t beat them [or escape from them], join them.”

  15. This shows how fundamentally it is all political. Had they actually viewed transsexuality as a serious identity matter, they could have reported it like any other. Preferably while minimizing it like we should all serial killers or mass shooters. But they don’t.

    Ironically I am leery about the reality of transsexuality and especially trans identity wars, but I have a couple trans friends. And this just shows how the left does not care about treating them as people but as pretty political baubles or ornaments.

  16. So, now we’ve got to the point where the right considers the shooter to be trans more important than the shooter being a shooter…

    All in the name of painting ALL transgender people as homicidal maniacs!

    “And this just shows how the left does not care about treating them as people but as pretty political baubles or ornaments.”

    As does the right… Sadly we’re receiving the exact same treatment from left AND right. The left uses the term “transgender” as an excuse for horrible acts like child abuse and mass murder, the right jumps on board and uses that as an excuse to call for the mass murder and/or torture of transgender people for political brownie points with uninformed people who love to see minorities of every kind shut out from society as “untermenschen” and “undesirables” in the same way that the left treats such people (just different groups).

    I may have to leave the right, as the right wants me dead. Then again, the left wants me dead as well but at least there I might be able to stay alive by just learning the proper slogans and keeping my head down.

  17. @JTW

    So, now we’ve got to the point where the right considers the shooter to be trans more important than the shooter being a shooter…

    All in the name of painting ALL transgender people as homicidal maniacs!

    Where the hell did you get that idea?

    In just this very post, including the one above, I mentioned that it was repulsive how the Left was bending this into pieces in order to obscure the shooter’s identity. If you do not think this is a problem, then there are already large protests at the local city hall talking about how the shooter was a victim too. Because apparently they cannot compute the possibility that judging people by their merits and actions rather than their gender identity is
    Kosher. And while you saw attempts to dabble with this before (like with Kleibold and Harris) it had significantly died off.

    Like Neo said: it isn’t that surprising that we will see utter scum identifying as Trans carrying out the evils privy to parts of human nature, both universally and by explicitly exploiting that they are trans. Because that’s just what evil people do, and it is not at all exclusive to Transpeople. Just ask Andriy Chitalko.

    As does the right… Sadly we’re receiving the exact same treatment from left AND right. The left uses the term “transgender” as an excuse for horrible acts like child abuse and mass murder, the right jumps on board and uses that as an excuse to call for the mass murder and/or torture of transgender people for political brownie points with uninformed people who love to see minorities of every kind shut out from society as “untermenschen” and “undesirables” in the same way that the left treats such people (just different groups).

    Ok JTW, kindly tell me where, how, and who on “the right” called for mass murder and/or torture of transgender people. Because I am fairly up to date about a lot of nutjobs on the right that actually do that (mostly in terms of cheerleading various African dictatorships that do it), and you’ll note that is quite rare. Even here.

    And the fact that you are using it to demonize “the right” as a whole is gratuitously stupid and evil. But apparently it’s ok if you do it?

    Get the fuck over yourself. Because compassion has limits and if you want to smear “the right” as a whole – including the people you share this blog with – in such a way, I will treat you accordingly.

    Because I am not afraid to call judgement on people and actions regardless of who they are.

    I may have to leave the right, as the right wants me dead.

    Uhuh, sure. Meanwhile even the Islamist theocrats ruling Iran – who represent a vastly uglier shade of “The Right” than most, and especially in comparison to virtually everyone on here – happily embrace transgenderism, to the point where they subsidize transitional surgeries and even foist or gaslight people who are merely bot heterosexual into getting them to avoid crane swinging.

    And if the Mullahcracy doesn’t want you dead because you are Trans (as opposed to being a kaffir, infidel, Westerner, etc), it is beyond safe to say that “The Right” as a whole does not. There are certainly elements of it that would (hence why I pay close attention to them and what we see in Africa, and why I am less adverse to the diversity pushes there than many because I know something of how bad it can get in Tanzania or Nigeria), but to say those are the minority are vanishingly rare.

    And if you are prepared to leave the Right – at this of all times, with a political kangaroo court in Manhattan trying to outlaw effective opposition – over this, well that is your conscience and on your head.

    But if you are willing to demonize and vilify myself, Neo, and most people on this blog so basely, groundlessly, and in such an evil fashion? That isn’t your conscience, because that is an action utterly lacking in conscience.

    And I certainly did not come here or write my prior post so you could leapfrog all of it to say I want to kill my friends just because.

    Get your head out of your asshole.

    Then again, the left wants me dead as well but at least there I might be able to stay alive by just learning the proper slogans and keeping my head down.

    Translation: you’re being a fucking idiot who hasn’t studied the past several decades of history to see how this goes. Or how if the slogan makers like Danton and Robespierre can get their heads looped off, you sure as hell can. Especially as the revolution cannibalizes itself in the hunt for new targets to explain why utopia isn’t coming.

    Let’s be very fucking blunt. This story isn’t about you. Six people are dead because of a singularly evil asshole I make a point of referring to as “it.”

    And ironically this piece of drivel from you is doing exactly what you accuse right and left of doing.

    So, now we’ve got to the point where the right considers the shooter to be trans more important than the shooter being a shooter…

    That’s exactly what YOU WERE DOING IN THIS POST.


    Now, the proper thing you Should do is apologize. To our host, to myself, and the others.

    But failing that, kindly shut the fuck up until you can write without accusing most of the blog of desiring mass murder.

  18. @FJB

    I agree. Never use the term trans. Use mentally ill instead. Trans is confining. Mentally ill is gender fluid.

    And that wouldn’t change the fact that several people want to be “confined” to a gender or sex other than what they are born with. Which is why those identifying as genderfluid have always been incredibly rare.

    And even if you do want to argue they are all mental illnesses, it helps to be precise.

  19. @

    Hey and don’t forget…Trannies are “shaping the soul of our nation.” Gropey Joe told us so…then he sniffed a little girl’s hair, ate some ice cream and took a nap.

    Well strictly speaking this is one case where he is correct. But in the sense that each one gets to shape the soul of the country and the communities like everyone else. One particularly evil scumbag decided to do it for the worse, and that will cloud out many others that do not do it for the worst.

    Such is life. I guess we like to publicize and obsess over twisted mass murderers while many humanitarians go underheralded.

  20. This is particularly ironic, given that March 31 is apparently the International Transgender Day of Visibility, something I only became aware of this year.

  21. Still haven’t seen what age she decided she wasn’t a female anymore. If long after she left school, it doesn’t make sense

  22. JIM TREACHER: Maybe It’s Time to Start Treating Transgenderism as a Mental Illness Again: A trans person murdering children is worse than trans people getting their feelings hurt.

    So, yes, MSM trying cover up that this was a Trans (fake) man murdering children and adults taking care of them in a Christian church. But as Treacher points out – what’s worse? Murdering innocent children? Or hurting the feelings of the transgendered? And this wasn’t the first time that transpeople murdered innocent children.

  23. JTW, I’m afraid I have to call you on your claim that “the right” wants to torture and murder transgendered people.

    “The right” in general terms desires:

    – that children not be exposed to discussions of sexuality in any form prior to a certain age (around puberty)*,

    – that if a minor wants to transition socially at school that minor’s parents be informed in the same way that if a minor started exhibiting depression or signs of drug use or, for that matter, extraordinary ability in some area the school would inform the parents,

    – that genital surgery, other cosmetic surgery that’s referred to as “gender affirming,” and cosmetic hormone therapy not be performed on minors with or without parental approval so that the minor’s body and mind can finish developing before the person can make permanent changes, and

    – that transgendered adults’ apparently delicate sensibilities not rule the civic square to the detriment or exclusion of all other concerns.

    And yes, many on “the right” consider transgenderism to be a mental illness. But just as we have compassion for people with other mental illnesses and conditions and want them to get help so they can live the most stress-free and harmonious life possible, we want that for transgendered people – people suffering from (or, if you prefer, “people living with”) gender dysphoria. Where we balk is at the insistence that a transgendered person’s harmonious life depends on everyone else’s going along with their misperception of reality. It would be as if (and I know this won’t be a new analogy for you) we all had to agree loudly and approvingly that an anorexic person really is fat, and doctors had to support and encourage that person in self-starvation while we all cheered that person’s efforts to starve.

    We consider that to be torture.

    * Protestations that any discussion of family life is, de facto, an implied discussion of sexuality are weak sauce. It is very clear that the emphasis in discussions of transgenderism is not on family structure but on a radical personal presentation of gender stereotypes, plus who a person wants to have sex with and how. Just as it’s very clear that the emphasis in most, though not all, discussions of homosexuality in these post-gay-marriage days is not on family structure but specifically on sexual behavior.

  24. Sorry, I meant to add this: for myself and, anecdotally, a good percentage of those of us on “the right,” mental illness or not, I’m ok with adults’ doing what they want with their bodies, including the most radical of cosmetic surgeries to appear, and function sexually, as they want. To each his own, as long as one’s own doesn’t require my full-throated approval and full-armed embrace. I feel the same way about vegans and MMA enthusiasts.

    I am mildly irritated at the characterization of these surgeries and lifelong hormonal treatments as “life-saving,” because as far as I know, there’s no statistical evidence that there’s a reduction in suicide rates among people with gender dysphoria after physical transition, and the “life-saving” characterization means that everyone else in the insurance pool has to subsidize these treatments. But only mildly irritated, because in a normal, reasonable world, gender dysphoria would be as rare in the human species as it is in any other mammal, so the subsidy would be minor.

    I tend to think the present ubiquity of transgenderism, particularly in adolescents, is a trendy thing that’ll pass (and also the spotlight effect of the media), so I’m withholding stronger concerns. But when adolescents, and even children, are allowed, and even encouraged, to make permanent changes to their bodies’ functions in the name of boosting what sure as heck looks and acts like an ideology more than a medical condition in need of immediate treatment, well, there my forbearance ends.

  25. JTW:

    If only you lived in Vancouver Canada you wouldn’t have to fear the right and their genocidal plans for you. (sarc x 11)

    For in Vancouver Canada the trans radicals are above the law it seems. Picture the smiling face of armed authority (Ms Police media hack) lying with absolute assurance and indifference to evidence.


  26. om–

    JTW would not benefit in any way by moving to Vancouver (yes, I know you’re being sarcastic!). If the Canadian government goes ahead with the expansion of Medical Assistance in Dying (aka MAiD) that was first proposed in 2021 to cover people in mental distress– plans on hold for the time being because even Canadians are uneasy about the expansion– JTW would be in deep doo-doo in Turdoo’s paradise.

    ” . . . the justice minister said Ottawa was only seeking to delay implementation of the MAiD changes — it’s still clear the government remains intent on further expanding its legislation to include mentally ill people who are suicidal and could get better.”

    More details about Canada’s love affair with euthanasia at the link: https://theconversation.com/canada-delays-expanding-medical-assistance-in-dying-to-include-mental-illness-but-its-still-a-policy-built-on-quicksand-196264

  27. In living memory, a number of veterans didn’t want to be seen. Get into trouble with the Good and the Great.
    Others wanted to be seen as okay guys. That wasn’t going easily, either.

    Don’t recall anybody trying to justify a shooting by a Viet Nam vet.

  28. I may have to leave the right, as the right wants me dead.
    Your imagination is vigorous, as is your inclination to utter defamatory remarks. Don’t let the door hit your tuchus on the way out.

  29. Seems to me public, and blog, discourse would be greatly improved if the police would release what this shooter said her motives were. She intended to die; as Neo said in her first post on the topic, this was suicide by cop, combined with the murders of innocents.

  30. The latest news on the trans front is the controversy that Bud Light stirred up by making an activist named Dylan Mulvaney its spokesperson for March Madness:

    The announcement was met with backlash with Twitter users describing the ad campaign as another attempt to push gender propaganda. Conservative commentator John Cardillo wrote, “Who the hell at @budlight thought it was a good idea to make a grown man who dresses like little girls their new spokesperson? Brands have to stop listening to their woke creative teams and get in touch with their consumer demographics.” . . . . “Message to conservative families from @budlight seems to be: We will encourage and even celebrate the erasure of men and women along with all the values you care about. They’ve gone totally woke. Will you ever spend your money with them now?” director Robby Starbuck tweeted.


    This nonsense is another reason I’m sticking to German beers.

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