Home » If Representative Sylvia Garcia ever loses her day job…


If Representative Sylvia Garcia ever loses her day job… — 26 Comments

  1. “Substack, I guess that is a website.”. A knave and fool ignorant of the subject she seeks to talk about.

  2. Always surprises me how many members of the House from both parties I have never heard of. Before yesterday I had never heard of this woman or the one from the Virgin Islands.

  3. I wish he would have responded that he prefers the term ménage à trois. A small bit of luck for us all is that the one from the Virgin Islands can’t actually vote on bills since she is only a delegate and not a member.

  4. Always surprises me how many members of the House from both parties I have never heard of

    To be fair, there’s like 435 voting and 6 non voting house members. If you can keep the names, faces, and various other facts about 441 different people in your head you’re probably some sort of autistic savant.

  5. All I could hear her say was, “I’ll get you, my pretty… and your little dog, too!”

  6. What a moron. If I were one of the witnesses, I would simply retorted, “If Bari were going to do a threesome, she wouldn’t have chosen us.”

  7. I truly could never testify to Congress. My responses at some point would have started to include, “You are an ignorant slut, Congresswoman- try preparing yourself so that you don’t look so damned stupid in asking these ridiculous questions.”

  8. Nonapod,

    I’m aware of that but I bet I could at least recognize the name of 300 or so just from following this stuff.

  9. thats plaskett not garcia, but they want to root out the crime think, there are so few independent thinkers anywhere in corporate media,

    I lived for 15 years in a very blue district of wasserman schultz, it was agonizing,

  10. Watching this makes me think of the playwright’s line to the ex-East German culture minister at the end of “The Lives of Others”:

    “To think that people like you were in charge of my country.”

    There’s humor in it, but it’s grim humor. It’s the kind of spectacle we used to laugh at and feel superior to when it was happening in former communist countries. Stupid, malevolent people with power. Now it’s here. We sure know how to pick ’em.

  11. I’m with AD on this one…not funny at all…
    That she appears this clueless but simultaneously that malevolent & absolutely without a shred of self-awareness…

    She’d be right there to load the rest of us into the boxcars.
    The ultimate reckoning is going to be a hard shock for folks like her.

  12. She is among the exclusive group of Congressional idiots. AOC, Hank Johnson of Guam fame, Sheila Jackson Lee, who wanted the Mars Rover to go to the Moon to look at the flag left by the astronauts, Eleanor Holmes Norton who cannot park a car., and, of course, Maxine Waters who was chair of the financial services committee in Congress when her husband went to prison for bank fraud.

  13. Ya know, you see these literally stupid politicians and wonder how they get elected.

    Many start small, local school board, then city council, then suburb mayor, where voters don’t pay much attention.

    Use those jobs as indicators of experience while moving up.

    I have seen it happen locally, with the recently elected mayor.
    I expect she will gravitate to state politics because she now has a resume and backing.

    On a more serious note, expect Newsome to become president eventually. He is not stupid but he is radical.

  14. This vid is making the rounds. But, she will never be made aware of it. She will continue to believe she won that round.

    Expect it is the same for Biden, that is why he tells the same B.S. stories about his life experience. He is not aware the internet has exposed those lies over and over.

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