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Storm on the horizon — 13 Comments

  1. There’s a far greater storm on the horizon, an economic storm.
    Another day that will live in infamy… passage of an obscenity of a bill that will accelerate and deepen the impoverishment of future generations.

    Dec 22, 2022
    “1.7 TRILLION dollar Omnibus Bill

    The spending bill advanced 70-25 with 21 [RINO] Republicans voting in favor.

    Roy Blunt (Mo.)
    John Boozman (Ark.)
    Shelley Moore Capito (W.Va.)
    Susan Collins (Maine)
    John Cornyn (R-Texas)
    Tom Cotton (Ark.)
    Lindsey Graham (S.C.)
    Chuck Grassley (Iowa)
    Cindy Hyde-Smith (Miss.)
    Mitch McConnell (Ky.)
    Jerry Moran (Kan.)
    Lisa Murkowski (Alaska)
    Rob Portman (Ohio)
    Mitt Romney (Utah);
    Mike Rounds (S.D.)
    Marco Rubio (Fla.)
    Richard Shelby (Ala.)
    John Thune (R-S.D.)
    Tommy Tuberville (Ala.)
    Roger Wicker (Miss.)
    Todd Young (Ind.)”

    I consider Boozman, Cotton, Rounds, Rubio, Shelby, Thune and Tuberville to be the most hypocritical, as arguably they represent the most conservative of the states above and so do the most disservice to the citizens they pretend to represent.

  2. Several days ago I talked with my cousin in Montana:
    Me: “How are things in tropical Montana?”
    Cousin: “19 below.”

    It’s now in the 30s in Texas – average winter high of low 60s. Perhaps I should be careful about what I say. 🙂

    That’s a shame how those RINOs voted on the budget.

  3. Cold (17F) and cloudy here today. Streets are icy, but drivable with care. Tonight, we are forecast to get freezing rain lasting about six hours. Long enough to coat and drop powerlines. Then the forecast is for a week of heavy rain from a pineapple express that will raise the temps into the 50s. There goes our white Christmas. 🙁

    The polar vortex that’s creating this nationwide cold spell is due, of course, to AGW. Old devil CO2. It’s so all powerful.

  4. Related:
    ‘ “Once-In-A-Generation” Snowpocalypse Sweeps Across US’—

    Of course, it’s Zerohedge, so they’re just doing what they do best…right?

    I imagine that “Biden” will be working around the clock trying to figure out “creative” ways to blame Trump for this thing—if and when it hits.
    (Something along the lines of, oh…”But the Republicans—who have been CONSISTENTLY DENYING CLIMATE CHANGE!!—have, as a consequence (consequences being something Republicans DO NOT APPEAR TO BELIEVE IN), also CONSISTENTLY DENIED this government the
    necessary funds to provide Americans with what they require in times, such as this, of dire need!!!! THAT’S RIGHT: LEAVING AMERICAN CITIZENS OUT TO DRY…”)

    Yeah, that sounds about right…

  5. Re: Consequences…
    Old news (from the NO CONSEQUENCES File):
    Pelosi’s lying again. (Ho hum…)
    ‘ “Pelosi’s Jan. 6 story unravels as evidence mounts that Capitol breach was preventable;
    ‘Contemporaneous emails and text messages show Pelosi staff involved in failed security planning ahead of Capitol riot.’—

    The only real problem with this “interpretation” is that Pelosi’s so-called “failed security planning ahead of Capital riot” was/is/will always be (in the annals of American history) in actuality a GLORIOUS SUCCCESS.

  6. I’m downtown Chicago, still in the office but heading out soon. Should be fun.

    Regarding the $1.7 trillion bill:

    Difference between a million, a billion, and a trillion. One million seconds ago was about the 11th of this month. One billion seconds ago the first George Bush was in office. One trillion seconds ago there may have been a Neanderthal or two still wandering around Europe.

  7. The vote by Tom Cotton is particularly galling. I would like to hear his rationale. Combine this with the imminent reelection of Ronna McDaniel to the RNC chair and the Republican establishment is really poking their finger in the eye of the base.

  8. Not even 6 PM and it is 15 degrees F on the back porch, south of Interstate 20 in East Texas.

  9. Here in PA, we had seven inches of snow Thursday, followed by rain that’s supposed to last until Friday morning. At which time the temperature will drop to low single digits with 30mph winds and occasional gusts to 50. Christmas eve and Christmas day will be a high of 10 degrees if we are lucky, and 20mph winds. Should be a skating rink and likely some power outages, yuck.

    Stay safe and warm, my friends

  10. Here in west Michigan, on the shore of Lake Michigan. About nine degrees, wind has to be forty-plus. As is usually the case–we’re up off the lake by about thirty feet–we do not “accumulate” snow. Grass is poking through what snow is stuck on the lawn while around the corner, we have two feet behind the garage. Bernoulli should have stayed home.
    When the snow is driven so hard, it begins to have a bit of structural strength. Not enough to cut up for igloos–you can see where that comes from–but enough to make shoveling even more boring.
    Not quite a whiteout.
    The top half of the driveway is nearly bare and the bottom half is over half a foot–it’s surrounded by trees–and we don’t expect and end to this for another day.
    Fortunately, the furnace works and it’s pretty clear to the wood pile should that be necessary.

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