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Victor Davis Hanson… — 13 Comments

  1. Could a so-called “Manchurian candidate” really have been more successful in acting not to improve the lives of the citizenry, but rather to immiserate and to demoralize and to demonize those who wish for our republic not to be engulfed by a tsunami of radical nation-destroying policies and of “woke” insanity? Many on the right are critical of Russia’s Putin and of China’s Xi, but, despite all the mistakes of both, can it really be argued that either wishes for the utter destruction of the nation which he now leads?

  2. “Could a so-called “Manchurian candidate” really have been more successful in acting not to improve the lives of the citizenry, but rather to immiserate and to demoralize and to demonize those who wish for our republic not to be engulfed by a tsunami of radical nation-destroying policies and of “woke” insanity?”

    Well, sadly, at least 40% of our voters are happy with what Biden has been doing.

  3. Biden could not have done more damage to this country had he been an open KGB (or is it is now referred to as the FSB) agent.

  4. I don’t think VDH counted high enough and I wouldn’t consider his sequence in order of events taking place. For instance, neutering free speech by using tech companies began before Biden even took office. President Biden just made sure his DOJ would protect the help, while not expecting a billionaire to buy up all the receipts.

  5. Clearly, Biden never cared of what history’s judgement of him shall be nor can he actually believe that he shall be held accountable for his actions by a just God.

    May he receive the reward he so richly deserves.

  6. Geoffrey Britain: I think that Biden, and an enormously large number of senior Democrats, and more than a few senior Republicans, will find the afterlife to be very unpleasant.

  7. @ Scott – actually, since they enjoy each other’s company so much in the present, I’m sure they will continue their pleasant community relationships in the future.

    However, most ethical people would prefer to be in a different neighborhood.

    C. S. Lewis gives an excellent symbolic picture of the afterlife, in terms we can understand.

  8. A commenter on Hanson’s post remarks, citing Victor’s conclusion:
    “We have done all of the above.”

    In the immortal words of Tonto when told by the Lone Ranger that “We are surrounded by Indians!”

    “What do you mean ‘We’ white man?”

    This was done by Democrats, 100%.

  9. Another commenter agrees: “If you want to destroy the United States: Be a leftist, vote Democrat.”

    Neo and others here have mentioned many times their frustration in presenting facts and reason to their Democrat family & friends, and having them simply ignore the connection between reality and their own votes, even when the discussion concerns things they complain about.

    Dr Chaotica expressed that well in this comment, and I have seen much the same on other blogs.

    Dr. Chaotica on October 30, 2021 at 1:57 am said:
    I’m sorry to have to say this, Neo, but I think you’re wasting your time. People on the left are delusional. Their worldview is based on a steady diet of lies and propaganda from leftist teachers and professors, news media, the entertainment industry, and social media. Reality and facts are irrelevant to them. You will never convince them to question their beliefs. Reason and persuasion simply don’t work.

    My own mother, who is in her late 80s, is a perfect example of this. She reads newspapers every day and watches hours of network TV news, and she believes everything they tell her. So of course she is a knee-jerk leftist Democrat voter with a Biden/Harris sticker on her Prius. At her age, she doesn’t get out much, so she is essentially out of touch with the real world. She considers herself well informed, but everything she thinks she knows is leftist propaganda and gaslighting. It is impossible to have a rational conversation with her about politics or current events, and I don’t even try. If she brings them up, I change the subject.

    She is my mother and I love her. I don’t know how much longer she will be with us, and I won’t squander any of my precious time with her by attempting to counter her programming. It won’t work, and it will only make both of us unhappy. What’s the point of that? And the same goes for any of the other lefties I know. I can ruin my relationships with them with political arguments, but the chance that I will actually convince them is zero. Why bother? Life is too short to spend any of it in such a futile and frustrating way.

    We did the same with my Mother-in-law, who was always trying to get us to agree with the latest reporter she heard on CNN.

    I used to think we were effectively abandoning the field to the Democrats that way, but so many people have noted that efforts to convince them they’ve been conned simply don’t work.

  10. Matt Taibbi addresses the reasons for the disconnect between reality and news reports (mostly on the left, but not limited to the Democrats)

    “Be it resolved: don’t trust mainstream media.” My name is Matt Taibbi, I’ve been a reporter for 30 years, and I argue for the resolution. You should not trust mainstream media.

    I love the news business. It’s in my bones. But I mourn for it. It’s destroyed itself.

    My father had a saying: “The story’s the boss.” In the American context, if the facts tell you the Republicans were the primary villains in this or that disaster, you write that story. If the facts point more at Democrats, you go that way. If it turns out they’re both culpable, as was often the case for me across nearly ten years of investigating Wall Street and the causes of the 2008 crash for Rolling Stone, you write that. We’re not supposed to nudge facts one way or another. Our job is to call things as we see them and leave the rest up to you.

    We don’t do that now. The story is no longer the boss. Instead, we sell narrative, as part of a new business model that’s increasingly indifferent to fact.

    News media shouldn’t have a “side.” The press has to be seen as separate from politics, not just because this is a crucial component of trustworthiness, but also because the media derives all its power from the perception of its independence. If a news organ is seen as too connected to one or another party, it loses its ability to serve as a check on power. How can you “hold Trump accountable” without credibility?

    Getting things right is hard enough. The minute we try to do anything else in this job, the wheels come off. Until we get back to the basics, we don’t deserve to be trusted. And we won’t be.

    Too many people still trust what they read and hear from the partisans on their own “side” with no understanding of the agendas driving the people who constitute, and those who control, the press.

  11. A good list like I expect from VDH, but is it so terribly old fashioned of me to wish someone would have proof read it?

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