Home » Open thread 9/30/22


Open thread 9/30/22 — 19 Comments

  1. I’m pretty sure that Lou Elizondo, the former head of the DOD’s AATIP program which researched UFOs, knows of, has investigated, and has seen and reviewed more information on the UFO phenomenon—both classified and unclassified–than almost any one else.

    All throughout the course of all of the many media appearances he has made, Lou Elizondo has been known for dropping “breadcrumbs,” veiled hints about this phenomenon.

    Surveying all that I have learned so far about the UFO phenomenon, perhaps the most disturbing things are some of these hints that Lou Elizondo has dropped over the last couple of years, in particular a cluster of very ominous ones–

    “Lue was asked to expand on his somber comments in his AMA with Curt Jaimungal. He described a conversation he had with someone high up in the government, and it’s probably the most important thing he’s said so far in my opinion.”

    “We had a conversation. He said you know, Lue, mankind has been around for a little while, and most of the time mankind has been around we’ve been smack in the middle of the food-chain. We ate a lot of things and a lot of things ate us, and that’s just the bottom line. About 70,000 years ago, something fundamentally changed. Something changed, and our species was instantly catapulted to the very top of our planet as far as predatory animals.

    Now, all of a sudden, we became the most feared. We were the most lethal and the most successful. In fact, most of the large species that existed on this planet went extinct because of us, because we started eating all of them.

    There were a couple species that did very, very well with our immediate ascension. We brought a couple species with us, the dog as an example. That species benefitted greatly from mankind’s ascension as the alpha predator, and wound up succeeding as well, doing very well off of that. That changed the entire global landscape of the planet almost overnight. Large animals went extinct because of us.

    What if it turns out that there’s another species that’s even higher on that ladder than we are? Do we need the social institutions that we have today? Will we need the governmental and religious organizations that we have today if it turns out there is something else, or someone else, that is technologically more advanced? And perhaps, from an evolutionary perspective, more advanced? Have we been wasting our time all this time? Or are we doing exactly what we’re supposed to be doing?

    Does it turn out that mankind is, in fact, just another animal in the zoo? We thought of ourselves as the zookeeper before, but maybe we’re just another exhibit. What would that mean to us? When I say somber and sobering, I mean there’s going to come a point in this conversation where we are going to have to do a lot of reconciling with ourselves, whatever that means. From whatever philosophical view you have, this is going to impact every single one of us equally, yet differently, and I think that’s important.

    Do we find ourselves in a situation where history will have to be re-written? So that’s what I meant.””*

    If you are aware of these statements, I would think that you couldn’t help but worry about just what the history and landscape that Lou Elizondo is looking out over might be.

    See https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/qcaxo6/elizondo_expands_on_his_somber_comment_saying/

  2. From the Daily Mail article this morning, looks like Putin is laying the groundwork to use nukes in Ukraine. By “annexing” those 4 regions, and then stating any attacks on those regions are attacks on Russia, he can justify using nukes. He also said precedent had been set by the US using nukes on Japan. This could get bad really quick. The economy, hurricanes, etc may be the least of our concerns. I just hope there are some saner heads in the Kremlin before this guy unleashes the Apocalypse and the Biden cabal follows suit.

  3. physicsguy, seems that Putin is loping off the heads of saner people in the Kremlin. We just do not know what Biden would do. A bigger question is what would XI do, and others that support Putin.

  4. Using tactical nukes on Ukraine, whose fallout will move east over the newly-minted “Russian” areas, and even into Russia proper, would show just how little actual people matter to dictators. But let us hope Putin won’t do that.

  5. By “annexing” those 4 regions, and then stating any attacks on those regions are attacks on Russia, he can justify using nukes.

    That “justification” is extremely questionable in the eyes of the rest of the world, and perhaps even to a fair number of Russians. The results of votes for annexation in those areas seem very dubious to put it mildly. Something like 92 – 99% voted for being annexed in those regions? I doubt you could get 99% of any population anywhere to agree that water is wet, let alone whether or not it’d be a great idea to join the nation that’s currently occupying you militarily.

    But whatever. If Putin wants to use nukes, he’ll use them. The question is, how would the rest respond? For example, if he were to use a single nuke in a tactical way to take out advancing Ukrainian military forces in an area that was fairly rural, what would happen? Putin has certainly been ruminating on this.

    Strictly militarily speaking, a nuke used in a tactical way has upsides and downsides. The upside is that you can completely annihilate any target. The downside is that there’s an entire region of the battlefield that will have become completely uninhabitable and inaccessible, which is an obstical for moving forces. Not to mention it renders a large area completely useless for a very long time once the war ends.

    How would the West respond? Would we launch our own nukes? If so, at what?

  6. Recorded deaths from COVID, April-September (corresponding to the off season in the temperate zone of the northern hemisphere).


    2020: 1,073,000
    2021: 1,890,000
    2022: 365,000

    United States:

    2020: 213,000
    2021: 157,400
    2022: 72,000


    2020: 101,000
    2021: 289,000
    2022: 6,200


    2020: 28,400
    2021: 21,100
    2022: 13,000


    2020: 143,800
    2021: 275,000
    2022: 26,500


    2020: 20,000
    2021: 17,200
    2022: 20,200


    2020: 38,600
    2021: 10,200
    2022: 21,700


    2020: 20,200
    2021: 59,400
    2022: 1,900


    2020: 5,100
    2021: 1,600
    2022: 670


    2020: 2,480
    2021: 22,600
    2022: 2,500


    2020: 1,600
    2021: 1,580
    2022: 1,210

    South Africa:

    2020: 17,200
    2021: 35,000
    2022: 2,160


    2020: 5,500
    2021: 1,270
    2022: 1,400

  7. Kate,
    Interesting piece on nat. gas pipelines and hydrate plugs. I read it fast, but I didn’t see how you get oxygen or air with oxygen down there under the ocean. Pure methane is not explosive. I think even if you mix in a little air or oxygen it isn’t. You need enough oxygen to get there.

    It is clearly complicated, so I may be missing something. For example, water has oxygen in it, if it is somehow chemically separated out. Or maintenance crews introduce air or oxygen for some reason. Or the Russkies do a poor job of purifying the gas before injection.

  8. @Art Deco – I wonder if many of the deaths that have been recorded in the US over the past few months are more “with Covid” than “from Covid”. My suspicion is that what might be going on is that Covid is present in a lot of hospitals. So when an elderly person who is on death’s door is sent to the hospital for palliative reasons and ends up contracting Covid then dying, they’re marked down as a death due to Covid rather than just that it was “their time” or whatever. I have no proof of this, it’s just what I think might be going on.

  9. This appears to be the Durham investigation’s epitaph.
    “Durham Prosecutes FBI Informants, While Protecting Their Handlers”

    It begins here:
    “Federal Reserve announces major ‘pilot exercise’ for ESG social credit score system”

    Soon to be freezing Europeans wonder, “Whodunnit? – Facts related to the sabotage attack on the Nord Stream pipelines”

    Judged by Western media to be irrelevant is that both pResident Biden and Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Victoria Nuland each publicly stated that if Russia invaded Ukraine that the Nordstream pipelines would “be ended”.

  10. @TommyJay Re: Where oxygen?

    If I understand it correctly, it’s less a combustion explosion than it is a sublimation explosion. The water plus high-pressure methane make a solid, and if the pressure starts to go down (or the temperature goes up) the methane gets released. And that release can be quite violent, and it’s got the not-yet-sublimated methane hydrate (it’s a sort of methane-infused ice) to toss around the pipeline.

  11. All throughout the course of all of the many media appearances he has made, Lou Elizondo has been known for dropping “breadcrumbs,” veiled hints about this phenomenon.

    Surveying all that I have learned so far about the UFO phenomenon, perhaps the most disturbing things are some of these hints that Lou Elizondo has dropped over the last couple of years, in particular a cluster of very ominous ones–

    Snow on Pine:

    This is my problem with Ellizondo, aside from the “I’m a Weirdo” mini-goatee he sports.

    I’m full up on breadcrumbs, veiled hints, breathless hearsay, wild speculation, and shotgun von Daniken-style questions, as in the multi-paragraph quote you provide.

    Maybe the answer to all his rhetorical-seeming questions is an enthusiastic “Yes! The aliens have landed and Kubrick was right in ‘2001’. They are the Monolith and we are the Children of the Apes they mutated.”

    There is a genuine mystery to the astonishing speed of human evolution. But likewise the Cambrian Explosion, and long before that the development of the cellular DNA programming language which allowed Darwinian evolution.

    I don’t need aliens to be baffled. But sure, maybe, aliens.

    However, I really don’t need people pulling my chain about UFOs like Elizondo and countless others. I’ve known for over fifty years UFOs aren’t all mistaken sightings of Venus or swamp gas.

    As far as I’m concerned, if Elizondo knows something certain and verifiable, and it’s so all-fired important, he can blow the whistle loud and clear.

    Snow on Pine, I consider you a fine, civil commenter and I understand your concerns about UFO, but I’m so been-there-done-that-and-didn’t-buy-the-t-shirt.

    Excuse my spleen.

  12. Here’s the Joe Rogan interview with Bob Lazar, an odd, bright fellow who worked at Area 51 briefly, really did blow the whistle on UFOs and aliens, and thereby ruined his life or had his life ruined by sinister government forces, as you like it.

    –“Joe Rogan Experience #1315 – Bob Lazar & Jeremy Corbell”

    It’s over two hours long. I don’t expect anyone to watch the whole damn thing. But I did and it confused me greatly.

    I had long ago written off Bob Lazar as some sort of UFO grifter, who talked big and wacky for notoriety and maybe some exploitation revenues.

    Now I don’t know what to think. It’s clear Lazar didn’t become rich or famous for his revelations. Nor did he blow the lid off the UFO Coverup. Mostly he seems pretty effed-up for the experience.

    The government claims Lazar never worked at Area 51 and there is almost no proof otherwise. Almost. Lazar recovered an Area 51 phone listing with his name and number.

    Lazar claims he was hired to reverse-engineer an advanced craft. He really was some sort of whiz kid who attached a jet engine to a Honda auto body, which is documented in a Los Alamos newspaper:


    The Rogan interview put me back into “Well, maybe…” Like so much UFO stuff, I just don’t know.

    I hate that.

  13. Huxley–

    Despite all of my comments here on the UFO phenomenon, I do not live and breathe this subject 24/7.

    It’s just that, the more things I have seen and read, the more credible evidence that has come to my attention and has piled up, the more I am compelled to believe that this is an extremely important subject—perhaps the most important subject of all—a phenomenon which the government has covered up since at least 1945, and which we have been ignoring, and ignore at our peril.

    Thus, I have read a few books, looked at a lot of things on Youtube, heard testimony of various witnesses/“experiencers,” looked at some of the formerly secret government documents that UFO researchers have gotten the government to cough up via FOIA requests, and even did some research on this topic a couple of decades ago, when I was still doing research at a government think tank.

    I don’t know everything about what I have discovered is a very complex and perplexing field of inquiry, one full of a wide variety of “characters” and their differing viewpoints, but I have, I believe, a good basic knowledge.

    Enough knowledge to know that Bob Lazar is a very controversial figure in the “UFO community”–some people believe him, some people don’t, and some people think that just some of what he says is true.

    You could spend a lot of time going down that particular rabbit hole.

    As I understand it, one of the main problems is that his claims about his educational attainments cannot be documented.

    And, if they can’t be proven, then, you start to wonder if the common law idea of “falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus” shouldn’t apply to everything else he says.

  14. P.S.–It does appear that the government has conducted a very successful, generation’s long disinformation campaign with regard to the UFO phenomenon.

    This campaign making it pretty difficult to tell what is true and what is false, who is telling the truth and who is lying, who is “embellishing,” or mixing truth with fiction, who is perhaps just deluded, or out to make a buck, which trail is a dead end, and which trail leads to some part of the truth.

  15. On the other hand, our popular culture is increasingly awash in images and ideas about UFOs and aliens, some of which have apparently been encouraged by the government, which I view as getting us familiar with, as “preparing the battle space of ideas,” for if and when the reality of UFOs and whoever or whatever is directing them is revealed–via a major leak or on purpose–and is fully and finally officially acknowledged.

  16. 34 US Political Prisoners in DC Gulag Demand Transfer to Guantanamo Bay to Escape Intolerable Conditions in Heartbreaking Letter
    The perpetrators and accomplices of this atrocity have set themselves up for horrific karma down the road – especially the weaselly cowards in Congress, most of whom have not lifted a finger to alleviate the suffering and injustice. Whoever inflicts such cruelty or turns a blind eye is on a long journey made longer and more arduous by their lack of compassion.
    Begging for Help / Water / Medical Aid / Mercy through a 4 inch by 10 inch window of cold metal doors
    No Visitations
    No Religious Services
    No Attorney Access
    Mail delayed 3-4 months prior to delivery
    Laundry returning with brown stains, pubic hair, and or reeking of ripe urine
    Worms found in salad of “Meals”
    Inadequate calorie count of “Meals”
    Complete lack of nourishment in “Meals”
    Loss of Head Hair due to malnourishment of “Meals”
    Loss of Eye Sight due to malnourishment of “Meals”
    Suffering from Scurvy due to malnourishment of “Meals”
    Blatant extortion via commissary in order to maintain health and or body weight
    Rust in the Water
    Rust in jagged metal desks in Cells
    Rust on metal cages near face on small windows of Cells
    Black Mold on walls of Cells
    Black Mold on floors of Cells
    Black Mold in vents of Cells
    Broken Sinks in Cells
    Broken toilets that either wont flush or repeatedly explode in Cells
    Cockroaches in Cell / Cell Block
    Mice in Cell / Cell Block
    Black Mold on floors and walls of showers in Cell Block
    Black Sewer Flies in the Shower
    Denial of basic cleaning equipment to sanitize Living Space
    Denial of personal grooming allowed, forced to use Nair on head and face that leaves chemical burns on skin
    Stuck in Cells for 9 days without shower
    Improper Medical Care
    Medical Care arriving months later, or none at all!
    Lead Paint inside Cell / Cell Block
    No Access to Discovery
    No Legal Support such as laptops, printers, copiers
    Denial of Legal Mentors
    Vaccine Requirements for Visitations
    Vaccine Requirements for Visitors
    Vaccine Requirements for Haircuts
    Vaccine Requirements for Religious Services
    Vaccine Requirements for speaking with Lawyers in person
    C.R.T. Propaganda on Tablets
    Re-Education Propaganda on Tablets
    Lack of Legal Documentation on Tablets
    Racially Biased information on Tablets
    Removal of Internet Access / Booster for Educational Tablets
    Solitary Confinement for 25 ½ hours or more at a time
    Outdoor Rec denied arbitrarily
    Entry to Congressmen & Women who came to check on us Denied
    Repeatedly Mocked and or Insulted for our skin color or “Religious” documentation
    Compared to “Beasts”, “Dogs” and “Hogs” by “The Final Call” Magazine
    Politically mocked by staff with Democrat, Black Lives Matter, Kamala Harris, Joe Biden related attire
    Sent to “The Hole” if we express any political views whatsoever
    Racially Profiled by Guards
    Sleeping on the job by Guards
    Denial of hot water by Guards
    Prevented from attending court dates by Guards
    Homosexual and or Verbal Assaults by Guards
    Maced by Guards
    Physically Harassed by Guards
    Assaulted by Guards
    Cell Invasions in the middle of the night by Guards
    Grievous Beatings by Guards
    Threatened with and or Nearly Stabbed with “12 Inch Knives”
    Trials Postponed for at least 6 Months or almost a Year
    Bond / Bail continually Denied
    Removal of Internet Access of Clear Tablets
    Removal of Access to Attorney
    Removal of Access to Law Library
    Removal of Access to Worship Services
    Removal of Access to Grievance Forms on Tablets

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