Home » Is Boris Johnson finally on the way out?


Is Boris Johnson finally on the way out? — 19 Comments

  1. The ins and outs of the British Parliament are beyond me. However, I listened to Nigel Farage this morning on Fox Business. He points out that Boris has not governed as a conservative, whereas Trump did.

  2. Is my memory faulty, in that I remember Boris as being London’s communist mayor not that long ago?

  3. An unmarried man had too much to drink and made a pass at someone – in this case, a someone quite capable of clocking him. At one time, his known homosexuality would have disqualified him. Now what disqualifies him is not altogether clear. It being Britain it cannot be the drink and with the twice-divorced Prime Minister stashing this year’s mistress at his residence it cannot be sexual misconduct per se. Perhaps we now expect all of our politicians to be men no one is inclined to refuse. NB, the principal allegations against this man concern incidents in 2001. Note, the rap on Johnson here is that he assigned him to a post as parliamentary whip, and did so even though he was told about old complaints against him (Johnson insists he forgot, which is perfectly plausible as the PM is a busy man with lots on his mind).

    Remember Gov. Newsom and the French Laundry. In California, that type of behavior by our elites is a passing embarrassment. In Britain, it’s a potential career killer.

    Andrea Leadsom was the runner up in the leadership campaign in 2016. She’s been on the back benches since February 2020, so hasn’t been responsible for any of the policy errors attending COVID.

  4. Is my memory faulty, in that I remember Boris as being London’s communist mayor not that long ago?

    He was the mayor at one time. He’s always been a Tory. The fellow you’re remembering is Ken Livingstone.

  5. He points out that Boris has not governed as a conservative, whereas Trump did.

    Trump did in regard to a number of issues. Reining in public sector borrowing was not one of them.

  6. I don’t hold a brief for johnson, but they should have resigned long ago, for slashing the hippocratic oath to ribbons, for treating their citizens like cattle,
    for treating food like fuel, 800 hundred some years since runnymede right, and they threw it all away, the lockdowns not only imprisoned citizens, but starved the nation of revenue, as they crushed millions of businesses, and that doesn’t fall on feeley ferguson of imperial college, and his austin powers sidekick hancock, who could not resist some nudge nudge say no more,

  7. Pincher– you couldn’t find a better name for a guy who gropes other guys.

  8. “What difference, at this point, does it make?”

    The UK is headed down the toilet on multiple fronts and the % who wish to right the ship of State far too small.

    Churchill is rolling over in his grave.

  9. I think so, yes. Boris has been quite a disappointment. He was once thought of as a clever, quick-witted maverick, but he’s turned into a bit of an inept bore, as a leader – not wise enough to surround himself with capable and competent people. And the First Girlfriend, as she’s called, wields an undue amount of influence and several pet passions that have seemed to worm their way onto the cabinet table – which has not gone unnoticed, nor uncommented. He’s squandered his political capital.

  10. Short video of David Starkey commenting to Nigel Farage about BJ’s lack of patriotism:


    (Side note: at around the 40-seconds mark, Larry, Chief Mouser to the Cabinet Office of the United Kingdom, can be seen walking up to the door of 10 Downing Street and expecting to be let in. Someone briefly opens the door and closes it again without admitting Larry. If I were Larry, I’d resign along with the rest of the Cabinet, and let Boris the Rat deal with the mice in No. 10.)

  11. Tony, er, Sir Tony Blair, was the last prime minister since Churchill to leave office without being shown the door. Now he is rather wealthy, as his champagne socialist wife always dreamed.

    But Boris won’t have that advantage. He’s always been the guy who was going to be the next big thing, and he could lounge back in his chair doing Churchill impressions while others did the lifting.

    What’s he going to do now? That’s what’s holding him back from stepping down. He has no idea what he would do next.

  12. This is just the latest attempt by the ruling classes to reverse the 2016 decision to leave the EU.

  13. I dare say that what Boris needs is a spokesperson of the calibre of Karine Jean-Lafitte…

    “White House Dodges Questions Over Leaked Audio Proving Joe Lied About Hunter’s Foreign Biz Dealings”—

    + Bonus: witticism of the week (month? year? century?)
    “…Some of us have written for two years that Biden’s denial of knowledge is patently false. Indeed, it is baffling how Attorney General Garland can ignore the myriad of references to Joe Biden in refusing to appoint a special counsel…”

    (Though what IS baffling is that Turley finds it baffling…OK, OK, he’s being ironic, I know…at least I hope he is…)

    Yep, THE MOST CORRUPT administration in American history…
    …which therefore MUST BE defended AT ALL COSTS by the most corrupt media in American history…

    They fit like a glove.
    Transforming America, indeed.

  14. He has some real accomplishments. The important thing now is for the electorate choosing the new leader to head off the Europhile / careerist element and put a patriot in charge.

    A patriotic administration in Britain would have its front-burner objects: (1) reduce the number of settler’s visas issued to 85,000 annually; (2) reduce the stock of lawful temporary residents in Britain to about 230,000; (3) build up the manpower and efficiency of a dedicated interior immigration police so that the number of illegal aliens deported each year exceeds the number entering; (4) require every person over the age of 14 issued a settler’s visa or a temporary residency visa to pass a written and oral examination in English proficiency, a physical, and a cursory background check (refugee families and the children of accredited diplomats excepted); (5) to care for refugees generously in camps proximate to their country of origin with a view toward their repatriation; (6) to grant temporary residency permits only to refugees from ‘captive nations’ and to a very few whose first stop on the way out the door is Britain; (7) to refuse to accept applications for settler’s visas from those from problem countries unless (a) the application is from a conventional nuclear family of mother, father, and children or (b) the application is from an older and established married couple or (c) the application is from a verifiable member of a cultural minority in his home country (e.g. Pakistani Christians); (8) to have a global queue of applicants for settler’s and temporary residency visas, and admit according to a formula driven by first-come-first-served; (9) to grant citizenship only to immigrants who have been lawful and palpable residents of Britain or its dependencies for the majority of their natural life; (10) to require anyone naturalized to renounced their citizenship in any country where the Queen is not recognized as Queen, the Irish Republic a possible exception; (11) to mandate that immigrants acquire their slice of common provision incrementally as they live and work in the country, so that one must work f/t for 48 quarters (pro-rating p/t work) to be treated as if one were a native (or be the spouse, child, or ward of someone working on your behalf); (12) to eliminate anti-discrimination law applicable to private parties (natural monopolies and those trading in food, fuel, lodgings, and transportation qualified exceptions) and eliminate ‘affirmative action’ in the public sector.

  15. The leading replacement candidates are middle eastern or south asian which may be better than tbese toffs but im not betting any money on that

  16. Andrew marrs a lefty bbc described a globalist corporate sysgy in head of state a very dark comedy

  17. }}} Is my memory faulty, in that I remember Boris as being London’s communist mayor not that long ago?

    He was the mayor at one time. He’s always been a Tory. The fellow you’re remembering is Ken Livingstone.

    Better known as “Red Ken”.

    Subject of this awesome Kate Bush song, poking fun at him. The “GLC” is the “Greater London Council”.


    “During the 1980s, Spitting Image featured a fictionalized version of Livingstone voiced by Harry Enfield. In 1990, BBC show The Comic Strip produced an episode entitled “GLC: The Carnage Continues…” in which Robbie Coltrane** gave a fictionalized portrayal of Charles Bronson playing Livingstone in a Hollywood movie. Kate Bush wrote the song “Ken” for the episode, which was then released as a B-side to her single “Love and Anger”.”

    ** Better known to most as “Hagrid” of Harry Potter.

  18. If you consume any legacy media you are being lied to.

    His will be the first of myriad other governments to fall due to the sanctions put on Russia and the boomerang effects on their economies. Couldn’t happen to a more inept bunch. Britain is the first big EU country this happened too. Bulgaria and Estonia governments fell earlier. Macron was humbled and has to deal with a parliament where globalists are in the minority. The farmers in the Netherlands are in open revolt and that country’s deep state attempt to paint them as radicals has backfired as people take the lessons of January 6th to heart. Dutch fishermen have joined them along with German farmers.

    Not that you would have seen it in legacy media.

    Germany and Italy governments are under strain and will soon fall. Germany current trade account went negative for the first time since 1991 due to falling finished goods demand and higher import prices. This is huge in Germany who is used to exporting their wares to the rest of the EU. Meanwhile Russia and the other BRICS nations keep moving along and keep getting richer. Now in the US, homeland of the Neo-Cons. they are plotting the removal of the Biden crime family. Meanwhile the Ukraine war drags on killing young men.

    Wouldn’t it be ironic that by mid 2023 all the Neo-Con western government heads were gone or neutered and Putin is still in power and in firm control.

    This war didn’t have to happen and we the people will suffer for it. Remind every Biden voter of that fact.

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