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Roundup time — 31 Comments

  1. OT: my husband had CNN Int on tonight, and all they talked about was the Jan 6 testimony by Cassidy Hutchinson and, of course, Liz Cheney. Don’t these idiots realize that no one cares about Jan 6, and that very little happened that day? They of course wanted to talk about Trump’s lies and and guns at the capitol.

    I’m waiting for them to spend a whole night on Hunter and Joe.

  2. yes raymond aron and camus, were the ones worthy out of that slot, france gave us montesquieu, who was invaluable, and rousseau, who was a bane on western civilization,

    like tom and daisy buchanan, ‘they were thoughtless people, they broke things’ that’s this administration in a nutshell, and they have plenty of nuts,

  3. Almost no-one in the MSM seems to care about all the evidence (photos, video, etc.) supposedly accumulated by the FBI/DOJ (now hardly any better than the KGB or the Stasi) at the egregious Epstein’s many properties (Manhattan, Palm Beach, NM, Paris, and, of course, the infamous island with the curious “temple”). The damage done to countless young women (perhaps thousands) was horrific and lamentable, but the larger story involves strange relationships with wealthy men (Wexner and Gates), powerful politicians from many lands, connections to universities and scientists, possible blackmail, likely attachment to “intelligence” (Acosta’s word), and, of course, massive and ill-gotten gains, used for malign purposes, from financial speculation and manipulation. It is probable that the truth about this truly odious character (who, in all likelihood, did not kill himself) will never be revealed.

  4. So Donald Trump lunged to grab the wheel…


    The president doesn’t sit in the front with the driver. Period. I find this hearsay highly improbable.

  5. re: “Hillary” as Dem new blood, round-up item 5

    Frank J. Fleming@IMAO_·
    If I ever feel down, I just imagine Hillary on election night 2016.

  6. the dadaist waterbuffalo guy, had the right idea, our government is an absurd construct, of vane, stupid arrogant people, who live to enrich themselves and inflict pain on others,

    they shutter businesses, they let the criminals out, and effectively force law abiding citizens inside, they proscribe certain unexpensive treatments and mandate others, they prostrate themselves before enemy sovereigns whose
    death price is in the millions, while they flagellate themselves,

  7. From @JudiciaryGOP:

    “He told me, that she heard from him, that she heard, from another guy, that she said he told her that she heard, that Trump may have said something, which was overheard, by her, about something, to the best of my knowledge.” -Cassidy Hutchinson

    Also, the passengers (including the President) can’t get to the driver in the Presidential limousine. The driver is sequestered, for obvious reasons. The very notion of what they claim is ridiculous. Shows you what they think of their audience.

  8. On #4: FIRE fought long and hard on the Obama “Dear Colleague ” letter which basically denied all male college students due process and set up the numerous college kangaroo courts. Now, FIRE has to gear up again for a fight they already won. Ground Hog day at the FIRE office.

  9. Good for Justice Alito, blocking a requirement for a second majority-minority district in Louisiana. All black citizens are entitled to vote, without question. No one is guaranteed a US Representative who looks like the voter or agrees with the voter. I’ve been represented for years by a doddering, now retiring, Democrat who votes with Pelosi without question, and soon I will be represented by another, most likely.

  10. 46 illegal aliens found dead (again!) inside an abandoned truck. This happens too often. The driver gets spooked and leaves people to die a horrible death. (did he discover what he was actually hauling and get scared? or was he already aware and thought the border patrol was closing in and didn’t want to get arrested?)

    By allowing illegals to freely cross and then to stay if/when caught only encourages more of these dangerous/deadly trips. Anyone who doesn’t see that allowing illegals to cross the border without penalties has blood on their hands.

  11. the infamous island with the curious “temple”)

    The ‘temple’ was actually a room for musical performance.

  12. ” But press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said, “The fact of the matter is the border is closed.” ”

    Yep, it’s 1984. Up is down, black is white, war is peace, etc. You will believe what Big Brother tells you

  13. Expat mentioned guns at the capitol. I had remembered only one gun at the capitol, and I think that is right, though others were arrested and charged for weapons related crimes and had guns in their cars, etc.
    Washington Examiner did the research and the 82 people that were charged with crimes that are associated with weapons– 5 included pistols. Most were clubs of some sort or another. A few for knives.


    Not exactly the armament for a serious insurrection.

  14. (3) More SCOTUS news: “The Court blocked a ruling by Obama-appointed judge Shelley Dick, in which she declared that Louisiana’s updated congressional maps must include a second majority-minority district.”

    It’s not that difficult to compose a practice manual for drawing electoral constituencies which conjoins mechanistic processes to very circumscribed exercises of discretion, thus dramatically reducing the opportunities for gerrymandering. However, you have to accept some variation in the population of the constituencies in question and give no thought to the balance of demographic segments in a given constituency. Which means you have to sweep away the entire body of case law accumulated over fifty years. The judiciary has made a hash of it for decades. Legislatures do no better. (I think if you audited it, you’d find that ‘nonpartisan commissions’ are captured by the Democratic Party or decay into incumbent protection rackets).

    As for Louisiana, the black and mulatto populations are proportionately large, but not geographically clotted. There are just 9 of 67 parishes which have a black and mulatto majority and eight of them have modest populations. You have to draw crustaceans and chop up parishes in order to draw even one black / mulatto majority district. Orleans Parish and St. John the Baptist Parish are proximate and have cafe majorities. You add to them St. Bernard’s Parish, St. Charles, and a portion of Jefferson Parish and you have a contiguous bloc of territory that’s about 45% black and mulatto. That’s the best you can do respecting county boundaries as much as practicable.

  15. Kate–

    If it makes you feel a little better, I’m represented in Congress by the 79-year-old Rosa DeLauro, who has got to be the worst affront to the eyes of any Congresscritter, including Adam Schiff.

    As for Sam Alito, it’s great to have a fellow Phillies fan on SCOTUS– that means there are at least two of us who follow the Fightin’ Phils.

  16. Other than Maxwell, has anyone else been prosecuted?

    “The fact of the matter is the border is closed.” press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre

    Rhetorical question; Who’s worse, the liar or those charged with exposing lies who eagerly go along with the lies?

    Another ‘judge’ voluntarily provides evidence for their impeachment.

    A society which bases prosecution upon the sex of the accused is a society approaching the precipice.

    Hillary in 2024 is either an indication of the paucity of its political bench or an indication of Democrat’s confidence that the ‘contest’ has already been decided.

  17. The only thing the Jan. 6th Star Chamber has revealed is the Congressional democrat’s malfeasance. Nothing they say or do has credibility.

  18. Will Ghislaine be Epsteined?

    If they suspect she’s put the goods in hard copy and on a flash drive and salted them away in safe deposit boxes they do not know about (with instructions to publish in the event of her death), no. Evidently, Jeffrey Epstein hadn’t done this.

  19. Hmmm.
    When the Uber-Corrupted universities become Conservative-rein, this is what happens (yes, we’ve seen this movie before):
    “Conservative think tank emerges as haven for scholars facing repeated campus investigation;
    “Manhattan Institute adds Harvard’s Roland Fryer, Georgetown Law’s Ilya Shapiro a week apart. Nascent University of Austin gives second chance to Portland State’s Peter Boghossian, Princeton’s Joshua Katz at inaugural summer program.”—

    And so…will this oasis of sanity and true scholarship be the illustrious Merrick Garland’s next target?…
    …or will the Democrats declare “Conservative Science/Scholarship” verboten…?

    (Stay tuned, kiddies….)

  20. Art Deco
    So far, it only seems as if Epstein didn’t have a life insurance policy.
    It’s impossible to believe he didn’t try. It’s impossible to believe others believed he wouldn’t bother.
    But the feds were all over his place in the Islands, and have hoovered up the stuff found at his NYC place.
    So perhaps the bigs figured they had it covered.
    And if so, why not wrt Maxwell?

  21. sarah kellen has not been prosecuted and she was ghislaines no 2, neither has the one who worked for the nhs and some other organ of state,

  22. }}} If I ever feel down, I just imagine Hillary on election night 2016.

    One of my favorite memes from then is Doc Brown in the Delorean, going,
    “Marty, I’m going back to 2016 to watch Hillary lose again! It’s even more fun the 3rd or 4th time, you coming?”

    There are some others, but that one really sticks out.

  23. }}} If I ever feel down, I just imagine Hillary on election night 2016.

    One of my favorite memes from then is Doc Brown in the Delorean, going, “Marty, I’m going back to 2016 to watch Hillary lose again! It’s even more fun the 3rd or 4th time, you coming?”

    There are some others, but that one really sticks out.

  24. Neo I remember reading your post about Sartre- de Beauvoir 1 1/2 years ago and just re-read it. That is why I love your blog – it is so very well written and literate.

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