Home » Why would pro-abortion radicals in deep blue states be so very angry about Dobbs?


Why would pro-abortion radicals in deep blue states be so very angry about <i>Dobbs</i>? — 52 Comments

  1. Neo, I do remember reading that California legislators were re-writing that provision for more clarity. Given the sorts of illogical and irrational thinking you cite, it will have to be very, very carefully drafted to prevent the kind of misuse I referred to. Let us hope that leftists in California are capable of writing a clear and concise statute.

    I think, in his concurrence on Dobbs, Justice Thomas is planting a seed of judicial thinking on substantive due process which he hopes may blossom at some future date.

  2. Mostly 6, 7 and 9.

    The Left can’t believe that they are losing. They hate democracy. It is all about the Left’s power and its ability to impose their political power and will on conservatives.

    Trump has changed the GOP. Now we are winning. We no longer have to concede to the Left on every single point. And the Left will NEVER compromise.

    I’m at ground zero here in Nebraska. The Dems will filibuster a vote in a Special Session. The GOP needs 33 votes to break the filibuster; probably 2 votes short.

    One of my close friends might be the 33rd vote. He would flip a Dem seat in Lincoln. His name is Russ Barger.

    Dems in NE are going wild. One of the state senator ringleaders has promised “direct action” at the Special Session. I hope they rampage through the State Capitol and try to disrupt the floor session. Kind of a Nebraska insurrection.

    The ringleader’s name is Megan Hunt. She’s the AOC of Nebraska. She calls herself the Bi-Queen.

  3. Here a different explanation: gliberal and leftoid politics is no longer driven by an interest social improvement, but by cultural aggression. See, for example, the harassment of benign figures like Baronelle Stutzman and Jack Phillips. In years of conversing with street-level Democrats, I have yet to encounter one who vociferously objected to the sort of abuse to which these two have been subjected. (On the other end of the influence scale, find me a street-level Democrat who objected to the treatment of Brett Kavanaugh).

    Aside from that, the opposition seems increasingly composed of loosely-wired people (though, at the apex and center I think you find sociopaths like Adam Schiff).

  4. Very thorough analysis, Neo. I agree entirely.

    #3 is especially worth reflecting on. I have heard and read this as a genuine worry from several women I know. It is an topic where conservatives/pro-lifers should tread carefully and compassionately. If you believe Dobbs was correctly decided (as I do), you should be mindful of the reality that there will be many illegal abortions in states with bans or heavy restrictions. We need a patient, respectful and understanding response to the many women (and plenty of men too) who are deeply concerned about this fact.

    #4 cannot be overstated in its importance. It’s difficult for those of us who find the entertainment industry a superficial distraction to understand how much many people (particularly younger liberals) are influenced by the same. ‘Handmaid’s Tale’ has engulfed many, many people and, as absurd as it sounds, they sincerely believe Dobbs is the first step to that type of dystopian future. I’m not sure what can be said or done in response.

    #7 is likewise very important. On cultural matters, the Left is not used to losing; that is, actually having a liberal/leftist victory reversed. They do sometimes ‘lose’ in that they don’t get their latest demand fulfilled immediately. It can take years or decades (consider gay marriage). But to actually have one of their achievements (and a central one at that) pulled back?? Pretty much unknown in the last couple generations. Very very disorienting and disconcerting to them…leading to feelings of rage.

  5. Here’s a perfect example of the Left’s will to power. Many county attorneys and AGs have stated that they will not enforce their state’s abortion laws; including the Dem candidate for county attorney in Lincoln, Nebraska.

    Say what?

    Any other laws you won’t enforce?

    This is pure lawlessness; plain and simple.

    If this Dem wins, I’m going to file a grievance with the Nebraska Bar. Prosecutors can’t selectively enforce the law based upon their own political beliefs. That’s anarchy and against our American Rule of Law.

    The Left’s rationalization is prosecutorial discretion and “justice.” What it really is anti-democratic and ignoring the will of the Legislature.

  6. they are evil, it’s a value judgement born out by time, their lockdowns killed more people, their prosecutorial discretion kills more innocents, their energy policies will starve and kill more people, and now that they shanghaied the ship of state, well
    it’s bonton roule,

  7. “…the first step to that type of dystopian future…”

    Would that happen to be the dystopian future that the Democrats are hell-bent on—and well on the way to—creating?

    Or some other dystopian future?
    – – – – –
    Um, miguel, one surely wouldn’t want to forget, overlook or otherwise forget about all those tons(?) of fentanyl that have been pouring into the country…no doubt because the Democrats CARE so much about Americans! (Especially women—but kindly remind us once again, what IS a woman???? Hey, maybe Judge Jackson can help out here…)

  8. yes the reverse opium war, sounds like fu manchu, but its instructive, what fukuyama didn’t realize is turning the clock back to 1917, ‘the end of history’ ha, meant all the old historical patterns returned, so events in the caucasus are replays of dates as far as back as 1671! no fooling, the incursion in southern spain, ceuta, is as old as the Moors moving against the Iberian kingdom and so on,

  9. Two fictional books. “Handmaid’s Tale” and “ 1984”. Some on the left fear the first. Many on the right , myself included, see parallels with the latter, especially when it comes to PC speech and the developing ESG scoring system.
    The fact that we are demanded to pretend that a man can become a woman and vice versa seems to me a lot like the government agent in “ 1984” demanding that I lie about how many fingers he is holding up.

  10. Cornhead, there was a violent attempt to take over the Arizona Senate on Friday by, as I understand it, members of teachers’ unions, to try to stop the school choice bill which eventually passed. Perhaps “direct action” in Nebraska will backfire.

  11. of course ‘handmaids tale’ is a borrowing for heinlein’s ‘if this goes on’ and the tale of another theocracy, headed by nehemiah scudder, his variation on sinclair lewis, ‘if this can’t happen here’

  12. more to the point, remember roe can from texas, particularly the city that ‘killed’ jfk, so it’s just gravy that a Southern protestant city, would be the seat of one of their social experiments,

  13. What we are up against; where we stand…
    The Democratic party’s gadarene RUSH towards “democratic despotism”.
    “Tocqueville’s Worst Fears”—
    H/T Powerline blog.

    Essentially, Tocqueville vs. Picketty revisited.
    IOW, the former’s profound wisdom and astonishing intuition vs. the latter’s rehashed, revamped “Socialism” featuring all the latest jargon, keywords and “things-mean-what-I-want-them-to-mean” phraseology wrapped up in an impressively-constructed argument of exquisite denial….
    Key grafs (RTWT):
    ‘…[I]n the last part of Volume Two of his book, Tocqueville expressed the fear that the principle of equality, if carried to an illiberal extreme, would culminate in a “tutelary” despotism, in which government, even if elective, would deprive individuals of the freedom to act, aiming to regulate all their actions for the sake of what it “knew” was their good….
    ‘…Both Piketty’s principles and his policies are a perfect recipe for achieving Tocqueville’s democratic despotism’

  14. Number (7) is right on. The ratchet is only supposed to go in one direction. Or, in leftist lingo, the arc of history is long, but it is always supposed to bend towards leftist goals. I think that many of these folks simply lack a framework to comprehend “the arc of history” bending back away from what they prefer.

  15. Indeed, she’s something very, very special.
    OTOH, given her track record, just think how distressing it would be for anyone to receive her approval….

  16. “California and New York have virtually no restrictions on abortion up to the point of delivery”
    neo debunks the claim that post-birth murder will be allowed in some cases.
    But count on CA to push envelopes. AFAIK, CA intends to force taxpayers to pay for “abortion tourists” to come to CA for an abortion.

    It will also be interesting to see if this bill passes. Note the breathtaking restriction of parental rights and input.
    “SB107 will make California a sanctuary state for experimental medicine on minors. It will permit a parent to violate a custody agreement in any other state and have refuge in California, regardless of whether that state has a ban on gender interventions for minors.
    It will permit children, without parents or guardians, to come to California become wards of our state and receive irreversible gender intervention without any parental consent.”

    I liked this sensible comment on the SCOTUS decision. Too subtle for the politically liberal to “get it”?
    Tim Pool
    SCOTUS has ruled that the federal government has no authority over women’s bodies A huge win for liberals

  17. I know it’s been mentioned in previous threads, but I’d like to offer 10):

    I think they actually get some sort of high off of being enraged and hating so vehemently. Leftist drug of choice.

  18. Why be angry in blue states? Easy. They won’t be prosecuted for their Burn Loot Murder tactics.

  19. I think the simplest answer is that a great many on the Left, and it weirdly seems to be concentrated among activists/politicians at the top and social media hangers on at the bottom, are mentally unwell. They exist in a state of delusion and when that delusion is challenged or endangered, they overreact.

    I don’t agree with the pro-choice position but I can understand both the logic and emotional appeal of it. But there are a lot of liberals, including very prominent elected officials, who are essentially equating denying women an abortion with deliberately giving women cancer. The intensity of that reaction is disconnected from reality.


  20. well they raged with the refusal of the vaccine diktat, as I wrote in a piece, that went into the ether, to properly cite alito and or thomas, and their reasoning well it’s like reading from the book of the dead, for progressives, so you must shape the language accordingly

    when the dems put forth their little puppet shows, like january 6th, they employ all the telescreens and not the complete record is allowable because context,

  21. I haven’t yet heard anyone on the Conservative Right make useful suggestions on how to deal with the problem of elected / appointed officials that refuse to do their job. We’ve been living for a few years now under the Soros-financed prosecutors, for example, that have been promoting policies of non-prosecution, some of them even deferring prosecution of felonies.

    The only reaction from this has been the groundswell of recalls in areas where the predictable result has manifested and the public outrage has followed.

    And now we are having similarly leftist officials averring that they won’t prosecute abortion laws when they come on the books. Recalls? Too slow, too hard, too easy to fail. Surely there’s a better way to oust such egregious rebels more efficiently. Maybe Red State legislatures ought to be getting busy laying in some regulations to facilitate removal from office for refusing to uphold laws and regulations, whether elected or appointed – maybe buttress up the existing procedures for impeachment.

    physicsguy 5:32, maybe we should call it the “Dope-amine Rush”

  22. the laws are on the books, but if they won’t abide by the law, and neither will most of the judicial machinery, in fact they sanction any crimethink through their guild association, well it’s a tough nut to crack,

    with nixon, he yielded to the fraud in 1960, and despite the subterfuge that was involved in the watergate exercise, he ultimately yielded (most of the same establishment that enabled the latest exercise in gun restriction) went along, nixon did nothing his other predecessors didn’t do, except ineptly,

  23. Federalism is anathema to leftists because their goal of imposing a neo-Stalinist government (or if you prefer, a neo-Castro type of govt) demands that all power be centralized at the federal level, with those of the left – of course – in charge, setting the laws as they see fit, irrespective of the will of the people.

    Federalism is a direct affront to this mindset, for it allows, in theory, 50 states to establish laws they see fit consistent with the wishes of their state citizens and consistent with the US Constitution.

    Federalism is mandated by the US Constitution. Those that oppose federalism, in effect , oppose the fundamental tenets of this document.
    Leftists and most demokrats DESPISE the Constitution because it hinders their ability to unilaterally make laws consistent with their world view.
    barry HUSSEIN Ocommie, in one of the very very few instances where he actually said what he really believed stated that the Constitution is a “charter of negative liberties.”
    His contempt of the Constitution is right up there with that of Woodrow Wilson, FDR and now, joke Bidet.

    Lefties and liberal progressives (but I repeat myself) hate everything about the USA and they mean to destroy it. They work tirelessly and diligently towards this goal .
    They never give up.

  24. From the dailywire link that miguel cervantes provided:

    “Forget all the obvious reasons why decrepit old men who jizz actual dust (and Amy Coney Barrett, who’s vagina is a chainsaw with teeth) shouldn’t be making laws that control women’s bodies…

    Ironically, the Supreme Court decided that the states, not the Supreme Court, should make abortion laws.

  25. Set aside the useful idiots. Set aside the mentally ill. Set aside the amoral power hungry. What’s left is the sense that overturning Roe VS Wade, resulting in the question of abortion returning to the States and, you have a reversal of the left’s cultural momentum.


    How likely is it that the Nebraska Bar will do anything at all?


    If California can permit a parent to violate a custody agreement from any other state, what’s to prevent other states from ignoring California’s custody agreements? Seems like a case for SCOTUS.

    “SCOTUS has ruled that the federal government has no authority over women’s bodies A huge win for liberals”

    But the federal government does have authority over the intentional and unilateral taking of a human life. If SCOTUS can invent ‘rights’ out of thin air, then why can’t SCOTUS rule that prebirth, a fetus is a human being with all the rights due post birth?


    Yes, State legislatures putting in place laws that facilitate the removal from office of elected or appointed officials who refuse to uphold laws and regulations is the way to address that issue. A permanent ban on holding future public offices should also be included in that official censure.

    miguel cervantes,

    The same solution applies for State and County justices who refuse to uphold the law.

  26. but who will bell that cat, I didn’t realize mrs stewart was so foul in her commentary, but that is the defense mechanism of the privilege, has she adopted people of color, like barrett has, a regular sandra bernhart

  27. Liz Warren has it all figured out. Let’s put up open air abortion mills in national parks.

    These people are almost beyond parody.

  28. no sadly she is serious as a heart attack, what failing to sift the wheat leaves you,

  29. physicsguy: “I think they actually get some sort of high off of being enraged and hating so vehemently.”

    I think it’s pretty obvious that they do. For decades now post-’60s leftism/liberalism has had that dirty secret. It’s a most lamentable aspect of human nature that it feels good to hate. Leftism has enabled many of its adherents to indulge in that pleasure without restraint and without acknowledging to themselves that that’s what they’re doing, in fact to feel very good about themselves. This is a psychological factor in what’s going on that really needs to be more widely recognized and pointed out.

  30. The Left can’t believe that they are losing. They hate democracy. — Cornhead

    JohnTyler made my point, they hate federalism especially. But I will add that this is partly why we had all this idolizing of A. Hamilton in the Broadway musical. Hamilton was not a fan of the primacy of state’s rights, but went along with it because he felt that the Constitution would never have been ratified without it.

  31. GB

    There are panels of lawyers in the discipline process. But the majority of Nebraska lawyers are liberal. I was shocked to learn it.

    The thing of it is that fair minded Dem lawyers know this is a bridge too far.

  32. I’ve got to throw in the strictly pragmatic angle.

    Leftist outrage works.

    Since the sixties, liberals and conservatives have backed down and hoped for a moderating response. But leftists discovered that no apologies, no discussion, straight outrage worked. Just keep doubling down was the best strategy.

    The outrage kept working.

    As the saying goes, what you incentivize, you get more of. Since the sixties (at least) we have consistently rewarded leftist outrage. We got plenty.

    At least until now.

    I think that’s changing, but the left and feminists haven’t gotten the message yet. But in pragmatic terms that’s understandable.

    We must stand firm.

  33. Why would pro-abortion radicals in deep blue states be so very angry about Dobbs?

    Someone on a weekend talk show quipped, “This is the angriest I’ve seen the left since yesterday.”

    In a context like this, one always needs to consider the possibility that “anger” could be a political posture.

    Here is a little piece by John Nolte thanking the Democrat party and their enablers for the Dobbs decision.


    #1 and #3 are choice, and #11 is a great closing point. I’ll list #11 below.

    Democrats had a filibuster-proof majority in 2009. Barry Obama was president. Nancy Pelosi commanded the U.S. House. Harry Reid had 60 Democrats in the U.S. Senate. Democrats could have passed any law they wanted without fear of opposition, including legalizing abortion.

    You want to know why they didn’t?

    Democrats don’t solve problems. They never have. Instead, they fundraise and gin up their base by ensuring certain issues are never resolved—especially abortion.

    Roe v. Wade could have been safely codified into law 14 years ago. But to manipulate and bleed their voters white, Democrats chose not to.

    Republicans have always been upfront about wanting to overturn Roe. We didn’t deceive Democrats. It was Democrats who deceived Democrats by not taking advantage of their 2009 supermajority.


    I just hope the fundraising and ginning up of the Dem base doesn’t win them the next election or two.

  34. Cornhead – The vast majority of all lawyers everywhere are progressive. (I don’t think they’re liberal at all, so I don’t use that word.)

    Aggie – you hit the nail on the head. The system doesn’t work if lawyers try to make law instead of reading or following it. There comes a point where good faith attempts to follow the law turn into bad faith power plays to rewrite the law. The judiciary passed that point a long time ago and the Roberts (Thomas?) court is only now clawing back some of the judicial mischief from the past six or seven decades now.

    Now executive branches, including executive branch prosecutors have passed that point. I’m not sure what to do. We might take a page from the leftist playbook and use private attorney general laws like Texas did on abortion. We might retaliate by suspending enforcement of laws near and dear to progressives when the right controls executive branches. I’m not sure either will work. Eventually, we have to convince progressives that they would rather live with the rule of law than with winning at all costs. Good luck to us.

  35. Art Deco: “In years of conversing with street-level Democrats, I have yet to encounter one who vociferously objected to the sort of abuse to which these two have been subjected. (On the other end of the influence scale, find me a street-level Democrat who objected to the treatment of Brett Kavanaugh).”

    Lately I’ve met a number of Dems I would classify as “Good Germans”. They are not particularly vociferous. But they have no knowledge of the oppression being directed at conservatives and White people. No willingness to go past the Party Line.
    They will wake up some day to, for example, an alliance of Russia, China and India … a US military weakened by Woke ideology … and suddenly they are poor because the dollar is no longer the reserve currency. Then they’ll wonder “what the heck happened? Why does life suck?” Never having seen the obvious right in front of their eyes over a span of years.

  36. The left lost their collective mind when Donald Trump was elected– to a greater degree than the overturning of Roe.
    Probably a couple of reasons for this– the leak gave leftists a month to process it and Biden very explicitly said there was to be no violence. I was kind of surprised, as if the left really does follow orders from their higher ups.
    I think the left thought the election of the lightbringer was the tipping point where the POC finally had achieved critical mass (after all they have been told this for many years).
    Even more so than the idea of federalism– the left sees globalism as the only salvation for the planet. Won’t they be surprised.

  37. My feeling is the The Left thinks abortion outrage will compel enough people to vote D in the upcoming midterms to staunch the flow of losses.

    They seem to believe the issue is more compelling than either inflation or sky-high energy costs.

    I hope they are wrong and the D’s get wiped out in November.

  38. The fictional story I keep seeing coming into the real world is Atlas Shrugged. The Dems/Leftists nearly quote the villains of the story on a regular basis. No exact quotes yet but I got it on Kindle so I can search when I see things that are similar.

  39. They blame Trump but it was the fact that Hillary Clinton is the single worst candidate for president in the modern era. Had she but won her election the 1st and 2nd amendments would have been interpreted away by now and Roe would have become permanent.

  40. (2) They’re being lied to by leftist leaders and legislators and led to believe that this ruling does constitute some sort of abortion ban, and since a lot of people neither understand law nor follow its ins and outs, that lie gains some traction.

    That’s definitely true here in Mass. You have Maura Healey, dem candidate for governor, claiming she’ll “fight” any abortion restriction knowing full well the only place it came come from is the state house and that’s full in dem control. Of course you also have our current Gov, Charlie Baker, a republican who passed an EO protecting health care providers from being extradited for performing abortions on out of state residents. (Note, performed in Mass. Why would the governor extradite anyone to another state for any legal service performed in mass in the first place is never said since it makes no sense but is good to scare idiots.)

  41. and suddenly they are poor because the dollar is no longer the reserve currency.

    That’s not going to make anyone poor. The trouble is that unanticipated inflation is ruining people’s retirement accounts.

  42. Cornhead – The vast majority of all lawyers everywhere are progressive. (I don’t think they’re liberal at all, so I don’t use that word.)

    They aren’t. However, law professors are. I think in re BigLaw attorneys, the demarcating line is between firms that represent the energy industry and those which do not.

  43. Democrats could have passed any law they wanted without fear of opposition, including legalizing abortion.

    Again, I don’t think Congress can annul a state’s exercise of general police power by statute.

  44. In places like California and NY (and other smaller progressive bubbles) the herd has never had to think very deeply about their convictions. In places that are more mixed, you are more frequently confronted with other viewpoints. In the bubbles the herd starts to think there is no other legitimate POV because they never hear one, so it’s easier to demonize and illegitimatize and dismiss other POVs.

  45. Clarence Thomas always brings out the racism of the left. He is hated because he has not “gone along to get along.” I remember when Harry Reid said that some decision of Thomas was “poorly reasoned” when he had not even read it. The recent vitriolic racial taunts directed his way are more evidence. The left’s insistence on “Diversity” and “Equity” as “improvements” in Affirmative Action are more subtle signs of their racism. Now the LA Times today has an article about whether California is “ready for blacks with legal guns.”

  46. What Mike K said. There is a LOT of racism (and sexism and homophobia) still bubbling away inside the progressive mind but they’ve been temporarily displaced by other superiority trips. They’ve never really had to face up to it. The -isms all come down to thinking you’re better than someone/everyone else and there are other, more politically expedient, reasons for progressives to think they’re better but when it comes down to it, they’ll revert to the -isms, especially when it’s a black person or a woman or a gay/lesbian giving voice to the despised political narrative.

  47. “They’re being told this is just the beginning of what the right is planning. Next there will be a federal abortion ban.”

    H.R.1011 – Life at Conception Act
    117th Congress (2021-2022)

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