Home » Controlling the narrative: slip-sliding away?


Controlling the narrative: slip-sliding away? — 20 Comments

  1. As a garulous construction worker acquaintance used to say in such like circumstance “F’em if they can’t take a joke!”.

  2. One of the many reasons to enjoy Tucker’s program is that he often refers to the absurd Stelter as a “eunuch”, a word seldom heard on television. As for Zurawik (of whom few, in all likelihood, had ever heard until recently), he seems ideally suited to function as a commissar, along with the young Minitrue TikToker, in the increasingly totalitarian regime which seems to have replaced our republic and which is intent upon enriching its own, erasing our border and our sovereignty, sending funds abroad (the new package for Ukraine apparently amounts to thirty-three billion) and, of course, criminalizing dissent.

  3. The Freedom we are losing is a terrible loss, enabled by a population of TV-watching sheep and drones who have the right to vote. We will not regain it. Once gone, Freedom is gone forever.

  4. “Once gone, Freedom is gone forever.”

    Only if too few are willing to use force to regain it.

    If liberty is not worth your life, then you’re already enslaved.

  5. Someone, quoted not long ago at Instapundit, quipped; Musk didn’t just by Twitter, he bought the evidence. This is something I’ve thought about for some time now.

  6. Obama’s speech at Stanford predated the final deal with Musk, but has this gem:

    “Once they lose trust in their leaders, in mainstream media, in political institutions, in each other, in the possibility of truth, the game’s won. ”

    Once people lose trust in their leaders.

    That’s what the big problem is for the left. Their ideas are wrong and too often dangerous. If people know what they stand for, they’re done for. They are terrified that people will notice: open borders, Modern Monetary Theory, defund the police, destroy the ability to use the country’s fossil fuel resources, regulate the private economy until it bleeds to death, fragment and tear people apart.

    But no one is supposed to notice. Trust must be maintained, even if it means the truth is supressed.

    “Democracy dies in darkness” is not a warning, it’s marching orders.

  7. I engaged in some back-and-forth online with a neighbor about censorship for a while before I realized that we weren’t using the word to mean the same thing. I meant removing a post or blocking the poster. He meant any response that abashed him–and almost everything short of rousing applause abashes him.

    Now, this guy is a jerk, but I think he may be in synch with a growing trend: “My speech can’t be truly free unless I am protected from abuse, by which I mean anyone disagreeing with me too vehemently, which I interpret as violence that makes me feel unsafe.” The new trend in universities quite explicitly worries about the need to muzzle some speakers so that others can freely discourse.

    It’s related to concerns about how to decide fairly who will have the floor, but it’s spun out of control.

  8. “My speech can’t be truly free unless I am protected from abuse, by which I mean anyone disagreeing with me too vehemently, which I interpret as violence that makes me feel unsafe.”

    How does that standard not equally apply to those who he strongly disagrees with? When he vehemently disagrees with others, would not they too interpret his vehement disagreement as violence, making them feel unsafe?

  9. Geoffrey Britain,

    But see, those are people with Wrong Opinions, which makes them BadPeople™, and therefore they deserve to feel unsafe, up to and including having actual physical violence delivered upon them.

    TL;DR: “Standards? We don’t need no stinking standards!” — Lefties

  10. Glad to see I wasn’t only one to do dbl-take when listening to this guy to make sure I actually heard what I thought I did.
    If people like this were not so very serious about this, clip could almost be mistaken for satire…

  11. Comes the revolution the first bitch-slap will be awesome ..

  12. Visiting with our kids (age’s in the 40’s and 50’s) over Easter when we had our daughter and her family down from Michigan to join the Texas family who live here in our town. Listening to them talk about the younger folks in their 20’s and 30’s it was interesting to here how difficult it has become for management and leaders to avoid offending the younger ones in the workplace.

    Not just political stuff but correcting mistakes and holding them accountable, evidently the younger staff bruise easily and working with them requires a lot of skill choosing the right words at the right time and they are not working in the liberal woke workplaces, just old line successful companies.

  13. Old Texan-

    HR. The source of the rot in corporate America. It has become a female fiefdom, run by white (and increasingly “POC”) female college graduates with degrees in sociology and self-referential “HR”. We all know how they think and vote. They issue “policies” that recognize and encourage snowflake behavior, probably because they themselves feel the need to be protected from any demand for actual performance.

    A subdivision of the accounting department has grown bigger than the aforesaid accounting department and become the leftist cancer that is metastasizing through companies.

  14. “A subdivision of the accounting department has grown bigger than the aforesaid accounting department and become the leftist cancer that is metastasizing through companies.”

    Get woke, go broke. Nor will it take conservative boycotts to render that fate. “Woke” is ultimately, a suicidal path for any company to embrace. As the leftist cancer is an insatiable monster.

  15. GB. Doesn’t take boycotts, but we can, anyway, just for fun, right?

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