Home » An Iran Deal many times worse than Obama’s


An Iran Deal many times worse than Obama’s — 44 Comments

  1. Well I think we are back to who is running the country and these treaties.
    The Marxist view is to destroy the USA and its Constitution.
    We know Barky sent a plane of cash to Iran and wanted the original treaty to be confirmed.
    And state often I want Sundowner gone but realize an u one replacing is of the same mold so nothing will change there.

  2. A bit off topic, but every time I read Obama’s quote regarding Joe Biden’s gargantuan “ability to F*** things up”—which should never be “underestimated” I cringe, simply because it had to have been a “false flag”—or more correctly, grossly and intentionally misleading—statement, by which I mean that Obama HAD TO HAVE KNOWN that Joe Biden was NOT GOING TO LOSE the 2020 election. (Just as the Secretary of State of Pennsylvania KNEW that Trump was NOT going to win in Pennsylvania; just as Hillary Clinton WARNED AGAINST Trump declaring himself the victor even if he was ahead at a certain point on election night.)

    There is NO WAY that Obama would have been, or could have been, OUT OF THIS LOOP.

    Second point: in the current instance—regarding the “new, improved” Iran “deal”— “Biden”, from the point of view of “his” ambitions and aspirations, and in perfect reflection of “his” policies, has most certainly NOT “screwed up” but has achieved, in the grandest manner possible, Obama’s initial aspirations vis-a-vis Iran.

    IOW this “new, improved” Iran “deal” is not at all a “screw-up”—nor is it, for Obama, “an awful deal”—but the absolute culmination of all of Obama’s dreams and the very ESSENCE of his world view.

    After everything that’s happened since 2009—and especially since January 20, 2021, how is it possible that this is not clear?

    /Rant off/

  3. Barry Meislin:

    It is indeed clear that Obama was in the loop. He just thought that if Biden was the only person available to beat Trump (by hook or by crook), then Biden it would be.

    He also almost certainly knew about Biden’s deficits, which would mean he’d probably be more easily controlled and “guided.”

    I have studied Obama and the nuclear deal he made, and I still think it is somewhat puzzling exactly what’s going on. My series of questions here was meant to express the possibilities, but I don’t think the answers are so very obvious.

  4. It is the Deep State at work, not the figureheads, who are just told what and where to sign. Look at the embargo of Russian oil (600,000 bbl/day!) and the offsetting purchasing from Maduro’s Venezuela, but no move to increase US production.

    The new Iran deal indicates the US is being flushed down the toilet.
    The Ukrainians are fighting and dying to preserve their country.
    While we sit on our collective butts, nodding our heads like sheep. We are passively surrendering the USA to dark forces.

    When will we rise up? I predict never.

  5. It is truly mystifying that we evidently now have a group of people in positions of ultimate power who clearly must absolutely despise this country and want to see it laid low if not outright detroyed. It seems to me that they must absolutely hate their fellow human beings a great deal. They’re pure misanthropes.

    But unfortunately I fear that not a lot can be done to stop this for a time. I think most people won’t believe how truly awful this deal is, or refure to believe it. Perhaps because it’s a sort of refuge in audacity, so unbelievably bad that it’s literally unbelievable for most normal Americans. Plus (of course) there will be a press and tech blackout of the details of the deal.

  6. As with the Afghanistan debacle, Brandon cares not for the consequences, his mind is focused on a historic accomplishment if the treaty is signed. That the accomplishment will be a catastrophy for all (including Iran, since Israel will be forced to take action) is something that Brandon can no longer comprehend. Truly a cloth headed dummy.

  7. I’m out of ideas for trying to understand this outrageous Iran deal, even from the Democrats’ point of view.

    As with Obama, if Biden’s team wanted to destroy America, what would they be doing differently?

  8. “And are the Democrats really eager to walk off this particular cliff? Are they all advocates of this destructive deal?”

    Uh, yes they are.

    They literally hate Israel (because it is a jewish state, and the Arabs because they produce oil and maintain females as 10th class citizens), and what better way to extinguish them by ENCOURAGING, AIDING and ABETTING Iran to get nukes .

    And by promoting Iran as the big boy in the ME, along with Turkey, the USA will have little sway in that region; perfectly in accord with the liberal/demonkrat/communist hate-America-first world view.

    If Israel ceases to exist because Iran launched a dozen nuclear missiles on Israel, rest assured the demokrats will
    1. Blame the USA
    2 Blame Israel
    3 Blame Trump

    And what would Shumer and other demokrat jewish members of Congress say?

    The would remain silent; just as they do now when ‘squad’ members of their party, mouth off about Israel and Nazi Germany being one and the same.
    Shumer, Sanders, Nadler, et. al., are simply useful idiots who worship the alter of liberal progressive / communist theology.

  9. “…don’t think the answers are so very obvious.”

    Then I will tell you (i.e., if I may be so presumptuous…):

    The “deal” will create dread and provoke an arms race in the Middle East, not just in Israel but in the countries that Iran has threatened in the past (e.g., Saudi Arabia, the Emirates).
    WRT Israel, “Biden” will proceed to implement UN Resolution 2334 (or some form of it, perhaps “new and improved”) which Obama sponsored at the tail end of his second term and for which he (via John Kerry) worked feverishly behind the scenes to strong-arm other members of the Security Council to propose and support it.
    According to this resolution, all lands conquered by Israel in the West Bank, including Jerusalem are considered occupied and MUST be given over to the Palestinians as part of a Palestinian state; this means that all settlements in those areas, including neighborhoods in what will revert to “East Jerusalem” (and including the Old City) will have to be dismantled.
    This will be made non-negotiable and will result in war, since ultimately, the Palestinians and their allies intend to erase the State of Israel, in spite of past agreements, assurances, treaties, declarations, what have you.
    The fact that Iran will be emboldened, that Hezbullah in Lebanon and Hamas in the Gaza are already armed to the teeth, and that Iran is an agent of influence in both places as well as in Syria, as well as in Yemen, of which Israel is well within range, means that a devastating war MUST at some point break out, this because Israel cannot and will not return to the pre-Six-Day-War cease-fire lines, and cannot and will not accede to Palestinian demands to repatriate Palestinians to their original within Israel proper.
    The threat to Israel’s existence will ramp up when Iran decides it wishes to do so, and the insuperable pressure placed on Israel via the International Court at the Hague, along with multiple other forms of lawfare, will cause over time and through extended attrition, immense tensions to build up to the breaking point.

    The clock will start ticking sooner or later, as it’s only a matter of time before “Biden”, emboldened by “his” recent JCPOA “victory”, will proceed to the next step of re-instituting UN 2334.

    All in the interests of Justice(TM) and Peace(TM).
    In the Middle East and the wider world.
    Of course; most certainly.

  10. Barry Meislin:

    Sorry, but I don’t think you’ve explained what I’m getting at. That’s one scenario and sequence of events. It’s not the only one – I can actually think of even worse ones. But why do you think the Biden administration wishes this to occur? That’s what I’m getting at. Do you think their overriding desire is to destroy Israel and they don’t care who else gets destroyed in the process? I think they are anti-Israel but I just don’t see it as being as intense as that or that it’s their only motive. There is something so intensely and more generally destructive about this that it’s almost as though it was engineered by madmen who want to destroy the world. Not just to do a Great Reset or to hurt Israel.

  11. To answer that, I think we’ll have to roll the tape that’s supposedly lying somewhere deep in the archives of the “L.A. Post”.

    (Since that’s not very likely, we’ll have to ask ourselves exactly what “Fundamental Transformation” might mean when it comes to the United States…and then what it means WRT Israel…and ultimately what it means WRT the West…if not necessarily in that order. To be sure, the answer in all three cases are not all that far apart.)

    But if that’s not quite sufficient, then I propose an eaier way out: simply, Ideology (an ideology akin to rigorous and unyielding religious conviction); i.e., not merely HAVING a “conviction” but BEING in a position where one can actually act on it.

  12. Keeping in mind that throughout all this…Joe Biden is not “Biden”.

  13. It seems to me, when considering the actions of the people that currently preside over our diplomatic leadership function (the Executive Branch), that it’s very difficult to ascertain the eventual purpose of what they’re doing. It would seem to me that it’s inevitably suicidal, eventually, to grant a nuclear weapons license to a nation run by religious zealots that routinely call for mass chants of ‘Death to America’ as well as referring to our nation during their national prayers sessions as the ‘Great Satan’.

    The only thing more difficult than ascertaining this eventual purpose, is to attempt to reconcile the mystery into a positive light. There is no imaginable scenario, however simple or complex, that could be applied to this course of events, that would result in a better world for the US. That’s what’s so confounding about it, to me. I’ve always believed that Obama was a casual closet dabbling-Muslim who bears a deep, egotistical animus toward this country. Nothing he has said, and certainly nothing he has actually done, has provided evidence to the contrary.

    I wouldn’t be a bit surprised if it turns out that the reason the Saudi’s and UAE are refusing outright to take Biden’s calls is due to his pursuit of this deal.

  14. The West’s Global Elite have embraced the proposition that the foremost obstacle to world peace is nationalism.

    America, Israel and Russia are strongly nationalistic.

    Therefore, one way or another, they have to go.

  15. Why would Biden sell the United States down the river to its arch enemy?
    Here is a theory: Obama is a crypto-Muslim who wants to destroy the Great Satan. His communist fellow travelers and dupes who are in power want to destroy the USA. After it is destroyed, they expect to have wealth and power to live in luxury and rule over their useful idiots and any deplorables who are left.

  16. I’m not sure that wealth has anything to do with it really. Maybe…but I doubt it.

    It’s much, much more the pure ideology.

    (Purely warped. Purely twisted.)

    For these people, the US, the lynchpin of CAPITALISM(TM), is—simply—EVIL.

    So is the West. Entirely.

    But since the US is the backbone of this great EVIL, then as long as the US exists in its present—uber-capitalist—form, the West will also be protected and even thrive.

    And so, for the “good” of the entire world, the “forces of good” (actually, the “forces of perfection”) must find a way to drive a stake through the corrupt heart of EVIL CAPITALISM.

    The head of the American MONSTER must be lopped off…AKA FUNDAMENTALLY TRANSFORMED, AKA changed totally beyond recognition, AKA destroyed.

    It is THE moral imperative of our times.

  17. America, Israel and Russia are strongly nationalistic. Therefore, one way or another, they have to go.

    Russia’s in the business of attempting to conquer a neighboring country for no reason other than the joys of subjugating it. This is something Israel has never done.

  18. There are spiritual forces at work here. Israel, even in its secular state, is still God’s chosen people. Satan and the demonic realm hate Israel and work feverishly to destroy it. Many of our world leaders, even some who profess to be Christians, are under this demonic influence. Thus, they are (sometimes unwitting) tools in the destruction of Israel and the United States. If you are looking for the source of the animus, it is spiritual. “Professing to be wise, they became fools.”

  19. First, Malley is clearly following orders. He has no freedom of maneuver. The question, of course, is, Who is “Biden”? The current administration is utterly chaotic, with various factions seizing control of various areas of domestic and foreign policy, and implementing their own ideas. Considering the domination of this “administration” by Jews, it is hard to believe that Malley has been told to get an anti-Israel agreement. But then, Trump was enthralled by Israel, and he cancelled JCPOA, so who knows.

    With regard to JCPOA, everyone involved agreed that it was working. That includes Britain, France, Germany, Russia, China, the IAEA, and even the CIA and US DoD and DoS. Everyone, except Netanyahu. Trump’s cancellation of JCPOA, and the British, French, and German acquiescence to it removed all restrains on Iran. Iran now has modernized centrifuges and enough enriched uranium (60%?) to be close to making one uranium gun bomb. That is what Trump’s gullibility and manipulability got us. And, of course, Netanyahu’s own stupidity.

    So now, in order to attempt to roll back Iran’s nuclear assets, back to the JCPOA level, one is going to have to give them something in return. They are asking for a removal of all sanctions and guarantees there will be no new ones. If you don’t do that, they proceed down the road to a bomb. And Trump and Netanyahu paved that road for them.

    The Ukrainian war has added a new problem. Russia is a signatory to JCPOA, and its approval is needed for any new agreement (new because JCPOA is dead). Russia is insisting that the new agreement guarantee that their trade with Iran will not be sanctioned. The Russo-Ukrainian war is a direct result of the US’ refusal to discuss Russian security concerns, so this is another example of a US diplomatic screw up.

    PS. The utterly racist claim that Jews are God’s chosen people should not be tolerated by any decent person. It is fully equivalent to the N word and all the racist attitudes it stands for.

    Israel’s basic problem is not Iran, or even superstitious racist orthodox Jews, it is the 7 million Palestinians they are trying to control. Israel cannot have peace until its Palestinian problem is resolved in a way that satisfies both Jew and Palestinians.

  20. bob sykes:

    Just following your train of thought to its logical conclusions, oh, wait there isn’t one except you have a “problem” with Jews. What a way to live a life.

  21. There’s no law that says one HAS to like Jews.
    Just like there’s no law that says one HAS to be coherent.

    Still, the idea, such as it is, that the new nuclear “deal” with Iran (that is in fact NOT a deal, just like the original “deal” wasn’t a deal) must be good for Israel because, as the “reasoning” goes, Robert Malley along with a disproportionate number of “Biden”‘s cabinet is Jewish, is truly masterful.
    One for the ages.
    A veritable “keeper”.
    In my (humble) opinion, it’s even better than “With regard to JCPOA, everyone involved agreed that it was working” but YMMV.

    In fact, it cuts right to the core. (But of what?)

    File under: Logic ‘R Us

  22. “America, Israel and Russia are strongly nationalistic. Therefore, one way or another, they have to go.” GB

    “Russia’s in the business of attempting to conquer a neighboring country for no reason other than the joys of subjugating it. This is something Israel has never done.” Art Deco

    I didn’t compare Russia and Israel in that fashion. So that’s a non sequitur.

    I simply asserted all three to arguably be the foremost proponents of nationalism. One could qualify that assertion by acknowledging that a significant percentage of nominally American citizens reject America’s nationalism. But overall, America is, as far as the left is concerned, a strongly nationalistic entity.

    As for Russia’s invasion of the Ukraine, asserting that Putin is doing it just because he can is a ludicrous assertion. One that strongly calls into question the astuteness of your analysis.

  23. “With regard to JCPOA, everyone involved agreed that it was working. That includes Britain, France, Germany, Russia, China, the IAEA, and even the CIA and US DoD and DoS. Everyone, except Netanyahu.” bob sykes

    On this issue, Netanyahu was the only honest man. Lots of evidence that the Mullah’s continued to pursue their dream of a nuclear Armageddon under the JCPOA agreement.

    That evidence most obviously consisted of their purchasing and installing many more and much more efficient centrifuges.

    The JCPOA was and is now again, a betrayal of the West’s peoples by its leadership. One that shall prove to be murderous.

  24. Address my point, oh arbiter of truth. Have the Iranians continued to add much more efficient centrifuges or not? Is allowing Iran’s Mullahs to acquire nuclear ICBM capability a betrayal of the West’s citizens or not?

  25. Hard to keep up with Geoffrey:

    Iran getting nuclear weapons is a very bad thing. A very very very bad thing. And Geoffrey implies a disagreement? Strange.

    That Roosia is at war with the Elites of the West, and not with the nation of Ukraine is fanciful. I’m not sure how the Russian military will find, fix, and destroy these Elites of the West, but surely Vlad has a plan he will share with Geoffrey, aka, Arbiter of Truth. 🙂

  26. om,

    When I commented upon the worthless JCPOA , your response was; “Geoffrey Britain, aka, arbiter of honesty. Wow.”

    With that, you’re the one who implied disagreement.

    When I insisted that rather than a snide response you address my point, your disingenuous follow up is “You ain’t the boss of me.”.

    I never claimed that Russia was not at war with the Ukraine under Zelensky’s faction. I have claimed that the West’s Global Elite has engineered this conflict by forcing Putin to invade to secure Russia’s border, so as to prevent NATO placing itself on Russia’s border.

    April 4th, 2008; “The Russian president, Vladimir Putin, today repeated his warning that Moscow would view any attempt to expand NATO to its borders as a “direct threat”.”

    April 5th, 2008; “In a meeting with NATO leaders, Mr. Putin was combative and thoughtful, criticizing NATO’s promise to eventually make Ukraine and Georgia members, officials who attended said.”

    “NATO cannot guarantee its security at the expense of other countries’ security,” President Vladimir V. Putin

    “In Istanbul (1999) and in Astana (2010), the US and the other 56 countries in the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) signed documents “that contained interrelated principles to ensure the indivisibility of security.”

    What does that mean?

    It means that parties to the agreement must refrain from any action that could affect the security interests of the other members.”

  27. bob sykes and om express thoughts and attitudes I cannot countenance, with om particularly petulant and child-like.
    Than God for the large majority of sane and sensible comments posted here.

  28. Geoffrey decides he is the Arbiter of Truth for all who respond to his comments, a good gig being an impartial and disinterested party (not). The Arbiter of Truth (Geoffrey) manifested himself in response to Art Deco.

    And then Geoffrey falls back to NATO, why? It’s his favorite and only crutch. And poor Vlad, forced by the Elites of the West to invade Ukraine; such sad sad clown that Vlad. Dangerously sad.

  29. Cicero:

    Good to hear from you again. And have a good day.

    Thoughts you can’t countenance? Opposition to Vlad and his plans to rearrange Eastern Europe? Not buying into Roosian rationalizations? What are your thoughts or are they best left unstated?

    Oh well, it takes all kinds to make an omelet.

  30. Cicero:

    I’ll put on The Geoffrey for you, “You haven’t answered my comment of Xyy, so therefore you are a 123.”

    How do you like those apples old man, should you acknowledge his authority to demand a reply. “Do you still beat your wife?”

  31. bob sykes:

    There are plenty of secular Jews who could not care less about Israel and/or even wish it to be destroyed.

    So their Jewish ethnicity is quite irrelevant to this issue.

  32. bob sykes and others:

    This is from Malley’s Wiki page:

    Malley was born in 1963 to Barbara (née Silverstein) Malley, a New Yorker who worked for the United Nations delegation of the Algerian National Liberation Front (FLN), and her husband, Simon Malley (1923–2006), an Egyptian-born Jewish journalist who grew up in Egypt and worked as a foreign correspondent for Al Gomhuria. The elder Malley spent time in New York, writing about international affairs, particularly about nationalist, anti-imperial movements in Africa, and made a key contribution by putting the FLN on the world map.

    In 1969, the elder Malley moved his family—including son Robert—to France, where he founded the leftist magazine Africasia (later known as Afrique Asia). Robert attended École Jeannine Manuel, a prestigious bilingual school in Paris, and graduated in the same class (1980) as U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken.

    The Malleys remained in France until 1980, when then French president Valéry Giscard d’Estaing briefly expelled Simon Malley from the country to New York, due to his hostility towards Western colonialism and Israel.

    Malley attended Yale University, and was a 1984 Rhodes Scholar at Magdalen College, Oxford, where he earned a D.Phil. in political philosophy. There he wrote his doctoral thesis about Third-worldism and its decline. Malley continued writing about foreign policy, including extended commentary about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

    Ethnic Jew, but real identification – and real religion – is the left. Parents likewise. Proving his leftist bona fides by his hatred of Israel.

    As far as I can tell, Malley never had to have any Congressional approval to become the Iran negotiator and I don’t think there is any Congressional oversight.

    More from the Wiki page:

    Malley has published several articles on the failed 2000 Camp David Summit in which he participated as a member of the U.S. negotiating team. Malley rejects the mainstream opinion that lays all the blame for the failure of the summit on Arafat and the Palestinian delegation. In his analysis, the main reasons were the tactics of then-Israeli prime minister Ehud Barak and the substance of his proposal which made it impossible for Arafat to accept Barak’s offer.

  33. om,

    Its useful advise that, “when you find yourself in a hole… stop digging”. Predictably, you’ll falsely accuse me of repeatedly violating that advise. Demonstrating that you’re unwilling to, even for a moment, consider that it might instead, apply to you.

    That I have more than once freely admitted to being wrong and even freely offered apologies, demonstrates my willingness to look in the mirror.

    You are however, providing great insight into your character for those with eyes to see.

    Is that concise enough for you?

  34. bob sykes:

    Oh, and by the way, you have zero understanding of what the phrase “chosen people” means. Educate yourself – and not with anti-Semitic websites, either.

    And Jews are not a race. They consist of people of all races.

    You are profoundly ignorant.

  35. it is the 7 million Palestinians they are trying to control. Israel cannot have peace until its Palestinian problem is resolved in a way that satisfies both Jew and Palestinians.

    1.8 million Arabs with Israeli citizenship
    0.2 million Arabs with residency permits in Israel

    Israel isn’t ‘trying to control’ these people. They’re lawful residents of Israel, no more ‘controlled’ than anyone else living there.

    2.1 million Arabs live in the Gaza Strip.

    Israel withdrew from the Gaza Strip in 2005. It subjects shipping in and out of the Gaza strip to inspections. Otherwise, the strip is left to Hamas and UNRWA to run, which they do badly.

    0.68 million live in “Area A”, a segment of the West Bank ruled by the PA and closed to Israeli citizens and security patrols. Israel’s not trying to control these people either.

    2,0 million live in “Area B” on the West Bank, where the civil government is run by the PA but Israel runs security patrols.

    0.3 million live in “Area C” of the West Bank, where both the civil government and security patrols are provided by Israel.

    All of which is to say that about 1/3 of the Arab population within the boundaries of the old mandate of Palestine actually fits your description in this respect. Then you conclude with this:

    Israel cannot have peace until its Palestinian problem is resolved in a way that satisfies both Jew and Palestinians.

    The Arab politicians have on six separate occasions rejected or sabotaged efforts by Israel to devolve discretion on local Arabs or off-load the territories, most recently in 2008 (when they were offered the whole of the West Bank and the Arab parts of greater Jerusalem, sign on the dotted line). The reason for that is that the Arab politicians reflect the balance of opinion in their constituency, among which 1/3 insist that dissolution of the State of Israel is non-negotiable and another 30% insist that a fuzzily-defined seven-digit population of Arabs be permitted to settle in Israel at their discretion. So, Israel secures it’s passable situation with its own tools. There are no others.

    Looking forward to your disquisition on how it is imperative we pursue cheap air fares achieved by the suspension of gravity. People read your posts and they cannot figure out if ignorance, fatuity, or fraud explains them.

  36. In his analysis, the main reasons were the tactics of then-Israeli prime minister Ehud Barak and the substance of his proposal which made it impossible for Arafat to accept Barak’s offer.

    The ‘mainstream view’ would be the view of everyone for whom he purported to be working at the time. His conclusions were in his premises. It tells you something about how worthless Anthony Blinken is that this Eurotrash maroon was hired yet again.

  37. Art Deco:

    Worse than “worthless.” They knew full well what they were getting when he was put in charge again. They must have approved.

  38. Geoffrey:

    We both agree that Iran getting nukes is a very very bad thing.

    We do not agree regarding Russian motivations regarding Ukraine and whether Vlad was forced to do what he’s done by NATO, NGOs, or other Western self annointed “thought leaders.”

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