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The Sanity Squad: it’s hot! — 3 Comments

  1. Oh, the animals Neo… hehe, PETA will not like you for that putting such blame on them. It is always the humans to PETA. Why since they seem to be rather animano-centric? Simply because PETA is run by humans, humans who don’t believe 99% of the world population of people should be granted equal human rights. So they elevate human importance, their own importance, in the greater scheme of things.

    I’m telling you Neo. Even if we got rid of the Nazis and the Islamic Jihadists, we would still have problems. Called the ELF (Earth Liberation Front) terrorists as well as environmentalists.

    They would love getting rid of people. So easy to radicalize, since they already are radical.

    Congress? Iran has bought them off, Neo. It always works like that. If you ain’t got an army to intimidate ur enemies and protect your stuff, then you can just use your moola to bribe your way out of the problem. Iran seems to have setup this “influence” circle with Europe, china, and Russia. Must have learned from Saddam.

    They believe that the war is fake, Neo. That people cooked up the problem in order to “solve” it by getting more power for themselves. Makes you think that they were in front of a mirror when they cocked up that reasoning, right.

    They say whatever gets them more power, Pat. And then she said it was about power, right after I wrote this. Woot.

    Lunatics have become mainstream in ref to siggy. Wonder how that changes the time-space continuum.

    I’d rather you not speak about the Times, but what the hey.

    I call him Amanie, Pat.

  2. Siggy remarked, “The real nightmare scenario for all these environmental nazis would be someone coming up with a solution,” at 24 minutes into the podcast.

    He is so correct! When cold fusion looked like a real possibility, Paul “Population Bomber” Ehrlich hissed that nearly unlimited inexpensive clean energy for mankind would be “like giving a machine gun to an idiot child.” Jeremy Rifkin, the anti-science, anti-progress, and anti-industrial revolutionary chimed in with, “It’s the worst thing that could happen to our planet.” (Source of quotes here.)

    They campaign against “dirty” energy and they campaign against clean energy. The only option these committable environmentalists wish to leave us is to freeze in the dark. These kooks don’t love the Earth, they hate people.

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