Home » And just like that, it’s time to end COVID restrictions


And just like that, it’s time to end COVID restrictions — 27 Comments

  1. A bit more on this impressive “Oceania-has-always-been-at-war-with-Eastasia” moment:
    “The Great Covid Pivot Of 2022”—
    Asking all the right questions, taking politicians and their media tools to the woodshed, and pointing out that in addition to the hyper-inflation* that’s a comin’, we’ve been inundated with hyper-hypocrisy from our “betters”…

    And it does—and will—keep coming. A veritable tsunami of b—s—t.
    Key graf:
    “…where the f%#@ was this woman 6 months ago?” (or even three, for that matter….)

    * On hyper-inflation:

  2. Somebody I forget who but one of the ‘experts’ tweeted on Sunday night something along the lines of we are going to see many states loosening restrictions the next few days but that doesn’t mean it’s over blah, blah, blah which was very odd and then BAM starting Monday all these leftist controlled states started easing restrictions.

    All coordinated but why isn’t the CDC on board?

  3. Ted Leiu the loopy California congressman was all shut it all down a month ago and now is all open it up and the death rate in California is currently three times higher than it was a month ago.

    This has not been about COVID for at least 18 months now.

  4. true believer elementary school teacher. Follows all the rules, keeps 3 year old masked when in pre-school or in public.

    With “vax” on horizon for newborns on up, her attitude is def changing.

    Not gonna lie, I frequently ask her if the kid will get the shots upon availability. She fails to see the humor in my inquiry.

  5. The pandemic will not end until therapeutics become the accepted method of dealing with infections in high-risk patients. Masking, lockdowns, and social distancing have not worked, especially with Omicron. Suh policies are akin to the old statement, “We had to destroy the village to save it.”

    I am reading a book -“Overcoming the COVID-19 Darkness: How Two Doctors Successfully Treated 7000 Patients Paperback – January 7, 2022” – that chronicles the experience s of two doctors, Bryan Tyson and George Fareed, in treating patients early with HCQ, Zinc, Z-Pak and monoclonal antibodies. They practice in the Imperial Valley in southern California. Apparently, they were able to get HHCQ prescriptions filled because it’s a small rural area and close to the Mexican border where HCQ is available.

    They have the records to show that their treatments work. And they have the experience to describe the typical course of the disease in untreated people who progress to needing hospitalization.

    They also have a fascinating discussion of why the vaccines (which don’t really make you immune) were not a good idea and have actually exacerbated the problem.

    These two doctors testified before Congress but have been denounced by the usual healthcare bureaucrats. They wrote this book to try to get their message out that early treatment is the way forward.

    I hope millions read this book, especially doctors who have had their hands tied by the CDC, FDA, hospital bureaucrats, and state health agencies. This is a call to arms for the medical profession, and a map for the road back to normalcy.

  6. This afternoon I caught up with some D/Left FB people who are in NC (sorry Kate!). They were quite upset over a certain school district lifting the mask mandate. So the D politcians may be moving ahead, but the street level Ds have not caught up. Some were teachers, other not, but here’s a sampling:

    “Meanwhile in my world, a kid came to school having tested positive and I got asked for close contacts. I look around the room. A table mate was absent. Got an email later table mate is out sick. I am trying to not catch this thing but masks optional makes It harder.”

    “Of course it’s Johnston County. ?”

    “I somehow am not surprised. We have learned nothing”

  7. physicsguy,

    Yep, because we all know no kids or teachers ever got sick before March 2020.

    EVER. This is a totally new phenomenon.

    No wonder they are all so scared.

  8. In an entirely fitting move here in WA King Jay has just announced that he is lifting our OUTDOOR mask mandate on Feb. 18 and will be thinking about when to lift the indoor mask mandate for awhile.

    Of course even here in crazy WA nobody is following any kind of outdoor mandate.

    Pretty funny hearing from all the people saying ‘we had an outdoor mask mandate?’

    It’s beginning to look like King Jay is going to hold on the longest. Yay us!!

  9. Looks as if the school mask mandate is still in place for NY, for who knows how long.

  10. So our benevolent King Jay is removing a mandate nobody even knew existed 9 days from now.

    We are so gosh darn lucky to have a king that cares about us so much.

  11. The left couldn’t get away with their lies and deceitful behavior if 39% of registered voters didn’t support whatever lies are needed to maintain their personal fantasies. And in their “heart of hearts”, they know they’re being fed a pack of lies.

    Reality is just too difficult for them, anything is better than being forced to look in the mirror. Sooner play the victim card and blame anyone but themselves.

  12. Something bizarre, not to mention grossly unethical (but with this crew—the bizarre and the grossly unethical should always be expected):
    ‘”They Will Not Silence Me”: Doctor Who Discovered Omicron Was Pressured Not To Reveal It’s Mild’—

    They’ll have to reconfigure the Hippocratic Oath: “First, do PLENTY of harm—in fact, as much as you can”…
    (Actually, they already have….)

  13. And what happens this fall if there’s another COVID surge? Even if that surge is small in comparison to the waves of the last two years?


  14. I should add ‘the masks return, at the very least’ after the election definitely not before.

  15. “Two years to flatten the curve!”
    You remember that is what we asked for, don’t you, Winston?

  16. MBunge,

    “what happens this fall if there’s another COVID surge?”

    I’ll be a bit surprised if the left doesn’t get the fear wagon rolling again in 2023. Why would Xi not order a release of a new virus? The DOJ has prepared the ground for arrests and imprisonments in a new gulag for domestic terrorists who spread ‘misinformation’… domestic terrorists being any American who dares to publicly disagree with the CDC and NIH narrative.

  17. Yes, it will be interesting to see how easily the D’s give up on masks.

    Where I live in Florida is actually pretty purple, and masks are definitely the mark of being caring, responsible person rather than a diseased White Supremacist. In Whole Foods this morning, I’d say I was the *only* unmasked person in the place. In Home Depot masks are rare, although any corporate-owned store has employees fully masked.

    I went out to brunch last weekend with my “liberal” family. They wore their masks for the 30 second walk from the door to the table, sat unmasked for over an hour during the meal, and put them on again for that dangerous 20 yards to the exit.

    I had to go out to California a couple of times last year, and was surprised that the mask situation there was a lot laxer than I’d pictured it, perhaps because it was presumed that no one was “anti-mask.”

  18. physicsguy, yup, urban elites in NC are just as idiotic as they are anywhere else. The mayor of Raleigh has announced that positive cases haven’t gone down far enough to remove the mask mandate — even though mask mandates haven’t stopped the Omicron surge at all. It’s virtue signaling, and fear. Meanwhile, church friends here, aged 75 and 87, neither in especially good health, both vaxxed and boosted, have the virus and are pretty sick, one in the hospital. Doing all the required things really didn’t help.

  19. @ Kate > “Doing all the required things really didn’t help.”

    Can I get that on a t-shirt?
    (However, very sorry about your friends, hope they get well soon.)

  20. “Doing all the required things really didn’t help.”
    Kate, very sorry to hear that. Does that include Ivermectin? If not, it would seem that from past and ongoing studies, e.g., in Japan (and testimonials, e.g., and India and elsewhere) that that’s the way to go. Would hope that where you are a) it’s available, b) there’s a local doctor that is willing to prescribe/provide it, and c) the hospital allows it —though the fact that even mentioning that this should be “hoped” for is itself scandalous…
    Good luck…

    Just to recap (again):
    “Dr. Zelenko: ‘We could have ended pandemic long ago’
    “His COVID protocol was adopted by Trump then undermined by Fauci”—

  21. Compare and contrast:
    A well-written recap…
    “COVID pivot: Dems do 180 on pandemic response, attempt to rewrite history”—

    Intriguing proof of lab-leak origin coming in from the cold?…(i.e., Antarctica)
    “The ‘early Covid mutations’ from a Chinese lab that are fuelling leak theory: How a ‘barcode error’ at Shanghai lab during tests on Antarctica soil accidentally exposed variant in monkey DNA from start of pandemic”—


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