Home » A class war has erupted in the US and many Western nations – but it’s not the one the left was traditionally expecting


A class war has erupted in the US and many Western nations – but it’s not the one the left was traditionally expecting — 32 Comments

  1. The left is used to winning the protests in the media. What will happen when the right wins a few, like the trucker convoys, because the media is no longer strong enough to prevent it? I don’t know, but if the average Joe gets a taste of victory that motivates the left, it could be a game changer!

    And they could develop an appetite for more…

  2. Will Republican Canidates capitalize on this come 2022 and 2024? Short answer is NO. They should have very hard hitting ads but I just don’t thing they will. Don’t want to be called names in the MSM, you know.

  3. It’s a massive political realignment.

    War loving neocons like Krystol siding with the left and free speech leftists like Greenwald siding with the right. That’s an oversimplification but the people I find most interesting to hear from right now probably still disagree with me on many if not most things but on the really important stuff I agree with them almost completely.

    I’ve become almost a one issue voter at this point. FREEDOM or liberty whatever you want to call it but that is the only issue that crosses into just about all realms.

  4. All this was really begun by the election of Trump. That was the beginning of a “preference cascade.”

    Brexit was next.

    Preference cascades occur when people realize that they are not “outliers” and many others share their opinion about a serious subject. The collapse of the Berlin Wall is an example but the most recent one to date is the election of Trump.

    Now we see the Canadian truckers trying to change a public policy based on weak science and political ideology. The Solidarity demonstrations in Poland come to mind.

  5. It is a question of liberty. And law.
    If the American Revolution can be viewed as a kind of secular/Deist REFORMATION—promoting and proclaiming “liberty throughout the land” against entrenched tyrannies (whether monarchical or religious) then the continued desire, and battle, to promote that liberty against those who wish to curtail it, withdraw it or redefine it are the current proponents of that ever-living revolution, i.e., the true revolutionaries; while those who in fact do wish to deny that liberty might be viewed as the reactionaries they are: counter-reformation elites who believe that they are meant to rule—no matter whether they call themselves “revolutionaries” or if they cloak their unquenchable thirst for total political power as the pursuit of “civil rights” and/or “equality” while portraying all those who stand in their way as “racists or “fascists”…or “conspiracy theorists”.

    Alas, there are times when a bizarre-sounding conspiracy theory describes…an actual conspiracy:

  6. Well the right might be picking up supporters, but the left still has a huge money advantage. What was it we learned from that Time Magazine article last winter? A few wealthy people got together and bought votes and vote-counters in a few precincts in five states, and Biden came up with nearly ten million more votes.

    There is no way he won them in the traditional way — shaking hands, kissing babies and holding rallies. He was isolated in his basement, while Trump was holding rallies of more than 50,000 people. And all the early indicators on election night were going Trump’s way, until all of a sudden Biden came up with 10,000 to 30,000 more votes in each of those five states, and he had an electoral win.

    They pulled it off in 2020 — what makes anyone think they can’t improve on their tactic in 2024? Possibly even the Congressional elections this coming November?

    Three dozen super-rich people can now swing an election. Does its matter if blacks, or Latinos, or even college-educated women vote Republican? Don’t count on it.

  7. It’s more simple, but also worse, than this.

    Most college-educated Democrats believe that “Republicans are EVIL”.
    Some are even Woke-religious fanatic about this.

    Similarly, they believe they know best, what is best for the poor = more gov’t programs to help the poor, with gov’t bureaucrats (all college educated) to make sure the money is not (??) wasted, with reporting, compliance, and monitoring, and reports on the compliance, and reports on the monitoring, and monitoring of the reporting…

    Their absolute certainty in their own good intentions confirms, as in any conspiracy, that any evidence that they are mistaken is confirmation that the EVIL Republicans are even more evil than they thought.
    Any and all bad results of their policies are due to the EVIL Republicans.

    And they don’t believe in God, nor anti-God (= evil).

  8. neo correctly states, “They gave up on the “little people” – the common man or woman, the middle class and even to some extent the lower middle class working people…”

    Truck drivers, farmers, the police, plumbers, electricians, carpenters, nurses, grocery clerks, gas station attendants, garbagemen… try to run a civilization without them. Go ahead… try.

  9. This is getting worrisome. Canadian authorities are threatening to begin arresting truckers and confiscating their trucks.

    I think it far more about getting their slice of the pie that motivates them, rather than being called names.


    Yes, liberty or ‘soft’ enslavement is the only domestic issue of importance.

    Mike K,

    The authorities cannot allow the truckers to win. Yet in forcing compliance upon the truckers they will expose their tyrannical nature even more. Eventually, a trigger point will be reached when the ‘last straw’ is placed upon the ‘camel’s’ back.

    Robert Sendler,

    They think themselves prepared for the violence they are fomenting.

    “It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. It’s what you know for sure… that just ain’t so. “ attributed to Mark Twain

    Barry Meislin,

    Thomas Jefferson, Sen. Daniel Webster and SciFi Grandmaster Robert Anson Heinlein all wrote of those who seek to control the liberty of the common man.


    “They pulled it off in 2020 — what makes anyone think they can’t improve on their tactic in 2024?”

    Indeed and I suspect they are too blinded by their ideological fanaticism to anticipate the firestorm another stolen election will precipitate. Cut down all the laws and reap the whirlwind.

    Tom Grey,

    “Most college-educated Democrats believe that “Republicans are EVIL”.”

    Most college-educated Democrats are playing with fire, while not even giving any consideration whatsoever… to fire being hot.

  11. Kate

    Ideological fanatics always double down.

    It will be interesting to see what charge the Canadian authorities use to justify confiscating the trucks of protesting truckers. Then, who shall they employ to drive those 50,000 needed trucks? How long will their liberal supporters endure empty shelves without complaint? Easy enough to spread homemade caltrops across the roads that the remaining ‘approved’ trucks must use…

  12. I suspect that had Russia of the 1920’s and 30’s (by that point the USSR, I believe) had opinion polls, it would have probably reflected the same disappointment in its leaders. I say this in spite or maybe because of my Russian (immigrated to the US in 83) Jewish friend’s (FWIW, considered by our diversity folk as a white male, but don’t tell Whoopi) belief that “all the Russian people want is a good czar”.

  13. Griffin @4:26pm,

    Amen! Freedom is the single issue.

    I heard one of the leaders of the Canadian truck convoy state:
    “The government wants to protect us. But we want the government to protect our rights!”

  14. “No plan survives the first contact of war.”

    Globalists have rather clever and complex plans for managing the planet’s resources (including us) in a manner they believe is optimal. The problem is their plans fail to incorporate the myriad ways freedom loving individuals will continually adjust to preserve liberty. Take control of the news networks to broadcast your message? A thousand Joe Rogan’s, Instapundits, Kurt Schlichters and Neos will appear. Take control of youtube and twitter? Parler, Rumble and gab will appear (and nobody can control those 4Chan kids!).

    Truck drivers. Beautiful!

  15. The salient bit is that Trudeau *RAN* and hid. They fear the Deplorables. These pathetic managerialist bugxirsons feel existential terror at the approach of Common Folk. Cometh the Hour…

    Can’t see it happening just yet… But then Nobody Expects the Spanish Inquisition either.

  16. I find it interesting that Trudeau fled Ottawa. Why is he so afraid of what is, in fact, a completely peaceful, well behaved protest. In a nation run by intelligent people, he would have just committed political suicide.

    I would not want my country to be run by a coward. It’s bad enough that I live in a country run by a demented half wit.


    Either Trudeau fled because he was truly afraid and believed the propaganda that there would be violence, or (and this is what I think more likely) he’s trying to create his own “Reichstag Fire January 6th” propaganda moment.

    Either way, awful.

  18. Zaphod,

    Piece of cake compared to the stellar detective work they did on Shia Labeouf’s “He will not divide us” project.

  19. Then again, maybe the left did expect this. Maybe they changed their earlier expectations a while back.

    I think that’s true, but I also think that they’re still laboring under the misapprehension that they can win. In the long run I don’t see that happening.

  20. @ Zaphod > “Looks like the Mega Autistic Boys From Brazil (errr.. 4chan anyway) have found Trudeau’s secret hideaway:”

    It appears to be the PM’s summer home.
    Not the best choice for a secret.
    From one of the channers:
    (story is from April 2020)

    Also from one of the comments:
    Alfred Einstein: “Blind belief in authority is the greatest enemy of truth.”

  21. Neo’s describing the ‘coalition of the ascendant’ strategy that Ron Brownstein has written about and which Obama explicitly employed in his 2nd term run.

    It’s rooted in an analysis of population trends and projections of demographic political alignments. And it flatters Progressive’s belief in the Arc of History.

    And yes, the strategy is explicitly hostile to most middle class whites, especially men. It’s also why the Democrats are obsessed with ‘queering’ everyone’s children.

    But some of the core tenet are already faltering, such as the assumed loyalty of ‘brown people’ – though they’re still strong among women with fungus colored hair and morbidly self absorbed young people. So a Coalition of the Cluster-B’s.

  22. From a retweet of Schlichter’s observation: “Socialist don’t want workers having power, they want the government to have the worker’s power for themself.”

    Jibes with Reynold’s post: “In fact, however, the dictatorship of the proletariat turned into a dictatorship of the party hacks, who had no interest whatsoever in seeing their positions or power wither….the workers and peasants had simply replaced one class of exploiters with another”

  23. @ Kate > “This is getting worrisome. Canadian authorities are threatening to begin arresting truckers and confiscating their trucks.”

    Not a good plan.

    @ Geoffrey > “How long will their liberal supporters endure empty shelves without complaint?”

    If the Canadians are hoping to jail truckers the way they did J6 protestors, this is not going to work out the same way.
    The American capitol tourists were essentially random people with no connection outside of attending the Trump rally, no organization to support them with legal aid, and no one with any clout on their side.

    The truckers are connected, supported, and funded.
    It’s a whole different hockey game.

  24. werewife and AesopFan,

    “Hernando’s Hideaway” is in my band’s repertoire. Have to have something in the book if any dancers request a tango.

  25. “The problem is their plans fail to incorporate the myriad ways freedom loving individuals will continually adjust to preserve liberty.”

    Rufus, I suspect that the analog here is government-imposed price controls—a great idea if your goal is to truly screw up the economy (and society).
    (Short version: Don’t screw around with supply and demand.)

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