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Roundup — 28 Comments

  1. re: FIB, people are saying all the coordination involved govt infiltrators so the announcement is primarily to prevent agents from being outed by any investigation that gets launched.

    re: A-stan, Instapundit and others have photos of Taliban wearing captured US gear and posed to mock our military.
    Plus reports that Taliban burned a gay pride flag on the steps of the US embassy but social media is not allowing it to be seen

  2. Yes on the FBI and covering for agents provocateurs.

    On Afghanistan, I’m still stunned by the total idiocy of that US Embassy tweet with the rainbow flag for “pride month.” They evidently didn’t know what country they were in.

  3. “White House officials believe Americans’ horror over graphic images of the chaos in Kabul and pleas from Afghans who fear they will be killed by the Taliban will morph into support for the president’s decision to pull troops from the country by Aug. 31 after a 20-year war.”

    A perfect reflection of an absolute refusal to publicly admit to the reality they’ve created.

    All the denial in the world won’t work and here’s why:

    “Congressman: U.S. Embassy ‘Destroyed’ Afghan Allies’ Passports Amid Chaos, Leaving Them Trapped”

    “Ground Report: Kabul Airport Gates Are Closed, Taliban Confiscating U.S. Passports”

    “Nearly Empty U.S. Flights Leave Kabul as Biden Abandons Americans in Afghanistan”

    Yesterday, a CNN reporter on scene stated on the air that in 8 hours of observation, not one US Cargo plane left the airport…

    “GOP Rep. Green: ‘Biden Has Created the Greatest Hostage Crisis in American History’

    The Taliban are just getting started. Mercy a foreign concept. Iran’s Mullahs sophisticates in comparison.

    When al Jazeera starts broadcasting Taliban demands backed up with the beheading of American citizens… it won’t matter who the democrats have in the oval office. Nor will it matter whether they blame Trump, Bush or Biden. Their job is to fix the problem and they will follow failure with failure because their lust for power has led them to their “position of incompetence”.

  4. It may be true that Americans don’t really care about Afghanistan but they do care that their President is a bumbling idiot, a fact which some people are only now noticing. It is tragic that it took a fiasco like this to get people to see that Biden isn’t the product that was advertised but I don’t think he recovers from this. Unfortunately, I think we have only begun to see the horrific consequences of installing a man like Biden in the White House.

  5. It would take a person deficient in rational processes to vote for Biden. To expect any of them to be rational enough to see the problem is irrational.

  6. Indeed – the Euro media slobbered all over Obama, and welcomed Biden to the G-7 summit with cries of happy joy, that now the adults were back in charge, and that nasty obstreperous orange man was gone. Well … enjoy what you wished for.

  7. It would help to know what sort of hanky-panky got Joe the Dem nomination, and caused everyone else to drop out in his favor. What did Klobuchar and Warren get in return? Who greased the skids for Biden, and why? My suspicion about Harris is that she dropped out when she did because her VP slot was pre-determined, so there was no need for her to campaign. At this point it is impossible to be sufficiently cynical.

  8. Richard Aubrey:

    On the contrary, I know a great many extremely rational and logical people who voted for Biden. They started from different premises than you and I did, and those premises were derived either from limited reading and information (only the MSM, for example) and living in an echo chamber of people with similar views.

    Plus, I recently read something where Alan Dershowtiz ssid he voted for Biden (don’t have time to find it at the moment). Dershowitz is one of the most rational people I know. Not only that, he’s courageous – he defended Trump against impeachment, and drew great wrath from Democrats, the press, and the left for that. But there is a blind spot there in terms of political affiliation. In the article, he is quoted as having said, “I’m a liberal Democrat, and I voted for Biden.” Part of this is political identity that is deeply ingrained and difficult to cast off – take it from me, a person who did so. It was compared by Zell Miller to “a birthmark” – I wrote a post in 2005 on the subject.

  9. Yes, its entirely possible for liberals to finally realize that Biden simply can’t handle the job, while still believing that the ‘values’ that the democrat party stands for (gag) are worthy of continued support.

    In fact, since concluding otherwise would require a very long look in the mirror… it’s a certainty that the great majority of liberals will refuse to take a look at their core beliefs.

    “In just three years, the share of Democrats and Democratic leaners who support government censorship of information has risen a remarkable 25 points, from just 40 percent in 2018 to 65 percent today, Pew revealed this week.”

  10. Kate:

    It is actually far more twisted and complex than that. Yes, gay people are hated and will be persecuted. And yet a certain type of male homosexual activity is practiced widely in parts of Afghanistan – not necessarily by gay people. When I saw your comment, I recalled reading about this long ago, but I thought perhaps my memory was faulty. But doing a search just now, I found this information, which is pretty much what I remember reading many years ago.

  11. It’s kind of pointless debate to me whether loyal D Biden voters support him now or not because even if they say he has to go they would then whole heartedly support Harris and probably be more vehement because black/female/non dementia etc.

  12. because black/female/non dementia etc.

    She grew up in Toronto with her East Indian mother. Her father’s a West Indian mulatto. Both parents academics. Unlike Obama, she didn’t marry into the domestic black population. She did enroll at an HBCU, something Obama didn’t bother with (as he was a notably better student in late adolescence). She also put in time as Willie Brown’s sidepiece. Unlike Obama, her right to be called a natural-born citizen is properly questioned, as both parents were on student visas when she was born. I assume she’ll be at least notionally in charge ‘ere long. Then we’ll have had two ‘black’ presidents whose background bears scant resemblance to that of actual American blacks (And, to boot, both of whom have spent significant slices of time living abroad, and both of whom were sired by a foreigner).

  13. Yes, Neo. Pederasty has long been practiced in Afghanistan, but they don’t consider it “gay,” because it’s only with young boys. On the other hand, same-sex activity between adults is subject to severe penalties, as it is in Iran. I don’t know about Pakistan, but it wouldn’t surprise me.

    I have little respect for that Kabul Embassy tweet, but I’m pretty sure it wasn’t pro-pederasty.

  14. They evidently didn’t know what country they were in.

    They know. They don’t care. They don’t respect the viewpoints of those who are notionally their countrymen (but culturally dissimilar to them). BTW, consider the possibility that the Foreign Service is shot through with homosexuals, who have a tendency to turn organizations into conduits for their hobbies when they reach a critical mass.

  15. but I’m pretty sure it wasn’t pro-pederasty.

    The distinction between a congenial attitude toward male homosexuality and a congenial attitude toward pederasty is pro forma.

  16. In just three years, the share of Democrats and Democratic leaners who support government censorship of information has risen a remarkable 25 points, from just 40 percent in 2018 to 65 percent today, Pew revealed this week.”

    They don’t think they’ll be the ones censored.

  17. Do they actually not understand that support for the pullout is not the same thing as support for their stunningly incompetent and destructive version of the pullout?

    They understand. They hope you (the public) do not.

  18. Neo, I’d like to share a comment I made over at Power line (with an edit or two). Remember, it’s just (for now) a tongue-in-cheek-prediction. Maybe it should go in another comment section, but here goes

    “I’m going to make an only slightly tongue-in-cheek prediction. Unless the DNC and their state media can get this conflagration contained, following powerful away-from-the-public-eye pressure from DNC/media/Big Tech power brokers, Harris announces that, after wrestling with her conscience, she is resigning “with my dignity intact,” but without any recriminations or finger-pointing (I suspect she’ll then run for governor of CA in their next general election, and an agreement to back her will be a huge part of the deal to get her to resign). Biden will wish her godspeed, and the same DNC/media/Big Tech power brokers will inform Biden who to choose as her replacement. It will be someone they choose, and then, after a sufficiently suspect period of time, Biden will also step down for health reasons, or we will then see the 25th Amendment evoked.

    The Dems retain power and the media agrees to “move on” from Afghanistan.

  19. Telemachus: Not so improbable. I am sure this plan of action is being discussed in the DNC. Who, in your opinion, would be the VP pick?

  20. @ Telemachus – not an impossible scenario, under the circumstances.
    Many people are speculating that Obama is the power behind Biden, and is angling to become his replacement, or at least determine that he will control whoever is chosen.

    I was mostly in agreement with that, until I read this post by Taibbi and saw something that now cause me to doubt that Obama is either running the WH or trying to get back in it.

    The post is a no-holds-barred evisceration of Barack the Betrayer, and it is eye-opening to RTWT – but I want to focus on what Taibbi considers just a small, petty example of the character of the former president (thank Roosevelt for prompting term limits).

    A former president flying half the world’s celebrities to spend three days in a maskless ring-kissing romp at a $12 million Martha’s Vineyard mansion, at a moment when only a federal eviction ban prevented the outbreak of a national homelessness crisis, was already an all-time “**** the Optics” news event, and that was before the curveball. Because of what even the New York Times called “growing concerns” over how gross the mega-party looked, not least for the Joe Biden administration burdened with asking the nation for sober sacrifice while his ex-boss raised the roof with movie stars, advisers prevailed upon the 44th president to reconsider the bacchanal. But characteristically, hilariously, Obama didn’t cancel his party, he merely uninvited those he considered less important, who happened to be almost entirely his most trusted former aides.

    Cast out, the Times said, were “the majority of former Obama administration officials… who generally credit themselves with helping create the Obama legacy,” including former top aide David Axelrod, who’d just called Obama an “apostle of hope” in the Washington Post and sat for a three-hour HBO documentary deep-throat of his ex-boss. Remaining on the list were celeb [list]

    There’s a glorious moment in the life of a certain kind of politician, when either because their careers are over, or because they’re so untouchable politically that it doesn’t matter anymore, they finally get to remove the mask, no pun intended. …

    He extended middle fingers in all directions: to his Vineyard neighbors, the rest of America, Biden, the hanger-on ex-staffers who’d stacked years of hundred-hour work weeks to build his ballyhooed career, the not quite A-listers bounced at the last minute for being not famous enough (sorry, Larry David and Conan O’Brien!), and so on. It’d be hard not to laugh imagining Axelrod reading that even “Real Housewife of Atlanta” Kim Fields got on the party list over him, except that Obama giving the shove-off to his most devoted (if also scummy and greedy) aides is also such a perfect metaphor for the way he slammed the door in the faces of the millions of ordinary voters who once so desperately believed in him.

    Remember the massive machine Obama created (or had created for him) to run both his campaigns, which morphed into an after-tenure political force?
    All those people just got tossed by their hero.

    Maybe he really is “so untouchable politically that it doesn’t matter anymore” and maybe someone else is going to make up for those aides and minions to get him back into the WH, but Obama obviously thinks he doesn’t need them anymore.

    Who would work for him again, now, the way they did before (although some, no doubt, would, because that’s what cult followers do)?
    The celebrities boozing it up while he danced are not going to be putting in any hundred-hour-weeks on phone lines or door-to-door canvassing, printing and hanging posters, trolling Facebook accounts, or any of the drudge work that pulls a campaign along and keeps an elected official raking in campaign funds later.

    Why would Obama want to go back into the pressure-cooker of DC politics when he’s “made enough money” and can keep making more just on the strength of who he is, without ever again having to actually do anything.

  21. Because, of course he did.

    “A Virginia-based defense contractor has been sentenced to nearly five years in prison for selling more than $7 million in goods to the U.S. military that were labeled as having been made in the USA but were actually manufactured in China, the Department of Justice said.

    Beyung S. Kim, 62, of Newport News, Va., the owner of Iris Kim Inc., admitted that he had imported items from China for years but then cut off their Made in China tags and replaced them with labels that said Made in the USA before selling the items to various branches of the military.”

    Somehow this is emblematic of the entire Afghanistan debacle.

  22. Brian Lovely: I was thinking the same. Another truly historic disaster waiting in the wings.

  23. AesopFan said:
    “…cut off their Made in China tags and replaced them with labels that said Made in the USA.”

    This can apply to the entirety of the Biden administration and the Democratic Party too.

  24. Plus, I recently read something where Alan Dershowtiz ssid he voted for Biden (don’t have time to find it at the moment).


    I caught a recent mention of that in the great Larry David vs. Alan Dershowitz face-off in a Martha’s Vineyard convenience store:

    Dershowitz has often cited the Constitution as his reason for defending Trump, notably during his regular appearances on Fox News. He’s also tried to appear nonpartisan by telling people he’s not a Trump supporter and voted for Hillary Clinton in 2016 and Joe Biden in 2020. Civil liberties and legal principles are “more important than politics,” Dershowitz told Tucker Carlson, to which Carlson declared, “Well, God bless you.”

    In his column for The Hill, Dershowitz said his arguments about the Constitution didn’t sway his Martha’s Vineyard friends from engaging in their own form of “McCarthyism.”

    “For them, it is enough that what I have said about the Constitution might help Trump,” Dershowitz wrote. “So they are shunning me and trying to ban me from their social life on Martha’s Vineyard. One of them, an academic at a distinguished university, has told people that he would not attend any dinner or party to which I was invited.”


  25. Re AesopFan: (figuerative) “evisceration of Barack the Betrayer”, that was scathing, and he deserves it and more!

    Re huxley: Dershowitz’s Martha’s Vineyard friends “are shunning me and trying to ban me from their social life…” Why would this legal icon vote for Biden? Will he continue to vote Democrat? Has age clouded his judgement?

  26. I’d say the FBI’s conclusion that 1/6 wasn’t “planned” is due to the fact that if you pull that string, you’ll find it WAS planned – by the FBI, etc.

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