Home » Queen Pelosi orders the Palace Guard to arrest visitors to the House side of the Capitol who don’t wear masks and refuse to leave


Queen Pelosi orders the Palace Guard to arrest visitors to the House side of the Capitol who don’t wear masks and refuse to leave — 22 Comments

  1. I seems to me that citizens can enter any building for any legitiment purposes.

    We also have the right to address our grievences.

    The irony, we know who brought this covid into the House. Those democrat idiots.

  2. Pray Darth Nancy doesn’t reconsider what next is unlawful. When do the Capitol Police get their new white uniforms? Although they already are better shots; one shot fired, one killed.

  3. This is another problem with leaving decrepit old fossils in charge of things. The backlash to all this when the GOP retakes the House is going to be brutal, but what does Pelosi care? She’s 81 and while some old folks start to think about what they leave behind, Pelosi is obviously at the other end of the spectrum and won’t let herself think beyond today.


  4. If there are any Republican representatives who haven’t publicly denounced this, and told all of their staff members that they will back them to the hilt on this, they have no business calling themselves Republicans.
    What a travesty.

  5. Question: since she’s not on the Capitol Police Board, how can she give them orders?

  6. Seems to me that any backlash cannot wait. A simple “No” in proper revolt, right now without delay may prove a trigger pull to better ends. No. No to tyranny. No to uselessness. No to arbitrary rule. No, furthermore, to all and every monstrous policy these leftist goons propose. Make unmasking a beginning.

  7. Art Deco:

    Especially after claiming earlier this week that she was not in charge of the Capitol Police. Oh, that was regarding Jan 6. It’s different now.

  8. I imagine that if they say “NO”, she’ll cry “INSURRECTION” (and “let slip the dogs of war….”?—oh wait, they’ve already been unleashed….)

  9. QNP: Sit in the back of the bus with the rest of your kind.

    Everyone so instructed: No.

  10. If she’s not in the formal chain of command, it creates a dilemma for front line officers and their supervisors if they’re facing widespread non-compliance. Congress and its employees have (1) had COVID or (2) been vaccinated or (3) are in age groups which aren’t subject to lethal consequences. Our best guess from all the studies done is that the protective value of masks is too small to measure consistently. This is public health theatre, and its a reasonable wager that a critical mass of Capitol Police officers knows it’s hooey. So, you have someone who doesn’t have any formal authority outside the House chamber (where she can instruct the Sergeant-at-Arms) telling Capitol Police officers to do things they know are stupid and abusive and implicitly threatening the Sergeant-at-Arms with dismissal if he and the other members of the Capitol Police board don’t enforce the measure. Is upChuck Schumer (who organizes the biennial ballot which installs the other Sergeant-at-Arms) going to go along with this?

  11. This is another problem with leaving decrepit old fossils in charge of things.

    I’m generally in favor of high public office being restricted to people in late middle age and early old age, but lately we’ve had a gerontocracy of people who were mediocrities in their prime.

    Since 1900, the most elongated tenure in one of the five top positions in the two chambers has been that of John McCormack (30+ years), followed by Sam Rayburn (24+ years), and Joseph Martin (20 years). The next four slots are occupied by Pelosi (18+ years), Carl Albert (15 years), Bitc* McConnell (14+ years), Steny Hoyer (14+ years), Tip O’Neill (14 years) and Robert Michel (14 years). The person of the most advanced age ever to occupy one of these position is Hoyer, followed by Pelosi, Sam Rayburn, and McConnell. McConnell lives to the end of the year, he passes Rayburn, who died just shy of his 80th birthday.

  12. By winter it will be “trespassing” to leave your home without a mask, to be on a public highway, in a public park, unmasked, to enter any building unmasked. Trespass looks to be the key law to control everyone, everywhere. Congress, the DOJ, DOC, are just the beta test. IMHO.

  13. “By winter it will be “trespassing” to leave your home without a mask, to be on a public highway, in a public park, unmasked, to enter any building unmasked”

    It behooves us Californians to expend some effort to vote YES in the Recall Newsom election in a few weeks.
    That would send a monstrously large message to the PTB

  14. The Democrats have their roots in slavery. Recall how the pro-slavery South went Democratic after the Civil War, and stayed that way. The post-war KKK was assuredly 100% non-Republican.
    And the 20th century began with Woodrow Wilson’s (D-POTUS) hatred of the Constitution and his many efforts to promote racism, in part by re-segregating the Armed Forces. The great eugenicist! Who also gave us the Amendment authorizing an income tax (which was sold as applying only to the Rockefeller level), enabling our leviathan federal government. The Federal Reserve was born about the same time, conceived in a weekend meeting at Jekyll Island, GA by a group of big bankers whose banks still own the stock of the Federal Reserve!

    A short time later we got FDR, the Democratic elitist four-termer socialist who listened to Stalin more than to Churchill, was a committed socialist and tyrant, the original Court-packer.

    After him, Truman. Then Eisenhower, who was GOP in name only. Remember how he prevented England and France from re-taking the Suez, gifting it to Egypt’s Nasser?

    Since we have had Clinton (corrupt), Obama (socialist, likely corrupt) and now Biden (senile, corrupt and socialist).

    The Democrats have always been immoral.
    The country is dying.

  15. @ JimNorCal “It behooves us Californians to expend some effort to vote YES in the Recall Newsom election in a few weeks.
    That would send a monstrously large message to the PTB”

    You appear to be making a baseless assumption, without evidence, that the votes will not be “fortified” in Newsom’s favor.

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