Home » Open thread 7/19/21


Open thread 7/19/21 — 43 Comments

  1. I’ve seen that before! My husband has never considered the sport, considering I’m the height of an average male. Good if the wife is tiny.

  2. How very un-PC of the whiteness-plagued Finns to promote a sport based on the gender binary. Unless Ozzy Man is hiding something, there are no couples of color (COCs) in the video; no transmen carrying transwomen (or the other way around); and no lesbian couples. Diversity, inclusion, and equity, people!

  3. om–

    Wouldn’t you love to see Slow Joe and “Doctor” Jill try out for this championship?

  4. Slow Joe and “Doctor” Jill

    She would have to carry him. She does for everything else!

  5. Weaklings and pikers!

    I’m still carrying one of my wives decades later.


    “14. Muddy Road

    Tanzan and Ekido were once traveling together down a muddy road. A heavy rain was still falling.

    Coming around a bend, they met a lovely girl in a silk kimono and sash, unble to cross the intersection.

    “Come on, girl,” said Tanzan at once. Lifting her in his arms, he carriedher over the mud.

    Ekido did not speak again until that night when they reached a lodging temple. Then he could no longer restrain himself. “We monks don’t go near females,” he told Tanzan, “especially not young and lovely ones. It is dangerous. Why did you do that?”

    “I left the girl there,” said Tanzan. “Are you still carrying her?”

  6. The Cloth Headed Dummy would start looking for Corn Pop, then threaten to beat up all the spectators, and then challenge Jill to a push up contest. The media would then declare that the Cloth Headed Dummy won the event.

    Unexpectedly, Kamala was found unresponsive in the shallow end of the pool.

  7. Since this is an open thread, I will ask: are you all sick of hearing about Britney Spears.

  8. Gerard: zing. It reminds me of a couple of episodes from the lives of the Desert Fathers.

    I haven’t watched the video above, but from the teaser frame, it looks like all the teams are using the same basic posture. I wonder if it’s a requirement of the rules or if they’ve found it to be the most efficient by experience.

  9. expat– At least I am. Since she is of adult age (at least I think so, showing how much I pay attention) let her live her life. Sure she has a lot of loot, so let her spend her money as she sees fit.. If it results in her buying lots of candy bars, Red Bull drink and tattoos, so be it. Its a hazard of a free society.

  10. I’m still carrying one of my wives decades later.

    Gerard vanderleun:

    So stop carrying her — like the Zen parable you quote!

    Actually that’s become my least favorite Zen story. I don’t know how many times I’ve heard from someone who IMO seems to be conveying their superiority about not being bound by petty rules of society or reciprocity.

    Of course, if such a person were getting the short end of some stick, it’s likely he or she wouldn’t be much interested in the moral of that story.

    Rather like GVDL above.

  11. While on a day trip yesterday, I stopped in a McD’s and noticed that the Egg McMuffin now seems about 15% smaller and the ham is thinner. It tasted a bit off too.

    Inflation, ho!

  12. This is like Ballet and Pairs figure skating, the woman has the hard part and the man is there more for muscle.

  13. They’re not bad, Om. I’m sure you could benefit from some extra collagen, so hoe in.

    Steamed, not Fried.. don’t want attract any passing Orcs.

    Not my idea of an everyday staple, I have to admit. But once every little while. If I don’t do it often enough I find that my bone-spitting technique deteriorates.

  14. Egg McMuffins are People!


    As long as the meat’s fresh.

    Short pig, long pig…whatever.

  15. Boss…I love your work!
    BeeGees one day…can’t say I ever read or listen to that.
    OzzyMan the next…who makes me pissmeself laffin’

    And then dancing & cute animals & then dancing with cute animals to the BeeGees…or something.

    Championship stuff!

  16. Well that was the world’s quickest bit of censorship. China eat your heart out.

  17. I think it’s fair to say that WordPress Comments Engine is very selective regarding who cannot be named or defamed. Pretty sure I can get away with saying that White People are dysgenic cancers and a pox upon humanity and deserve to be exterminated ASAP.

  18. Ben Shapiro demonstrates his NeoCon Credentials by sticking it to Ben & Jerry’s.


    Notice that he doesn’t care what progressive crap B&J get up to in the USA.. and uses this to demonstrate that he’s not ‘petty’… i.e. if they make good kosher ice-cream he’s going to eat the stuff by golly gosh.

    The moment they say something pro-Palestinian, he’s outta there. #$^^ Ben & Jerry and the transgendered horse they rode in on.

    And that, folks, is Ben Shapiro.

  19. Can Do! come on, cite your main squeeze Z-man. Trying your hand at flyover prole speak? It doesn’t work for you chappie.

    Have some more chicken feet with a side of chicken lips.

    Have Jeeves put out a new pair of nappies for you and keep that social credit score spiffy.

  20. Fear not, O Om. Got some Zee Stuff queued up for tomorrow. Heading out to IFC to guzzle Tonkatsu for lunch and to check-in with my Mossad Handlers.

    You can have an early night.

  21. Your CCP handlers, chappie. You Brits have quite a history of that sort of thing. Britt’s, Scotts, at this point what difference does it make with you? 🙂

    You also might consider polishing up on your flyover prole speak. The USA has quite a few regional dialects and accents; not all proles speak the same “lingo,” bozo.

  22. “Norway’s beach handball team REFUSES to wear bikini bottoms”
    (” … and faces a fine after competing in non-regulation shorts instead”)

    They’re wearing shorts.
    I thought … well, never mind.

  23. om, your obsession with crudely mocking each Zaphod comment is tiresome.

    As a separate topic, are you sure Z is a white Britt or a white Scott? Has that been confirmed in previous conversations?
    Would you hold back from anti-Asian hatred if Z was Chinese or mixed race?

  24. Dan Greenfield on your tax dollars at work:


    As usual he nails it. Nice touch, the ‘Religious Seminary’ thing. Dan knows his audience.

    “The Biden administration, which had ignored the murders of American citizens by Islamic terrorists, quickly jumped into action assigning the Shalabi case its highest priority.

    While an American woman arrested in a Muslim country for not wearing a hijab or for looking at a man can expect to be ignored by the local embassy, Biden’s State Department dispatched representatives from the embassy to attend the court hearings involving the Shalabi house.”

    What drives me insane about USGov is that it invariably does the wrong thing. On the one hand, it fetishises terrorists who murder random yeshiva students. On the other hand, it does geopolitically insane things in Syria and Libya at Israel’s behest. Little Green Man From Mars could only assume that USGov has its head where the sun don’t shine or is snorting lines. Or both at the same time. It beats me.

  25. “…dysgenic…”

    An interesting take to be sure, but at the very least, it seems to me that Brother Cole should have mentioned that Elvis—by far and away America’s greatest Revolutionary…well, according to some—was himself Jewish (I mean as long as the Brother felt obligated to mention that his biological father helped to bring about the Great Gyrating Genius’s demise and even served time for it).

    On the other hand, he does do a good job on the potentially profound perversities of the complex and problematic “Save-the-World” syndrome-ists even as he draws attention to the bizarre phenomenon that for all too many of them, the response to “Justice” (or “Social Justice”) is practically identical to a feline’s response to catnip.

    Regarding the poor, beleaguered Ben Shapiro, kindly give the fellow a break. One must choose one’s battles (as no doubt you well know); and while he was most likely clearly troubled when those notorious emperors of ice cream from the People’s Republic of Vermont came out with “Rainbow Pride” sorbet, he drew the line when he discovered—he has his sources—that they were on the brink of marketing some perverse concoction they were going to call “Elderberries of Zion” ripple (which he resolved he had to nip in the bud).

    Everyone has their limits. (I mean, what would YOU do?)

  26. @BarryMeislin:

    Cole appears to have gotten his strain injected the wrong way. Never a dull moment with his columns.

    Elvis! I had no idea. Luckily I don’t have some kind of manic-obsessive wall-sized cork board with different coloured ribbons joining up mugshots and newspaper clippings. Mucho rearrangement would be in order.

    YouTube has decided that I need attitude adjustment and is feeding me a steady diet of Mitzvah Tantz-ing. It seems to know better than to put Ben Shapiro in my feed. Or maybe he’s not paying for non-US location targeting.

    Afraid I’ve got a heart of stone when it comes to Shapiro. Posing with a plank outside Home Depot just doesn’t do it for me. On the other hand, I find watching Chasid Wedding festivities quite entertaining and relaxing. Easy to figure out who’s important: they’re not monochromatic. Their songs do get a bit repetitive and they seem reluctant to sing old favourites like “In München steht ein Hofbräuhaus” or even “Muss i denn” but on the whole, not bad. But Shapiro? Shapiro to the strappado!

    Ben & Jerry’s Cherry Garcia was responsible for the most rapid weight gain I ever experienced, so would be inclined to encourage them to open more stores in West Bank / Gaza. Inflate them a bit and make them slower and larger targets.

  27. @BarryMeislin:

    Gaddafi must have been the biggest supporter of Palestinian terrorism after the Iranians and was very vocal about it. I’ve never quite been able to convince myself that he was taken out only because he refused to sell his oil to the right Anglo-French middlemen.

    And post-Gaddafi, every man and his dog has been using Libya as recruiting/training ground and arms clearinghouse for the Syria shenanigans.

    I’m fine with the idea that the Forever War benefits just about everyone (except taxpayers and natives — neither of whom matter) and that there isn’t a sinister cartoon puppeteer.. but don’t think there is any sound geopolitical reason for US Military meddling in Med in 2021 and do think that Israeli-National-Security-tail wagging the USA-dog is at the very least a convenient excuse for all those snouts being in a very lucrative trough.

    Speaking of Med and Geopolitics. Everyone’s favourite Russian will have to put a JDAM through Erdogan’s bathroom window soon if they don’t want him digging the Istanbul Canal and making the Montreux Convention disappear in puff of smoke and a flurry of djinns.

  28. JimNorCal:

    Regarding Zaphod: he ha s stated that he is of mostly Scots/Irish descent with some Baltic ancestry, raised in Duram SA. He claims to work in analytic side of banking/finance/investing out of Hong Kong.

    Regarding anti-Asian hatred; the CCP rules China, it is not China, Korea, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, India, Burma (Myanmar), Vietnam, Japan, ..
    . how many countries, and cultures it is not. He apologizes for the CCP, is an appeaser for them IMO.

  29. So OBAMA helped Sarkozy to attack and depose Gaddafi because…Israel?

    I’ll admit it’s, um, creative!

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