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The Arizona 2020 voting audit continues — 28 Comments

  1. Agree the Democrats Propaganda Ministry will poo-poo these election audits. But as Georgia is finding massive fraud and Pennsylvania ever gets started we might be stuck with Sundowner and soon enough Kamala anyway .
    But hopefully the majority of the country will wake up they have been had and 2024 cannot happen like 2020.

  2. Skip (5:00 pm) wishes that “hopefully the majority of the country will wake up they have been had and 2024 cannot happen like 2020.”

    It’s an echo of presidential candidate Adlai Stevenson’s lament. “In one oft-quoted story, a supporter shouted, ‘Governor Stevenson, you have the vote of all the thinking people,’ to which he replied, ‘That’s not enough, madam. I need a majority.'”


    The difficulty is, even if Skip’s majority does wake up, the mass realization will be ruthlessly suppressed (especially after the 2016-2020-and-beyond experience). It’s akin to even a majority of black people* being okay with voter id required, and yet . . .

    * as I’ve seen reported many times, but I’m too lazy to look up a credible source. Above, however, is a source for the Stevenson story. Credible, even.

  3. Gerard Vanderleun:

    Lots of people care, even if you don’t. The idea is that perhaps – accent on the perhaps – it will help make it possible to pass some laws to tighten things up for the next election.

  4. M J R (5:16 pm) wrote that “even a majority of black people* [are] okay with voter id required, and yet . . .”

    . . . and M J R added, “I’m too lazy to look up a credible source.”

    That was flippant, and it’s a serious topic. Here’s a source:


    “Majorities of whites (74%), blacks (69%) and other minorities (82%) say voters should be required to show photo identification before being allowed to vote.”

    Explanatory note — I found quite a few citations in my search from the likes of Fox News, Breitbart, Ben Shapiro, and so on, but I *greatly* prefer to come up with source(s) that wouldn’t be pre-emptively pooh-poohed in advance, by the you-know-whos out there (even if they’re not going to read neo’s blog). I think Rasmussen would be okay with anyone except those who filter not according to reputation but according to whether it says what the “anyone” wants it to say.

  5. @MJR:

    Voter ID is so axiomatic to the proper fig-leaf functioning of a Democracy (for alas, that clown car distraction from the real business of Power is what you now have) that opinions of the Mob about whether or not it is desirable ought not be entertained. A half decent Oligarchy would implement it with great fanfare and then quietly subvert it at will.

    OTOH, it makes a useful parked car for Conservatives to chase after… rather than Marching on Rome or lynching the local School Board.

  6. It is not the results that are important at this time, but the process that require these audits.

    One thing that I am concerned about is that some of these ways of cheating will just encourage more cheating – they got away with it, so maybe we can too. For example, lack of folds in mail-in-ballots will result in the cheaters doing the extra step of folding, so it looks more realistic.

    I sense a game of whack-a-mole happening ….

  7. “The revelations were so obviously potentially damaging and yet the rush to coverup by nearly the entire media was so complete and so mendacious and shameless that, despite my already-existing substantial cynicism, I realized I wasn’t yet quite cynical enough.”

    It got out anyway and Biden voters didn’t care. Those who tell you they didn’t know are lying. When the Audits get out, they will say they didn’t know but will be lying. They don’t care. Those who still claim Trump colluded with Russia knew from the get go he didn’t , but their inner fascism made them happy that a sociopath with the integrity of Heinrich Mueller was able to damage scores of peoples lives and hamstring the Trump admin.
    They know and they enjoy it

  8. I thought I reached peak cynicism with the realization last summer that there would be no meaningful consequences for the intelligence agencies targeting Trump but I was quite wrong. Turns out there are quite a few more levels to be reached. I do think it’s important to not let the cynicism dominate your entire worldview, even though that keeps getting harder to do.

  9. Using any electronic voting machines opens up the potential for mass fraud. They should be outlawed.

    Vote-counting machines should produce digitized images of every ballot and after counting all of the ballots the full scan of every ballot should be made public to allow third parties to validate the authenticity of the count.

    None of this is rocket science. Videogames played by your 9 year old have more security on them than your vote does. And the lack of security is deliberate, and criminal.

  10. When the Audits get out, they will say they didn’t know but will be lying. — avi

    I’m thinking mostly of the Democrat power players, but increasingly I see the average voter knowingly joining in with their scams and cons. You see, it may be lying and cheating, but it is done for a higher moral purpose (in their eyes). And they won’t “crack out of turn” at least until people start going to jail.

    From the urban dictionary:
    cracked out of turn
    In “con speak” its what happens when someone accidentally speaks out of turn and ruins the con itself.
    I had totally gotten away with it until my little brother cracked out of turn.

    Most likely they will call Trump supporters and the GOP in general, fascists and propagandists; as they already have dozens of times. They are saying the AZ auditors are uncertified auditors, even though there is no such thing as a certified auditor. Illegitimate!

    From the Redstate article:

    JUST IN – Germany’s Interior Minister says it crucial that – unlike in the U.S. – the voting process for the upcoming federal election takes place without voting machines. This “old school” approach is “half the life insurance” for an election without manipulations, he added (Süddeutsche Zeitung).

    I think it is time for this, here. And/or dipping fingers in pots of indelible purple ink.

    My feeling is that Dominion corp. is smart enough not to actually engage in election fraud, but they have created complex machines with many dozens of manipulation options (along with excuses for their existence), as well as being hackable. So it is in effect an Erector Set kit for others to commit election fraud.

    Vote-counting machines should produce digitized images of every ballot and after counting all of the ballots the full scan of every ballot should be made public to allow third parties to validate the authenticity of the count. – Legitimacy

    I didn’t see this ’till after posting Yes!

  11. At this point even if biden comes out and admits he committed voter fraud to steal the election from trump they wouldn’t believe him. Guess what, he did.

  12. “My feeling is that Dominion corp. is smart enough not to actually engage in election fraud, but they have created complex machines with many dozens of manipulation options (along with excuses for their existence), as well as being hackable. So it is in effect an Erector Set kit for others to commit election fraud.”


    Nothing but nothing beats a properly-conducted paper system. The devil is in the details, as always, but it’s better the deviltry and details be ones that the average person can comprehend. It’s much worse with electronic voting. The credentialed elite morons think they can hand-wave and comprehend these things. After all, Details are for Little People and they’re Big Picture Guys. Reports suggest that Giuliani just zoned out when a tech guy tried to explain stuff. Too much polo shirt and chinos beer gut nerd detail for an Old Boomer to be bothering himself with.

    It has to be kept stupid and simple for a stupid and simple people. Or just abolish the whole farce and be done with it.

  13. Michelle Malkin has on her YouTube channel an interview with a man from Singapore(?) who demonstrated fraud in their national election by Dominion machines. Worth checking out, for those saying Dominion may not be directly implicated. There’s also a documentary done by MTV(?) with interviews by a number of security analysts called Kill Chain that exposes numerous vulnerabilities in basically every electronic voting system in use in America. I believe it was made in 2019, of course it comes from a Democrat perspective and is intended to cast doubt on those dastardly Republicans, but the information is worth looking at.

  14. What’s the betting on how long until our mush head friends switch from, “It didn’t happen.” to “What are you going to do about it, chump?”?

  15. Zaphod (6:58 pm) wrote to M J R,

    “Voter ID is so axiomatic to the proper fig-leaf functioning of a Democracy (for alas, that clown car distraction from the real business of Power is what you now have) that opinions of the Mob about whether or not it is desirable ought not be entertained. A half decent Oligarchy would implement it with great fanfare and then quietly subvert it at will.

    “OTOH, it makes a useful parked car for Conservatives to chase after . . . rather than Marching on Rome or lynching the local School Board.”

    — — —

    Zaphod’s point is well taken (and that, friends, is what I get for going off on an “akin to” tangent [M J R (5:16 pm)], when the subject was ensuring election integrity).

    — — —

    Here’s an interesting piece by one Abigail Shrier, titled, “Want to Save America? Don’t Act Like a Conservative,” adorned with the subtitle, “Chest-Thumpers and ‘Aw, Shucks’ Conservatives Personify the Right’s Love Affair with Losing.”

    I won’t dare suggest that it’s “akin to” Zaphod’s point [smile], but Zaphod’s point did remind me of some of the points made by Shrier. Some readers here may find it a worthwhile read.


  16. @avi:

    “. . . Biden voters didn’t care. Those who tell you they didn’t know are lying. . . . Those who still claim Trump colluded with Russia knew from the get go he didn’t, but their inner fascism made them happy that a sociopath with the integrity of Heinrich Mueller was able to damage scores of peoples lives and hamstring the Trump admin. They know and they enjoy it.”

    They don’t care, and they do enjoy it, but they don’t know. They don’t know because they don’t want to know.

  17. Wait a minute folks !!

    Aren’t we all waiting for the Durham report ??

    You know, the one that will blow the lid off the entire Trump-is-Putin’s-sex-slave scam and reveal the crimes and fraud committed by hate-Trumpers within the US political/bureaucrat/media establishment??

    And commenting somewhat tangentially off Avi’s 7:33 post, who actually believes that AOC and her ilk actually believe the BS they spout?
    Or does AOC, et. al., take on those policy stances because they know they will be showered with attention and influence and later on, with big salaries as “expert” commentators in the media?

  18. The “Biden” administration is doing a great job of f*ck*ng up the country.

    If the hoi polloi like what’s happening – let them eat feces.

  19. LeClerc: it is intentional. The US will not recover. We are in the end-game. Ours is a solitary Black King, while White has 4 pawns plus its King.

  20. History and the future, they are both so predictable, even scientific. Or so it’s been said, IIRC.

  21. OT, but there are well-informed people here…
    I have tried to find information about the PCR test for Coronaviris, specifically what is the standard number of replication cycles used to determine a positive result. Can anyone provide a link? I searched the CDC site, that tells you how to take the sample for example, but I found nothing like “Run X cycles, and if nothing shows, consider it a negative result.” I would hope there is a national standard, but I can’t find it!

  22. Ray Van Dune
    It’s been awhile, but I tried that search. I did find some name or abbreviation for a standardization or perhaps qualification for covid PCR testing, but I was unable to find the actual documentation for such a standard or qual.

    At a minimum it should state at the top of each test how many alleles (or whatever the correct term is) are tested and detected and how many picograms or nanograms of virus equivalent are detected for a positive test. I’ve never had one or seen a test document, so I wouldn’t know what a real one looks like.

  23. Even here in the People’s Republic of Ann Arbor you must show ID to vote on election day. If voting absentee only one ballot per voter is sent to your residence. All ballots are scanned and saved if an audit is needed. Paper ballots only!

    It ain’t rocket surgery.

    Ann Arbor may be run by bleeding heart liberals but they’re smart liberals.

  24. I was tempted to comment “Forget it, Jake; it’s Chinatown.”
    But I think the audits are very important. Because it is important that we have the right to say that we have doubts about the legitimacy of the election. Until those doubts are addressed, our political system is broken.
    Without the audits, the response is “shut up, no evidence.”
    Which mean our political system is broken and there’s nothing to be done about it. Vs. our political system is broken, let’s fix it.
    I think the first is cause for despair. The second is a lever for change.

  25. “…shut up, no evidence…”
    Of course there isn’t any—simply because of how the Democrats have defined “evidence”. Nor should one forget that for America’s “betters”, those “finding” evidence are simply manufacturing it.

    Even better (or worse—depending on one’s POV), those looking for “evidence” are the ENEMIES of the STATE, as America’s top soldier (hmmm, wonder what’s going on THERE) has so graciously informed us, and should—and will—be treated accordingly.

    So, yes, there’s room for pessimism. Though it’s certainly true that the entire Democratic Party gambit my implode because of the sheer weight of its criminality and dishonesty…. Then again, it may not (it all depends on how one defines “criminality” and “implode. And “honesty”).
    – – – – – –
    But hold on, it looks like the cat (make that the Bozo) is out of the bag:
    Yep, Cuba is “a model” for the USA.
    Ha, ha! Get it!!
    (Channeling that renowned Obamian humor so effortlessly, so seamlessly…. Give her an Emmy. Or tenure…everywhere. Heck, why not BOTH?)

    (Of course, for those paying attention, the Bozo has ALWAYS been out of the bag…but some folks just don’t seem to want to pay attention. In any event, the media and Big Tech certainly don’t want them to….)

  26. Imagine not caring that a coup has successfully overthrown our government and installed an illegitimate one with catastrophically horrible policies (including throwing harmless patriots into a barbaric jail run by primitive savages, and opening our borders to vast hordes of illegals) in its place.
    The question for we who care is what are we willing to do and demand that our representatives do to remedy the situation? We have long praised and revered the Founding Fathers. Are we willing to follow their example? Do we have what it takes, or do we tremble at the thought like timid church mice?

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