Home » Here’s what New York’s AG and Manhattan’s DA seem to have come up with so far…


Here’s what New York’s AG and Manhattan’s DA seem to have come up with so far… — 18 Comments

  1. Fools, so filled with arrogance, hubris and ideologically based hate that they are utterly incapable of grasping that in their pursuit of destroying Trump by whatever means necessary, they pursue their own soul’s destruction.

  2. And their country’s.

    But, hey, the media echoes and amplifies “Biden” ‘s—laughable—claim that he is doing it all for America and Americans…. (They just forget to add the word “destruction” to the end of the sentence.)

  3. Essentially—with “Biden” having stolen the election and “his” administration working 24/7 so as to make sure that a) nobody finds out about it, b) if they do find out about it they can’t do anything about it, and c) if they try to protest it and/or do anything about it they are considered “enemies of the people’—it’s ALL POLITICS and ALL LIES ALL THE TIME…in order to promote widespread insanity, civil war and government-sanctioned criminality.

    To which the only rejoinder is the resilience of the American people:

  4. “Resilience” will only prove sufficient if the 2022 and 2024 elections retain enough honesty. If not, and if liberty is to be retained,
    other ‘qualities’ will become necessary.

  5. That’s because, like Rush Limbaugh, they think he somehow LEADS them instead of, like a cat, getting ahead of them and going in that same direction.

    These two, and many others, are not being LEADERS, as much as they are expressing the same things we already know and/or FEEL.


    We aren’t the Left’s Sheeple. We know what the fuck is wrong, we don’t have to be told about it to know it.


  6. Trump seems to have lived a remarkably honest life considering his dealings in the Manhattan commercial real estate. market. Not exactly bean bag.

    They couldn’t get away with this if the MSM was halfway honest and there weren’t so many political judges.

  7. “It is not enough to simply beat Trump. He must be destroyed thoroughly. His kind must not rise again.” David Plouffe.

    That is who we are dealing with. Trump upset the despoliation of the US middle class to serfdom. The Corporate Globalists and member of the newly rich (keyboard professionals) couldn’t abide the change in the political paradigm. Obama weaponized the Federal Government. Hillary was supposed to monetize it just like they do in Mexico and other 3rd world countries. They are pissed and they are showing their fangs.

    Conservative Treehouse has it best. His Saturday posts are spot on. This is the one with the above quote.


    Shades of Martin Niemoller

    First they came for the Communists
    And I did not speak out
    Because I was not a Communist
    Then they came for the Socialists
    And I did not speak out
    Because I was not a Socialist
    Then they came for the trade unionists
    And I did not speak out
    Because I was not a trade unionist
    Then they came for the Jews
    And I did not speak out
    Because I was not a Jew
    Then they came for me
    And there was no one left
    To speak out for me.

  8. Here’s Dershowitz on this farce:

    And here he is on the Giuliani monstrosity: “Giuliani Denied Due Process, Suspension Won’t Stand”

    Well, he’s the expert; but he seems to be forgetting that the Democrats are ruthless and that when it comes to getting what they want, they are able to shred the Constitution with the greatest of ease.

    And they want to tar and feather Trump. Badly.

  9. Barry Meislin said:

    “Democrats are ruthless and that when it comes to getting what they want, they are able to shred the Constitution with the greatest of ease.”

    They’ve simply changed a scene from Blade Runner to,

    “Stop right where you are! You know the score, pal. You’re not with us, you’re little people!”

  10. There was a saying in Chavista Venezuela: “For my friends, everything. For my enemies, the law.”

    Once he had succeeded in stacking the courts, the rest was history.

  11. Turley, who believes the effort outlined below may backfire, made a nice point about something Alexander Hamilton — the leading nationalist at the Constitutional Convention — said in the Federalist Papers:


    The George Washington law professor discussed the political ramifications of the lawsuit coupled with House and Senate democrats trying to pass major federal election reforms. “One of the issues that the court may ultimately amplify is that elections were left in the Constitution to the state. Alexander Hamilton actually wrote in the federalist papers imagine if the federal government was to take over the management of elections and he basically said we would all object. Well, that’s what’s happening now in Congress they are trying to essentially federalize elections and I think they are going to have a serious pushback on this lawsuit.”

    Giuliani, in both the state hearings and in his podcast, did an admirable job educating state legislators and the public on this provision.

  12. “…may backfire…”

    Well it certainly ought to—can’t envisage anything more antithetical to American values that this disgusting and unlawful (heh!) Stasi-esque persecution.

    But it may not.

    If it does backfire, they’ll just try again. And again. And again—out the door and back in through the window, as the expression goes—while insisting on the utter morality of their crusade and yelping about the crass criminality, vicious racism and perverse anti-Americanism(!) of those Deplorables….

    Yep, they have the ethics—and demonic persistence—of a malignant, out-of-control steamroller (that is, however, very much under control).

  13. Buncha nasty little fuckers aren’t they? And to what end?
    Make sure Donald from Queens or any other non-member of the “political class” ever thinks of running for national office again. Just more politcal hacks like Joey Plugs & Kackling Kami.

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