Home » Let’s just call him Flip-Flop Fauci


Let’s just call him Flip-Flop Fauci — 29 Comments

  1. “The data changed.”
    Uh, what? Data do not change – the interpretation does. It’s Fauci’s interpretation that is being questioned, as it should be. THAT is science, not the data.

  2. “Data do not change”

    Ummm, yes it can. Which is why the same experiment or observation should be repeated by different investigators and at different labs. Case in point: the faster than light neutrinos in Italy a few years ago. Once the data is firmly established then the interpretations can be also looked at.

    In the case of False Fauci, the data did not change much….it was always ambiguous at best regarding masks, but he changed his view by the prevailing political winds. And for him to say, as Neo puts it, “Science, c’est moi according to Fauci.” points to him being far removed from being a scientist to being a narcissistic shill.

  3. The man is 16 years past the median retirement age in this country and he’s been in charge of that unit of NIH since 1984. It’s doubtful he’s been a working researcher in that time (as opposed to slapping his by-line on work done by junior confederates). The duration of his tenure is quite peculiar, which suggests his real talent is for bureaucratic maneuver and flattery.

  4. Science is a claim of Progressives, used to enhance their march to perfectability of mankind.
    There is a huge wave of irreproducible results published as “science” in peer-reviewed journals, with insufficient description of materials and methods to allow independent verification of reported results. Independent verification is the key to true science. Science must be verifiable! So this often fraudulent “science” rides on, unabated by reality checks.

    Fauci, a patent non-scientist, a happy fraud earning >$400K/year dispensing grant monies and lying about the uses of those funds (see “gain of function” research funded by his NIAID) at age 79, uses SCIENCE as a cloak, but it does not fit him, never has.

    BTW, “gain of function” is a term that disguises its usually true meaning, which is to make a virus more potent, more deadly, more transmissible. Why was such research funded by his OK with our tax dollars in China?

    I think he is a traitor.

  5. Ditto to physicsguy’s comment.

    When Fauci says,
    It was a change because the evidence changed. The data changed.
    That’s almost a direct ripoff of a John Maynard Keynes’ quote; maybe.

    While Keynes may or may not have stated something similar, he certainly didn’t claim to be economics itself.

    After having watched Fauci do several interviews within a single day or two, on a few different occasions, I noticed that he routinely tailors his comments to his audience. I think he is something of a Zelig character. Or he uses that style to his advantage.

  6. The Left wants to have it both ways. They want to be able to say, “The Science is settled,” but they also want to be able to say, when necessary, “The data changed.”

    Like Neo says, that’s tedious (and ballsy) but infuriating. But it does work on a lot of people.

  7. Physicsguy said: ‘“Data do not change”

    Ummm, yes it can.’
    Okay; you’ve caused me to consider. But finally, the data are verified or not verified. They are not changed.
    Regardless, the interpretation is ALWAYS up for grabs. It’s often premature.

  8. “When polls said only about half of all Americans would take a vaccine, I was saying herd immunity would take 70 to 75 percent … Then, when newer surveys said 60 percent or more would take it, I thought, ‘I can nudge this up a bit,’ so I went to 80, 85,” he said. “…We really don’t know what the real number is. I think the real range is somewhere between 70 to 90 percent. But, I’m not going to say 90 percent.” — Fauci

    [There’s another quote I can’t seem to find where Fauci is arguing with Sen. Rand Paul. In that exchange, Fauci admits that there wasn’t any science behind his position, but he asks the public to just accept his judgement.]

    “Even the pandemic flu of 1918 only killed one to two percent of the people who were infected.” — Fauci
    “It is estimated that about 500 million people or one-third of the world’s population became infected with this virus. The number of deaths was estimated to be at least 50 million worldwide with about 675,000 occurring in the United States.” — CDC

    – – – – – – – – – – – –

    This is not science, and it’s not good public health, either.

    Leftists are trying to build a society governed by “experts”, and at the core of this technocracy is a high priesthood of so-called “scientists”. I hope the American people will learn from this. We can’t have a society like Plato’s Republic, where we are ruled by “Philosopher Kings” like Fauci.

    “A Rasmussen poll released on Wednesday found about 65 percent of the 1,000 people polled thought political considerations influenced Fauci’s decisions and the statements he made about the COVID-19 outbreak. Despite protestations that he’s an apolitical figure who allows science to guide him, Fauci has come under criticism throughout the pandemic for shifting his response to the health crisis and comments about the coronavirus’ origin.” — Newsweek

  9. Joe,
    Often more data becomes available. Sometimes, the new data takes a theory into new realms where things change. Sometimes, the old data or experiments are flawed, which is why repeatable results are important.

    There are a couple pernicious and I’d say corrupt examples of where this sort of thinking can go wrong. One is the weather temperature record that is used as one of many indicators that global warming is taking place. The U.S. temp. data from 1970 has been changed or buggered at least 5 times. For some strange reason the year 1970 keeps getting cooler and cooler, making the recent years look relatively warmer.

    The temperature is the temperature isn’t it? No, there are various problems with the temp. records and these problems must be corrected through mathematical adjustments. And the adjustments evolve. Convenient, no?

    Another problem is the “political” scientific conclusion. I first read about this with the publication of the IPCC climate change studies. The bulk of the document including the data, its analysis, and the scientific understanding may all be solid and consistent, but almost nobody reads that stuff. Certainly, most journalists don’t understand it. So they jump to the conclusion. In the early days of the IPCC the scientists slaved over the body of the document and may have written a conclusion but in the end, their political overlords re-wrote the conclusion. And it didn’t really comport with the rest of the document.

  10. I agree with TommyJay’s comments wholeheartedly. Fauci is a chameleon, a Zelig, a very wily bureaucrat who has an incredible talent for tailoring his assurances and soothsaying to the needs of his audience.

    I actually really liked him in the very early days of the pandemic (late February and early March of last year…prior to the lockdowns). He seemed to be very level headed, no-nonsense and non-partisan, in the face of growing hysteria from the MSM and most liberals/leftists. Knowing nothing about his background at the time, I concluded: ‘okay, here’s a tempered, reasonable voice who doesn’t seem to have much of a political agenda or bias.’

    Fool me once….

  11. Found the following on a blog titled Poor Roger’s Almanac: “The Mouth of the Beast”:

    “Words that start with the letters fa: false, fascist, fallacy, farce, faux, fake, faulty, fabricated, factitious, facile, faithless, fart, fantasy, etc.

    And Fauci. Fauci is an Italian word which is commonly interpreted in English as ‘jaws, mouth, or maw’. It is often used in the sense of a carnivore or a predator capturing, tearing, or destroying its prey, i.e., the mouth of a lion. The term, ‘the jaws of death’ is from the Italian, ‘le fauci della morte’. . . . It’s interesting that one of the most famous men in the world today is Anthony Fauci, who is the spokesman for the medical/pharmaceutical/state collaboration on the Covid-19 episode. Fauci, the mouthpiece of the elite establishment. Fauci, the jaws of the group which is seeking to force all common people into wearing face masks, muting and muzzling their own voices. Fauci, the maw of the organization which is trying to destroy and devour all others.

    Fauci, who speaks for the beast.”


  12. For some reason I liked and sort of trusted Dr. Birx in the early and middle phases of last year. Now I’ve read that she had an overriding Never Trump agenda.

    It seems to me that people can be careful, studious, and skeptical and neatly dodge X number of liars and scam artists, only to be swindled by number X+1. Sigh.

  13. Fauci and Birx seemed reasonable at the start. I watched the daily briefings looking for clues as to how to survive the pandemic. When they began trying to block Trump’s desire to get things open, Trump brought in Scott Atlas (Stanford Public Health expert) who favored a policy much like the one in Florida. That is – protect the old and vulnerable, but open up the schools and businesses with proper precautions. Poor Dr. Atlas was outmaneuvered by Fauci and his supporters. Atlas resigned in disgust after getting death threats and being savaged by many of his peers in the medical community.

    When the history of this pandemic is f written, if it’s truthful, it won’t be kind to Fauci, Birx, and others whom could not see how much damage was done by the severe lockdowns and how ineffective they were in preventing the spread.

    Another item that I hope will indict them as fools was their failure to embrace monoclonal antibodies to treatCovid-19 positive elderly patients to keep them out of the hospital. They knew it worked. It saved Trump, Ben Carson, Chris Christy, and several others. It costs $1250 – 1500 for the treatment, but that’s cheap compared to the cost of 10 to 20 days in an ICU fighting for your life. Interestingly enough I saw an ad on TV last night for monoclonal antibodies. First one I’ve seen. It was aimed at elderly or health compromised people who have tested positive for Covid-19 and haven’t gotten seriously ill (Pneumonia) yet. It’s a bit late to be publicizing it, but there are still people who can benefit. We just had another outbreak in one of our nursing homes last week. (At this late stage, why aren’t they vaccinated? Why are the nursing homes still unable to secure their patients?) For some reason the infection is not going away very quickly here in Snohomish County. Five people died last week and we’re still well above the 2% positive test rate that is the county’s goal.

    Life seems so strange now. Most places don’t require masks for vaccinated people, yet it seems like most people in the stores are masked up. Yet we are supposedly 60% vaccinated. I had a crew stain my cedar fence the other day. They said they were all vaccinated and yet they wore masks while they painted. Strange.

  14. Fauci is not just a liar, not just a traitor. He’s also a mass murderer.

    His actions have directly contributed to the unnecessary deaths of millions. As his position allowed him to block implementation of Dr. Zelenko’s HCQ protocol and the deployment of the long established drug Ivermectin. Add to that his facilitation in funding the Wuhan Lab…

    Fauci is part of the most monstrous ‘medical’ cabal in history.

    Add his name to Satan’s pantheon of evil henchmen. Only Mengele ranks higher.

  15. The “doctors” who ran Unit 731 for Japan in WWII might be a tad more evil than Fabulous Fauchi the Fraud.


    The government agencies (United States Public Health Service and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) who ran the Tuskeegee Syphilis Study didn’t exactly leave a grand and glorious legacy either.

  16. Fauci is a BSer deluxe. They always knew that a surgeons mask could not stop a virus. My aunt was a surgery nurse, she told me if a member of the surgery team had a virus, then they could not be a part of the surgery.

  17. Those who “trusted” the words of Fauci and Birx at the outset were medically and epidemiologically naive. In less kind words, you were suckers. They offered opinions, never facts. Would you let them treat your cancer with such BS? Full informed consent, which is the standard, requires facts, not simply the statement of therapeutic options .
    One quarantines the ill, and leaves the healthy be, keeping them away from the sickies. Time-honored practice for centuries.
    But that did not occur. Not this time, Nooo. Did you hear about quarantine theory and practice from Fauci?
    Governors loved using their emergency authority authorized under the laws of their state. Especially the Democratic ones. Ruinous oppression.
    Tuskegee led to a few hundred or so deaths. Fauci is implicit
    in the deaths an untold number. Remember his institute’s funding of “gain of function” research in Wuhan. Sending US money to support Chicomm biowarfare development.

  18. Untold means something. The Wuflu as a weaponized Ebola, or weaponized Anthrax, or a new and improved strain of the 1918 Flu would be the biggest example of Can’t Do! my feeble brain could imagine.

    The Fabulous Fraud Fuachi isn’t Mengle’s understudy.

    The WuFlu has been quite deadly enough to serve the interests of the Democrats and the CCP nonetheless.

  19. The “Flip Flop Fauci” thesis is rejected by blogger Diplomad, who was troubled enough to read all of Buzzfeed’s Fauci emails.

    He says that at least he is a bureaucratic control freak. But at worst, a power mad Faucist: “I have pored over the emails; they show Fauci, at best, as a control-freak bureaucrat, very concerned about his reputation with the right people, and who seems to have a lot of time to write emails. I am afraid, however, that the emails also show him as highly politicized hack who ignores “science” when politically expedient and has no trouble lying to the public in the name of the “greater good.” He takes onto himself the attributes of a national political leader….”


  20. “First he said no masks, then he said masks.’ Well, let me give you a flash: That’s the way science works. You work with the data you have at the time.”

    Before masks were required, the virus was 1000x smaller than the openings in the mask. After masks were required, the virus was 1000x smaller than the openings in the mask. The change in the data is there for all to see.

    But, give Fauci a break as he spins, spins away – he was engaged in bio-weapons research with his Chinese pals and his creation may have walked out the lab into the world to create a pandemic that disproportionately impacted minority communities. If Fauci weren’t a useful idiot, we’d be hearing talk about “crimes against humanity” and “eugenics”. Fauci really needs to keep being “useful”.

  21. That weasel has long passed his ‘sell by date”. He should have retired a long time ago.

  22. It’s not just Fauci, Birx, and their cabal, 85-90% of scientists and MDs in this country are rabidly anti-Trump and his supporters. If given the chance (and many were), they would rather let patients die of covid that treat them any treatment Trump mentioned. I work with many of these doctors who have impeccable resumes who actively tried to disqualify their own cancer patients (through any contraindication loophole they could find) from drug trials if they knew they were Trump supporters as punishment to them and their families. Liberal doctors really do believe they are gods, with a responsibility not just to heal but to also cull those they deem wicked. That’s why I would recommend that unless you are 100% sure that your doctor is one of the few out there that aren’t die-hard liberals, do not hint at your political persuasion or even answer “dog-whistle” questions in the affirmative (“do you own a gun?”).

    You don’t think that the same doctors issuing death threats to colleagues who don’t believe a paper mask cant stop the transmission of a virus particle or who don’t think that a cheap drug used safely for decades is now poisonous won’t try to harm you (or at best not help you) if they knew of your politics?

  23. P.S., I know someone who bought a house on a 2y flood plain. He’s not worried, though, he put a chain link fence around the property to protect himself from any flooding issues.


    Yeah: masks are like that where virii are concerned…

  24. Commenter Gavin Longmuir at Diplomad’s post:

    The late Michael Crichton proposed there should be a public adversarial trial of any “science” proposed as a basis for public policy. The Devil’s Advocate doubters side should be funded equally with the Establishment’s view. President Eisenhower’s warning against the co-option of “science” by FedGov political funding was prescient — but nothing was done to prevent improbable beliefs being enshrined as today’s unassailable “Settled Science”.

    Of course Crichton’s sensible proposal will never happen now — too many sacred cows would have to be slaughtered. But after our misinformed Political Class has finished driving the economy into the ditch, it would be a useful mechanism for the survivors to adopt.

    Works for me.

    And Anonymous said, “I’m tempted to call this technocracy, but the Faucists’ idea of effective technology apppears to be at the Cargo Cult level.”

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