Home » Using the word “kapo” as an insult


Using the word “kapo” as an insult — 11 Comments

  1. “Many prisoner functionaries were recruited from the ranks of violent criminal gangs …”

    In this they copied the Soviets as documented by Solzhenitsyn in “The Gulag Archipelago.” After all the criminal gangs were no threat to the power of the Party and were of use when violent actions were needed to keep political enemies down. Here Antifa and BLM are being groomed for a similar role.

  2. Like Hobbes wrote in “Leviathan” a man’s life was short, hard and brutish. Stripped of all trappings of Judeo-Christian ethos that is man’s lot. Even today as demonstrated by Islamic-Fascists. They show man’s fallen state. From time immortal it is the same. For all cultures too without exception. White European Culture is not particularly more evil than Aztec, Cherokee, Ming, Mongol, Zulu or other non-European civilizations.

    That is why Fascists hate Jews so much. Jews point to God as an external immutable truth of moral authority. Then by correlation Christianity. If there is eternal judgement then there are checks on man’s depraved behavior.

    A survey recently came out that less than 50% of Americans now attend church. A sure road to perdition. Guess who are the most observant? African Americans.


    “The decline rates are similar but slightly steeper in Catholics than Protestants, but proportionately smaller among conservatives, Republicans, married adults, college graduates, Southerners and non-Hispanic black adults, all of whom maintain some of the highest rates of church membership.”

    The book “KL” is a good resource for the evolution and management of concentration/extermination camps. As a lot of readers may know I lived in Poland and my factory was 15 miles from Auschwitz/Birkenau. After walking its grounds, I have no delusions of the perfectibility of man.


  3. “Here Antifa and BLM are being groomed for a similar role.”

    Totally agree.

    What is the first thing Fascists want to do when they take power? Take away your guns.

    The second thing is to tie you to the land. That is why they love trains so much. They can tell you where you can go, when you can go and when you can go.

    In the Soviet Union you had internal passports that would allow you to travel to areas outside of your district. No wonder why Fascists demand COVID passports.

  4. The problem with resorting to extreme hyperbole in categorizing an individual you disagree with is that it simultaneously lessens the gravity of the original lable and goes too far as a decription. For example, resorting to calling someone a “Nazi” or “Hitler” lessens the impact of those terms, their historical seriousness and the true horror and evil that is righfully associated with them. And it’s almost always an unfair and/or unreasonable categorization (unless someone literally is a Neo Nazi I suppose).

    But there’s this human tendency that we’re all guilty of at some point. When we find some issue or some person who we strongly disagree with, we’ll often go way over the top in describing the person or the issue in order to get other people’s attention about something we’re passionate about it. I’m sure I’ve done it myself from time to time (although I avoid seriously comparing other people to Hilter due to Godwin’s law). Comparing a contemporary person to the worst person or people who have ever lived may get people’s attention at first, but if you keep doing it, it loses it’s impact and can be historically insulting to victims.

  5. On internal passports in the USSR.

    They were also needed for you to get a job, to have a place to live. Internal exile meant transporting a political dissident to a faraway place and without their passport they couldn’t leave and could only work/live ‘under the table.’ The only exception to the usual was those living on or born to those on a collective farm where their passports wouldn’t allow them to work or live anywhere except on their collective. The only way out was death or the military.

    BTW I’ve rethought Antifa/BLM. They are the criminals useful outside. There are already criminal gangs inside that will jump at the chance to have people they can assault with impunity, with official approval, inside a prison

  6. As a complement to my point two of tie you to the land here is an article from lefty Colorado where the city is using the power of the state to force companies to create essentially mass transit. This cost will drive many companies out of Denver. The nitwits.


    “This begs the question of whether the alternative transportation infrastructure needed to move 877,000 employees twice a day in a reasonable amount of time exists, or ever will exist.

    For many people, waiting hours and hours for a rideshare to become available or walking that last mile (or three) from a crowded train station twice a day just isn’t going to work for them, not to mention those who need to do things other than going directly home after work, like shopping or picking up kids.

    “We’re talking about families,” McConnell said. “It’s just going to create new barriers for folks getting to and from work each day, and family obligations come up when you least expect it. You can’t always rely on a “guaranteed” ride home. I think they need to take a step back and look more closely at the impacts.”

  7. Spartacus, that Colorado transportation requirement is insane. So much for the rugged individualism of the West. It might lead to fairly large numbers of people driving to within a mile or so of work, parking, and walking in the rest of the way.

  8. On Colorado/Denver.

    It will lead to companies relocating where that transport requirement isn’t. Every area has natural and political/legal advantages that cause people and companies to be there. Corrupt/activist politicians feed off the excess advantage Smart ones leave enough to keep the attraction a net positive. Dumb politicians eat it all up and the area then declines, faster for smaller ones, slower for larger.

  9. Sacrificing others to save oneself is not a valid excuse but it is all too human.

    Colorado has been infected with a fatal disease. Those fleeing Blue States bring it with them. The same thing is happening in many red states.

  10. Kapo did not have as its original meaning “a prisoner functionary in Nazi concentration camps given food and privileges for supervising other prisoners doing forced labor.” The Germans already had a word for that — Funktionshäftling. (Germans have a word for everything.)

    Kapo was a borrowed and Teutonisized word from the Italian/Sicilian caporegime meaning head (capo) of the organization/business (regime.) The word is most familiar to us in its Mafia usage as Il Capo dei Capi or the Boss of Bosses, literally, the Head of Heads.

    I often use Capo dei Capi when referring to NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo.

  11. Jews are human beings; at least we are born human beings.

    It is not a generalized opinion. Most leftist would differ both the swastika kind and the sickle and hammer kind.

    And, of course, you have pisslims. And others.

    But we are not better and we are not worse than other human beings at our beginnings.

    We do carry the cultural damage of thousand of years of persecutions, though.

    Some Jews, lured by the con-promise of the universal love within the ant-hill of collectivism, abandon humanity to become leftoxenomorphs.

    IMMO those stop being Jews as they become leftoxenomorphs.

    And they can get to be the most rabid Jew-haters and Israel-haters you can find.

    Look at the maggot george soros. Do you need to know more?

    Look at the Israeli left siding with pisslims against their own country.

    Look at the 78% (?) of American “Jews” that voted for barry hussein soetoro, the most Jew-hater of all people that ever occupied the White House.

    It happens.

    Don’t try to judge what happens to victims of a phenomenon like the Holocaust.

    Commiserate them. But I end it there.

    Most people don’t know, and they lie if they pretend otherwise, how they would react in those circumstances.

    We all like to think that we would honor civilization no matter the consequences.

    Not all of us would shine.

    Some would.

    Some wouldn’t.

    I’m sure that’s exactly what happened during the Holocaust.

    Lots of folks go “I would prefer to die than (x)”

    I’m sure many did but talking outside of it all is easy.

    You never had to face “(x)” and probably never will.

    When people are asked what they would to if they found themselves into some awful situation or another many launch themselves into an explanation of a fantasy they have and how it would go and how they would triumph.

    Most people in those circumstances just die screaming.

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