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Carter vs. Biden — 21 Comments

  1. Obama’s intent for the “fundamental transformation of America”, as articulated by him, is overlooked in Neo’s analysis. Look at who’s back in, Obamaphiles like Samantha Power and Susan Rice, and tell me that the Obama train is not just rolling along.

    Obama chose Biden for a reason; we anti-Obamaites all assumed it was because Biden was a currying fool. But it is now clear to me that he, Biden, bought into the whole Obama transformation vision and was chosen as VP for just that reason. Plus of course the financial benefits and all the pomp.

  2. Cicero:

    It’s not overlooked – it’s implied by the content of this post and nearly 100% of the posts I’ve written on Obama.

  3. Biden was always a fool and now he is both fool (dementia has exacerbated it) and a knave. Carter was a fool and evolved into a knave with his Jew hatred and America hatred. Part of his being a knave was due to his bitterness at losing to Reagan (soundly I might ad) in 1980.

  4. Corruption?
    Where would we be without corruption….
    “CDC Embarks on New COVID Cover-Up”

    Key grafs:
    “COVID-19 has been a pandemic of false positive tests; the thing that kept the fraud going was the fact that laboratories were using excessively high cycle thresholds (CTs) when processing the PCR tests, resulting in false positives.

    “Now, as nearly 100 million Americans have been vaccinated against COVID-19, the CDC is lowering the CT from 40 to 28 when diagnosing vaccine breakthrough cases — cases where fully vaccinated individuals are diagnosed with COVID-19.

    “While healthy people have been misdiagnosed as having COVID-19 when they really didn’t because the CT was set to 40 or 45, the CDC is now trying to minimize the recorded number of breakthrough cases by using a CT that will minimize the number of false positives…

    “…January 20, 2021, the day of Joe Biden’s inauguration as the 46th president of the United States, the WHO suddenly lowered the recommended CT…thereby guaranteeing that the number of ‘cases,’ i.e., positive PCR test results, would plummet.

    “Now, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has lowered the CT even further, in what appears to be a clear effort to hide COVID-19 breakthrough cases, meaning cases in which fully vaccinated individuals are being diagnosed with COVID-19.”

    It’s enough to turn ya into a conspiracy theorist, I tell ya…

  5. Biden a knave?
    Not at all. Decent Joe’s an out-and-out, unrepentant criminal. Nasty, too.

    Nice smile, though. (Covers up a lot!…Did I say, “cover-up”?)

  6. To me, who voted for Carter in ’76 and that was my last vote for any Democrat in any office, his after office evolution always seemed to be come from his loss to Reagan. America rejected him and so he rejected the Americans who rejected him.

    Ever since his loss he has stepped in, invited or not, to prop up tyrants who hated America. He may have meant well when elected but his performance in office was dismal and his after office affairs have hurt the US over and over.

  7. Ala the “Peter Principle” Carter was promoted to a position of incompetence. His subsequent actions in response to his reelection loss revealed a small, petty man.

    Xiden’s actions reveal himself to be a traitor following the directions of other traitors.

  8. revealed a small, petty man.

    Not sure I’d call him that. But not a capably reflective man. I don’t think he’s ever owned his mistakes and failures.

  9. My view of Biden is that he’s always wanted to be one of the Kool Kids, or if you prefer C. S. Lewis’s terminology, he wanted to join the Inner Ring. And he would do whatever it took. He doesn’t believe in anything (except what he thinks will grant him favor in the eyes of the Inner Ring) which is how I’d describe a “small, petty man”.

  10. bideT is a puppet. He’s not the problem. His handlers are. A bunch of traitorous America haters, crypto pisslims and leftoxenomorphs fully involved in The Great Reset.

    He’s like googly eyes. She’s not a problem. Her handlers are.

    This is another part of the problem: “THE BIG LIE!” (formerly “The Steal”) because in the late Constitutional Republic the United States of America (July 4th, 1776 – November 3rd, 2020) death certificate it says: “death by leftoxenomorph attack, “THE BIG LIE!” (formerly “The Steal”)”

    And the cabal of illegitimate usurper leftoxenomorphs running things as if they were humans is another part of the problem.

    And the apathy, passivity, indolence, pusillanimousness and normalcy bias of Venezuericans is another part of the problem.

    So, they murdered America on 3rd Nov, 2020, they are illegitimately usurping the government of the remains, Venezuerica and we are not stacking up their corpses as the Founding Fathers would be.

    Now, THAT . . . is a problem.

  11. Carter was hampered by the Washington Establishment having Bert Lance his political enforcer resign because of a shaky bank relationship. Carter like Trump was an outsider and the establishment wanted to emasculate him and succeeded. Think Michael Flynn and Trump. Similar tactics.

    Carter was a workaholic and very bright. Very bright. He was a nuclear engineer mentored by Admiral Rickman. He took on the Middle East issue, studied it and knew all of its nuances. He negotiated the Camp David accords shuttling between Begin and Sadat. It certainly wasn’t Cyrus Vance who did it.

    Carter was not effective politically to say the least. He didn’t suffer fools gladly and was operating at an intellectual level above most. The feeling was reciprocated. He also didn’t delegate responsibility either. He was trapped by circumstance where the baby boomers was entering the workforce in tremendous numbers. The economy could have handled it IF the traditional model held where it was mainly men and young single women waiting to get married entering the workforce. But the women stayed after getting married and the boomer mom’s re-entered the workforce because inflation kind of forced them back into the workforce and the culture told them it was their right. My mother did this. So job creation was the primary focus. Inflation took a back seat.

    So Trump was right. Carter was a bad president because events overwhelmed him. Biden is a terrible president because his mal-administration CAUSED the problems. The border situation is inexcusable.

  12. “He negotiated the Camp David accords shuttling between Begin and Sadat.”

    While that rendition may have occurred in the early stages it is, alas, a self-serving legend.
    Carter’s insistence on certain parameters almost blew up the Camp David talks.
    Begin and Sadat, having succeeded in developing a personal chemistry, agreed between themselves that they would have to negotiate without Carter to reach any mutually agreeable accommodation, which is ultimately what happened.

    Carter was thus essentially ignored. His ego sorely bruised—and directing most of his
    animus towards Begin—he nonetheless was forced to acquiesce (because “circumstances”) to the Sadat/Begin fait accompli and was reduced ultimately to flashing a wide smile, mouthing mealy platitudes and praising copiously both Sadat and Begin while taking the (fictional) credit for it.

    Sadat paid a far higher price.

  13. Talking about who does what with a crisis: J E Dyer points out the inconvenient layering of crises, plural.
    Right now it’s happenstance, moving toward coincidence.
    Most of you know what comes third.

    (conclusion; RTWT for the reasoning)

    It’s far too soon to panic over the potential problems in a military transport scenario. But it’s not too soon to be aware of them. Planners in Beijing and Moscow study our critical infrastructure much more closely than the American public does. And however the fracture in the I-40 bridge developed, they are acutely aware of what could now be achieved by taking down another bridge, or some other critical node in the infrastructure, whether for commercial or military purposes. Slowing us down could in many cases get a job done as effectively as stopping us altogether with a logistics obstacle – especially if a major oil pipeline has been taken down at the same time.

  14. @AesopFan:

    When you have an Over-Credentialed Clown World Elite and your Peer-level Adversaries do not… Well what could possibly go wrong? Isn’t fixing bridges and maintaining firewalls something those pesky Dirt People are supposed to do? Someone send them a memo to do their jobs properly!

    Oh… and also Open Society ™ — Have any of these geniuses ever thought that one through properly?

  15. Carter had the ability to operate the nuclear plant aboard a submarine. Can you imagine anyone trusting Biden with a nuclear reactor?…I’d rather choose Homer Simpson for the job.

  16. Yara…”My view of Biden is that he’s always wanted to be one of the Kool Kids, or if you prefer C. S. Lewis’s terminology, he wanted to join the Inner Ring.”

    Yes, this is true of Biden, I think, and is also explanatory of a high % of bad behavior in our own time and indeed in any era.

    For those not familiar to Lewis’s writing on the Inner Ring, here’s an excerpt and a link:


  17. My view of Biden is that he is evil. On his first day, he leveled a serious amount of damage on Americans, intentionally, and that continues. If S.R.1 passes, we will become the USSA.

  18. This is what Don Surber wrote about Biden on May 15th (yesterday):

    In February 1988, Biden suffered two brain aneurysms. 33 years later, even with medication, we may be witnessing the damage done.
    A wise reader wrote me, “A note on Joe. A person close to me had two brain aneurysm surgeries. They are in reality not the same mental person as they were before. Understanding the complex is no longer possible leading to frustration and early abandonment of the task at hand . . . Joe is not really a fully functioning unit.”
    Everyone in the inner circle knows this. He is being used.
    The wise man said, “His permanently altered analytic state is what made him truly attractive to the money men and clinched the deal: Not understanding leads to reliance on others who then do what they please.”

    Well, we who didn’t vote for him know that some version of this is true – whether it’s Alzheimer’s, damage from brain aneurysms, or underlying stupidity commingled with greed.

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