Home » DeSantis will be a target for the foreseeable future


DeSantis will be a target for the foreseeable future — 25 Comments

  1. That was a huge advantage for Trump in 2016. Even goody goody Mitt and war hero McCain were slimed. Trump had an independent reputation nationwide due to celeb status then The Apprentice.
    It took media a solid 4 years of increasingly grotesque lies to poison the populace.

  2. What a weak criticism. Targeting seniors bad because who knows…targeting healthy young minorities good because equity or whatever.

    No sane person will buy this.

  3. What LeClerc said.

    Right now, anyway. I once said I hoped we would never nominate a governor from a small state again. I was thinking of Bill at the time. I would add I hope we never nominate a junior senator with a track record of voting present again. And I mean both parties.

    I like DeSantis’ feisty attitude.

    I would like to see DeSantis and Abbott work strategically (with other Red states) to minimize the damage the Progressives seek to inflict on the country. I think Americans will still be drawn to an outsider– and DeSantis might be that person (though I would much prefer someone from the private sector).

  4. @BrianE:

    The Private Sector, you say?

    Show me the likely-looking Man and I’ll show you the next industry to be swallowed up by Amazon. “Failed Businessman. A Has-been.. I read a piece about him in the WaPo yesterday.”

  5. I agree with LeClerc- DeSantis/Noem – 2024

    I like the way DeSantis doesn’t take crap from the media and is not afraid to call them out on their hypocrisy. Noem would be great as well. I used to be a fan of Nikki Haley but no longer. What a disappointment.

  6. DeSantis also knows how to use social media. On more than one occasion he had live-streams with various scientists throughout the COVID nightmare and was more than willing to follow the right path when the government ‘experts’ were going the other way.


  7. I too am currently on board the DeSantis/Noem – 2024 train.

    I say currently because of too many prior disappointments. But I’m encouraged that when times have been politically toughest, DeSantis and Noem have stood tall.

    However, even if DeSantis and Noem continue to say and do the right things, what’s to prevent the democRats from once again stealing the 2024 election? No way is Xiden/Harris, Schumer/McConnell and Pelosi/McCarthy going to allow meaningful electoral reform before then, if ever.

  8. Why DeSantis/Neom and not Noem/DeSantis? Just sayin’. But, yes, DeSantis has been more vocal against the MSM, and is leading a larger (and perhaps more diverse?) state by population than SD.

    But I keep thinking DeSantis would be too young* for a modern day president in 2024, when he would be 46. As a Floridian I would also kind of like him to finish his second gubernatorial term before leaving for greener pastures.
    Then again, Obama was 47 in 2008 and struck while his iron was hot.

    *I have felt for a while that we should amend Article II to increase the minimum age for president to 50 or 55. I perceive that the 35 year threshold is now too young for our modern world, both as to knowledge and experience of difficulties. Increasing the minimum ages for Senate and House would be desirable, too. And imposing a max age in the 75 to 85 year range would not be unreasonable, including for SCOTUS.

  9. God bless Governor DeSantis. He took quite a risk when deciding to open Florida up and leave decisions to local jurisdictions and private businesses. It would have been a safer bet for his political career to go along with the rest of the big state Governors. If we did not have Florida as an interesting data point to compare with states in full lockdown we might not know that lockdowns are not the panacea many claim.

    And he appears quite intelligent and speaks well. However (I hate writing this), he gives off an oleaginous vibe. Not as bad as Ted Cruz, but whenever I see DeSantis on television I expect him to start trying to sell me a used car, rather than waxing profound on public policy. Unfortunately, those things matter. And, again, I don’t even like thinking this, because it seems to be an accident of genetics that has nothing to do with who the man is, or what is in his heart and soul, but when he’s on a TV screen he gives off a slight whiff of televangelist or mattress salesman. I think that really hurt Cruz in 2016 and I think it will hurt DeSantis in his Presidential bid.

  10. Rufus T Firefly, I haven’t seen DeSantis speak enough to form an opinion, but I agree that Cruz comes across poorly on screen.

    Maybe Trump can give DeSantis lessons. Ideally there is someone out there with the street fighting instinct of Trump, coupled with the disarming geniality of Reagan.

  11. }}} No sane person will buy this.

    Yes. And then there’s the left.

    No sane person voted for Biden, either…. regardless of what the actual counts were in reality. He did still get a shitton of real votes.

    The biggest concern here, is, of course, that they almost managed to BS the election for the left last time — DeSantis just barely got elected.

    With their newly “legalized” capacity to cheat elections like mofos, what’s going to happen in 2022?


    America is doomed.

  12. Without massive, massive voter fraud (which I don’t think is possible in a Florida election) I don’t think they can unseat Desantis when he will be running against someone who wants to lockdown the state in 2022.

    Sure his first election was close, but the 2022 election will be a mandate on whether the state will remain open or be closed forever, because if a Democrat wins governor, they will immediately change the voting rules to mail-in and will remain in power forever, thus lockdowns forever.

  13. Desantis was good in Congress. He worked with the other firebrands – Jim Jordan, Devin Nunes, Matt Gaetz, Louis Gohmert, Mark Meadows, Lee Zeldin, etc. He has had the courage to think critically about the Covid prescriptions. It turns out his instincts have been right. He also straightened out the crooked election machinery in Dade County and the counties around Tampa and Tallahassee. His actions in reforming the voting machinery in Democrat controlled cities in Florida should be an example for all Republican governors with GOP legislatures.

    I think he would make a creditable candidate for president. Others to consider – Tom Cotton, Josh Hawley, Devin Nunes, Mike Pompeo, and Mark Meadows.

    Where are the conservative businessmen? I don’t see one out there except for DJT. Sad.

    VP candidates – Christi Noem, Marsha Blackburn, Jim Jordan, Dan Patrick. Matt Gaetz, and Candace Owens.

    Will DJT be a kingmaker or the king in 2024? He’s speaking at CPAC on Sunday, 2/28. We should get some idea of what he’s thinking for the future. Onward!

  14. @Rufus – interesting thought that DeSantis strikes you as oleaginous. Perhaps that is because he is also a lawyer? Or trying too hard? Part of why I favor age 50 to 55 as a minimum age for president, to gain more experience.

    @JJ – yes, where are the businessmen/women? People who compete in the market, consistently met payroll, and face reality every day, or fail. (Not people in the finance industry, with its strong government regulatory grip.) Someone successful in that domain who then runs for office for public service, and afterwards returns to the private sector to have a real life. But the Left and cancel culture denigrate such accomplished “profiteers” and then tear them up socially and personally – who wants to put themselves through that? Only a strongly narcistic personality like Trump?

    @Brian E – “coupled with the disarming geniality of Reagan.” I am not sure I want geniality when dealing with our Leftist enemy (especially those who do seem to want us dead). A sly word twister and mocker, more stiletto than hatchet, might be helpful to counter the MSM. But that also requires an audience capable of appreciating the cut and stab of word play, as opposed to the whack or smack or slash.

    To me, Trump’s language skills seemed to run hot and cold. Some phrasings were almost incoherent, as though 1) he was thinking faster than he could talk, therefore skipping intermediate words, or 2) he really did not have his thoughts in any reasonable order and things just tumbled out. But some of his word choices really hit at the core target, not tangential at all – something you might expect from a hurried and harried but successful businessman. Then again, reading off a teleprompter, especially a speech written by someone else, and he was often deaden and awkward. Yet his speech at Mount Rushmore was judged to be excellent.

  15. OBloodyHell writes “ pNo sane person voted for Biden, either…. regardless of what the actual counts were in reality. He did still get a shitton of real votes.”

    REALLY? I very much doubt that his record low county wins – half of Obama, Trump won 5 times more than Biden – were offset by oodles of REAL votes in Dem machine counties in certain select (ie, in disputed, narrow “win” states) areas.(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NJ3F3xXao68 ) Not until someone demonstrates huge, outsized, voter enthusiasm for Biden within those same Dem precincts.

    Ballot stuffing versus actual votes? Facts Still not in evidence.

  16. @R2L:

    Trump is coherent when he is attacking an individual. He’s insanely good at finding character flaws and going straight at them.

    Thing is, rhetoric-wise, that is just about all he is good at.

    Why Trump is good at Para 1 is a whole other topic for another time. Perhaps for the Robot Historians of the Future really. He’s Historical Toast now, I fear. Although he will get off massively on playing kingmaker and being a capricious you-know-what about doing so.

  17. Zaph says Trump is “Historical Toast now, I fear.”

    That’s unlikely. A new poll shows Trump would get half of all Rs in a new party. Trump’s approval numbers are better than Prez Plant’s, at least the better polls. And given his high (indicating Er-election) support in the primaries with 94% GOP support, that’s not indicated there, either.

    Then there’s Gallup and the recent best President ever survey results, with Rs choosing him by 36% (up from 10% in 2017? I think) —- even beating out Barry — but besting the dead Presidents as well.

    Finally, we have the five Senate leavers, none loving Trump, and most opposing him — they aren’t likely to get replaced by RINOs or their ilk.

    Only fighters for the Constitution, MAGA agenda, and the Rule of Law need apply.

  18. …and to be sure, Stalinists gotta do what Stalinists gotta do….

    Key graf:
    ‘ “…But make no mistake, we will not be doing business with the Trump Organization going forward. Inciting an insurrection will never be forgotten or forgiven.”’

    (Ah, if only DJT had incited such grand “ideas”—or “myths”—as Antifa or BLM…. had turned a blind eye to destroyed city neighborhoods and the livelihoods and, in some cases, lives of American citizens…. If only he had had the correct priorities, had championed the correct values, had acted in good faith, had been FOR the people. And had been a “Uniter”….)

  19. @Barry Meislin:

    Ah, but you see it *is* for the people. Just not your people or my people.

    Back to Blood. After all the generations of pretty words and beautiful theories and sunny-lit upland dreams, it always comes Back to Blood in the end.

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