Home » One by one, the Democrats will be trying to destroy all the Republicans they fear for 2024


One by one, the Democrats will be trying to destroy all the Republicans they fear for 2024 — 19 Comments

  1. There is nothing Sen. Cruz could do for Texas which could not be done by using his phone, which he had with him. State authorities have the responsibility for disaster response, as do individuals. A senator is not a state authority.

    This is, of course, because the propaganda media think he’s a 2024 risk to their side.

  2. I don’t think they are worried about Cruz as a presidential candidate in 2024.

    I think they are just laying the groundwork for getting him voted out of the Senate, which he nearly was a couple years ago.

  3. I’ve been thinking of this as a element of a cold civil war that’s been going on for some time. Some of the GOP base is just waking up. I am currently resisting the inclination to tell any of the “vapor sniffers” I encounter, “You are such a pawn!”

  4. Effectively disenfranchising more than half of American voters is a formula for ensuring “politics by ‘other’ means”.

    Strategically, ideological fanaticism results in monumental stupidity.

  5. Not gonna end well.

    Most people with a shred of decency, self-respect, or a family will not submit themselves to the endless media scrutiny, lies, and politics of personal destruction practiced by the Left on anyone who is not of the Left.

    Then they complain that a shameless thick-skinned feckless Twittering narcissist like Trump gets up.

    How about a shameless, thick-skinned, high functioning Type A Personality, much younger and with actual drive high functioning sociopath next time then, guys?

    Given sufficient time, Cometh the Candidate.

    But I figure will get to Other Means first. Out of which then Cometh the Man.

  6. You know, I really don’t understand what’s happening anymore. There was a time when I thought I had a decent model of American politics and the American voters in my head. I thought I had a reasonable idea of what Democrats could get away with.

    But not anymore.

    So I’m going to go with the trend. Democrats will keep pushing as hard as they can, short of directly assassinating Republican leaders … I guess.

    They will not stop until something seriously bad happens to them and even then, they may still double-down.

  7. @Huxley:

    The brakes are busted and we’re not on the flats.

    There’s a scene that really struck me in an early episode of Boardwalk Empire. A very young and still inconsequential Alphonse Capone and some other characters hijack a shipment in the woods and slaughter the opposition in a night time gunfight. At the end, in a brilliant bit of direction and acting you see this amazed realization dawn on his face as he grasps that this is who he is and he sees this vista opening up in front of him.

    “I don’t need to worry about rules and laws. It’s all there for the taking. I can do it.”

    On our side, we’re a bit slow.

    We’re Forrest Gump.

  8. huxley:

    I agree that things have moved in a downward spiral very rapidly this year. I think the speed has to do in part with the COVID isolation. I think the transformative moment, though, was the Obama administration. He was a community organizer and Alinsyite, after all, as well as a leftist, and we’d never had that combination in the White House before. The time was right for it, I guess, because the American public had been pulled leftward (the younger generations in particular) by the leftward movement in education primarily. We also had the near-complete solidification of the press into a pure propaganda organ.

    Put all of that together and you get our current situation.

  9. Yes, Neo is quite right about the dual and frightening power of media and the Age of Obama, and the Hell he hath wrought.

    Under Obama, “ We also had the near-complete solidification of the press into a pure propaganda organ.”

    This double barrelled shot is also, apparently, the two themes guiding Jack Cashill’s new book, “Obama Unmasked,” as he walks us through that era’s lies, half truths and deceptions, armed wth the concrete provocative facts.

    Bruce Bawer at Frontpagemag begins with one turgid if comprehensive description: Cashill’s “new book, ‘Unmasking Obama: The Fight to Tell the True Story of a Failed Presidency,’ is a definitive account not only of Obama’s eight years in office but also of the transformation of most mainstream American political journalists, largely during the Obama era, from relatively objective reporters of the facts – emphasis on ‘relatively’– to dedicated partisans of the left, ready and eager at every turn to cover up unpleasant truths (however important) about Democrats and to promote outrageous lies (however destructive) about Republicans.”

    It sounds like we need this clarifying purgative for our time, if only to help identify the true American heroes and reveal the POS enemies within.
    MORE https://www.frontpagemag.com/fpm/2021/02/lying-about-obama-bruce-bawer/

  10. “Come to think of it, there are no RINO presidential possibilities at the moment, and I would guess not in the foreseeable future.”

    Nikki Hailey and Mike Pompeo would be the two most logical ones that the GOPe would back. They will try it too.

    You will it in about 8 months with the 2022 election season starting. Look for where the money goes.

    Try this as a dark horse. Mark Cuban. He is on the same path that Trump was before his famous ride down the escalator.

  11. There’s a good chance you can become a pricinct delegate (or its equivalent in your state) for the Republican party. Maybe I’m naive but ultimately the nature of a political party is determined by those low level party officials who determine which candidates will run for county-wide and state-wide elections, and positions as pricinct delegates are literally available for the asking in some states and in other states require a handful of votes in delegate elections, sometimes one vote will suffice because nobody else is interested in running. It’s a lot easier to take over a political party than to start one from scratch.

  12. Re: Ed Dutton youtube…


    Interesting talk. I’m under the impression the left-brain/right-brain stuff hadn’t held up that well as a solid binary since it was hot stuff in the 70s. I’m not sure about the autism/schizophrenia binary Dutton has set up either. But he is engaging and I’m willing to suspend judgment and listen.

    He does hit the ev bio nail on the head when it comes to religion and tribes, though. IMO intellectual conservatives just don’t get how powerful and hard-wired that stuff is. It’s based on survival at a gut level, which tends to overwhelm reason like the oncoming tide overwhelms a child’s sand castle.

    I suppose in Dutton’s scheme such conservatives are towards the autistic end of the spectrum.

    His talk reminded me of James Tiptree Jr.’s staggering story, “The Screwfly Solution,” in which an alien race, intent on clearing Earth of its human infestation, releases chemicals into the atmosphere, which short-circuit the male sexual instinct into compulsively murdering females. There’s a sci-fi video of the story, which is brutal. But the interesting point is that the men in the story find nothing unusual about their behavior and explain it as a divine mission they have come to realize.

    James Tiptree Jr. turned out to be a woman named Alice Bradley Sheldon. She wrote some amazing stories and was inducted into the Science Fiction Hall of Fame in 2012.

    BTW, Zaphod, I don’t think that’s Ed Dutton’s real hair and beard.

  13. @Huxley:

    Hehe… Dutton does this fancy dress routine at the start of most of his talks. He’s definitely eccentric.

    Am not entirely convinced by him either as would consider hyper female opposite of hyper-male autistic end of spectrum to be more neurotic than outright schizophrenic. Either way not a be-all-and-end-all model and just about nothing in Ev Bio is going to satisfy Popperian types.

    I do think there is value in the ideas he popularises because polite company orthodoxy refuses to talk about group selection, mutational load, etc. There is much speculation worth considering which is not of the flat earth / hollow earth / contrails variety.

    Haven’t read The Screwfly Solution, but having seen Catnip in action, am inclined to believe that anything goes when we’ve been sufficiently adroitly hacked.

  14. The trouble with Dutton is that we do not know that what he claims is true. And these categories were slippery, to begin with, and become more so with popularity and demand driven overdiagnosis.

    So. heh. Who can know? Having had close friends in these categories (when they were unknown), I’m very sceptical that there’s any quantitative change among the young. Or at least, as an interested observer, I see no indication of change in the population.

    MORE interesting is NTD news via YT.

    “03:56? Trump All-Time Best for Republicans: Poll
    A new poll (Economist/YouGov) reveals that more Republicans now consider Trump the best president in US history (36%, up from 19% in 2018). He beats out Ronald Reagan, Abraham Lincoln, and George Washington, to lead the poll.”

    I’m unsurprised. Left Hate makes it so.

  15. Honore and his antiwhite bigotry are symbolic of the Democratic Party.
    My own view and fear is the Democratic Party has become in its leadership the new Communist Party, with the Capitol, surrounded by chain-link fence topped by razor wire, and protected by thousands of troops with live ammunition with which to kill their fellow citizens, has become the new Kremlin.

    They have seized power and, like Lenin, Stalin and Mao, will never relinquish it. To them, we are worms, low life forms worthy of abuse and oppression, to be hooked and used as bait when needed.

    Most of us do not see this, which guarantees the doom of the American Republic. It will eventually be renamed as the United Socialist States of America (USSA), with a new and entirely BS constitution, as in the USSR. Blacks will happily jump on board and be enforcers.

  16. “State authorities have the responsibility for disaster response, as do individuals. A senator is not a state authority.”- Kate

    But everything has to be nationalized, whether it’s a local disaster, or how to implement vaccine distribution inside the state.

    Covid showed that Americans buy the idea that Washington must solve all our problems.

    Even at the state level, the Progressives were clamoring for the governors to fix covid. Even though the reality was nothing much could be done, that it was an individual responsibility, governors of blue states were more than willing to act the part. It’s the security blanket effect.

    Our neurotic citizenry needs someone to make it all right.

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