Home » A few more points about that Time report


A few more points about that <i>Time</i> report — 22 Comments

  1. This article is perhaps the most convincing proof yet of the absolute power and the nearly total control of the left in our moribund republic, because it is an admission of “fortifying”, i.e. rigging, last November’s election without any fear of the repercussions of nearly admitting what many on the right have been arguing for three months. In the guise of congratulating others of her ideological persuasion for their “heroic” work in “saving our democracy” from the enemy, Molly Ball is gloating over her ability to state, without fear of censure from her side, that 2+2=5, in truly frightening Orwellian fashion.

  2. @neo:Once upon a time it was thought that getting to the truth dictated the free expression of ideas – that the answer to a bad argument was a better one, and the response to false facts was to prove them false and counter with the truth.

    I’ve lost confidence that most of the people who used to say this actually used to believe this. I think they used it as cover for what they used to get away with more easily back before the web.

    Now the MSM has become Orwell’s Minitrue,

    Of course the original Minitrue was the war-time overseas BBC. I’m less sure about “becoming” and thinking maybe “always was, to some extent, some years more and some years less.”

    All my life the media has selected information to drive a narrative. I’m not fifty but I can see it from here…

  3. Frederick:

    Yes, but it’s gotten worse in my lifetime, anyway.

    Maybe it was the Minitrue but now it’s the Maxitrue.

  4. “…to prevent that and reassure the American people that all was actually on the up-and-up with the vote?”

    But it’s not only that.

    Particularly damning is their indefatigable efforts to deny and stonewall any and every attempt to get at the truth of the stolen election—especially threatening anyone voicing suspicions. Oh, and threatening their families.

    (As though it’s perfectly natural, perfectly normal, for four swing states to stop counting votes at almost the very same time, and several hours later—when counting “votes” resumed—end up with the leader by a substantial margin prior to the “stoppage” (Trump) now losing—across all four states! A simply amazing coincidence, no doubt…)

    It’s a party of thugs. But maybe that’s ALSO what draws them to the Chinese leadership. It’s not just the money…

    (I.e, it’s the principle! The Democrats, always willing to learn a trick or two, definitely do wish to learn from their Chinese pals and inspirers, pace Tom Friedman, whose fondest dream—Why can’t the US become more like China?—seems to have become reality…. Seems?)

  5. “Now the MSM has become Orwell’s Minitrue, dedicating to suppressing information the proles aren’t allowed to hear.”

    Every story about election fraud in my local rag proclaimed all claims of election fraud as “baseless,” even though they didn’t expand on what those claims were. To get real information about the claims of fraud one had to read the Guardian or the Daily Mail or conservative blogs. It’s out in the open censorship of news that has become blatant since Trump was elected. Yet, so many citizens don’t recognize what’s happening. We used to make jokes about Pravda and Isvestia. Now we’re living in the jokes.

  6. They are attempting to explain their way out of getting caught. As you said before, they are front-running. The Trump administration correctly interpreted the outcome of relaxing balloting rules. The effort to unwind voter and ballot security took months and was ongoing in earnest from May onward, in an atmosphere of unrest that was too organized and well-supported to be spontaneous and local. Such ‘lawfare’ efforts were known entities.

    So it wasn’t ‘unknowable’, and the accusations of cheating were not ‘false’.

    They think and hope that if they can just repeat it enough, in fairly respectable venues, that their version it will come to be believed. And it will be – by some.

  7. “As for the suppression of information they deem false, who made them the judge of that?”

    “You ain’t the boss of me.” May come home with a vengeance to Molly Ball and the other co-conspirators. Patience is a virtue but not an infinite attribute.

  8. Dems keep asserting that Trump was a threat to democracy. This is the guy who drew thousands to rallies and there were locally organized parades of all types before the election.

    Biden had nothing like that.

  9. The phrase “voter suppression” is the most fake phrase of all time. How it ever got common usage only proves how powerful the Fake News and Dems are.

    Everyone has free will and voting is easy. If someone doesn’t vote, it’s their own fault.

  10. Let’s cut to the chase, they’re simply traitors and sooner or later they’re going to have to be treated as such because their treason has just begun.

    The charge of treason fits because they cannot achieve their ideological goals without exterminating every meaningful trace of the Constitution.

  11. Apparently forgotten in the stench of the Time revelations is Biden’s admission: “We have put together I think the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.” Those words –which dovetail the story and can no longer be easily dismissed — should be thrown in the face of Romney, Sasse, McConnell and other high-minded RINO senators at every opportunity.

  12. The Dems have always depended on the LIV – low information voter. Get a sufficient level of TV ads for the D (or against the R) to one and a D vote is almost assured.

    They’ve now perfected the pursuit of the NIV- the NO information voter. Vote harvesting is independent of voters, the goal is the ballot. An actual voter is a complication. Instead, “help” is offered to the infirm and the lazy, often accompanied by remuneration, disguised as a “prize”, or “walking-around money”.

    Everything can be done to excess, and universal suffrage is no exception. Voters have to care about the course of the country, and requiring effort to vote helps insure that those are the kind of voters casting ballots. Allowing effortless voting gets the “care” vote swamped by the “what’s in it for me” crew.

  13. As Orwell has consistently warned, the way to destroy society is first to destroy any sense of meaning, credibility and reliability.
    To destroy any vestige of truth. In fact, to turn it on its head.
    To destroy any feeling of honesty, empathy, trust, love and replace these with hate, vindictiveness, lies and demonization (;while insisting that you are doing exactly the opposite—promoting love, truth, empathy and human rights).
    To destroy the family unit.
    To “burrow from within” and destroy the foundations.
    To sow confusion, generate dismay and provoke violence.
    To spread fear and loathing. And most of all, sheer and unquenchable hatred of the target.

    Some posts on Democratic Party-driven, agitprop-riven disinformation, manipulation and “kompromat”…
    On the election:
    On the “rehabilitation” of Hunter Biden:

  14. Time’s news article made the statement that Trump’s defeat proved that democracy worked for the people. Wrap your brain around that idea. If democrats win then the US is good, if Trump wins again, then the US is a very bad country.

    What if Trump won again, then democracy failed? The election was very close, and 73M voted for Trump and this fact is discounted in their analysis.

  15. From question posed to Sen. John Tester on NPR this morning and his responses, it is clear that the MSM snd Democrats are pushing the narrative that alleging election fraud, and using the Constitutionally-defined steps to challenge the validity of the results thereof, are now considered crimes even though both the MSM and Democrats consistently claim fraud and contest any election they lose!

    The NPR hostess made reference to “The Big Lie” in a question to Tester, and he knew what she was talking about. I was momentarily confused, thinking she must be talking about NPR!

  16. What struck me about the Time article was that it was loaded with accusations against Trump, but zero substantiation for those accusations. The article accused him of lies, of fraud, of meddling, of threats, of all manner of things but provided nothing behind the accusations. The article was written from the perspective that these things were taken as a given; that they did not have to be demonstrated. The article was written as well-ensconced within the deep bubble of Lefty Wokethink.

  17. Pingback:Do you know where you’re goin’ to? Do you like the things that life is showin’ you? Where are you goin’ to? Do you know? | The Universal Spectator

  18. And if the worst case “unfortified” election would be post-election chaos, uh, isn’t that what we had anyway ? The only tool they used to address that was the media blackout of any accusations of fraud and the claim that “in the US, the role of the media is to declare the winner”.

  19. Pingback:So, the TIME article | gregormendelblog.com

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